教科版三下Module 4 Fruits-Unit 8 Apples are good for us-Did you know& Self-assessment-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:b03db).zip

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  • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2012年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 4 Fruits_Unit 8 Apples are good for us_Did you know & Self-assessment_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:b03db)
    • Module 4 Fruit Day.mp3
    • Module 4 Fruit Day.mp4
    • Module 4 Fruit Day.pptx--点击预览
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    • 教案b03db.doc--点击预览


Module Module 4 4 RevisionRevision Review the FruitsReview the Fruits an apple a pear a banana a grapean orange Is it a/an? Know more FruitsKnow more Fruits peachmangoberrycherry two peachestwo mangoessome berriestwo cherries B Bingo ingo G Gameame Pair WorkPair Work A: What fruit do you like? B: I like _s. _s are good for us. What fruit do you like ? A: I like _s. _s are good for us. _s are _. fruit colour shape taste red, purple big,smal l, long, soft sweet , sour, juicy, crunchy 形状 尝起来 Pair WorkPair Work I like _s. They are _.(red, yellow,green,purple) They are _.(sweet,juicy,sour,crunchy) They are yummy. They are _.(big,small,long,soft) ListeningListening Kelly Kelly is reading a rhyme. Fruit Day I like fruit. I like mangoes.They are sweet. They are very nice to eat / treat / see. I like grapes.They are red or green. Every day I can eat thirteen / fourteen / fifteen. I like apples.They are big and red. I like to eat them with my friend Ted / Fred / Brad . I eat lots of fruit. It is yummy. Look! Now I have a big tummy / mummy / belly . Listen and ChooseListen and Choose Listen and ReadListen and Read Princess Grace Is she happy ? Why ? No,she isnt. Princess Grace isnt happy. Because she has no friends. What does Princess Grace want? toys? fruit? pets? What does Princess Grace want? Grace wants friends. Lets ShareLets Share We need friends. We like to share. (分享) Lets ShareLets Share I like _s. They are yummy. A: Do you want some _s? B: Yes,please./ No,thank you. I dont like _s. Lets TellLets Tell I like _s. I have _ _s. They are _.(red, yellow,green,purple) They are _.(sweet,juicy,sour,crunchy) They are yummy. They are _.(big,small,long,soft) _s are good for us. Be ready to share. Sharing will bring us happiness. Homework: 用英文介绍自己最喜欢的水果给爸爸妈妈听. A Royal Invitation Dear children in the town, Come to the palace and have a fruit party on 14/9. The Queen 广州市编教材三年级下册 Module 4 Fruit Day ! 第 7 课时教学设计 一, 教学内容分析: 本节课是在学完 Mudule 4 的一节综合运用课。学生在 Module4 学习了五种水果的单复数形式以及如何向别人礼貌地询问是否 有水果,在想吃水果的时候礼貌地向别人要的相关用语。本节课主要通过复习课文中的水果词汇和拓展学习有关描述水果的句型并通 过两篇听读材料,学生两两对话,鼓励学生开口运用,同时培养学生敢于开口,在活动过程中,大胆运用已学过的内容与同学一起完 成各种任务。 二, 教学对象分析: 三年级 1 班有 39 个孩子,大部分孩子们学习英语的态度好,三年级孩子好奇心强,喜欢展示自己,由于生源的原因,学生学习 能力两极分化较明显,我们的孩子接触的语言环境较少,知识面较窄。在课堂上需要老师多鼓励,多提供给孩子们展示的平台。孩子 们对于第 4 单元的语言知识点掌握得较好,知识点不难,所以本节课的重点放在拓展学习上。 Title(课题) Mudule 4 Fruit Day!(7th period) Modle(课型) 复习拓展课Book(教材)教科版三年 级下册 Day and date Monday, April 22ndTeacher (执教教 师) 曾丽娜 Objectives: (目标) 1.Language knowledge 语言知识: 1)Review the vocabularies: apple, pear, orange, banana, grape. 2)Review the sentence structures: What fruit do you like? I like .s. s are good for us. 3) Pupils can speak out the concerned function languages. 2.Language skill 语言技能: 1) Pupils are able to make the dialogue by the given strutures. 2) Pupils are able to locate the answers in the listening. 3) Pupils can read and locate information according to the questions provided beforehand. 3. Learning strategies 学习策略: 1) Pupils can communicate with others by using the learning content from the text. 2) Pupils can make dialogue fluently. 4. Affect 情感态度: Pupils will know that sharing is very important. Sharing will bring us happiness. Learning focused(重 点) Pupils can practise the learned vocabularies and sentence structures. Pupils can understand the passages well. Learning difficulties( 难点) Pupils can understand the passages and learn the words. Teaching resources( 教学资源) 幻灯片,worksheet, pictures of fruits, words, sentences Words: peach, mango, berry, cherry, sour , crunchy, sweet, juicy, Extension (拓展部分)Structure: Procedures:Teaching ActivityLearning ActivityObjectives Warming up 1.Sing a song. (T: Children, lets sing a song.”What s this?”) Sing.1.让学生放松心情, 活跃课堂气氛并为以下的 活动做好铺垫。 Revision and consolidation (Speaking ) 1. Review the words of fruits. (T: Children, it is Fruit Day today. 齐读课题 Lets review fruit first.)(Ask Ss to guess. T:Children,whats this? How to spell ? Read words of fruit together.) 2. Know more fruits. (Ss learn the 4 fruits by themselves. Present the plural form of the fruits. Ask Ss to put the plural words in the correct basket.Ss sum up the rules of changing the single form to plural form.) 3. Ss get to know the features of fruits by playing “Bingo game”.(T: Children, lets play bingo game. Lets begin. I like these fruit. Some are yellow . Some are green.) 4. Pair work.(A. What fruit do you like? B: I like _s. _s are good for us.What fruit do you like ? A: I like _s. _s are good for us.) Report. 5. Present mindmap.(T: Children, I like bananas. They are yellow. They are long. They are sweet and soft. When we talk about fruits. We can talk about its colour, shape and taste. Teach the words: sour, juicy, crunchy, sweet, long, soft.Ask Ss to make sentences. ) 6. Pair work.I likes. They are(colour).They are(shape).They are(taste).They are yummy. 1.Guess, spell and read. 2.Learn, read and sum up. 3. Listen and say bingo. 4. Talk. 5. Listen and learn. 6. Talk. 1. 通过猜的游戏-复习水果单词,同时复习水 果单词的拼写,能够抓住学生的注意力。 2.名词单数变复数是本单元的重点,通过及时 帮助学生梳理总结单数变复数的规律,让学 生更加扎实地掌握语法知识。 3.通过游戏 Bingo,灵活地用描述水果的句子 巩固学生的听力。本活动既锻炼了学生的听 力,又能使学生高度集中精神,又能为下面 的活动做好铺垫。 4.在学生两两交流中,培养孩子合作意识和合 作精神,能够顺利完成说话训练。 5.思维导图作为一种学习的策略,能促 进学生进行有意义的学习,促使他们 整合新旧知识,建构知识网络,浓缩 知识结构,使学生能从整体上把握知 识,在课堂上利用思维导图既能提高 学生的学习兴趣,又能提高教学效率。 6.在学生两两交流中,培养孩子合作意 Revision and consolida tion (Listening and reading.) Report. 7.Listening practice.(T: Children, today is Fruit Day. Kelly is reading a rhyme. Can you read out these words ? Ask Ss to listen twice and circle the correct words. Ask Ss to read the rhyme together.) 8. Listening and reading.(T: Children, this is Princess Grace. Explain ”princess”, Is she happy? Why isnt she happy? Lets listen. Ask Ss to listen to paragraph 1 twice. S1 answer: Because she has no friends. She is lonely.Present the detail questions. Ask the Ss to keep them in mind and listen to the whole story twice. Ask Ss to answer the questions.Present the question: What does Princess Grace want? Does she want pets? fruits? toys?No.She wants friends. Listen again and read together. ) 9. Emotional education.(We need friends. We like to share. When we share, we will be happy.) 10. Pair work. (T: Children, lets share fruits. A: I like s. They are yummy. Do you want some s? B: Yes, please./ No, thank you. I dont like s. ) Report. 7. Listen ,circle and read. 8. Listen, answer and read. 9. Emotional education. 10. Talk. 识和合作精神,能够顺利完成说话训 练。 7.通过听小诗歌,选出押韵的单词,培养语感。 自然拼读的渗透对于三年级学生来说尤为重 要。 8. 通过拓展阅读,大幅度提升学生的英语听 说能力和获取知识的能力。孩子们学到了自己 喜爱的英语对话和故事,使英语学习在另一个 情境中得到了运用和延伸。 9. 情感是英语教学的重要内容, 实施情感教 学是培养学生积极情感、消除消极情感、促进 学生健全人格的主渠道. 10. 让学生进行两两对话,学会分享,享受分 享给孩子们带来的美好体验。 Development (Writing) Writing. (Children, please write down something about your favourite fruit.I like.s. I have_ _s. They are They are. They are They are yummy. They are good for us.)Report. Write and share.通过写话,有利于培养学生的总结能力和 写作能力,并且通过写作梳理本节课内容。 Sum upEmotional education。 (T:Children, please be ready to share, and you will be a happy guy. ) Try to summarise.情感教育是促进孩子健全人格的主渠道,学生 只有对自己、对英语、对学习英语及其英语文 化有了积极的情感,才能保持学习英语的动力 并取得好成绩,让学生学会分享。 Homework用英文介绍自己喜欢的水果给爸爸妈妈听。 板书设计:板书设计: Mudule 4 Fruit Day peach berry mango cherry I likes. I have_ _s. They are_ (颜色). apples mangoes berries They are_ (形状). pears peaches cherries They are_ (味道). grapes 篮子 2 篮子 3 They are yummy. oranges They are good for us. bananas 篮子 1
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