教科版四下-Module 3 Days of the week-Unit 5 What day is today -Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:a00c1).zip

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  • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 3 Days of the week_Unit 5 What day is today _Fun with language_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:a00c1)
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Lets sing. 金太阳P30 Days of the week. play games Lets read. draw picturesuse numbers write stories sing songs play sports speak English understand the world Module 3 Days of the week Unit 5 What day is it today? Period 2 A: What day is it today ? B: Its_. My favourite day is_. A: Why do you like _? B: _ Wednesday we have _lesson. I love _. Wednesday Wednesday a computer On playing games Wednesday Lets talk. A: What day is it today ? B: Its_. My favourite day is_. A: Why do you like _? B: _ Wednesday we have _lesson. I love _. Wednesday Wednesday a science On understanding the world Wednesday Lets talk. A:Whats your favourite day ? B: My favourite day is A:Why do you like ? B: On I have lesson. I love Lets talk. drawing reading singing undertanding playing playing games writing stories using numbers Lets learn the dialogue. Whats Bens favourtie day? Whats Janets favourite day? Watch and choose. NameFavourite dayReason 原因 Ben Janet A.Wednesday B. Thursday C.have two PE lessons D.love sport E. love drawing F. play computer games G. have a music lesson H. love singing AC D BG H Lets speak aloud. Ben: My favourite day is _ . _ Wednesday we have two PE_.I love _. Janet: I _like sport, so I _like Wednesday. My _ day is _. We have a _ lesson. _ Thursday and I love _. Wednesday On lessonssports dont dont favouriteThursday music On singing Lets read the dialogue .P26 Act out the dialogue. A: Whats your favourite day? B:My favourite day is _. A: Why do you like _? B: On _, I love _.And the teacher is _. A: But I dont like _. I dont like_ lesson. Make a dialogue. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Chinese Math English PE Art Music Science Computer reading using numbers reading English playing sports drawing pictures singing songs understanding the world playing computer games going shopping going to the park kind friendly nice beautiful strong handsome Im Miss Zhao. Im about 18 years old. My favourite day is Monday. On Monday we have an English lesson. I love reading English books. And I like my English teacher. She is kind. But I dont like Tuesday. Its no fun. Lets write. Im _. Im _ years old. My favourite day is _. On _we have a (an) _ lesson. I love _.And I like my _. She (He) is _. But I dont like _. I dont like_. Its no fun. Lets write. Homework 1. Listen and recite the dialogue.听背U5。 2. Talk about your favourite day with your parents or classmates. And tell them why. 与同学或家人谈论你喜欢的某一天,讲讲理由。 1 / 4 教育部审定教育部审定 20132013 义务教育教科书英语四年级下册(三年级起点)义务教育教科书英语四年级下册(三年级起点) Module3Module3 DaysDays ofof thethe weekweek Unit5Unit5 WhatWhat dayday isis itit today?today? 【教学内容分析教学内容分析】 本课是本单元第二课时,第一课时学生已经掌握一周 7 天的单词和句型 What day 时主 is today ? Its .本课主要目标:1.巩固第 1 课时学习的关于一周 7 天的单词和句型。2.掌 握和能熟练运用句型:Why do you like ? 3.能流利朗读和背诵课文,并根据课文创造新 对话。4.能以口头和笔头两种方式叙述自己喜欢的某一天,并说出理由。 【学生情况分析学生情况分析】 在口语第四册里对一周七天的词,已有口头的初步接触,四年级上册,孩子学了一些科目的 名称以及一些学校常见活动的短语:如:Chinese , English , maths , art , music , PE., sing songs, draw pictures本课时是在此基础上作进一步的学习。 【教学目标教学目标】 一语言知识目标 1巩固第 1 课时学习的单词,短语和句型。 2. 掌握和运用句型: Why do you like Wednesday? 3. 能流利朗读和背诵课文。 二语言技能目标 1.能看图或结合实际正确使用句型,能仿照本课对话编新对话。 2.能以口头和笔头两种方式叙述自己喜欢的某一天,并说出理由。 三学习策略目标 在与同桌对话、完成各类学习任务过程中,能和同学老师进行积极主动的交流。 四情感态度目标 通过多种形式的学习活动,调动学生学习积极性,提高学习兴趣,并让学生懂得人 的成长不是单一的,通过各科全面学习,才能全面发展,适应不同生活。 五文化意识目标 国内外课程各有不同。 2 / 4 【教学重难点教学重难点】 1. 教学重点 能流利朗读课文对话。 能运用课文句型叙述自己喜欢的某一天,并说出理由。 2. 教学难点 能正确运用新旧知识就一周的某天进行对话 【教学策略教学策略】 1. 利用教师与学生对话互动进行教学,让学生体验、内化并运用语言。 2. 结合实际,让学生学以致用。 【教学过程教学过程】 第二课时 一、 Warm up: Sing along: “ Days of the week” 。书 P30 二、 Revision: The words of the days, and the phrases about the subjects. 二、Lead -in . T: What day is it today ? Ss: Its T: Whats your favourite day ? Ss: My favourite day is T: Why do you like ? Ss: On we have lesson. I love 由此引入课文的学习。 三、Presentation. 1. Watch and choose. 2.Speak aloud . 3 / 4 3、Lets read the dialogue after the teacher. 4、Read the dialogue in pairs. 5、Act out the dialogue. 四、Practice: Make the new dialogue with the partner. A: What day is it today? B: Its Wednesday. Its my favourite day. A: Why do you like Wednesday? B: On Wednesday we have an English lesson. I like our English teacher. She is kind. A: I dont like Wednesday. I like Saturday. We have a P.E. lesson. I love sport. I like running. 五、Development。 小组活动 1:与同学谈论自己喜欢或者不喜欢一周七天里的某一天,并阐述理 由。 活动 2:写下自己喜欢的某一天。 (时间充足时做,时间不足不做。 ) My name is _. My favourit day is _. Because _ . I dont like _. Its_ Its not fun. 六、Homework 1. 读背 U5 课文,并按自己的实际情况口头改编对话。 2.做 :活动手册第 72 页练习。 板书设计:板书设计: Unit 5 What day is it today ? A: Whats your favourite day ? B: My favourite day is A: Why do you like ? B: 4 / 4
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