教科版三下Module 6 Pets-Unit 11 They're lovely.-Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:90333).zip

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  • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2012年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 6 Pets_Unit 11 Theyre lovely._Lets talk_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:90333)
    • Lets talk视频.mp4
    • Unit11 They’re lovely(课前微视频).mp4
    • Unit11 They’re lovely.pptx--点击预览
    • Warm-up歌曲视频.mp4
    • 教案90333.docx--点击预览


Lets sing Module 6 Pets Unit 11 Theyre lovely. I have a_. Its_. It can_. Its_. _has two turtles. Look, there is a pet shop over there ! Pet Shop Pet Shop There are some _over there.ducks Lets learn Look ! A: I like_. Are there any _in the pet shop? B: Yes, there are./ No, there arent. Lets practice catscats Lets talk Who? Shop keeper customer Welcome to the pet shop! buy 1. Are there any cats in this shop? 2. Who has a duck? 3. Janet wants to buy _. Lets listen and watch 1. Are there any cats in this shop? _ 2. Who has a duck? _ 3. Janet wants to buy _. Lets answer a duck No, there arent. Janets cousin has one. Lets repeat and think They can get _ stars because they do well in No. _. 1 Pronunciation and intonation(语音语调) 2 Speak loudly (大声说) 3 Team work (小组合作) 4 Read fluently and emotionally (有感情 ) Lets read in roles Group work Lets say Lets act 1. Work in groups 2. Roles: shop keeper 3. I want to buy a pet. S: Welcome to the pet shop! C: I want a. Are there any.? S: Yes, there are./ No, there arent. But we have. C: Wow, those .are. Let me buy one. S: Ok, here you are. C: Super/Great. Lets sum-up Pets are so lovely. Lets take them home . Lets think Feed it.Wash it.Play with it.Sleep with it. Pets are lovely. Pets are our friends. Lets take care of them. Homework: Make a video-design a pet shop and role play to buy a pet with your parents. 设计自己的宠物店,与家长角色扮演买宠物。 Thank you! Module6 Pets Unit11 Theyre lovely (1st Period) Grade Three 一、一、 教学内容分析教学内容分析 本课是教科版三年级下册 Module6 Pets Unit11 Theyre lovely 的第一 课时。本节课的话题是 Pets,以在宠物店里选购宠物为情境,让学生整体感知 语言,在情景对话中学习宠物词汇,运用句型“Are there any?”询问和回答 “Yes, there are./ No , there arent.”。本课从生活出发,学生展示自己的宠 物,在宠物店里选购宠物,最后回归到宠物背后的人文、情感教育,扩大学生 视野,激发学生的思维,让学生充分地进行英语口语表达。 二、教学对象分析二、教学对象分析 三年一班的孩子思维较活跃,乐于思考,善于表达,积累了一定的生活常 识,为本节课的主题“pets”的理解和学习奠定了深厚的基础。在一年级时,他 们已经感知、理解了相关的宠物知识,掌握了一定的单词学习策略。学生在前 一单元已学过了 There be 句型,本课将学习它的一般疑问句的问答,并过小 组合作、自主探究等活动,进一步培养良好英语综合能力。 三、教学目标、教学目标 Language knowledge 1.学生能听、说单词:pet shop, duck, fish, monkey, bird, chicken, buy, over there ,has 2. 学生能听、说句型 Are there any?Yes, there are./ No , there aren t. Language skill 1. 学生能整体理解对话的意思,准确、流利、有感情地朗读对话。 2. 学生能模拟宠物店选购宠物进行对话交际。 Affect 学生能观察、体验活动中,感受宠物的可爱,关爱宠物。 Learning Strategies 1. 通过情境创设,帮助学生理解、运用重点句型和对话。 2. 通过自然拼读教学,帮助学生学习新单词和词组。 Culture strategies 越来越多的人喜欢养宠物,感受人与宠物之间和谐。 四、教学重、难点四、教学重、难点 重点:重点:学生能准确、流利、有感情地朗读对话。 难点:难点:学生能模拟宠物店选购宠物进行对话交际。 五、教学资源五、教学资源 前置性学习任务单、视频、PPT 课件,道具(虚拟宠物店,宠物图片) 六、教学过程六、教学过程 教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图时时 间间 Warm-up lead-in Activity1. Lets sing 教师播放歌曲 My pet,学 生边唱边做。 Activity2. Lets watch 观看视频,学生分享自己 的 宠物。 T: Do you have a pet? Who has a pet? Students sing the song. 学生根据教师的提问 做回应,观看视频, 分享自己的宠物。 I have a _. Its_.It can_. I love my_. 学生唱一首关于 宠物的歌曲,引 出主题,复习宠 物单词。 检查前置性学习 情况,让学生运 用所学的知识介 绍自己的宠物。 4 Activity3. Lets learn 1. Introduce the pet shop There is pet shop over there. 2. Learn the words and sentences. 3. Are there any cats in the pet shop? 引导学生作回答,Yes, there are./ No, there arent. 4.Work in pair 学习新词汇 over there, duck,monkey, bird, fish,chicken。 Work in pair to practice sentences. 两组同学进行展示。 创设宠物店情境, 让学生说一说、 猜一猜宠物,学 习新单词、短语 和句型。学生两 两合作,操练巩 固句型。 8 Presentation Practice Activity4. Learn the dialogue. 1.Introduce shop keeper and customer, 学习新单词 buy. 2. Listen, watch and answer the questions. 3. Repeat the dialogue. 4. Read in roles . 看图说话,初步了解 文本,学习新词 buy; 看视频,回答问题。 跟读对话,注意语音 语调,梳理对话框架。 4 人小组合作表演朗 读;小组长给星级评 价。 学生通过听看视 频,整体感知对 话,理解对话意 思。通过跟读对 话 培养英语朗读能 力,回顾对话, 梳理对话,的重 点句型,为后面 的学习做了铺垫。 12 Development Activity5. Lets buy pets in the pet shop. Students go to buy pets in groups. 仿照课文,四人小组 合作,模拟选购宠物 的情景进行对话。 联系生活,模拟 体验宠物店的情 景,运用英语创 编表演对话,培 养学生的综合语 言运用能力。 12 Sum up Activity 6. sum-up 引导学生关爱宠物 feed it, wash it, play with it, sleep with it. 观看一些人和宠物和 谐的图片,感受关爱 宠物。 爱宠物,保护好 宠物,渗透情感 教育,培养学生 思维品质。 3 Homework Make a video-design a pet shop and role play to buy a pet with your friends. 设计自己的宠物店, 运用堂上所学的知识 与家长角色扮演买宠 物。 将英语学习带到 生活中。 1 七、板书设计七、板书设计 Module6 Pets Unit11 They re lovely. Pet shop duck Welcome to the shop. chicken over there Are there anyin the shop? monkey Yes, there are. fish No, there arent. But we. bird Look! Those.are Let me buy one. buy Great. Pre-class Worksheet Module6 Pets Unit11 Theyre lovely. Name: Class: Number:_ 一、一、Lets find and read. Miss Lee 知道同学们非常喜欢宠物,你可以提前查一查并认识我们宠物朋友哦! 猫 _ 狗 _ 兔子_ 鱼 _ 鸟_ 小鸡 _ 鸭子_ 老鼠_ 乌龟_ 蜘蛛_ 一起来学一学:蝌蚪 tadpole 蜗牛 snail 蚕 silkworm 龙虾 lobster 鹦鹉 parrot 仓鼠 hamster 二、二、Lets think and write. 同学们认识了宠物朋友,你们想要拥有一只自己喜欢的小宠物吗?为什么呢? -What pet do you want? Why? - I want a_, because(因为) _. 三、三、 Lets say and act. Miss Lee 知道你们都有自己喜欢的宠物,你能否分享一下与宠物的快乐时光呢? 先描述一下你的小宠物吧,并请爸爸妈妈把你们录成小视频,共享交流。 Eg:I have a pet. Its a _dog . It is yellow. It can run. It is lovely. I can feed/wash/play with my pet. I like my dog.
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