教科版(广州)五下Module 5 Safety-Unit 10 How to stay safe-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:a01bd).zip

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(第 3课时) 义务教育广州版小学英语教材 MODULE 5 U10 How to stay safe Lets help Aki Lets chant: Look to the left Look to the left. Look to the right. Is there a truck, Or a bus in sight? Theres none on the left. Theres none on the right. The way is clear. We can cross alright. Lets say , Do or Dont touch the fan take money from a stranger run on the stairs play in the street tell your teacher cross the road cut yourself fall down leave school walk on the wet floor 目的:复习9,10课的词汇 步骤: 使用提示: climb the tall tree cross the road at the safety crossing keep dangerous animals at the zoo look to the left and then right play basketball on the playground walk pets on the road be careful cross the street when the traffic light is redtake money from a stranger 1. Aki crosses the road when the traffic light is red. 2. Aki doesnt cross the street at the safety crossing. 3. Aki often gives the child foods or drinks in the street. 4. Aki keeps the snakes at home. 5. Aki likes climbing the fence. Aki is always in trouble. Aki is in trouble again. Aki _(can, mustnt) feed the animals. Aki _( can, mustnt ) climb the fence. Aki _( should, shouldnt ) enter. Aki _( can, mustnt ) enter. The lion is dangerous. Aki,it is not allowed! To_ is not allowed. Aki shouldnt _. To_ is not allowed. Aki mustnt _. To_ is not allowed. Aki cant _. Be careful! Beware of falling rocks. Help Aki learn more signs. Dont _. You shouldnt _. You mustnt _ . To _ is not allowed. Lets help Aki learn the signs Lets help Aki more. Read and choose ( ) 1. We must know the _ on the roads. A. rules B. problems C. buses ( ) 2. When we cross the road, you must _. A. look to the left B. look to the right C. A and B ( ) 3. When the traffic light is _, you can cross the road. A. red B. green C. yellow ( ) 4. People drive on the side _ of the road in China. A. right B. left C. A and B ( ) 5. There are _ to stay safe on the road. A. two rules B. three rules C. four rules A c B A B Road safety rules Look to the left, then look to the right. Wait at the pavement. Look out for cars and buses. Go with people. 1. Walk on the pavement , not on the street. 2. Cross the road at the safety crossing. 3.Follow the traffic light. 1. Aki crosses the road when the traffic light is red. 2. Aki doesnt cross the street at the safety crossing. 3. Aki often gives the child foods or drinks in the street. 4. Aki keeps the snakes at home. 5. Aki likes climbing the fence. Aki is always in trouble. shouldnt cross should cross shouldnt give mustnt keep mustnt climb Lets check-选用所给的单词填空,使对话完整。 stay cant light can safe When must mustnt cross green There are many cars in the streets. Now Jiamin and Aki are at the crossing. Jiamin: Look, Aki. There are so many cars in the street. Aki: Is the street _ now? Jiamin: No. Look at the traffic _. Its red. We _ cross the street. We must _ here. Aki: Look at the traffic light. Its yellow now. _ we cross the street now? Jiamin: Not yet. We _ wait. Aki: Its _ now. Jiamin: Yes, we can cross the street now. Aki: I know now. _ the traffic light is red, we _ cross the street. And we can _ when it is green. safe light mustnt stay Can must green When cant cross Lets go to Dingdong with Aki. Read the dialogue and discuss: Do you like living on Dingdong? Why or Why not? Being fun and free is more important. I can be free to do anything. Following the rules is more important. It can help us to stay safe. Safety first! Dont forget! Homework 1. Read and act out the story. 2. Make some rules for Aki, then he can do well on Earth. 1 义务教育教科书五年级英语下册 Module 5 Safety Unit 10 How to stay safe (Lets help Aki) 一、教学内容分析 Module 5 的主要话题内容是安全,Unit 9 主要介绍居家安全,Unit 10 主 要介绍学校、户外的安全。 本模块涉及的场景比较多,但分散,因此本课的设 计在户外方面发掘,以 Aki 来到地球后,经常做出一些违反规则的事情为话题, 本模块 Story time 故事为切入,和 Aki 一起认识一些警示标志和通过阅读练习, 了解中国的一些交通规则。引导学生对 Aki 的行为进行探究,通过读 Welcome to Dingdong 了解 Aki 在 Dingdong 的一些行为习惯,并进行讨论和对运用 Do、Dont、should、shouldnt、must、mustnt、can、cant 对其安全行为进行肯 定或规劝,Aki 进行帮助和纠正。 二、教学对象分析 学生通过前面五个课时的学习,以及日常安全教育已获得相关的常识,知识, 学生对本模块的话题内容也相当熟悉。有趣的教学内容及情景的设计,有助激 发学习兴趣。学生积累了一些短语,具备一定的语言表达能力,老师提供场景, 语言框架,学生逐步有表达自己意见的欲望和能力。同时也具备辨析能力,对 不安全的行为能正确规劝,主动参与,愿意用英语完成任务。 三、教学目标 (一)语言能力目标 1、听、说、读以下单词和短语:earth, snake, fence, enter, allow, follow the rules, climb the fence。 2、巩固运用 Do、Dont、should、shouldnt、must、mustnt、can、cant 对安全 行为进行肯定或规劝。 2 3、能读懂 Story time 中的故事,并正确使用 Do、Dont、should、shouldnt、must、mustnt、can、cant 对 Aki 的不安全行为 进行规劝。 4、能读出 Did you know 中警告牌上面的内容,并明白意思。 5、能读懂课外阅读材料 Road safety rules, Welcome to Dingdong ,完成相关任 务。 (二)思维品质目标 1、通过短语、故事的学习,培养学生分析、判别能力,正确区分安全与不安全 行为。 2、 引导学生阅读文章了解中国交通规则, 构建行人如何过马路的思维导图, 培养学生的逻辑思维能力。 3、 通过读 Welcome to Dingdong 对话,引导学生展开问题思考,讨论,培养学 生思维主动性。 (三)文化品格目标 1、通过视频、阅读材料,能树立安全第一的观念。 2、通过读 Welcome to Dingdong 对话,认识当我们向往自由的同时,遵守规则 的重要性。 (四)学习能力目标 1、 在阅读过程中,培养学生略读、扫读等阅读技巧。 2、能在阅读课文过程中提取关键信息解决问题。 四、教学中、难点 1、重点 3 运用 Do、Dont、should、shouldnt、must、mustnt、can、cant 对安全行为进行 肯定或规劝。 学习 To . is not allowed. 2、难点 准确运用 Do、Dont、should、shouldnt、must、mustnt、can、cant 对安全行为 进行肯定或规劝。 五、教学过程 (一)Leading-in 1. Free talk Do you remember Aki? Where is he from? Where is he now? He is on Earth. He is always in trouble after he comes to Earth. Do you know Why? (通过交谈,引出本节课学习的主题和目标, Lets help Aki stay safe.) 2. Lets chant, Look to the left (热身,复习行人如何安全过马路) 3. Let have quick responses 快速反应,读短语,用 Do、Dont、should、shouldnt、must、mustnt 进行造句。 feed the animals at the zoo, climb the trees , play on the road,cross the road when the traffic light is red, walk pets on the road,cross the street at the safety crossing, go near the animals at the zoo,be careful,play on the playground,keep dangerous animals in the zoo (复习短语,用词造句为后面的学习做准备) (二)Pre-reading 4 1. Lets read , Aki is always in trouble. a) Aki crosses the road when the traffic light is red. b) Aki doesnt cross the street at the safety crossing. c) Aki often gives the child foods or drinks in the street. d) Aki keep the snakes at home. e) Aki likes climbing the fence. (读句子,了解 Aki 的不安全行为,为后面阅读做准备) 2. Story time a)Lets talk , Today Aki is in trouble again. (看故事图片,谈论 Aki 今天遇到哪些麻烦) b)Lets watch (看故事视频,了解故事内容) c)Lets read and say (看图读故事,根据故事内容谈论 Aki,选择正确的词语填空) d)Lets learn, To is not allowed. Aki shouldnt (根据故事中的警示牌操练句型) 3. Did you know? Here are some warning signs. Lets help Aki learn more signs. And then practice with some signs. Dont _. You shouldnt _. You mustnt _ . 5 To _ is not allowed. 3. Help Aki to correct his mistakes. (三)While - reading 1. Read and then choose the correct answers, Road safety rules There are many busy roads in a big place like Guangzhou. We can see many buses, cars, bikes on the road. To stay safe on the road, we must follow some rules(遵守规则). First, walk on the pavement(人行道), not on the street. It is not safe to run or walk on the roads. Cars and buses run fast. You may get hurt. And dont play on the road, its very dangerous. Second, cross the road at the safety crossing. When you cross the road, first look to the left and then to the right. Because people drive on the right side(边)of the road in China. But when you are in the UK and Australia, you must first look to the right then look to the left because people drive on the left side of the road. If there is no safety crossing near you, you must wait at the pavement and look out for(小心提 防) cars and buses. You can go with people so drivers can see clearly(清楚地). Third, follow the traffic lights. You shouldnt cross the road when the traffic light is red. You can go when the green light is on. Dont forget. Safety first. ( ) 1. We must know the _ on the roads. A. rules B. problems C. buses ( ) 2. When we cross the road, you must _. A. look to the left B. look to the right C. A and B 6 ( ) 3. When the traffic light is _, you can cross the road. A. red B. green C. yellow ( ) 4. People drive on the _ side of the road in China. A. right B. left C. A and B ( ) 5. There are _ to stay safe on the road. A. two B. three rules C. four rules 2. Sum-up, how to cross the road safely. (通过交谈,归纳行人过马路的守则,形成思维导图) (四)Post-reading 1. Let have a check-up 选用方框中所给的单词填空,使对话完整。 stay cant light can safe When must mustnt cross green There are many cars in the streets. Now Jiamin and Aki are at the crossing. Jiamin: Look, Aki. There are so many cars in the street. Aki: Is the street _ now? Jiamin: No. Look at the traffic _. Its red. We _ cross the street. We must _ here. Aki: Look at the traffic light. Its yellow now. _ we cross the street now? Jiamin: Not yet. We _ wait. 7 Aki: Its _ now. Jiamnin: Yes, we can cross the street now. Aki: I know now. _ the traffic light is red, we _ cross the street. And we can _ when it is green. 2. Lets read and discuss. a) What do think of Aki? He doesnt do well in safety.Why? Lets go to Dingdong, and find the answers. Read the dialogue, Welcome to Dingdong. Aki: Welcome to dingdong- a place that is lots of fun! You are free (自由的) to do anything you like here! Xiaoling: Is this a street or a playground? The cars are driving around, but children are playing ball games. Ben: And people are walking pets are among(在中间)the cars, too! Aki: Its a street! People are free to do anything they like in the street! And they are free to cross the street at any time they want to. Ben: But thats dangerous! The cars may hit(撞击)people! Aki: Maybe! But on Dingdong, having fun and being free is more important! Children: We dont like the street, lets go to your house first. They go to Akis home Tom: Wow, you have so many animals in your home! Ben: Dont get close to them. Tigers and snakes are dangerous! Tom: Why are there so many dangerous animals in your house? 8 Aki: They are all my pets. They are from Earth(地球) Ben: But on Earth, we keep dangerous animals in the zoo! Aki: On dingdong, we are free to keep any animals we like at home! Lets go and meet them! Children: No, thank you, Aki, please take us back to Earth. b) After reading, lets have a discussion. Do you like living on Dingdong? Why or why not? Like: Being fun and free is more important. I can be free to do anything. Dont like: If we dont obey the rules, everything will be messy. Sum-up: Following the rules is more important. It can help us to stay safe. Safety first! Dont forget! (五)Homework 1. Read and act out the story. 2. Make some rules for Aki, then he can do well on Earth. 六、板书设计 Module 5 Safety Unit 10 How to stay safe (Lets help Aki) Dont climb the fence. earth 9 You shouldnt climb the fence. snake You mustnt climb the fence. fence To climb the fence is not allowed. enter
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