教科版(广州)五下Module 5 Safety-Unit 10 How to stay safe-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:5002b).zip

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My Body Belongs to MeMy Body Belongs to Me Module 5 Safety Module 5 Safety 拓展拓展阅读课阅读课 safe brave one once nose froze new-view get gem be-live believed saw fault well yell be-long belong Round 1Round 1 about proud secret ssecret si ikrkr t t knees nknees ni iz z elbowelbowe elblb scaredskscaredskeed d quiet kwquiet kwaat t privateprivate prpraav v t t Round 2Round 2 5 Head and shoulders Lets sing 6 book title author Jill Starishevsky Angela Padronpainter free spirit publishing 7 Picture tourPicture tour How does the boy feel ? How does the boy feel? If you are the boy,what will you do? What happened? I will tell I will tell someone.someone. I wont tell I wont tell anyone.anyone. Read P11- 22 ,finish Task 2Read P11- 22 ,finish Task 2 12 Lets order in numbers.Lets order in numbers. ( )I ran away fast, and then began to yell. ( )I got so scared I froze and just stayed where I sat. ( )I know it wasnt my fault and I did nothing wrong. And Im growing big and strong. ( )I told my mom and dad what had taken place(发 生). ( )I could have told my teacher what made me feel so sad. 1 2 5 3 4 13 1.What do mom and dad say ? 14 1.What do mom and dad say ? 15 2.By talking about it, what do I know ? 16 17 How do you know if someone is bad ? How to keep you safe from bad people ? 18 Lets watch 19 Look and thinkLook and think Is it OK if a man touches a girls breasts ? What should she do? 20 Look and thinkLook and think Is it OK if a man takes off his clothes before a girl ? What should she do? 21 Look and think: Yes or NoLook and think: Yes or No If you stay alone with a stranger, move to a place where some people around you. 22 Look and thinkLook and think Is it OK if a woman says “nice breasts” to a girl? What should she do? 23 Look and thinkLook and think Is it OK if a stranger take a girl to a lonely street ? What should she do? 24 Look and thinkLook and think Is it OK if a stranger hugs and kisses a child ? What should he do? 25 Look and think: Look and think: We shouldnt take presents from strangers. Its never late to say “NO” to the bad people. 26 My Body Belongs to Me My Body Belongs to Me My body belongs to meMy body belongs to me My body belongs to meMy body belongs to me Im happy, I am freeIm happy, I am free Loving every part of Loving every part of me. . From hairy head to tippy toeFrom hairy head to tippy toe Love and care will help me growLove and care will help me grow Touch me, treat me tenderlyTouch me, treat me tenderly Im learning to take care of meIm learning to take care of me Sometimes people hurt youSometimes people hurt you You dont know what to doYou dont know what to do Take a stand and tell them “no”Take a stand and tell them “no” You can be strong and powerfulYou can be strong and powerful Lets chant Body safety: Dos or Donts 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ . Do . Dont . Write and share Write and share Book Report Today we read a book,_. The author of the book is_ . The book tells us that we all have _. If someone see or touch your private parts,we should_ _ Write and share Write and share Summary Today I read the book _. The book is about_. I_(think/know) that_ _ Write and share Write and share A Letter of Appeal( 倡议书) Dear friends, I am writing this letter to call on everyone to keep _ . We should_ Lets start from ourselves. Dont scared. Lets take care of ourselves, we can be strong and powerful. Thank you ! _(name) Write and share Write and share 31 You can use these sentences: Do/Dont. We should/shouldnt. We may. Write and share Write and share 32 Always tell your parents Always tell your parents or teachersor teachers if someone if someone makes you uncomfortable.makes you uncomfortable. 任何人对你有不自在的触碰,任何人对你有不自在的触碰, 一定要告知父母或老师一定要告知父母或老师! 33 Read to learn more Read to learn more Book listBook listBook listBook list 34 1. 继续完成海报。 2. 给父母复述今天所 学的绘本。 HomeworkHomework Thank you Thank you 1 义务教育教科书英语五年级下册(三年级起点) Module 5 Safety My Body Belongs to Me 拓展阅读课教学设计 一、教学内容分析 本课是义务教育教科版五年级下册 Module 5 Safety 的拓展阅读课。在本模块学 习了包括对生活中如校园安全、居家安全、某场所的安全注意事项等,学生能使用 You should You shouldnt Dont Please You can/may等祈使句式向别人进 行规劝和告诫。本课所选的教学内容涉及身体隐私安全问题,向学生传递防性侵知识, 是本模块课本并没有提及到的内容,但却与学生的实际生活密切相关。 本课选用的绘本My Body Belongs to Me,故事是一个简单的场景,一个孩子被 一个叔叔的朋友不适当地触摸 。当孩子讲 出这件事,父母称赞孩子的勇敢时, 预防性侵这个有 力的信息 就会显示出来 。绘本最后显示的是一个骄傲的、微笑的孩子在做一个“强壮的手臂 ” 的姿势,这向孩子们传递一种正能量:发生这种事情不是他们的错,通过大声说出来,孩子将 继续成长壮大。 未成年人性侵,是一个让任何人看到都气愤到颤抖的名词,它就像一座罪恶的冰 山,露出海面的部分已经令人感到寒冷彻骨。选用此书主要希望从内容上填补课本上 身 体安全知识的空白,以简单的情节、押韵的语言和富有童趣的插图 教育学生认识身体的界 限,分享和讨论防性侵这个敏感的话题,教育学生如何预防和处理所面对的问题。 2、教学对象分析 五年级学生通过以往的英语学习,已经有了一定的语言积累和思维能力,也有一定 的安全意识和常识。但是读相对较长的文本 的能力、信息加工处理能力和自主学习能力 仍需教师进一步的培养,并进行阅读策略的指导。 由于本班对整节课进行全本绘本阅读 的经验不足,故此老师需要在阅读技能和表达输出方面作更多的引导。 三、教学目标 (一)语言能力目标 1.知识与技能目标 (1)能运用旧词或音标等方法学习新词。 (2)能在故事语境中理解新词意思,正确理解文本内容。 (3)能根据提示,复述绘本内容。 2 2.语用目标 (1)能恰当使用所学句子给出身体安全建议。 (2)能使用恰当的语言谈论有关身体安全的话题。 (二)学习能力目标 1.在阅读过程中,能通过 scanning,skimming 等阅读微技能获取的所需信息。 2.在学习过程中,能运用思维导图归纳篇章核心内容,大胆表达自己的观点。 (三)思维品质目标 能客观分析事情,根据已有的知识和经验对所学、所想进行辩证的思考和讨论。 (四)文化品格目标 通过学习,了解当今社会敏感但日渐凸显的问题,培养正确、勇敢地看待事情的 品格。 四、教学重、难点 (一)教学重点 1.结合已有知识通过阅读获取信息。 2.读懂绘本内容,并尝试用自己的语言表达感受。 (二)教学难点 理解绘本内容,并尝试归纳和复述。 五、教学理念及策略 1.重视思维品质的培养,从 社会现象出发,培养学生分析问题、判断是非等方面的思 维能力;引导学生开放思想, 从而提升其多元思考问题的品格形成。 2. 采用PWP 阅读模式教学,重视阅读习惯的培养,通过课堂教学活动指引、课后作 业 设置、延伸阅读资源等途径,培养学生读英文读物和积累知识的习惯。 3.因材施教,梯度、分层设计活动,激发每个学生积极参与阅读活动的热情,大 胆表达所思所想。 六、教学媒体 教学课件、研学案、绘本等 3 七、教学过程 I I. . Pre-readingPre-reading 1.Look and Say 【设计意图】以旧带新,利用学过的单词发音解决本课书中新单词的发音,为流利朗 读本课文本做准备。 2.Sing a song. 【设计意图】歌曲激趣,通过歌曲复习身体部位,并引出新内容。 3.Think and Talk: Whats the private part of the body? Can others see? Can others touch? 【设计意图】话题导入引发学生思考,引导学生认识身体的界限,并引出本课课题My Body belongs to me 4.Talk about the cover page. 【设计意图】了解封面信息,为后面的故事理解作背景介绍。 I II I. . While-readingWhile-reading 1. Picture tour 【设计意图】以图片环游的形式,让学生观察三幅图的情绪变化,激发学生对故事发 展的好奇心,并引导学生作阅读预测,为后面的总结概括做铺垫。 2.Read P1-6 and guess what will happen next. 【设计意图】全班读第 1-6 页,在学习过程中验证之前的预测,并预测故事的发展。 3.Read P7-10 page by page. 【设计意图】读第 7-10 页,获取故事的主线信息。 4.Have a debate competition: If it happens, do you tell someone or not? 【设计意图】通过辩论,引导学生开放思想,用辨证的思维思考问题。 5. Skim P11-22 and finish Task 2. 【设计意图】略读 P11-12 内容并完成练习,引导学生划出孩子倾诉后爸爸妈妈态度的 句子,让学生通过阅读了解正确的处理方法。 I II II I. .P Po os st t- -r re ea ad di in ng g 1.Watch the video of the story 【设计意图】看故事视频,整体感知绘本,帮助学生构建故事的主线信息。 4 2.Think and Talk:How do you know if someone is bad? How to stay safe? 【设计意图】引导学生坏人不是能从表面看出来的,所以学会预防是关键。 4.Watch a video 【设计意图】通过观看微课,学生明确保持身体安全的五个警报。 5.Look and Think 【设计意图】创设情景任务,引导学生根据已有生活经验 和新学知识作出预防判断, 在情 景中使用学到的语言。 6.Lets chant。 【设计意图】用小诗提炼文本的 中心思想,让身体安全的要诀更容易上口并牢记于心。 7.Writing 【设计意图】梯度分层写作,照顾不同程度的学生,培养学生对文本的整体感知技能, 和概括能力。 IV.IV. AssessmentAssessment ContentsAssessment 1.我能用旧词或音标的方法拼出新词。Excellent( )Good( )So so( ) 2. 我能理解绘本内容。 Excellent( )Good( )So so( ) 3.我能知道身体的界限及防范身体安全 的五个警报。 Excellent( )Good( )So so( ) 4.我能说出保护身体安全的主要方法和 正确做法。 Excellent( )Good( )So so( ) V.ReadV.Read toto learnlearn moremore 教师提供话题相关书目信息,鼓励学生课后进行相关延伸阅读。 【设计意图】提供书单资源,鼓励学生养成课外阅读习惯。 VI.HomeworkVI.Homework 1. 继续完成海报。 2. 给父母复述今天所学的绘本。
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