教科版三下Module 5 Relatives-Unit 10 How many people are there in your family -Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:f3362).zip

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  • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2012年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 5 Relatives_Unit 10 How many people are there in your family _Fun with language_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:f3362)
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Lets sing. Family tree Family members 家庭成员家庭成员 grandfather grandmother motherfatheraunt uncle brothersister cousin me How many people are there in Dashs family ? There are . Who are they ? They are . Supermans family Dash Talk in pairs A:How many people are there in your family ? B:There are . A:Who are they ? B:They are . A:So you have a big/small/happy family. Family Party(家庭聚会)家庭聚会) Mikes familyJimmys family Lucys family your families introduce(介绍)(介绍) families Mikes family He is Mikes brother. He is cute. old young tall short heavy thin lovely pretty happy strong 30 seconds(秒) There is a strong man in the photo. Who is he ? He is Mikes father. Mikes father Talk in pairs. A: There is a/an man/lady in the photo. Who is he/she ? B: He/She is Mikes . 123 45 6 Mikes brotherMikes motherMikes grandmother Mikes sister Mikes grandfatherMikes uncle Lets listen and decide if the statements are True (T) or False(F) : Jimmy Lets listen and decide if the statements are True (T) or False(F) : Read the sentences first. (首先朗读句子,了解大概内容。) Listen and do. (听并进行判断,抓住关键词。) Listen and check. (听并进行检查。) Listen. (听,进一步理解。) Lets listen and decide if the statements are True (T) or False(F) : ( ) 1. There are seven people in Jimmys family. ( ) 2. Jimmy has two brothers . ( ) 3. Jimmys mother is short and kind (友善的)友善的). ( ) 4. Jimmys sister is tall and pretty. ( ) 5. Jimmy has a big and happy family . F T F F T 30 seconds (秒) six tall short Lets chant. This is mama, kind and dear. This is papa, standing near. This is brother, see how tall. This is sister ,not so tall. This is baby, sweet and small. These, the family, one and all. Lets read and choose the answers: Look at the title. (先看题目,了解要求) Read and circle the key words. ( 读,抓住并圈出关键词) Read and check. (读并进行检查) Lucy Dear Mr Superman, Im Lucy. Im 8. Im pretty and tall. I have long hair. This is a photo of my family. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother and me. My father is tall and young. My mother is thin. There is a tall boy in the photo. He is my brother. He has big eyes. I have a happy family. I love my family. Please call (打电话)me , my telephone number is 82497513. Yours, Lucy 1. Lucy is . A. pretty and tall 2. There are people in Lucys family. B. pretty and short A. three B. four 3. Lucys father is . A. tall and strong B. tall and young 4. Lucys brother has . A. big eyes B. small eyes 5. Lucys telephone number is . A. 83497413 B. 82497513 A B B A B Which is the photo of Lucys family ? Why ?(为什么)为什么) Lucys brother is tall. There are four people in Lucys family. He has big eyes. Lucy is 8. She is pretty and tall. Talk about your family Dear Mr Superman, Im Lucy. Im 8. Im pretty and tall. I have long hair. This a photo of my family. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother and me. My father is tall and young. My mother is thin. There is a tall boy in the photo. He is my brother. He has big eyes. I have a happy family. I love my family. Please call (打电话)打电话)me , my telephone number is 82497513. Yours, Lucy Discuss: How to introduce our families ? (如何介绍家庭)如何介绍家庭) You can say like this: My father is . (tall, strong, short ) He has. (eyes, nose, ears, hair) My mother is . She has . telephone number is . I have a family. There are people in my family. They are . Im . Lets summary What have we learnt today ? (我们今天学习了什么?)我们今天学习了什么?) Love your families. Try to do something for them. (为他们做一些力所能及的事情)为他们做一些力所能及的事情) Assessment(评价) How many stars can you get in this lesson ? Homework 1. Recite the words about Unit 9 and 10 (背诵第9和第10课的单词). 2. Recite the dialogue about Unit 9 and 10. (背诵第9和第10课的对话). 必做:必做: 选做:选做: Draw a picture of your family ,and talk about it. (画一幅你的家庭的图画,并谈论。). . Thank you for your listening. Teaching Objects Analysis 教学对象分析教学对象分析 三年级学生对英语学习有着浓厚的兴趣,他们在英语课堂中乐于表现自己,活动的参与度和积极性较强, 但是其掌握的知识比较零散,不善于系统地总结和运用自己所学的知识,综合运用语言的能力有待提高,英语 语言学习的方法和习惯也有待于进一步加强和培养。 Teaching Contents Analysis 教学内容分析教学内容分析 本模块的话题是“Relatives”。这是孩子们日常生活中常会谈论到的话题,因此它是孩子们熟悉和感兴趣 的话题。学生在三年级上册学习过部分家庭成员类单词以及描写人物外貌的形容词和句型,在本模块进一步学 习了谈论家庭及家庭成员的单词和句型。本课通过创设情景,在不同的学习任务和学生合作中完成知识到能力 的转化,以帮助学生更好地综合巩固运用所学的知识。 Objectives: 教学目标教学目标 1、Language knowledge 语言知识:语言知识: 1)能巩固复习 U9&U10 的单词以及家庭成员类、描述人的形容词类单词。 2)能巩固和复习句型: How many people are there in family ? There are . Who are they ? They are . There is a/an man/lady in the photo. Who is he/she ? He/She is . 2、Language skill 语言技能:语言技能: 1)能在活动中运用本模块的句型和单词。 2)能通过听和阅读获取信息完成练习。 3)能尝试用学过的知识谈论自己的家庭。 3、Affect 情感态度:情感态度: 1)在情境和学习活动中,激发学生兴趣,培养学生乐于模仿,敢于开口的学习习惯。 2)学会积极与他人合作,共同完成任务。 3)了解家人的爱,并学会爱家人。 4、Learning Strategies 学习策略学习策略: 1) 通过听说读的操练,提升学生的语言综合运用能力。 2) 在情景中引导学生归类记忆单词。 Language Focus 教学重点教学重点 Language difficult point 教学难点教学难点 (重点)本模块单词和句型的巩固与运用。 (难点)综合运用所学知识谈论自己的家庭及成员。 Teaching Aids/Media and Resource 教学资源与媒体教学资源与媒体 自制课件、学生家庭照片 Preview learning 1. Reviewed the words and the dialogues of U9 and U10. 2. Cassified the words about family members and the adjectives to describe a person. 3. Tried to write some sentences to talk about the family. Teaching Procedures 教学过程教学过程 Teaching activities & Steps 教学活动及具体的操作步骤教学活动及具体的操作步骤 Learning Activities 学生学习活动学生学习活动 Strategies and purpose 策略与设计意图策略与设计意图 四大教学四大教学 环节环节 I. Revision Activity 1:Sing a song Activity 2: Review the words about family members. Activity 3: Free talk: How many people are there in your family ? There are . Who are they ? They are . You have a big/small/happy family. Activity 1:Sing a song.(全班活动全班活动) Activity 2: Ss say the words about family members one by one. (个体活动个体活动) Activity 3:Free talk with the partner. (同桌活动同桌活动) Activity 1,2&3:通过歌曲、 Family tree、Free talk,使师生 建立起融洽的关系,并为下面 的学习做好准备。 热身激趣, 创设情境, 复习词汇, 滚动知识 II. Practice Activity 4:情景创设:Supermans family will have a party. Activity 5: Review the adjectives to describe a person.(Know something about Mikes family.) Activity 6: 在情景中复习描述人物的 句型。 1.通过图片,引导学生根据图片说出描 述人物的句子。 e.g. There is a strong man in the photo. Who is he ? He is Mikes father. 2.学生选择其中一幅图片,看模板用以 下的句子和同桌进行谈论。 A: There is a/an man/lady in the photo. Who is he/she? B: He/She is Mikes . Activity 7: Listening Activity.( Know something about Jimmys family.) 1. Tell the Ss some listening skills. 2. Listen to a dialogue and finish EX.1 on the paper. 3. Check the answers. Activity 8: Chant. Activity 4: Listen to the teacher carefully. Activity 5: 1.Pupils say the words in pairs. (同桌活同桌活 动动) 2.Look at the pictures and say out the words fast. (全班活动全班活动) Activity 6: 1.Ss look at picture and try to describe it with the teacher. (全班活动全班活动) 2. Ss practise in pairs. (同桌活动同桌活动) Activity 7: 1.Try to understand the way. 2.Listen to the passage and finish EX.1. (个体活动个体活动) 3.Check the answers. Activity 8: Chant. (全班活动全班活动) Activity 4:通过情景的创设, 让学生知道复习的内容。 Activity 5:通过快速说单词, 提高学生学习的积极性,同时 复习描述人的形容词。 Activity 6: 通过情景的创设, 引导学生对描述人物的重点句 型进行复习应用,同时为扩展 部分描述自己的家人作充分的 铺垫。 Activity 7:训练学生的听力, 教会学生听力的方法,培养他 们听的技能。 Activity 8:总结听力内容,缓 和课堂气氛。 归类点拨, 提炼核心, 集中操练, 技能训练, 有效巩固, 分层递进, 自主展示 III. Development Activity 9:Reading Activity.(Know something about Lucys family.) 1. Tell the Ss some reading skills. 2. Read a passage and finish EX.2 on the paper in groups. 3. Check the answers in groups. And discuss :Which is the photo of Lucys family? 4.Report. Activity 10: Talking Activity. 1.Discuss: How to talk about family. 2.Ps talk about their families in groups. 3.Show. Activity 9: 1. Try to understand the way. 2. Read a passage and finish EX.2 on the paper. (个体活动个体活动) 3.Check the anserws in the groups .And discuss: Which is the photo of Lucys family? (四人小组活动四人小组活动) 4. Report. (全班活动全班活动) Activity 10: 1. Discuss and know how to talk about family. (全班活动全班活动) 2. Ps talk something about their families in groups. (四人小组活动四人小组活动) 3. Show. Activity 9:小组活动减轻学习 压力,促进学生间的互帮互助, 同时教会学生阅读的方法,培 养他们阅读的技能。 Activity 10: 训练学生口语表 达的能力,实现从知识到能力 的转化。 知识积累, 整合训练, 提升拓展, 有效输出 IV. Summary Activity 11:Sum-up 1.引导学生小结本课学习的知识点。 2.播放视频,教育学生要学会关爱家人。 3. Assesment. Activity 12:Homework 1. Recite the words of Unit 9 and 10. (必做) 2. Recite the dialogue of Unit 9 and 10. (必做) Draw a picture of your family ,and talk Activity 11: Sum-up 1.在教师的引导下小结本课知识点。 2.观看视频,学会关爱家人。 3. Assesment. Activity 12:Homework Activity 11:教师引导学生小 结本课学习内容,提高学生总 结归纳的能力。 Activity 12:作业是课堂学 习的延续,能使所学得到 巩固和运用。 知识小结, 作业布置, 课外延伸 about it. (选做) Designing on the board 板书板书 Revision Module 5 Relatives How many people are there in your family ? There are . Who are they ? They are . There is a/an man/lady in the photo. Who is he/she ? He/She is .
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