教科版三下Module 6 Pets-Unit 12 Whose rabbits are these -Did you know& Self-assessment-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:e0004).zip

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  • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2012年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 6 Pets_Unit 12 Whose rabbits are these _Did you know & Self-assessment_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:e0004)
    • 三年级下册Module 6 综合拓展课.ppt--点击预览
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Module 6 综合拓展课综合拓展课 Our Pets Book Lets sing: Bingo Sharp eyes Look, read and write There are many toy animals in the room. Look! There is _ under the bed and there are _ on the table. There are _ beside the cats and _ in front of the TV. Where are the ducks? Oh, they are in the box and_ is near the ducks. three cats, a chicken, three rabbits, a monkey, a dog, a dogthree cats three rabbits a chicken a monkey Lets guess There is a pet on/ in/ under/ beside/ behind/ infront of the . Its. It has. What is it? There are some pets on/ in/ under/ beside/ behind/ infront of the . They are. They have. What are they? These are all toys. Do you have a pet? Do you want to have a pet? Did you know parrot tortoise snake lizardguinea pigpony Read and match Dog Cat Fish Bird Crab Mouse Tim Brianna Jessica Simon Chris Jayden The . is .s. Read and fill Pets Name Looks dogBuddy catblack fish bird crabShelly mouse white and grey Star Finorange Bing yellow red Te x white The .s name is . It looks. Read and choose 1.fill his water bowl 4.brush her 6.help Mum clean her tank 2.fill his sead bowl 3.play with him, hide him from our cat 5.feed her A.go for walks, eat his dinner B.play with her toys, sleep on mums chair C. sing, fly in his cage D.run up my arm, run on his wheel E.hide in her shell, walk in her tank F.swim in the fish tank, hide in the plants Buddy likes to go for walks and eat his dinner. Jessicas job is to fill his water bowl. Star likes to _. Tims job is to _. Fin likes to _. Simons job is to _. Bing likes to _. Briannas job is to _. Shelly likes to_. Jaydens job is to _. Tex likes to_. Chris job is to _. Buddy likes to go for walks and eat his dinner. Jessicas job is to fill his water bowl. play with her toys and to sleep on Mums chair brush Star swim in the fish tank and hide in the plants feed Fin sing and fly in his cage fill his seed bowl hide in her shell and walk in her tank Help Mum clean her tank Run up my arm and run on his wheel play with tex and hide him from our cat Lets talk This is Jessicas dog. Its name is Buddy. It is white and grey. It likes to go for walks and eat his dinner. Jessicas job is to fill his water bowl. Lets talk This is Jessicas dog. Its name is Buddy. It is white and grey. It likes to go for walks and eat his dinner. Jessicas job is to fill his water bowl. Your name Your pets name Our pets book Homework Make a picture book of your own pets in your group.(小组制作一本宠物(小组制作一本宠物 图册)图册) 义务教育科教书英语三年级下册(三年级起点) Module 6 Pets Period 6 综合拓展课综合拓展课 教学设计教学设计 一、教学内容分析一、教学内容分析 本课是三年级下册 Module 6 的第 6 个课时,课型为综合拓展课。本模块的 话题是 Pets,在 Unit 11 主要呈现的是一个宠物店购买宠物的日常对话,而在 Unit 12 里则着重是描述动物的外形和谈论动物的主人。本课时将对以上内容 进行综合的复习巩固,并且结合 Did you know 拓展新词,另外再借助绘本的阅 读让学生在综合运用已有的语言的基础上不断拓展新词汇和新句型,最后小组 合作制作新的绘本,让学生在用中学,学中用。 二、教学对象分析二、教学对象分析 三年级的学生好奇心强,活泼好动,有较强的模仿能力和表达欲望,对这 一单元话题的学习有着比较浓厚的兴趣。他们乐于表现自我、乐于与他人分享, 精心设计的各种活动可以激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生在参与活动的过程中体 验语言运用的乐趣并从中获得知识,达到“乐中学,学中乐”的效果。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 (一)语言能力目标 1.知识与技能目标 (1)综合复习、巩固和能熟练运用 Module6 的重点词汇和句型。 (2)能理解绘本阅读的内容,在完成相关任务中发展能力。 (3)初步感知单词:parrot、tortoise、snake、lizard、guinea pig、pony。 2.语用目标 (1)能读懂绘本。 (2)能运用学过的句型介绍绘本中的宠物和自己的宠物。 (二)学习能力目标 能听懂和读懂相关的绘本,获取信息。 (三)思维品质目标 1、能在小组的交流活动中,增进同学间的感情与团结合作精神。 2、能自信地进行展示介绍自己的房间。 (四)文化品格目标 能在活动中让学生学会照顾自己的宠物。 四、教学重难点:四、教学重难点: (一)教学重点:在语言循环使用中不断拓展新知识,提升语言综合运用能力。 (二)教学难点:根据图片和提示词讲述绘本中宠物的活动和主人的工作。 五、教学理念及教学策略:五、教学理念及教学策略: 1、运用多媒体,激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学生的学习热情。 2、通过故事的视听和绘本文本的输入让学生体验、内化并运用语言。 3、注重小组合作学习,注重过程评价,提高学生参与课堂活动的积极性,促 进学生共同发展。 六、教学准备:六、教学准备: 绘本、多媒体课件、研学案等 七、教学过程:七、教学过程: I.I. PreparationPreparation andand revisionrevision 1. Sing a song.Bingo 2. Sharp eyes 3. Look, read and write 4. Guessing game 【设计意图:通过歌曲和游戏重现本模块的内容,活跃课堂气氛。在猜动物 的游戏中让学生综合运用已学的语言,巩固所学知识。 】 II.II. Input-InternalizationInput-Internalization 1. Did you know 【设计意图:引出 keep pets 的话题,拓展新的动物的词汇。 】 2. T introduces the picture book to Ps 3. Ps read the contents of the book, and then find out what pets are in the book. 4. Ps read page 4 to page 15 and match the pets with their names, colours and masters. 5. T shows Ps page 2 and page 3, ask them to find out what funs are the animals and what do the masters do. 6. Ps read again and choose the phrases to fill in the blanks. 【设计意图:通过引导学生分步骤地阅读绘本,让学生理清绘本的主要脉络, 抓住绘本的主要内容,为最后的制作小组的绘本做准备。通过绘本的学习,增 大语言的输入,让学生在有趣的阅读中获得知识,从而提高语言运用的能力。 】 III.III. OutputOutput 1. Ps choose one pet to make an introduction in groups 2. Ps share the introductions 3. Ps write an introduction of their own pets or pets they would like to have. 【设计意图:通过对绘本中宠物的描述,检测学生的阅读效果。引导他们仿照绘 本介绍自己的宠物或自己喜欢的宠物,形成小组的绘本,把所学的运用到日常 交际里面。 】 IV.IV. SummarySummary andand AssessmentAssessment V VHomeworkHomework Make a picture book of your own pets in your group. 8 8、板书设计板书设计 Our Pets Pets are lots of fun. We look after out pets. 九、教学流程图九、教学流程图 Whose My pet(name): Looks: Likes: My jobs:
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