教科版四下-Module 1 People-Unit 1 He looks like a cook-Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:803e9).zip

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  • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 1 People_Unit 1 He looks like a cook_Lets talk_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:803e9)
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U1 He looks like a _ 看起来像看起来像 Yes!Hes a cook! He looks like a cook too. Do you know him? Who is he? What is his job? He is a model. He shows people beautiful clothes. 从Hes a model. He shows beautiful clothes. 引出对衣物的复习。 clothes dress sweater skirt jacket T-shirt coat shorts shirt hat blouse trousers jeans socks shoes 要学生说出短语,如 a red jacket Xiaoling and Ben are at school. They see some people at the clinic(医务室医务室). Who are these people? Look and answer. 温馨提示:让学生看课文图并回答问题。 1. How many people are there in the picture? 2. Look at the lady with glasses. Whats her job? 3. Look at the man with glasses. Do you know him? 4. Look at the man in a white hat. What is his job? Look, listen andanswer. 温馨提示:让学生带问题听对话,并回答问题。 1. Whos the woman with glasses? 2. What is beside her? 3. Whos the man in a white hat? 4. Do you know his job? What is his job? Lets read. 提示:鼓励学生根据问题在课文上画出答案。 T or F ( ) 1 The man with glasses is a cook. ( ) 2 The lady with glasses is a teacher. ( ) 3 The lady in a white dress has a bag beside her. ( ) 4 The lady in purple is Janets teacher. ( ) 5 The man in a white hat looks like a cook. Lets practice. F T F T T a hat with glasses Fill in the blanks: Whos that woman? _ (What, Which) woman? The one _(with, has) glasses. She_(has, have) a bag beside her. Shes Miss Liu, our teacher. And that man _(on,in) a white hat? Can you see _(he, him)? Yes. But I dont know him. He _(look,looks) like a cook. Lets practice. Talk about the text Xiaoling and Ben are at the clinic(医务室医务室). There are two ladies there. The lady with _ is Miss Liu. She has a _ beside her. The lady in a _ looks like a nurse. A man is beside Miss Liu. He is in a _. He _ a cook. Lets practice. Lets recite. Whos the woman? Which woman? The one with glasses. She has a bag beside her. She is Miss Liu, our teacher. Lets recite. And that man in a white hat? Can you see him? Yes. But I dont know him. He looks like a cook. Lets recite. And that man in a white hat? Can you see him? Yes. But I dont know him. He looks like a cook. Lets talk. The lady _ is a teacher. The man _ is a doctor. 提问学生Which one is Xiaolings teacher? 让学生用带介词短语的句 子回答。 The boy _ is Ben.The lady _ is a nurse. The man _ looks like a cook. A: Look at the _. Whos _? B: Which one? A: The one _. (with glasses/ in a ) B: I dont know _ . _ looks like a _. Lets talk. lady she in a black uniform Shepoliceman her Look at the man. Look at him. He looks like a _. 更多looks like的操练 Look at the man. Look at him. He looks like a _. Look at the lady. Look at her. She looks like a _. Look at the lady. Look at her. She looks like a _. Look at the lady. Look at her. She looks like a _. Lets guess. He looks like a _. She looks like a _. painter builder painter writer doctor nurse cook PE teacherpainter Lets learn. uni form The man in a blue uniform is a policeman. The lady in a white uniform is a _. The man _ is a fireman. doctor in a yellow uniform Lets practise. Look at the man _(with glasses/ in a .) He looks like a _. 可以先完成课本听力练习 ,然后用 同样图片完成以下说话练习。 This lady in a _ is a _. This lady in a _ is a _. This man in a _ is a _. This man in a _ is a _. white uniformnurse Lets match. 此图还可以用作TF阅读练习或者写话练习。如: The man with a yellow hat looks like a doctor.(T/F) The man _ looks like a _. Lets match. Look at the man in green jeans. Look at him. He looks like a _. Lets practise. blue Whats wrong? Look at the woman in black dress. Look at him. She looks like a _. Lets practise. Whats wrong? her uniform Look at the woman in white skirt. Look at him. She looks like a _. Lets practise. Whats wrong? dress her Lets practise. Fill in the blank. Look at the man _. Look at _. He looks like a _. Lets practise. A: Whos that lady/ man? B: Which one? A: The one in/ with_ B: I dont know him/her. He/ She looks like a _ a black uniform policeman Homework 1.Copy the new words. 2.Talk about or describe the people you like. 四年级下册 Module 1 People Unit 1 He looks like a cook? (Lets talk) 一、教学目标:一、教学目标: (一)语言知识目标: 1词汇:“四会”掌握:like look like which with glasses her Miss know 2“四会”句型:Whos that woman? Which one? He looks like a cook. She has a bag beside her. 3语法:区分 with&in 的用法;初步理解一般现在时第三人称单数的用法: (二)语言技能目标: 1能用正确的语音语调朗读课文,能背诵课文。 2能用 with&in 来描述人物的外貌 3能用 Whos in/with?Which one?He/She looks like 于实际中 (三)学习策略目标: 1鼓励学生积极参与实践,大胆地用英语描述人物。 2培养学生将所学语言知识进行归纳对比,并准确运用。 (四)情感态度目标: 使学生热爱自己,关爱他人。 二、教学重、难点:二、教学重、难点: 重点:一般现在时第三人称单数的动词形式 难点:区分 with&in 三、教学过程:三、教学过程: (一)Warm up Free talk: Whos the boy? Whos the girl? Whos your English teacher? (二)pre-task 1.老师向学生讲清楚本节课的学习目标。We are going to talk about people. Lets learn Unit 1 He looks like a cook. (三) While-task 1.学习单词:P79 (听师生共同学习小组内读小组汇报齐读) 2.老师情景引入课文内容。(Children, look at the picture.Ben and Xiaoling are in the clinic.What happened there?Lets listen to the tape.) 3. Listen and say after the tape: What are they talk about? 4.小组内读课文,并完成下列任务: 1)找出两个特殊疑问词: 2)找出有 “with 和 in”单词的句子,并理解其意思 3)找出主语是 He 或 She 的句子 5.师生共同完成任务: Whos that woman? Whos=Who is 谁是,谁 Which woman? 哪一个 The one with glasses. 戴着眼镜的那个 And that man in a white hat? 戴着白帽子的那个男人 the man in a black uniform with in 穿着、戴着 with 用于头上 in 用于身上,in + 颜色 + 衣物/帽子 She has a bag beside her. She is Miss Liu. He looks like a cook. 动词第三人称单数形式 Vses (四)Post-task 小测: 1. (Who, Which ) your father? The man in a yellow coat. 2.The woman (in with )glasses is my mother. (五)Homework. 1.流利朗读并初步能看图复述 Unit 1 课文内容; 2.能看图对人物进行简单的描述,如描述某同学、家长或老师的特征。
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