教科版三下Module 2 Positions-Unit 4 Is it in your bag -Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:508d2).zip

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  • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2012年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 2 Positions_Unit 4 Is it in your bag _Story time_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:508d2)
    • PPT 三年级下 Module 2 Positions Where is the cat
      • Song.mp4
      • 小猫叫声.mp3
      • 录制视频.mp4
      • 教科版 三年级下 Module 2 Positions Where is the cat.pptx--点击预览
    • Positions Where is the cat .docx--点击预览
    • Positions Where is the cat .flv
    • Positions Where is the cat .pptx--点击预览
    • 教案508d2.doc--点击预览


Worksheet Class _ No._ Name_ Task 1:Answer the questions. 1)What present is for Ms Gu? _ 2). Where is the cat at last(最后)? _ 3). Why is the cat so excited? _ Task 2:Read the dialogue. Where is the cat? Janet、Ben、Aki: Happy birthday! This is for you Ms Gu: Oh, its a lovely cat. I like it. Thank you. 猫咪跳出来,到处乱跑。 Janet: Where is the cat? The cat: I am so excited. Ben: Look, its under the desk. Lets go and catch it. Oh, no. The cat: I am here. Aki: Its in front of the window now. Lets go and catch it. Oh, no. The cat: I am so happy. Ms Gu: Its between the balls. Lets go and catch it. Oh, no! Where is the cat? Janet: Is it behind the door? Ben、Aki、Ms Gu: No, it isnt. It isnt behind the door. Ben: Is it near the box? Janet、Aki、Ms Gu: No, it isnt. It isnt near the box. Aki: Oh, its in the box. Ms Gu: Hey, Miss Cat, Come out and play with us. We are friends. New words : 1. excited 兴奋的 2.catch 抓住 Task 3:Create(创编)(创编) the dialogue. Where is the _? 剧本人物及扮演人名字:剧本人物及扮演人名字:Ms Gu Janet Ben Aki the_ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 备注:组长与组员商议创编剧本,同学根据自己的理解,标注说话的语气、语调 等。 Janet、Ben、Aki: Happy birthday! This is for you Ms Gu: Oh, its a lovely _. I like it. Thank you. (跳出来,到处乱跑。) Janet: Where is the _? The _: I am so excited. Ben: Look, its _. Lets go and catch it. Oh, no. The_: I am here. Aki: Its _now. Lets go and catch it. Oh, no. The _: I am so happy. Ms Gu: Its _. Lets go and catch it. Oh, no! Where is the cat? Janet: Is it _? Ben、Aki、Ms Gu: No, it isnt. It isnt _. Ben: Is it_? Janet、Aki、Ms Gu: No, it isnt. It isnt _. Aki: Oh, its _. Ms Gu: Hey, Miss _, Come out and play with us. We are friends. (可能用到的单词:curtain 窗帘, pillar 柱子) Whereisthecat?Whereisthecat? alittlecar acoolrobot aprettydoll abeautiful pencil-box Whereisthecat? Itsunderthedesk. Whereisthecat? Itsinfrontofthewindow. Whereisthecat? Itsbetweentheballs. Isitbehindthedoor? No,itisnt. Itisntbehindthedoor. Isitnearthebox? No,itisnt. Itisntnearthebox. A A A A videovideovideovideo A A A A videovideovideovideo AnswerthequestionsAnswerthequestions 1.WhatpresentisforMsGu? Itsacat. 2.Whereisthecatatlast(最后)? Itsinthebox. 3.Whyisthecatso excited? Janet、Ben、Aki: Happy birthday! This is for you MsGu:Oh, its a lovely cat. I like it. Thank you. 猫咪跳出来,到处乱跑。 Janet: Where is the cat? :I am so excited. Ben: Look, its under the desk. Lets go and catch it. Oh, no. :I am here. Aki: Its in front of the window now. Lets go and catch it. Oh, no. :I am so happy. MsGu: Its between the balls. Lets go and catch it. Oh, no! Where is the cat? Janet: Is it behind the door? Ben、Aki、MsGu: No, it isnt. It isnt behind the door. Ben: Is it near the box? Janet、Aki、MsGu: No, it isnt. It isnt near the box. Aki: Oh, its in the box. MsGu: Hey, Miss Cat, Come out and play with us. We are friends. sometips:sometips: 1.Readaloud.(声音响亮。 ) 2.Pronunciation、intonationand expression.(语音、语调及表情。 ) 3.Befluent.(流利。 ) 4.Beconfident.(自信。 ) TheBestCreativityAward 最佳创意奖 TheBestPronunciationAward 最佳语音奖 TheBestCooperationAward 最佳合作奖 Show timeShow timeShow timeShow time LetssumupLetssumup Newwords: Sentences: Animalsarepeoplesfriends.We shouldlovethem. Homework: 1.FinishtheWorksheet. 可自己改编场景(如在家里), 增减内容,根据完成情况获得 不同的等级。 2、Actoutthedialogue. Thank you!Thank you! 1 Teaching Contents Analysis 教学内容分析教学内容分析 本课教学内容为教师根据教科 2011 课标版三年级下册 Module 2 Positions 知识点自己创编的课本剧文本。 本模块话题为 “Positions”。学生通过之前的学习能使用主要句型 Where is it? Its Is it? Yes , it is./No, it isn t.来询问位置。本课借助剧本整合有关方位介词的知识点,通过任务型教学和小组合作学习突破重难点,引导 学生复习巩固有关位置话题的主要知识点,并通过演读和改编的方式,提高学生的英语综合运用能力。 Teaching Objects Analysis 教学对象分析教学对象分析 三年级的学生抽象思维能力不强,因此在课堂中要采用直观教学法以及情景教学法,充分利用视频、歌曲、 图片、声音、现场表演等形式帮助他们理解、巩固知识。到处躲窜及判断位置是孩子们感兴趣的事情,因此, 在教学过程中,设计一个寻找小猫的情境,尝试用课本剧的复习模式引导学生运用所学,学生初步接触该模式。 2 Objectives: 教学目标教学目标 1.Language knowledge 语言知识: 1)能听、说、认读以下单词:catch, excited 并能在日常生活中使用。 2)复习方位介词:in, on, under, behind, beside, by, between, near, in front of 4)学生能运用以下句型:Where is it? Its Is it? Yes , it is./No, it isnt. It isnt于生活交际中。 2.Language skill 语言技能: 1)能熟练运用所学单词及句型讨论物品的位置。 2)能通过观看视频。获取信息,回答问题,理解文本。 3)能把握剧情句意,有感情地演读剧本。 3.Learning Strategies 学习策略:1)通过听、说、读、演的操练提升学生的语言综合运用能力。 2)通过小组合作加强对知识的巩固和掌握。 4.Affect 情感态度:1)学生的演读兴趣能够得到提高。 2 学会爱护小动物,并懂得动物是人类的好朋友。 Language Focus 教学重点教学重点 Language difficult point 教学难点教学难点 1.教学重点: 1)询问并描述物品的位置。 2)能用以下句型进行问答及文本改编:Where is it? Its Is it? Yes , it is./No, it isnt. It isnt 3)理解并流利地演读课本剧。 2.教学难点: 1) 把所学知识综合运用到交际中。 2) 流利、有感情地演读和改编课本剧。 3 Teaching Aids/Media and Resource 教学资源与媒体教学资源与媒体 音频、表演视频、自制课件、Worksheet、头饰。 Teaching Procedures 教学过程教学过程 Teaching Activity & Steps of the Activity 教学活动及具体的活动操作步骤教学活动及具体的活动操作步骤 Learning Strategies 学生学习策略学生学习策略 Purpose 设计意图设计意图 I. Warming-up Activity 1: 1) Lets sing 2)Free talk Activity 1: 1) Enjoy the song and answer the questions. 2) Free talk Activity 1: 引出本课话题,激发学生 参与课堂学习活动的兴趣,为 本课学习作铺垫。 II. Presentation and practice Activity 2: Lead in the story and learn the new words 通过 Picture reading 呈现故事大意。 Activity 3: Watch and learn 引导学生观看视频并回答问题。 Activity 2: Lets learn 通过 Picture reading 了解故事大意并学习 新词。 Activity 3: Watch and learn 看故事表演视频,回答问题,明白故事 大意。 Activity 2: 激活学生已知知识,创设故事 情境,激发学习欲望。 Activity 3: 1)观看视频,直观生动地了解 故事内容。 4 Activity4: Lets read 根据朗读提示演读文本。 Activity4:Lets read 根据朗读提示演读文本,模仿语音语调。 2)通过开放式问题 Why is the cat so excited? 培养学生的 英语思维能力。 Activity 4: 学习演读剧本,感知朗读技巧。 (重读、连读、语调等) 5 Activity 5:Lets practice 1) 呈现合作要求和评价标准; 2)指导五人小组分角色进行剧本 的创编及演读。 Activity 5: Lets practice 分组改编及演读课本剧 Activity 5: 提供学习指导,引导学生小组 内改编和演读剧本。 III. Development Activity 6: Lets show 小组上台进行演读展示。 Activity 6: Lets show 小组上台进行演读展示。 Activity 6: 角色扮演,培养团队精神。 IV. Summary Activity 7:Lets Sum up 教师引导学生小结本节课学习的主 要知识点, 渗透情感教育。 Activity 7: Lets Sum up Sum up what we learn today. 学生拿着回答问题时老师奖励的不同 字母卡上讲台把本课新词拼写出来。 Animals are our friends. Activity 7: 自主归纳。 Homework 1、 Finish the Worksheet. 可自己改编场景(如在家里) 、 增加内容,根据完成情况获得 不同的等级。 完成课后作业。 分层布置作业,延续课堂 学习,培养学生的创新思维。 6 2、Act out the dialogue. 板书板书 7 教学反思教学反思 本节课是 Module2 Positions 的复习巩固课。根据课文主要句型我创编了 Where is my cat?的故事。本课通过活泼有趣的视频歌曲引入 Where is my cat? 的话题,迅速激发了学生的学习兴趣,并根据歌曲内容提问学生,培养了学 生的英语思维能力。通过创设寻找我的小猫的情境,让学生跟着老师设置的 悬念一步步用英语去思考并表达。接着学生观看故事表演视频,直观生动地 了解了故事内容。观看完视频后根据朗读提示演读文本,学习演读剧本,感 知朗读技巧。这个环节我在 PPT 中标示出了文本的重音、连读及语调等,以 便学生更好地掌握朗读技巧。然后在教师的指导下分组改编课本剧及小组上 台进行演读展示。孩子们可以自己选择扮演的动物,不同的动物叫声及肢体 动作增加了表演的趣味性。总结归纳环节学生拿着回答问题时老师奖励的不 同字母卡上讲台把本课新词拼写出来。本节课的板书设计结合了三年级孩子 活泼的性格特点,画了一只色彩鲜明的猫,并把学生表演时用的头套也粘贴 在黑板上,孩子根据自设的角色选取不同的头套进行表演,学生参与积极性高。 表演环节时间有些仓促, 如能预留更多的时间给学生现场表演应该会更好。 。 8 Whereisthecat?Whereisthecat? alittlecar acoolrobot aprettydoll abeautiful pencil-box Whereisthecat? Itsunderthedesk. Whereisthecat? Itsinfrontofthewindow. Whereisthecat? Itsbetweentheballs. Isitbehindthedoor? No,itisnt. Itisntbehindthedoor. Isitnearthebox? No,itisnt. Itisntnearthebox. A A A A videovideovideovideo A A A A videovideovideovideo AnswerthequestionsAnswerthequestions 1.WhatpresentisforMsGu? Itsacat. 2.Whereisthecatatlast(最后)? Itsinthebox. 3.Whyisthecatso excited? Janet、Ben、Aki: Happy birthday! This is for you MsGu:Oh, its a lovely cat. I like it. Thank you. 猫咪跳出来,到处乱跑。 Janet: Where is the cat? :I am so excited. Ben: Look, its under the desk. Lets go and catch it. Oh, no. :I am here. Aki: Its in front of the window now. Lets go and catch it. Oh, no. :I am so happy. MsGu: Its between the balls. Lets go and catch it. Oh, no! Where is the cat? Janet: Is it behind the door? Ben、Aki、MsGu: No, it isnt. It isnt behind the door. Ben: Is it near the box? Janet、Aki、MsGu: No, it isnt. It isnt near the box. Aki: Oh, its in the box. MsGu: Hey, Miss Cat, Come out and play with us. We are friends. sometips:sometips: 1.Readaloud.(声音响亮。 ) 2.Pronunciation、intonationand expression.(语音、语调及表情。 ) 3.Befluent.(流利。 ) 4.Beconfident.(自信。 ) TheBestCreativityAward 最佳创意奖 TheBestPronunciationAward 最佳语音奖 TheBestCooperationAward 最佳合作奖 Show timeShow timeShow timeShow time LetssumupLetssumup Newwords: Sentences: Animalsarepeoplesfriends.We shouldlovethem. Homework: 1.FinishtheWorksheet. 可自己改编场景(如在家里), 增减内容,根据完成情况获得 不同的等级。 2、Actoutthedialogue. Thank you!Thank you!
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