教科版(广州)五下Module 6 Directions-Unit 11 Can you tell me the way -Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频+素材)--(编号:b1001).zip

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I get a surprise egg. Do you want to know whats in it? You need to win the games, then open it. You can get some presents in it. Task 1 Task 3 Task 2 Task 4 Task 1: Review the words 词汇小能手词汇小能手 in by under behind beside on in front of near between on the left on the right in the middle of Game 2:Sharp Eyes Sharp Eyes post office library police station hotel train station gym market bank underground factory shopping centre school restaurant cinema museum park zoo Task 1 Task 3 Task 2 Task 4 Task 2: More about directions 方位小能手方位小能手 Here is the map of Eday Town. Lets talk about the place. Hotel Lego Bank Baby Caring Fire Station Cake House Gym Train Station Shopping Centre Cinema Underground Chocolate Factory Post Office Restaurant Childrens Hospital Modern Farm Police Park School Museum Lets talk Ga te Where is the _? It is _. cinema in front of the underground near the gym between the gym and the Childrens Hospital Hotel Lego Bank Baby Caring Fire Station Cake House Gym Train Station Shopping Centre Cinema Underground Chocolate Factory Post Office Restaurant Childrens Hospital Modern Farm Police Park School Museum Lets talk Where is the _? It is _. Ga te Task 1 Task 3 Task 2 Task 4 Task 3: Make a dialogue 造句小灵通造句小灵通 Hotel Lego Bank Baby Caring Fire Station Cake House Gym Train Station Shopping Centre Cinema Underground Chocolate Factory Post Office Restaurant Childrens Hospital Modern Farm Police Park School Museum Lets talkNow you are the Tour Guide(导游)(导游). Show the way to your classmates. Ga te Hotel Lego Bank Baby Caring Fire Station Cake House Gym Train Station Shopping Centre Cinema Underground Chocolate Factory Post Office Restaurant Childrens Hospital Modern Farm Police Park School Museum Lets talk Excuse me, _ you tell me the way to the _, please? Sure. Go _ then turn _ at the _ crossing. Is the park on the left or on the right? Its the _ building on your _, _. You cant miss it. Thank you very much. can/coul d par k straight ahead righ t firs t thir d le ft near the Childrens Hospital Ga te Hotel Lego Bank Baby Caring Fire Station Cake House Gym Train Station Shopping Centre Cinema Underground Chocolate Factory Post Office Restaurant Childrens Hospital Modern Farm Police Park School Museum Lets practise Excuse me, could you tell me the way to _, please? . Ga te Task 1 Task 3 Task 2 Task 4 Task 4: Development 拓展大赢家拓展大赢家 Janet made a map for her classmate Judy. Then she sent her a letter. Your need to read the letter, and help Judy to find out the box of gold( (黄金黄金) ). Youre here What can you see in the map? Youre here Youre here Go straight ahead. Then turn right at the second crossing. You will see a sign on your right. Which one is the box of gold? Box ABox BBox C Now, a witch(女巫)(女巫)comes. And she takes the gold to box A. Please write a letter to your best friend. Tell him the way to box A. Youre here Task 1 Task 3 Task 2 Task 4 More test Homework 1. Draw a map and write a letter to play with your classmates. 2. Do some reading about the topic of directions. 1 Module 6 Directions Unit 11 Can you tell me the way?(Period 3) 课型:巩固课课型:巩固课 一、一、 教材分析教材分析 本节课所采用的是九年义务教育六年制广州市小学英语教材五年级下册的教科书。本 节课的主要话题是 Module 6 Directions 第一个单元的复习课。这是学生并不陌生的话题, 在我们的日常生活中也常会遇到。本节课,我们将复习 Unit11 的第一课时的课文,方位介 词,巩固处所的单词和问路的核心句型。因为是复习课,要避免沉闷,所以,本节课设计 一个惊喜蛋,通过完成四个任务的方式来打开惊喜蛋,激发学生兴趣,知识由浅入深,引 导学生能观察,比较,分析地思考问题,通过各种活动和任务梳理本单元的知识。 二、二、 教学目标教学目标 A 知识与技能 语言知识: Words 单词:方位词、建筑物的名称 Sentences 句型:问路的句型 语言技能: a. 能运用已学的方位词表达位置 in front of、beside、behind、next to、on the right、on the left b. 能运用熟练运用问路的句型进行情景对话 Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to.,please? Of course. Go straight ahead then turn left/right at the crossing. Its the building on the left/right. B过程与方法 a.利用课件,把 pictures, video 等素材将每个知识点逐步呈现 b.教学设计从最简单的问题着手,每个环节紧密相连,话题紧扣 Directions。 c.通过互动形式,让学生们能发挥想象力,创造力去完成学习 C情感态度价值观 通过复习问路的句型,培养学生独立的个性,并让学生感知在生活中得使用礼貌用语, 培养学生的人际交往能力,学会交往。 三、三、教学重点与难点教学重点与难点 A. 描述某一地点的路线 B. 学以致用,会根据已学的问路的知识进行写作练笔 2 四、教学方法设计四、教学方法设计 A. 教师利用课件为课堂教学增色,使学生对课文学习不再枯燥乏味,使师生、生生之间 产生互动而达到良好的教学效果。 B. 通过有效引导提高学生的学习积极性与创新能力。 五、五、学生分析学生分析 学生们已经进入五年级第二学期的课程学习,关于英语问路的话题都是第一次接触, 这无疑给学生的学习增添了几分新鲜感。同时我们已学过了一些方位词及某些建筑物,会 让学生在问路的过程中感到简单明了。而且本课主题问路与指路是我们日常生活常常遇到 的,很多学生还会有这种亲身体验,这些都为老师的教学作了很好的铺垫。学生的自主学 习能力也会因为年龄的增长而大大加强,此时,老师适时、适度的指导能让学生更好地投 入到学习当中,并通过学习了解新知。 六、六、教学媒体与资源选择教学媒体与资源选择 本节课所采用的媒体有:电脑、课件、网络资源等。 七、七、教学实施过程教学实施过程 Teaching Procedures 教学过程教学过程 Teaching activity & Steps of the activity 教学活动及具体的活动操 作步骤 Learning strategies 学生学习策略 Purpose 设计意图 Task 1 Review the words Game 1: Pocket Mole Game 2: Sharp eye Review the words 介绍本课目标与营 造轻松的学习气氛, 同时为引出方位词 作铺垫 3 Task 2 More about directions Let them say out the position Watch the map, and say out the sentences about preposition. 通过看地图,说出 方位的句子及方位 词 Task 3 Make a dialogue 1. Find the route in the E-bay Town. 2. Ask to look at the pictures and make a dialogue about asking the way. 3. Let the pupils to show their dialogues. 1. Practice in a real situation and answer the way. 2. Practice in pairs. 3. Show their dialogues. 模拟实景训练 两人小组操练句型 展示练习成果 Task 4 Development 1. Read the letter, and help Judy to find out the box of gold. 2. Talk about the routines of other boxes. Finish the task in groups 通过阅读进一步复 习句型,仿照文章 重构文本,并小组 练习 More test (for some Ss) Do a testTest what we learned today 给学习能力优秀的 学生一些额外任务 Homework 1. Draw a map and write a letter to play with your classmates. 2. Do some reading about the topic of directions. 板书: Module 6 Directions Unit 11 Can you tell me the way? (Period 3) A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to ,please? B: Go straight ahead. Turn rightleft at thecrossing. The is on the .Its . .the . 4
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