教科版(广州)五下Module 5 Safety-Unit 10 How to stay safe-Let's read-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:a02bc).zip

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一、一、课堂听力材料课堂听力材料 听录音两次,听录音两次, 并在文中找出并在文中找出 Jinquan Primary School 校规并画线。校规并画线。 John: Hi, my name is John. Its my first term at Jinquan Primary School. Miss Ye: Hi, John. Nice to meet you! This is a great school, but there are a lot of rules.(规则规则) John: Really? What are some of the rules? Miss Ye: Well, we must wear the school uniform(校服)(校服) from Monday to Friday. And dont be late for school every day. They are very important. John: OK, so we must be on time. Can we bring some toys to school? Miss Ye: No, we cant. John: I see. Miss Ye: And we also have to be quiet in the classroom. John: All right. Is there anything we cant do in the computer room? Miss Ye: Oh, we cant bring any food or drinks into the computer room. John: I got it. (我明白了。(我明白了。 )Thank you , Miss Ye. 二、课后短文练习二、课后短文练习 Transport Safety Rules(交通安全交通安全):读短文,选择正确的答案,并把编号填在题:读短文,选择正确的答案,并把编号填在题 前的括号内。前的括号内。 Here are some transport safety 1)_ for you. When you are on the plane. Please stay in your chair and fasten your seat belt(系紧安全带系紧安全带). When you are in the bus or underground, you can see the sigh 2) _. It means No food and drink.” When your parents are driving, they should be 3) _. If you see this sign , it means: 4)_. It is not 5)_. If you are on a ship, please dont 6)_the fence(栅栏栅栏). You may fall down. Safety first. Dont forget! ( )1. A . rule B. rules C. toys ( )2. A . B. C. ( )3. A . patient B. special C. careful ( )4. A . Dont put your head out of the window B. Dont talk here. C. Dont run on the stairs ( )5. A . safe B. safety C. danger ( )6. A . get B. take C. climb Module 5 Safety * Lets chant RedRed atat thethe top.top. YouYou mustmust stop.stop. Yellow inin between.between. GetGet readyready forfor green.green. GreenGreen below.below. YouYou cancan go.go. Look and say. play with a knife climb a tree eat a bad apple touch a fan feed the animals run on the stairs play football in the street look and say cross the streetroad play games in the street at the traffic lights from strangers safety crossing in trouble How to stay safe at home? Watch out! Be careful ! Dont _. Its _. You may _. Safety first. Dont forget. 1. _ wash your hands before you eat. 2. _ eat bad things. 3. _ climb tall trees. 4. _ run near the very hot water . 5. _ drink dirty water. 6. _ walk on the wet floor. 7. _ drink warm water in the morning. 8. _let a stranger come into your house when your parents are not at home. Safety at home, Dos and Donts Do Dont Dont Don t Do Dont Dont Don t John: Hi, my name is John. Its my first term at Jinquan Primary School. Miss Ye: Hi, John. Nice to meet you! This is a great school, but there are a lot of rules.(规则) John: Really? What are some of the rules? Miss Ye: Well, we must wear the school uniform(校服) from Monday to Friday. And dont be late for school every day. They are very important. John: OK, so we must be on time. Can we bring some toys to school?Miss Ye: No, we cant. John: I see. Miss Ye: And we also have to be quiet in the classroom. John: All right. Is there anything we cant do in the computer room? Miss Ye: Oh, we cant bring any food or drinks into the computer room. John: I got it. (我明白了。)Thank you , Miss Ye. Listen and underline. John: Hi, my name is John. Its my first term at Jinquan Primary School. Miss Ye: Hi, John. Nice to meet you! This is a great school, but there are a lot of rules.(规则) John: Really? What are some of the rules? Miss Ye: Well, (1)we must wear the school uniform(校服) from Monday to Friday. And (2)dont be late for school every day. They are very important. John: OK, so we must be on time. Can we bring some toys to school? Miss Ye: No, we cant. (3) We cant bring any toys to school. John: I see. Miss Ye: And (4)we also have to be quiet in the classroom. John: All right. Is there anything we cant do in the computer room? Miss Ye: Oh, (5) we cant bring any food or drinks into the computer room. John: I got it. (我明白了。)Thank you , Miss Ye. 在文中找出在文中找出Jinquan Primary School校规并画线。校规并画线。 How to stay safe at school? You shouldnt _. You should _. run in the hallway(走廊走廊) run in the playground How to stay safe at school? You shouldnt _. You should _. fight(打闹) in the classroom be quiet How to stay safe at school? You shouldnt _. You should _. play football in the classroom play football in the playground How to stay safe at school? Please dont _. You should _. throw the rubbish(扔垃扔垃 圾圾) on the floor throw the rubbish into the rubbish bin(垃圾 桶) How to stay safe at school? Please dont _. You should _. run on the stairs walk on the stairs * How to stay safe in the street? What do you think of the video? Think about: What are they doing? Is it safe? .shouldnt . .should. safety crossing at the traffic lights Think about: What are they doing? Is it safe? .shouldnt . .should. cross the road Think about: What are they doing? Is it safe? .shouldnt . Its dangerous. skate in the street Think about: What are they doing? Is it safe? .shouldnt . Its dangerous. play games in the street Safety at home in the street at school Make a poster * GROUP SHOW: 1st: (组长组长)Hello,everyone.We choose 2nd: 组员轮流说规则。组员轮流说规则。 3rd: : (合 合) Safety first. Dont forget! Thank you. Safety first. Dont forget! * Homework: 1.1.制定居家安全规则,并张贴在客厅。(制定居家安全规则,并张贴在客厅。( 此项作业需拍照上传到班群)此项作业需拍照上传到班群) 2.提班级安全规则建议提班级安全规则建议,由组长整理上交由组长整理上交 给给Miss Ye。 3.完成一篇交通安全短文练习。完成一篇交通安全短文练习。 How to stay safe at school? Please dont _. You should _. run on the wet floor walk slowly(慢行) 课题:课题:Module 5 Safety课时课时:第第 7 课时课时 课型:课型: 模块整体复习模块整体复习 课课 中心发言人中心发言人设计负责人设计负责人 参加设计研讨人员参加设计研讨人员谭春霞谭春霞 何慧何慧 叶丽芳叶丽芳 教学内容分析简析教学内容分析简析 本模块话题是本模块话题是 safety.safety. InIn UnitUnit 9 9 andand Unit10Unit10 主要学习了居家安全、在校安全主要学习了居家安全、在校安全 和街道活动安全;本课是模块整体复习课。课本和街道活动安全;本课是模块整体复习课。课本 UnitUnit 9 9 和和 Unit10Unit10 呈现的学习内容呈现的学习内容 较少,基本以点带面,不能满足孩子的安全意识需求和语言交际需求。所以本课通过较少,基本以点带面,不能满足孩子的安全意识需求和语言交际需求。所以本课通过 身边真实的素材,不安全行为照片、音频等创设语境,加大学生的语言输出量,并加身边真实的素材,不安全行为照片、音频等创设语境,加大学生的语言输出量,并加 强学生的安全意识,最后能提出安全规则建议。本课将学习内容划分为:强学生的安全意识,最后能提出安全规则建议。本课将学习内容划分为:HowHow toto stasta y y safesafe atat home?home? HowHow toto staystay safesafe atat school?school? HowHow toto staystay safesafe inin thethe streestree t?t? 学情分析学情分析 学生经过学生经过 UnitUnit 9 9 和和 Unit10Unit10 的学习,已经积累了关于的学习,已经积累了关于 safetysafety 的一些词汇,并学的一些词汇,并学 会了用祈使句对不安全行为进行规劝。本课通过身边真实的素材,不安全行为照片、会了用祈使句对不安全行为进行规劝。本课通过身边真实的素材,不安全行为照片、 音频等创设语境,把课本上的知识和老师上课引申出来的知识点在创设的语境中再次音频等创设语境,把课本上的知识和老师上课引申出来的知识点在创设的语境中再次 呈现,在呈现,在 phrasesphrases 和和 sentencesentence patternspatterns 的帮助下,激发学生的安全意识和规则意识,的帮助下,激发学生的安全意识和规则意识, 并不断激发学生口头输出的意愿,对不安全行为进行规劝,最后能提出安全规则建议。并不断激发学生口头输出的意愿,对不安全行为进行规劝,最后能提出安全规则建议。 教学目标分析教学目标分析 1.1.知识与技能:知识与技能:(1)(1)在情境运用祈使句规劝他人不安全行为。在情境运用祈使句规劝他人不安全行为。 (2)(2) 能听懂或读懂与课文难度相当的文段。能听懂或读懂与课文难度相当的文段。 (3)(3) 能口头、笔头给出一些安全建议。能口头、笔头给出一些安全建议。 2.2.过程与方法:将语言知识运用于真实的情境中。过程与方法:将语言知识运用于真实的情境中。 3.3.情感态度和价值观:通过谈论情感态度和价值观:通过谈论 safetysafety atat homehome,safetysafety atat school,school, safetysafety inin thethe streetstreet 引导学生注意安全,增强安全意识。引导学生注意安全,增强安全意识。 教学短语重、难教学短语重、难 点点 1.【1.【教学重点教学重点】:在真实的语境中,在:在真实的语境中,在 phrasesphrases 和和 sentencesentence patternspatterns 的帮助下,激的帮助下,激 发学生的安全意识和规则意识,并不断激发学生口头输出的意愿,对不安全行为进行发学生的安全意识和规则意识,并不断激发学生口头输出的意愿,对不安全行为进行 规劝,最后能提出安全规则建议。规劝,最后能提出安全规则建议。 2.【2.【教学难点教学难点】:能口头、笔头给出一些安全建议。:能口头、笔头给出一些安全建议。 准备准备 课前课前 短语卡片、金太阳、短语卡片、金太阳、 金泉小学视频短片、金泉小学学生运动会和日常活动金泉小学视频短片、金泉小学学生运动会和日常活动 PPTPPT 图片图片 、篮球、足球、溜冰鞋、头饰等、篮球、足球、溜冰鞋、头饰等 教学过程(第教学过程(第 7 7 课时)课时) 教学环节教学环节教学活动教学活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Warm-upWarm-up 1.1. LetsLets chant.chant. 2.2. ReviseRevise somesome phrases.phrases. 1.1. ChantChant byby doingdoing actions.actions. 2.2. LookLook atat picturespictures andand saysay thethe phrases.phrases. LetsLets chantchant 是从是从 二年级下册选择的较二年级下册选择的较 朗朗上口的一则关于朗朗上口的一则关于 交通安全的小诗,简交通安全的小诗,简 单易懂,既符合本课单易懂,既符合本课 学习内容要求,又能学习内容要求,又能 活跃课堂气氛。短语活跃课堂气氛。短语 的复习是为接下来的的复习是为接下来的 语言输出做热身的。语言输出做热身的。 HowHow toto staystay safesafe atat home?home? 1. Look and say. 2.2. Dos and Donts. 3.3. 概括本模块学习过概括本模块学习过 的祈使句句式。的祈使句句式。 1.学生看图观察,并对以学生看图观察,并对以 下不安全行为进行面对面规下不安全行为进行面对面规 劝(复习劝(复习 Unit 9 规劝句型)规劝句型) : Watch out! Be careful ! Dont _. Its _. You may _. Safety first. Dont forget! 2.选择填空:选择填空: Dos and Don ts 引导学生掌握更多关于引导学生掌握更多关于 居家安全的规则。居家安全的规则。 通过真实的不安通过真实的不安 全行为照片创设情境,全行为照片创设情境, 引导学生整理运用祈引导学生整理运用祈 使句规劝他人关于居使句规劝他人关于居 家不安全行为。家不安全行为。 HowHow toto staystay safesafe atat school?school? 1.1. LookLook andand ListenListen toto a a dialoguedialogue andand underlineunderline thethe rulesrules ofof JinquanJinquan PrimaryPrimary School.School. 2.2. 规劝本班同学在校的规劝本班同学在校的 不安全行为。不安全行为。 1.1.听力训练:从文中找出金听力训练:从文中找出金 泉小学的校规并画线。泉小学的校规并画线。 2.2.看本班学生图片,在短语看本班学生图片,在短语 和句型的帮助下对不安全行和句型的帮助下对不安全行 为进行规劝。为进行规劝。 1.1.听力材料是由老师听力材料是由老师 结合本校实际情况创结合本校实际情况创 编的,主要训练学生编的,主要训练学生 听听力提取信息和整听听力提取信息和整 合信息的能力。合信息的能力。 2.2. 通过真实的图片创通过真实的图片创 设情境,并不断重现设情境,并不断重现 关于安全的词组和规关于安全的词组和规 劝的句型,加大学生劝的句型,加大学生 的语言输出量,增强的语言输出量,增强 他们的安全意识。他们的安全意识。 HowHow toto staystay safesafe inin thethe streetstreet ? ? 1.1. WatchWatch a a video.video. 2.2. 规劝在街道上的不安规劝在街道上的不安 全行为。全行为。 1.1. WhatWhat dodo youyou thinkthink ofof thethe video?video? KnowKnow somesome traffictraffic signalssignals . . 2.2. LookLook atat picturespictures andand tips,thinktips,think aboutabout WhatWhat shouldntshouldshouldntshould thethe dodo inin thethe streetstreet . . 通过真实的纪录通过真实的纪录 片短视频,激发学生片短视频,激发学生 交通安全意识,并在交通安全意识,并在 这强烈的意识下对街这强烈的意识下对街 道上的不安全行为进道上的不安全行为进 行思考和规劝。行思考和规劝。 MakeMake a a posterposter inin groupsgroups 小组合作制作一张关于安小组合作制作一张关于安 全的海报,题目自选。全的海报,题目自选。 每个组员轮流提安全规每个组员轮流提安全规 则建议,组长负责写下来,则建议,组长负责写下来, 最后汇报。最后汇报。 通过一系列的口通过一系列的口 头输出,检验学生笔头输出,检验学生笔 头给出安全规则建议头给出安全规则建议 情况。情况。 Sum-upSum-up MayMay DayDay isis coming.Ifcoming.If youyou areare goinggoing toto gogo forfor a a trip,trip, pleaseplease remember:remember: SafetySafety first!first! TheThe weatherweather isis gettinggetting hothot now,now, pleaseplease dontdont swimswim inin a a lakelake oror a a river.river. ItsIts dangerous.dangerous. YouYou shouldshould swimswim inin a a swimmingswimming poolpool withwith youryour parents.parents. 五一劳动节快要五一劳动节快要 到了,请同学们要牢到了,请同学们要牢 记:记:SafetySafety first!first! 课后作业课后作业 1.1.制定居家安全规则,并张贴在客厅。制定居家安全规则,并张贴在客厅。 (此项作业需拍照上传到班群)(此项作业需拍照上传到班群) 2.2.提班级安全规则建议,由组长整理上交给提班级安全规则建议,由组长整理上交给 MissMiss YeYe。 3.3.完成一篇交通安全短文练习。完成一篇交通安全短文练习。 板书设计板书设计 ModuleModule 5 5 SafetySafety
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