教科版四下-Module 3 Days of the week-Unit 5 What day is today -Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:71849).zip

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义务教育教科书英语(广州版)义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 四年级下册四年级下册 MODULE 3 DAYS OF THE WEEKMODULE 3 DAYS OF THE WEEK PERIOD 2PERIOD 2 Lets sing!Lets sing! A: What day is it today? B: Its . A: What lessons do you have today? B: We have. LETS TALKLETS TALK LETS TALKLETS TALK Wednesday A:Why do you like A:Why do you like Wednesday?Wednesday? A:What is your favourite day? B: My favourite day is _ . B:On Wednesday we have two PE lessons. I love sport. LETS TALKLETS TALK A:Whats your A:Whats your favouritefavourite day ? day ? B: My.B: My. A:Why do you like ?A:Why do you like ? B:B: Some children are in the classroom. They are talking about something. And there is a timetable in the picture. Who are they? What are they talking about? 1. How many people are there in the picture? 2. Who are they? 3. What are they talking about? LOOK AND ANSWERLOOK AND ANSWER 1. How many people are there in the picture? 2. Who are they? 3. What are they talking about? LOOK AND ANSWERLOOK AND ANSWER There are four. They are Ben, Jiamin,Xiaoling and Janet. They are talking about a timetable. 4. What day is it today? 5. What is Bens favourite day? 6. Why Ben like Wednesday best? 7. What is Janets favourite day? Why? LISTEN AND ANSWERLISTEN AND ANSWER 4. What day is it today? It is Wednesday. 5. What is Bens favourite day? 6. Why Ben like Wednesday best? On Wednesday he has two PE lessons. He loves sport. 7. What is Janets favourite day? Why? Her favourite day is Thursday. She has a music lesson on Thursday and she loves singing. LISTEN AND ANSWERLISTEN AND ANSWER His favourite day is Wednesday. Xiaoling: What day is it today? Is it Wednesday or Thursday? Ben: Its Wednesday. Its my favourite day ! Xiaoling: Why do you like Wednesday? Ben: On Wednesday we have two PE lessons. I love sport. LETS READLETS READ Janet: I dont like sport, so I dont like Wednesday. My favourite day is Thursday. Jiamin: Why? Janet: We have a music lesson on Thursday and I love singing. LETS READLETS READ T or F ( ) 1 Today is Tuesday. ( ) 2 Wednesday is Xiaolings favourite day. ( ) 3 On Wednesday there are two PE lessons. ( ) 4 Janet likes sports, so she likes Thursday. ( ) 5 On Friday there is an art lesson. F F T F F Wednesday Thursday singing Thursday LETS TRYLETS TRY Fill in the blanks: What _(time, day) is it _ (day, today)? Is it Wednesday _ (and, or) Thursday? Its my _(favourite, good) day. _(How, Why) do you like Wednesday. _(On, In) Wednesday we have PE _(lesson, lessons)? I dont like sport, _(and, so) I _ (do, dont) like Wednesday. I love _(sing, singing). LETS TRYLETS TRY Xiaoling: What _ is it today? Is it Wednesday _ Thursday? Ben: Its_. Its my _ day ! Xiaoling: _do you like Wednesday? Ben: _ Wednesday we have two PE_. I love _. day or Wednesday favourite Why Onlessons sport LETS TRYLETS TRY Janet: I _like sport, so I _like Wednesday. My _ day is _. Jiamin: Why? Janet: We have a _ lesson _ Thursday and I love _. dont dont favourite Thursday musicon singing LETS TRYLETS TRY A: Whats your favourite day?A: Whats your favourite day? B:My favourite day is _.B:My favourite day is _. A: Why do you like _?A: Why do you like _? B: I have a _ lesson on B: I have a _ lesson on _. _. I like _.I like _. Friday Friday music Friday music very much ASK AND WRITEASK AND WRITE A: Whats your favourite day?A: Whats your favourite day? B:My favourite day .B:My favourite day . A: Why do you like ?A: Why do you like ? B: I have a on .B: I have a on . I like .I like . ASK AND WRITEASK AND WRITE 1.读读背U5课课文,并进进行口头头改编编。 2.选选做 :活动动手册第23页练习页练习 。 o HOMEWORK:HOMEWORK: 1 Module 3 Days of the week Unit 5 What day is it today? 第 2 课时 一、一、教学内容分析教学内容分析 这节课主要处理 U5 里面的星期几名词、工作日常做什么的相关句型。在 口语第四册里对一周七天的词,已有口头的初步接触,四年级上册,孩子 学了一些科目的名称以及一些学校常见活动的短语:如:Chinese , English , maths , art , music , PE., 本课时是在此基础上作进一步的学习。 二、教学对象分析教学对象分析 本班孩子喜欢听故事,玩游戏和比赛。经过口语和一年多系统的英语学习, 他们养成了同桌对话,小组合作等习惯。但口语的学习遗忘性很大,一部分学 生要流利表达可能存在一定的难度。 三、TitleTitle(教学课题、内容)(教学课题、内容) What day is it today? Its (一周七天);谈论课表(复习科目名称); Fun with language 2 四、ObjectivesObjectives(教学目标)(教学目标) 1、语言知识 1)单词:一周七天,week, today, why. 2)短语: 3)句型:What day is it today? Its . What lessons do you have today? We have My favourite day is Why do you like ? I like/love doing. 2、语言技能 2 能就“自己最喜欢的上学日”的话题进行交谈 3、情感态度 通过本节课的学习,提高学生的学习兴趣和参与课堂活动的积极性,养成良好 的学习习惯。 4、学习策略 1)通过听说读的操练,使学生对课文内容熟悉,并扎实地掌握 2)通过游戏、竞赛、等活动激发学生的兴趣,提高学习英语的积极性。 5、文化意识: 五、FocusFocus andand DifficultDifficult pointspoints(教学重、难点)(教学重、难点) 1. 一周七天英语单词的拼写 2. 科目名称的拼写 3. 能谈论自己周一至周五的课表,理解汉语中“上课”这一动作的正确表述方 法,We have。 六、TeachingTeaching ToolsTools(教学媒体)(教学媒体) 教学图片、电脑课件 七、TeachingTeaching ProceduresProcedures(教学过程)(教学过程) (一)Warming up and Revision Sing and act: “Days of the week”,学生逐渐跟唱,初步感知周日至周 六的读法及写法。 (二)Presentation and practice: 3 2. Look and say: 学生根据 PPT 上的提示,填完歌词,边填边学习单词的读音 与拼写,并总结学习 week。 3. Read and Share 小组成员互相读单词,并讨论记忆并分享这七个单词的好 方法。 4. Play a Game: Which is missing? 快速反应,看哪个单词消失了? 5. Lets Chant 利用小诗巩固七个单词。 6. Lets Say: 教师给学生看日历问:What day is it? Its引出学生回 答 Its. 可以生师问,生生问,让学生看图片上的日历(星期的缩写) 练习 句型 What day is it? Its. 教师接着问 What day is it today? 学生回 答 Its (Monday.),然后教师接着问:What lessons do we have on (Monday)? 给学生看周一课表,引导学生用 On (Monday), we have a/an _ lesson. On (Monday), we have two _ lessons. 学习介绍周一 的课。 7、Learn the text . 1. T: Some children are in the classroom. They are talking about something.And there is a timetable in the picture. 2. Look and answer . (1) What subject can you see in the timetable ? (2) What are the children talking about ? 7. Look and Answer: 看图片复习所学过的学科科目 8. Fill in the blank: 结合活动手册 P23 页的课表,将自己的课表填 写进去。用下列句型造句。 On (Monday), we have a/an _ lesson. On (Monday), we have two _ lessons. 9. 学习课本 P28 页的第 2 题 (三) Consolidation 利用课本 P28 页的第 2 题同桌进行对话并展示。 4 (四) Summing-up: T: What day is it today? Ss: Its . T:What lessons do you have today? Ss: We have (五)Homework 1. 读背 U5 课文,并进行口头改编。 2.选做 :活动手册第 23 页练习。 Blackboard: Unit 5 What day is it today? a week: Sunday What day is it (today)? Monday Its . Tuesday What lessons do you have on ? Wednesday We have and Thursday Friday Saturday today
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