教科版(广州)五下Module 7 Let's look back-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)--(编号:70a11).zip

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义务教育广州版小学英语教材义务教育广州版小学英语教材 Moudle 2 Plans Period 6 have. Activities play. take. visit. do. help. buy listen read. see. paint. .? watch make. go.复习所学 动词词组 ,为后面 的plan准 备。 plant Brainstorm holida y April 29 Sun. April 30 Mon. David Chen Dong Susan Tue. May 1st Ken 通过3 个孩子 ,引出 六一有 3天假 期。 Ken: We are gong to have a holiday for three days. What is your plan, Susan? Susan: I am going to stay in Guangzhou with my family and visit some nearby places. What about you, Ken? David: He will have a trip to Hong Kong. Susan: Will you travel too, David? David: Sure. I will fly to Beijing. I think I will be busy and happy. David Susan Ken David is going to _. Susan is going to _. Ken will _. stay in Guangzhou travel to Hong Kong travel to Beijing Guang Zhou On the first day we will _all day. On the _day morning, dad will drive us to Panyu. We are going to_. I _ to feed the lovely animals. In the afternoon we will go hiking. That evening we willl _. On the third day we are not going to do _. We will be tired and we will go to bed _. Im _well have a good time . 复习本单元短语 H second D early C go mountain climbingF cant wait A visit a farm G sure Fill in the blanks B camp under the stars E anything C H A Susan F B E D G On the first day we will _all day. On the _day morning, dad will drive us to Panyu. We are going to_. I _ to feed the lovely animals. In the afternoon we will go hiking. That evening we willl _. On the third day we are not going to do _. We will be tired and we will go to bed _. Im _well have a good time . 复习本单元短语 H second D early C go mountain climbingF cant wait A visit a farm G sure Lets read B camp under the stars E anything go mountain climbing second visit a farmcant wait camp under the stars anything early sure Susan Hong Kong Disneyland Ocean Park Garden StreetThe Mountain Park Listen and Write Date TimeplaceActivity Apr29th Sun._Disneyland _ _ Apr30th Mon. morning &afternoonThe Ocean Park_ evening_ May1st Tue.morningGarden Street _ _ / Girl: What are you going to do in Hong Kong, Ken? Ken: On the first day We are going to Disneyland . I cant wait to take photos with Mickey Mouse and Donal Duck. I ll play all the games there. Gilr: What about Saturday? Ken: Well. We are going to play in the Ocean Park. We can watch the animal shows.That night we will have a picnic in the mountain park. On June 3rd , we are going to Garden Street. We will go shopping. In the afternoon we will take a bus to Guang Zhou. Girl: Oh! You have a great plan for your holiday! I m sure Ken will _ Ken take photosplay games watch the animal shows have a picnic go shopping go back home all day the Mountain Park afternoon Try to Retell Date TimeplaceActivity April 29thall dayDisneyland April 30 morning &afternoon The Ocean Park eveningThe Mountain Park May 1st morning Garden Street afternoon / Girl: What are you going to do in Hong Kong, Ken? Ken: On the first day We are going to Disneyland . I cant wait to take photos with Mickey Mouse and Donal Duck. I ll play all the games there. Gilr: What about Saturday? Ken: Well. We are going to play in the Ocean Park. We can watch the animal shows.That night we will have a picnic in the mountain park. On June 3rd , we are going to Sim Sha Sui. We willgo shopping. In the afternoon we will take a bus to Guang Zhou. Girl: Oh! You have a great plan for your holiday! I m sure Ken will _ Ken take photos play games watch the animal shows have a picnic go shopping go back home David Lets learn Beijing Lets learn David Read and answer 如果有 时间, 播放一 段1分钟 的悉尼 宣传 片。再 进入阅 读并回 答问 题。 May Day is coming soon. I will travel to Beijing with my parents for three days. We will fly there on Saturday , April 29th. And then we are going to Tiananmen. Then, we will visit the Great Wall . That evening we will go to Beijing Cinema. I like to enjoy Peking Opera .The next day we will visit the Summer Palace. we can take a walk around the lake. On May 1st in the morning we are going to Wangfujing Street . I want to taste Beijing food and buy old Beijing cloth shoes for my grandma. After lunch we will fly back home. I m sure well have a good time in Beijing. May Day is coming soon. I will travel to Beijing with my parents for three days. We will fly there on Saturday , April 29th. And then we are going to Tiananmen. Then, we will visit the Great Wall . That evening we will go to Beijing Cinema. I like to enjoy Peking Opera .The next day we will visit the Summer Palace. we can take a walk around the lake. On May 1st in the morning we are going to Wangfujing Street . I want to taste Beijing food and buy old Beijing cloth shoes for my grandma. After lunch we will fly back home. I m sure well have a good time in Beijing. 1.How will they go there? _ 2.What are they going to do in Beijing Cinema? _ 3.When are they going to the Summer Palace? _ 4.What is David going to buy in Wangfujing Street? _ 5. Do you want to travel to Beijing? Why _ He is going to buy old Beijing cloth shoes. They will fly there. = They will go there by plane. They will enjoy Peking Opera. On April 30th. Yes, I do / No, I dont. Because David 旅游计划 my plan Day 1. Day 2 Day 3 in the morning _ in the afternoon _ that night _ I am sure _. Lets talk April 29th April 30th May 1st 小组内谈论 自己的六一 计划 巩固句型, 通过回 答Why,让学生表 达自己的想法。 Lets talk 一般将来时结构一般将来时结构 主+be going to + 动词原形动词原形 地点地点 + 将来时间 主 + will+ 动词原形动词原形 +将来时间 Sum Up May Day is coming soon. I will travel to Beijing with my parents for three days. We will fly there on Saturday , April 29th. Then we are going to Tiananmen. And then, we will visit the Great Wall . That evening we will go to Beijing Cinema. I like to enjoy Peking Opera .The next day we will visit the Summer Palace. we can take a walk around the lake. On May 1st in the morning we are going to Wangfujing Street . I want to taste Beijing food and buy old Beijing cloth shoes for my grandma. After lunch we will fly back home. I m sure well have a good time in Beijing. How to write Our holiday plan May Day is coming. We are going to On the first day _ _ _. the next day _ _ _. The last day _ 学生写并 分享. 评价 Lets write Our May Day PlanOur May Day PlanOur May Day PlanOur May Day Plan Lets share 评价标准 单词语法正确 语句通顺内容有新意 书写工整 Which plan do you Which plan do you Which plan do you Which plan do you like best? Whylike best? Whylike best? Whylike best? Why? assessment 评价标准 单词语法正确 语句通顺内容有新意 书写工整 Homework : Write your holiday plan Share you plan with your classmates. MoudleMoudle 2 2 PlansPlans PeriodPeriod 6 6 教学设计教学设计 一、教学内容分析 本课是五年级下册 Module 2 的第六个课时”综合拓展课” ,本课 以 Our Plans for May Day 为话题,对本模块进行综合拓展练习。 本课通过阅读三个小朋友各自的五一计划,学生可以习得构篇写作 方法, 并综合运用本模块语言知识, 通过小组交流合作完成构篇, 写出五一假期计划。 二、教学对象分析 五年级的学生已经有较强的认知基础, 具有一定的英语阅读和 口语表达能力,适合本课时以学生为中心的主题写作课堂。 在本单 元的前五课时中,学生对于 Plans 这一话题已经积累了一定的语言 基础。在本课时前置性学习任务中学生通过观看视频了解了广州, 香港和北京的一些旅游景点。 三、教学目标 (一)语言知识 Moudle 2 的重点词汇,语法和句型。 (二)语言技能 1.能熟练运用 M2 的重点词汇, 语法和句型; 2.能理解 May Day is coming 文本内容, 并习得构篇写作的方 法; 3.能构建 My Plan 思维导图, 并通过小组合作完成小语篇。 (三)语言情感与文化品格 能合理计划生活。 (四)学习策略 能利用思维导图进行写作构思。 四、教学重点 (一)文本的阅读和理解 (二)准确使用一般将来时小组合作构篇, 笔头描述五一假期 计划。 五、教学难点 能小组合作完整构篇,写出五一假期计划。 六、教学内容 文本一 On the first day we will go mountain climbing all day. On the second day morning, dad will drive us to Panyu. We are going to visit a farm. I cant wait to feed the lovely animals. In the afternoon we will go hiking.That evening we willl camp under the stars. On the third day we are not going to do anything. We will be tired and we will go to bed early. Im sure well have a good time . 文本二 Susanl: What are you going to do in Hong Kong, Ken? Ken: On the first day We are going to Disneyland . I cant wait to take photos with Mickey Mouse and Donal Duck. I ll play all the games there. Susan: What about Saturday? Ken: Well. We are going to play in the Ocean Park. We can watch the animal shows.That night we will have a picnic in the mountain park. On June 3rd , we are going to Garden Street. We will go shopping. In the afternoon we will take a bus to Guang Zhou. Susanl: Oh! You have a great plan for your holiday! 文本三 May day is coming soon. I will travel to Beijing with my parents for three days. We will fly there on Saturday , April 29th. And then we are going to Tiananmen. Then, we will visit the Great Wall . That evening we will go to Beijing Cinema. I like to enjoy Peking Opera .The next day we will visit the Summer Palace. we can take a walk around the lake. On May 1st in the morning we are going to Wangfujing Street . I want to taste Beijing food and buy old Beijing cloth shoes for my grandma. After lunch we will fly back home. I m sure well have a good time in Beijing. 七、教学策略 (一)设置前置性学习任务, 课前就相关话题自主学习; (二)注重引导学生在情境创设下进行语用学习; (三)利用思维导图, 侧重培养学生合作构篇,完成习作的能 力。 八、教学媒体 教学课件, 自编阅读文本及练习 九、教学过程: 教学环节教师活动学生活动教学意图 Pre-task1. Free talk回答问题 复习日期和 天气 2. Brainstorm 看单个动词 后说出动词 短语 快速复习, 活跃气氛 3. Lets guess 看图猜测:Whatre the childrens plans for May Day? 看图, 读 前预测。 图片提示, 引出文本。 While-task 4.Lets read A. Listen for main ideas and match the places with the kids B.Read Susans plan : Fill in the blanks. C. Listen to Kens plan : Fill in the blanks and retell. Read Davids plan :Answer the questions. 倾听感知文 本, 情境 中学新词, 获取文本细 节。 整体感知文 本, 了解 三个小朋友 的五一计划。 5.Lets talk May Day is coming . Whats your plan for May Day? 根据表格 提示, 设计自己的假 期计划。 与同伴分享 自己的假期 活动。 口头描述, 为书面表达 做好铺垫。 6.Lets write 模仿文本,学习构篇, 如开篇, 连接词和 结尾常用词, 描述小 组的五一假期计划。 在思维导图 帮助下制定 小组计划。 读后写作, 学习构篇。 Post-task 7.Lets share 展示计划, 引导评价 全班展示介 绍自己组的 计划。 通过学习其 他组的计划, 再次复习如 何制定计划。 Homework Try to write “My Plan for May Day”and share with your classmates. 十、板书设计 Moudle 2 Plans (Period 6) Our Plans for May Day Beginging: On May Day. We are going to. May Day is coming. Linking On May 1st On the first /second day. words: The next day Then. Before/After Ending: We will have a good time. I think we are going to enjoy the holiday. 十一、教学反思 本节课通过学习三个小朋友各自的五一计划,学生们习得了构 篇的写作方法,并综合运用了本模块的语言知识。通过小组合作交 流完成各项任务,增强了学生之间的交流和互动。 重视学生对学习 任务的感受, 提供机会让他们表达自己真实的想法。
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