教科版三下Module 4 Fruits-Unit 8 Apples are good for us-Did you know& Self-assessment-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:4005e).zip

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M4 Fruits 第 6 课时 Fruits in China 综合拓展课研学案研学案 班级:_ 姓名:_ 【研学目标研学目标】 1.能在听、说、读、写的语言活动中运用本模块的单词和句型。 2.能通过语言活动进行话题的描述和谈论。 3.能拓展生活视野,建立课内知识与生活的联系;通过完成“慈善任务”,增强社会责任和意识, 促进学习的积极性;通过发现水果的作用,去发现生活的神奇和美。 【研学路线研学路线】 【研学过程研学过程】 (1)课前研学 在“微课”和课前研学中学习新单词:coconut, pineapple, dragon fruits, mango, hami melon, cherry, peach, date, watermelon, honey orange, lychee, longan, star fruit. 新句型:新句型:Xinjiang is famous for hami melons. (二)课堂研学 【Task 1】 Talk about the fruits you like with your partner. A: What friuts do you like? B: I like _. A: What are they like(样子)? B: They are _. A: What colour are they? B: They are _. Learn the new words and sentences in the Micro lesson 微课预习单词和句型 Talk the fruits you like 通过新句型的学习谈论喜欢 的水果 Learn the different fruits in China 学习和谈论中国各个地方的水果 Practise the new words and phrases 听、说、读的活动中内化 新单词和句型 Act out 在语言实践中完成输 出 A: When are they ripe(成熟)? B: They are ripe in _. A: Where are they from? B: They are from_. 【Task 2】Listen and fill in the blanks. NameWhat friuts do you like?What are they like?_ is famous for Miss Lee grapes, _ and hami melons Mr Huang apples, cherries and _ Mr Zhang watermelons and _ A. watermelons B. hami melons C.cherries D. very sweet E. big and juicy F. yummy G. pears H. peaches I. dates 【Task 3】 Read the text Mr Chen is a funny teacher. He is from Jiangxi. He loves fruits. The fruits are good for him. Jiangxi is famous for oranges ,honey oranges and other fruits, they are delicious. Most of (大部分的)his students(学生) come from Guangdong. Guangdong is famous for bananas, lychees,longans and star fruits. They are ripe in summer. 【Task 4】 A and B: Can I have some fruits, Sir/Madam? C: Of course. What fruits do you like? Some apples? A: OK.Lets get 4 apples. Two for you and two for me. B: And some grapes, too. I like grapes. 【学习评价】 I I cancan I I cancan talktalk somesome fruits.fruits. I I cancan singsing thethe songssongs andand readread thethe rhyme.rhyme. I I cancan useuse thethe newnew wordswords andand expressionsexpressions inin thisthis module.module. I I cancan workwork withwith mymy partners.partners. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 广州教科版三年级下册广州教科版三年级下册 Module4Module4 FruitFruits s 综合拓展课 FruitsFruits inin ChinaChina What fruits do you like? We like _. Lets play They give us . They tell me to , They make me , theyre like you and me. they make me , Why do you like friuts? They are , yummy happy lovel y strong shar e happiness Lets chant They like fruits too, lets visit them with some fruits. The BIG task! Every team try to get the fruits tickets, we will give you the “money” to buy some fruits for the old people, go! The BIG task! 1. What are they like? 2. What colour are they ? Lets learn 3. When are they ripe ? 4. Where are they from ? They are sweet/sour/yummy/ delicious/big/small/cute. They are red/ yellow/green. They are ripe in spring/summer/autumn/winter. They are from Guangdong/Xinjiang/Hainan. Did you get? where They are sweet/sour/yummy/ delicious/big/small/cute. what They are red/ yellow/green. what colour They are from Guangdong/Xinjiang/ Hainan. They are ripe in spring/summer/autumn/ winter. when Lets learn where They are sweet/sour/yummy/ delicious/big/small/cute. what They are red/ yellow/green. what colour They are from Guangdong/Xinjiang/ Hainan. They are ripe in spring/summer/autumn/ winter. when Lets talk Talk the fruits with the Question Wheel. Did you get? Lets listen Name What fruit?What arelike? _ is famous for . Miss Lee grapes, _ and hami melons Mr Huang apples, cherries and _ Mr Zhang watermelons and _ A. watermelons B. hami melons C.cherries D. very sweet E. big and juicy F. yummy G. pears H. peaches I. dates B E C F H A D I G Xinjiang Xinjiang is famous for _. hami melons pearsgrapes Shandong Shandong is famous for _. applescherriespeaches Shanxi Shanxi is famous for _. watermelons dates Did you get? Lets read Mr Chen is a funny teacher. He is from Jiangxi. He loves fruits. The fruits are good for him. Jiangxi is famous for oranges ,honey oranges and other fruits, they are delicious. Most of (大部分的)(大部分的) his students(学生)(学生)come from Guangdong. Guangdong is famous for bananas, lychees,longans and star fruits. They are ripe in summer. Jiangxi Jiangxi is famous for _. honey oranges oranges Guangdong Guangdong is famous for _. banana s lycheeslongans star fruits In China,different places are famous for different fruits. Sum up In China,different places are famous for different fruits. Hainan coconutspineapples dragon fruitsmangoes hami melons pears Xinjiang grapes Sum up In China,different places are famous for different fruits. Shandong watermelons Shanxi dates apples cherries peaches Sum up In China,different places are famous for different fruits. Jiangxi Guangdong honey oranges oranges banana s lycheeslongans star fruits In China,we can have different fruits in different places. Enjoy the friuts ,enjoy our life. Did you get? Lets act out Go shopping! Go shopping! A and B: Can I have some fruits, Sir/Madam? C: Of course. What fruits do you like? Some apples? A: OK.Lets get 4 apples.Two for you and two for me. B: And some grapes, too. I like grapes. Did you get? Assessment I I cancan I I cancan talktalk somesome fruits.fruits. I I cancan singsing thethe songssongs andand readread thethe rhymes.rhymes. I I cancan useuse thethe newnew wordswords andand expressions.expressions. I I cancan workwork withwith mymy partners.partners. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) The BIG task! Homework: 完成完成“怎样为养老院的爷爷奶奶制怎样为养老院的爷爷奶奶制 作水果礼物作水果礼物”的讨论,并与家长交的讨论,并与家长交 流。流。 1、教学内容分析教学内容分析 本课时是广州英语教科版三年级下册 Module4 模块的综合拓展课,以水果为题材。通过前 面五个课时的学习,学生已经掌握了本模块相关水果词汇和相关句型的运用,本课时侧重通过谈 论中国各地的水果,拓展学生的生活视野,帮助学生建立课内知识与生活的联系;同时通过设置 “慈善任务” ,促进学习的积极性,增强社会责任和意识;通过鼓励学生发现水果的作用,去发 现生活的神奇和美;从而增强语言知识能力,提升思维品质,以培养学生的核心素养。 2、教学对象分析教学对象分析 本班三年级的学生英语学习兴趣浓厚,思维活跃,对事物充满好奇心,求知欲望强烈。在 几年的英语学习中已具有基本的听、说、读的能力,能自主学习,同时也很喜欢小组合作学习 的活动方式。基于这一学情,选择他们熟悉的水果话题进行拓展教学,旨在培养学生的综合语 言运用能力,同时渗透情感态度、思维品质、学习策略等,全面提升和培养核心素养。 3、教学目标教学目标 (1)语言能力目标 1. 知识与技能目标 (1) 能在听、说、读、写的教学活动中熟练运用本模块的语言知识。 (2) 能在谈论本模块相关话题时正确名词的单复数。 2.语用目标 (1)能在听、说、读、写的语言活动中运用本模块的单词和句型。 (2)能通过语言活动进行话题的描述和谈论。 (二)学习能力目标 1.在学习过程中,学会聆听、思考和交流,体验学习的成功与乐趣。 2.在学习过程中,学会并掌握一定的学习策略,学习分析、整理、归纳与总结。 (三)思维品质目标 观察语言,总结归纳语言的运用。 (四)文化品格目标 通过学习,拓展生活视野,建立课内知识与生活的联系;通过完成“慈善任务” ,增强社会 责任和意识,促进学习的积极性;通过发现水果的作用,去发现生活的神奇和美。 四、教学重、难点四、教学重、难点 (一)教学重点 理解本课时各语篇的内容,并正确使用本模块的语言知识进行相关话题的描述和谈论。 (二)教学难点 正确进行话题的描述和谈论,并能进行分析、整理、归纳与总结。 5、教学理念及策略教学理念及策略 本课时运用“研学后教”的理念,采用小学英语“IIO”课堂教学模式。通过多种教学形式 进行语言的输入、内化及输出。本课时通过语境带动,让学生在输入中理解,在理解交流中进行 语用体验,在活动中操练,在操练中内化,在输出中运用,在运用中交际。 六、教学媒体六、教学媒体 微课,PPT,图片,单词句型卡片。 7、教学过程教学过程 I. Preparation 1. Learn the new words and sentences 学生通过小组学生通过小组“课前研学课前研学”和和“微课微课”的学习,认读本课时的新词汇和新句型。的学习,认读本课时的新词汇和新句型。 新单词:新单词:coconut, pineapple, dragon fruits, mango, hami melon, cherry, peach, date, watermelon, honey orange, lychee, longan, star fruit. 新句型:新句型:Xinjiang is famous for hami melons. 2. Sing the song We Like Fruits 【设计意图:通过课前研学和欢快的歌曲,把学生带入本模块话题,激发学生学习的兴趣。设计意图:通过课前研学和欢快的歌曲,把学生带入本模块话题,激发学生学习的兴趣。 】 II.II. InputInput - InternalizationInternalization 1.Lets1.Lets talktalk (1 1)老师通过呈现学生的水果合照,和学生讨论)老师通过呈现学生的水果合照,和学生讨论“What“What fruitsfruits dodo youyou like?”,like?”,引导学生进入引导学生进入 课堂学习。并且提出课堂学习。并且提出“养老院的爷爷奶奶也喜欢水果,我们今天通过获取积分的形式,为他们准养老院的爷爷奶奶也喜欢水果,我们今天通过获取积分的形式,为他们准 备水果礼物备水果礼物”的活动,布置今天的课堂活动任务。的活动,布置今天的课堂活动任务。 (2 2)老师紧接着刚才的话题问)老师紧接着刚才的话题问“Why“Why dodo youyou likelike thesethese fruits?”,fruits?”,带领学生进入进一步认识带领学生进入进一步认识 水果的学习,在师生共同的讨论中,通过思维导图的方式呈现描述水果的相关句型:水果的学习,在师生共同的讨论中,通过思维导图的方式呈现描述水果的相关句型: a.Theya.They areare sweet/sour/yummy/delicious/big/small/cute.(Whatsweet/sour/yummy/delicious/big/small/cute.(What areare theythey like?)like?) b.Theyb.They areare yellow/red/green.(Whatyellow/red/green.(What colourcolour areare they?)they?) c.Theyc.They areare riperipe inin spring/summer/autumn/winter.(Whenspring/summer/autumn/winter.(When areare theythey ripe?)ripe?) d.Theyd.They areare fromfrom Guangdong/Xinjiang/Hainan.(WhereGuangdong/Xinjiang/Hainan.(Where areare theythey from?)from?) (3 3)学生通过)学生通过“Question“Question Wheel”Wheel”的形式,结合思维导图的运用,和同桌两两问答,为同桌介的形式,结合思维导图的运用,和同桌两两问答,为同桌介 绍自己喜欢的水果。绍自己喜欢的水果。 【设计意图:学生通过运用本模块的语言知识和新的句型进行口语表达,通过对话题的讨论,设计意图:学生通过运用本模块的语言知识和新的句型进行口语表达,通过对话题的讨论, 运用思维导图,为接下来的学习任务搭建知识支架。同时引导学生发现水果的作用和在日常生活运用思维导图,为接下来的学习任务搭建知识支架。同时引导学生发现水果的作用和在日常生活 中的运用,去发现生活的神奇和美,并且通过有意义的活动任务,激发学习的积极性和热情。中的运用,去发现生活的神奇和美,并且通过有意义的活动任务,激发学习的积极性和热情。 】 2.Lets2.Lets listenlisten andand readread (1 1)StudentsStudents listenlisten andand trytry toto findfind outout thethe informationinformation ,then,then fillfill inin thethe blanks.blanks. 老师介绍几位同样喜欢水果的朋友,学生通过听对话,提取这几位老师喜欢的水果信息,老师介绍几位同样喜欢水果的朋友,学生通过听对话,提取这几位老师喜欢的水果信息, 填写表格。填写表格。 (2 2)把听力的对话内容转变成语篇文字,进行进一步的阅读和讨论。)把听力的对话内容转变成语篇文字,进行进一步的阅读和讨论。 (3 3)老师分发水果的单词卡,学生把单词贴到黑板上,按地点进行归类。)老师分发水果的单词卡,学生把单词贴到黑板上,按地点进行归类。 【设计意图:学生通过听、说、读、写的语言运用活动,进行知识的进一步内化,培养语言设计意图:学生通过听、说、读、写的语言运用活动,进行知识的进一步内化,培养语言 技能和策略,培养对语言的分析、整理、归纳与总结的能力,提升语言素养和思维品质。技能和策略,培养对语言的分析、整理、归纳与总结的能力,提升语言素养和思维品质。 】 III.III. OutputOutput 1.Act1.Act outout (1)(1) 老师布置老师布置“水果义卖,获取积分水果义卖,获取积分”的课堂活动,老师和两个同学做范例:的课堂活动,老师和两个同学做范例: (2)(2) 小组分配角色进行小组分配角色进行“水果义卖水果义卖”的活动。的活动。 A and B: Can I have some fruits, Sir/Madam? C: Of course. What fruits do you like? Some apples? A: OK.Lets get 4 apples. Two for you and two for me. B: And some grapes, too. I like grapes. 【设计意图:通过有意义的语言实践活动,学生在真实的情境中进行语言的运用和交流,提设计意图:通过有意义的语言实践活动,学生在真实的情境中进行语言的运用和交流,提 升了语言综合运用能力,培养了合作意识。升了语言综合运用能力,培养了合作意识。 】 2.Sum2.Sum upup 小组成员对义卖活动进行统计和总结,讨论小组成员对义卖活动进行统计和总结,讨论“怎样为养老院的爷爷奶奶制作水果礼物怎样为养老院的爷爷奶奶制作水果礼物” 。 【设计意图:通过小组讨论完成设计意图:通过小组讨论完成“慈善任务慈善任务” ,促进学习的积极性,增强社会责任和意识。,促进学习的积极性,增强社会责任和意识。 】 IV. Assessment 【学习评价】 I I cancan I I cancan talktalk somesome fruits.fruits. I I cancan singsing thethe songssongs andand readread thethe rhyme.rhyme. I I cancan useuse thethe newnew wordswords andand expressionsexpressions inin thisthis module.module. I I cancan workwork withwith mymy partners.partners. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 8、板书设计板书设计 九、作业布置九、作业布置 1. 完成完成“怎样为养老院的爷爷奶奶制作水果礼物怎样为养老院的爷爷奶奶制作水果礼物”的讨论,并与家长交流。的讨论,并与家长交流。
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