教科版三下Module 6 Pets-Unit 11 They're lovely.-Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:926ea).zip

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  • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2012年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 6 Pets_Unit 11 Theyre lovely._Fun with language_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:926ea)
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U11 Theyre lovely Pet fish Touch and guess! Look the tips card and guess! monkey Listen the voice and guess! chicken Look at the picture and guess! bird It can swim . It has a big mouth . It always talk with us“gagaga” What animal is it ? Read and guess! duck Pet What is this? Its a duck. What is that? Its a monkey. What are those? They are birds. Over there. Theyre all for you. sing a song I have a pet , its on the bed. He has a dog. Its in the box. Janet has a fish. It is big. They have a cat. It is black. Lets chant ! I/You/They/We have He/She/It/三单人名 has There are some birds in the shop. Are there any birds in your shop? Yes, there are. Are there any ducks in your shop? Yes, there are. Are there any cats in your shop? No, there arent. arent=are not any和some的使用: some使用于: 1、肯定句。eg:I have some ducks. 2、表示请求、请示。eg:May I have some grapes? any使用于: 1、疑问句。eg:Are there any cats in your shop? 2、否定句。eg: We dont have any grapes. Guessing Game: Are there any(s) in your box? Exercise: ( )1. There are some cats in the shop. ( )2. There are many dogs in the shop. ( )3. Janet and Xiaoling are in the shop. ( )4.There are five ducks in the picture. ( )5. Janet and Xiaoling want to buy a blue duck. F T T F F Look at the video! The pets are lovely. Please dont hurt them. If you give them a little love. They will love you forever! Homework: 1、Read the dialogue by heart; 2、 Copy the new words and keep them in mind. Goodbye! 小学课时教学设计小学课时教学设计 第第 2 课时课时 教学内容:教学内容:Unit 11 Theyre lovely 教学目标教学目标: 1.学习新单词:any , shop , arent =are not , duck , over there , those , has , buy , fish , monkey , bird , chicken. 2.能用 Are there any?Yes ,there are./No, there arent. 这个句型 进行口语交际。 教学重点:教学重点:熟练地操练 Unit11 的对话. 教学难点:教学难点:用 Are there any?Yes ,there are./No, there arent.进 行口语交际。 教具、学具:教具、学具:图片、小黑板 、录音机 、动物教具 教学过程:教学过程: 一、热身复习: 1. Free talk: How many people are there in your family? There are.?. 2. Sing a song . 3. Talk about animals. 二.呈现与操练: 1. 利用动物玩具创设情境:Andy 和 Tom 比赛谁的玩具多。 Andy(教师): I have two toy bears./a dog/ Do you have two bears/a dog? Tom(优生 1): Yes, I do. Andy: OK. Tom has a dog. Do you have a monkey?教师做出猴子 的动作。 Tom: No, I dont. 2. 边说句型:A: Do you have a monkey? B: Yes, I do/No, I dont. 边引出新单词:duck, fish, monkey, bird, chicken ,has. 3.操练单词和句型。 4. Presenting the dialogue:教师在课室创设一间宠物店,教师用 句型“Are there any?Yes, there are/No, there arent” 问学生进行操练。 (师生操练,生生操练) 三、呈现句型 Are there any ?Yes, there are/No, there arent 及 操练 1. 延续上面的 In a pet shop(T-Ps) T: This is a pet shop. Are there any cats in the shop, xxx? P: Yes, there are/ No, there arent, T: Are there any ducks over there? P: Yes, there are. T: Oh, those ducks are lovely, Let me buy one. 引导学生学习单词和句型:shop, buy, those, duck, over there. 3.操练句型:pair-work 四、 学习对话,巩固运用: 1. 播放对话内容,跟读对话。 2. 全班读,角色朗读,同桌对话。 3. 表演对话。 五、小结本课学习内容。 六、作业: 1、跟录音机读对话及单词,同桌表演对话。
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