教科版四下-Module 2 Daily routine-Unit 3 It’s time to get up-Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:508e4).zip

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  • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 2 Daily routine_Unit 3 It’s time to get up_Lets talk_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:508e4)
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1 Module 2 Unit 3 第一课时第一课时 Its time to get up 词汇课词汇课 教学设计研学案教学设计研学案 Class:_ Name:_ No._ 【 研学目标研学目标】 1. 我能“四会”掌握本课单词:teach, paint, time, oclock, half past, a quarter past, get up, sleep, lunch, dinner. 2. 我能掌握下面句型:What time is it? Its Its time to 3. 我能通过 phonics 来学习新单词。Task 1 4. 我能听懂时间,进行排序。Task 2 5. 我能看懂图片,说出时间和活动。Task 3 6. 我能根据课堂所学,给出合理的建议。Task 4 【学习线路图学习线路图】 Task 2: I can order. Task 1: I can try. Task 3: I can say. Task 4: I can suggest. 2 【研学过程研学过程】 课前预学课前预学 【Task 1】I can try. work-worker farm-farmer sing-singer read-reader write-writer run-runner paint-painter teach-teacher 课中导学课中导学 【Task 2】I can order:(:( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 【Task 3】I can say. Its _. Its time to _. A C BAD B c 3 【Task 4】I can suggest(建议建议). 7:007:157:3012:1518:3021:30 get uphave breakfast go to school have lunch have dinner sleep 四、学习评价四、学习评价 【Assessment 】Put a “ ”in the right places. ContentsAssessment 【Task 1】I can try.Excellent( ) Good( ) So so( ) 【Task 2】I can order.Excellent( ) Good( ) So so( ) 【Task 3】 I can say.Excellent( ) Good( ) So so( ) 【Task 4】 I can suggest.Excellent( ) Good( ) So so( ) Panpan, Its _. Its time to _. Module 2 Daily routine Unit 3 Its time to get up work worker sing singer readreader write writer run runner farm farmer er teach teacher paint painter Lets sing. One little, two little, three little Indians Four little, five little, six little Indians Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians Ten little Indian boys! Eleven, twelve, thirteen Indians Fourteen, fifteen, sixteen Indians Seventeen, eighteen, nineteen Indians Twenty Indian boys! What number is missing? nine seven six three ten two one eightfour five twelve eleven Lets guess. It has a round face but no eyes. It has hands but no feet. What is it? A clock can tell us time. 2018/4/22 What time is it? Its one oclock. 2018/4/22 Lets try. What time is it? Its . oclock. 2018/4/22 2018/4/22Its 6 oclock in the morning.2018/4/22 2018/4/22 Its 5 oclock in the afternoon. 2018/4/22 2018/4/22 30 minutes half Its half past twelve. 2018/4/22 2018/4/22 What time is it? Its half past . 2018/4/22 2018/4/22 15 minutesa quarter Its a quarter past twelve. 2018/4/22 Lets try. What time is it? Its a quarter past. . 2018/4/22 Lets chant Time, time, whats the time? Time, time, knowing the time. Oclock, oclock, its one oclock. One oclock! Half past, half past, its half past one. Half past one! A quarter past one, a quarter past one. Its a quarter past one. A quarter past one! Lets play a game! 1、 学生两人一组。 2、课前每个小组自带一个 钟。 3、拨动时钟用What time is it? Its . 来进行 时间问答操练。 语言组织:Children,take out your clock. Try to make a time, and ask your deskmate “what time is it?” 2018/4/22 A C B D Listen! The right order is ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ). A C B D Listen! The right order is (B ) (A) (D) (C). There are 24 hours in a day. We do many things in a day. Such as have lessons take a shower watch TV have meals do my homework read books play sports sing songs What time is it? Its_. Its time to have meals. Its time to have breakfast. What time is it? Its_. Its time to have meals. Its time to have lunch. What time is it? Its_. Its time to have meals. Its time to have dinner. What time is it? Its_. Its time to get up. What time is it? Its_. Its time to sleep. get up sleep have breakfast have dinner 2018/4/22 have lunch get up sleep have breakfast have dinner 2018/4/22 have lunch 2018/4/22 Lets try to talk about the pictures . 2018/4/22 Its _.Its time to _. Lets read Miss has two friends, Maisy and Panpan. Maisy is a busy rat. Lets read about his story. 8:00 10:30 12:00 2:15 4:30 6:15 8:15 8:00 10:30 12:00 2:15 4:30 6:15 8:15 8:00 brush teeth 10:30 go shopping 12:00 have lunch 2:15 have fun 4:30 make cake 6:15 have a bath 8:15 sleep I am Maisy. I _ at_. This is Panpan. He is a lazy panda. He likes sleeping. Lets remind him. OK? 7:00 7:157:3012:1518:3021:30 get up have breakfast go to school have lunch have dinner sleep Panpan, Its _. Its time to _. Home work 1、抄写本课所学新单词。 2、用本课所学句型介绍自己一 天的时间安排。 (口头作业,5句以上) 3、预习U3课文。 Module 2 Unit 3 第一课时第一课时 Its time to get up 词汇课词汇课 教学教学 设计设计 一、一、教学内容分析教学内容分析 本模块的主题是“日常行为”(daily routine),主要学习时间表达和介 绍日常活动,这是学生很熟悉的一个话题。本课时是本模块的第一课时, 主要学习 Unit 3 部分的单词和词条的内容,包括 oclock, half past, a quarter past 等,以及能运用句型:What time is it? , Its , Its time to去谈论时间和相应时间的不同活动。本节课通过看图片说话、游戏等方 式学习词汇和句型, “词” “句”结合学习以助于理解,并结合绘本学习进一步 拓展,以丰富学生对语言的综合运用。 二、二、教学对象分析教学对象分析 四年级的学生已经掌握一定的学习方法,对 daily routine 这话题也很 是熟悉,在三年级下册、四年级上册学生已经学习了数字和短语,现在把 时间和活动结合起来,让学生去介绍自己的日常生活,学会时间管理,让 学生能更自信更乐于参与教学活动。同时学生能运用 phonics 自行拼读新 单词,形成一定的学习策略。 三、三、教学目标教学目标 1、语言能力目标语言能力目标 词汇:能“四会”掌握单词及短语:teach, paint, time, oclock, half past, a quarter past, get up, sleep, lunch, dinner. 句型:能理解并运用以下句型进行简单的对话交流。 What time is it? Its Its time to 2、学习能力目标学习能力目标 (1)通过 Phonics,以旧引新,运用动词+“er”来学习并记忆相应名词。 (2)通过小组合作学习,学会与别人合作,形成良好的交际策略。 (3)通过情景,在研学任务中运用语言知识,积极参与小组合作。 3、思维品质目标思维品质目标 (1)能知道单词和词组的意思。 (2)能熟练听、说、读出本节课所学的词汇,并能拼读写单词。 (3)在简单的情景中运用相关的词汇和句型谈论时间和相应时间的不 同活动。 4、文化品格目标文化品格目标 通过学习时间表达,谈论时间和相应时间的不同活动,认识到要合 理安排时间。 四、四、教学重难点教学重难点 1、重点:时间问答。 2、难点:能说出相应时间的不同活动。 五、五、教学理念及策略教学理念及策略 本节课遵循番禺区研学后教的教学理念,以自主学习、小组合作为主 要的学习方法,建构高效课堂为目标,并依据我区小学英语 IIO 的课堂教 学模式来设计,具体策略如下:1、借助图片、多媒体课件等直观呈现新知 识,创设情景让学生运用所学的语言进行交际。2、采用小组合作学习等方 式开展教学,让学生在学习的过程中互相帮助、互相学习。3、通过绘本学 习,进一步拓展知识,以丰富学生对语言的综合运用。 六、六、教学媒体教学媒体 多媒体、课外图片及学生研学案。 七、七、教学过程教学过程 (I) Preparation 1、Check and read phonics “er”. 2、Sing the song: Ten little Indians 3、Play the game: What number is missing? (设计意图:通过歌曲和游戏,调动学生的兴趣,复习旧知,激活背景知识。(设计意图:通过歌曲和游戏,调动学生的兴趣,复习旧知,激活背景知识。 ) (II)Input and Internalization(the 1st round) 1、Lets guess (设计意图:通过谜语引出(设计意图:通过谜语引出 clock,为下一步时间的问答做好铺垫),为下一步时间的问答做好铺垫) 2、结合不同时间,学习、结合不同时间,学习 What time is it? Its的时间表达。的时间表达。 并从中学习并从中学习 oclock, half past, a quarter past 三个词条。三个词条。 3、Lets chant (设计意图:通过小诗歌,帮助学生读熟时间词条)(设计意图:通过小诗歌,帮助学生读熟时间词条) 4、Lets play (设计意图:通过游戏,引导学生能较快速地反应时间并进行表达)(设计意图:通过游戏,引导学生能较快速地反应时间并进行表达) 5、Lets do-Listen and order. (设计意图:通过听力练习,检查学生对时间表达的掌握情况)(设计意图:通过听力练习,检查学生对时间表达的掌握情况) (III)Input and Internalization(the 2nd round) 1、Show the phrases we have learnt. (设计意图:通过展示图片与词条,复习旧知,引出新词条,也为下一步的日(设计意图:通过展示图片与词条,复习旧知,引出新词条,也为下一步的日 常表达打好基础)常表达打好基础) 2、Learn the new phrases. (设计意图:通过不同的时间展示,让学生理解每天的不同活动。并通过多种(设计意图:通过不同的时间展示,让学生理解每天的不同活动。并通过多种 读记方式熟悉词条)读记方式熟悉词条) 3、Lets talk about the pictures. (设计意图:看图描述时间和相应的活动,进一步巩固所学。(设计意图:看图描述时间和相应的活动,进一步巩固所学。 ) (IV) Output 通过引出两个人物通过引出两个人物 Maisy and Panpan 进行对比,再进行绘本学习。进行对比,再进行绘本学习。 1、Read the story about Maisy. 2、Link the time and phrases. 3、Talk about the story. 4、Give some advice to Panpan. (设计意图:通过阅读绘本,进一步拓展语言,训练学生综合运用语言的能力。(设计意图:通过阅读绘本,进一步拓展语言,训练学生综合运用语言的能力。 ) (V) Summary and Assessment 1、Summary :What did we learn today? 引导学生回忆课堂所学。引导学生回忆课堂所学。 2、Assessment:请根据自己的课堂的实际表现打钩。:请根据自己的课堂的实际表现打钩。 ContentsAssessment 【Task 1】I can try.Excellent( ) Good( ) So so( ) 【Task 2】I can order.Excellent( ) Good( ) So so( ) 【Task 3】 I can say.Excellent( ) Good( ) So so( ) 【Task 4】 I can suggest. Excellent( ) Good( ) So so( ) 八、八、板书设计板书设计 Module 2 Daily routine Unit 3 Its time to get up teach teacher er paint painter oclock What time is it? Its a quarter past half past time get up have breakfast Its time to have lunch have dinner sleep 九、九、作业布置作业布置 1、抄写本课所学新单词。抄写本课所学新单词。 2、用本课所学句型介绍自己一天的时间安排。用本课所学句型介绍自己一天的时间安排。(口头作业,(口头作业,5 句以上)句以上) 3、预习预习 U3 课文。课文。
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