教科版四下-Module 4 Activities-Unit 7 What do you do when you have free time -Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:40daf).zip

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Everyday! Everyday! What do you do everyday? I clean my room. I wash my face. I ride a bike. I take a bath. I comb my hair. I brush my teeth. I read a book. I watch TV. Lets sing. Lets guess. take exercise Sharp eyes visit my friends go swimming draw pictures go shopping see a film do housework Lets learn. listen to music What do you do when you have free time? I always/ usually/ often/ sometimes/ do some readingtake photos watch cartoonsemail my friendshave a picnic What do you do when you have free time? I always/ usually/ often/ sometimes/ listen to musicdo some readingtake photos email my friendshave a picnicwatch cartoons Lets read. 小组合作,读一读小组合作,读一读 take photoslisten to musicdraw picturesgo shopping email my friendswatch cartoonsdo some readingtake exercise see a filmvisit my friendshave a picnicdo housework Lets play. Lets say. A: What do you do when you have free time? B: I always/ usually/ often/ sometimes I feel bored. 小宏星期天不在家,大白觉得很无聊。小宏星期天不在家,大白觉得很无聊。 现在是你的幸运时间,看谁能邀请到大现在是你的幸运时间,看谁能邀请到大 白,大白就当你一天的私人医生。白,大白就当你一天的私人医生。 Shall we? Im not bored now! 9:00 am 10:00 am 4:00 pm 7:00 pm Lets listen. ( ) 1. Its Sunday today. ( ) 2. Jiamin and Janet feel happy. ( ) 3. Jiamin is reading an interesting book. ( ) 4. Janet likes reading. ( ) 5. They want to watch “Tom and Jerry”. Listen to the dialogue, then write True (T) or False (F). 听对话,根据对话内容判断句子对错。听对话,根据对话内容判断句子对错。 T F T F F Lets talk. Lets recite. 游戏规则:游戏规则: 男生背男生背Jiamin的句子,女生的句子,女生 背背Janet的句子。然后每组的句子。然后每组 选一个同学,一次擦掉对选一个同学,一次擦掉对 方的三个单词,看谁能背方的三个单词,看谁能背 的最准确。的最准确。 Sum up Reading comprehension Children Activities Children in foreign countries (国外)(国外) Children in the countryside (乡村)(乡村) My life(生活)(生活) in Guangzhou Fill in the form according to the passage. 根据短文内容把短语的编号填在表格相应位置上根据短文内容把短语的编号填在表格相应位置上,并写一写你的课余并写一写你的课余 生活。生活。 A A. go hiking(远足)(远足) B. cook meals C. go boating D. go shopping E. do farm work F. go to see flowers G. take care of(照顾)(照顾) little brothers or sisters C D F GBE Homework 1. Listen and read the new words and then have a dictation. 听、读、默新单词。听、读、默新单词。 2. Fill in the blanks according to the dialogue. 根根 据对话内容填空。据对话内容填空。 3. Search interesting activities on the net. 上网搜寻了解有趣的课外活动。(选做)上网搜寻了解有趣的课外活动。(选做) 4.Writing(写作)(写作): When I have free time A:Its Sunday and I feel _. B:Me too . What do you _ when you have _ time? A:I often do some _. Look, Im reading an_ book. B:I dont like that. I usually watch _. _ we watch a cartoon? A:Great! Lets watch the Monkey_. bored do free reading interesting cartoons Shall King Fill in the blanks according to the dialogue. 根据对话内容填空。 shall do king reading bored interesting cartoons free Lets write. When I have free time When I have free time, I usually_. I often _. Sometimes I _. _ _I enjoy my life. 1 Homework: Unit 7 What do you do when you have free time? Class ( ) Name ( ) No. ( ) 1. Listen and read the new words and then have a dictation. 听、读、默新单词。听、读、默新单词。 2. Fill in the blanks according to the dialogue. 根据对话内容填空。根据对话内容填空。 shall do king reading bored interesting cartoons free A:Its Sunday and I feel _. B:Me too . What do you _ when you have _ time? A:I often do some _. Look, Im reading an_ book. B:I dont like that. I usually watch _. _ we watch a cartoon? A:Great! Lets watch the Monkey _. 3. Search interesting activities on the net.上网搜寻了解有趣的课外活动。上网搜寻了解有趣的课外活动。 (选做)(选做) 4.Writing(写作)(写作): When I have free time When I have free time When I have free time, I usually_. I often _. Sometimes I _ _I enjoy my life. 1 Unit 7 What do you do when you have free time? Class ( ) Name ( ) No. ( ) 1. Listen to the dialogue and write T or F. 听对话,根据对话内容判断句子对错。 ( ) 1. Its Sunday today. ( ) 2. Jiamin and Janet feel happy. ( ) 3. Jiamin is reading an interesting book. ( ) 4. Janet likes reading. ( ) 5. They want to watch “Tom and Jerry”. 2. Fill in the form according to the passage.根据短文内容把短语的编号填在 表格相应位置上并写一写你的课余生活。 Different(不同的不同的) children,different lives(生活生活) Do you know what the other children do when they have free time? In western countries(西方国家), children have little(极少)homework on holidays(在假期). They always go hiking , go boating and go to see the beautiful flowers in the nature(大自然). Sometimes they go shopping with their parents. Some children in big mountains(大山) have very different lives. They dont have free time. They have to(不得不) do farm work, cook the meals, take care of (照 顾) little brothers and sisters. They also(也) help parents work. What about your life(生活) in Guangzhou? What do you do when you have free time? ChildrenActivities(活动) Children in foreign countries (外国) A, Children in the countryside (乡村) B, My life(生活) in Guangzhou A. go hiking(远足) B. cook meals C. go boating D. go shopping E. do farm work F. go to see flowers G. take care of(照顾)little brothers or sisters 附 My life(生活)in Guangzhou 参考词组: go to the park, play computer games, do the homework, go shopping, take exercise, have many lessons , go boating, draw pictures , watch TV In western countries, children have little homework on holidays( 在假期). They always go hiking, go boating and go to see the beautiful flowers in nature(大自然). Wow! Beautiful flowers ! Sometimes they go shopping with parents. They have to(不得不) cook the meals. They sometimes help their parents do farm work(农活). They sometimes take care of (照顾 )the little brothers and sisters. 1 Module 4 Activities Unit 7 What do you do when you have free time? (第一课时) TeachingTeaching contentcontent 教学内容教学内容 义务教育教科书四年级下册(教育科学出版社) Unit 7 What do you do when you have free time? 课型课型新授课 AnalysisAnalysis ofof thethe ContentContent 教学内容分析教学内容分析 本模块的话题是活动。Unit7 主要是学习各种活动的短语,take photos, go shopping, listen to music, draw a picture, email my friends 等。 用 What do you do when you have free time? 来询问同学空闲时候做的 事情,用 Shall we.? 来提出建议。能谈论自己在空闲时间会做什么事 情。 AnalysisAnalysis ofof thethe StudentsStudents 教学对象分析教学对象分析 学生在二年级口语课的时候已经学过了星期的单词,三年级和四年级上学期 也学过很多有关活动的短语,可以以旧引新学习本课的内容。四年级的孩子 比较活泼,应多设计游戏教学,提高学生的学习兴趣,并让学生在小组合作 的过程中,体验语言。 ObjectivesObjectives: 教学目标教学目标 1语言知识目标: 1)三会掌握课文中的新单词:free, feel, bored, interesting, cartoon, king。 2)三会掌握有关活动的新短语:do some reading, take photos, listen to, email my friends, have a picnic。 3)三会下列句型:What do you do when you have free time? Shall we.? 2语言技能目标: 1)能正确理解并运用课文的重点句型。 2)能理解对话,并连贯朗读,语音、语调和停顿基本正确,基础好的学 生能熟读甚至背诵课文。 3)能流利地用英语向别人表达自己在空闲时间喜欢做的事情。 3.情感态度目标: 1)通过谈及 Activities 的话题,学会合理安排学习和活动的时间。 2)通过游戏激发兴趣、自信心和合作精神,能在语言技能实践的过程中 逐步形成主动参与、乐于探索的学习态度。 教学策略教学策略 1利用卡通人物 Baymax、歌曲、课件,图片等创设气氛和情景,采用大量 游戏,故事等操练所学的内容。 2对话采用情景教学,寻找贴近学生生活的话题,引导学生学会看图听录 音理解对话,从而学习语言知识。并适当指导,鼓励小组合作学习。 3设置任务,提高做真实事情的能力。 ImportantImportant PointsPoints 教学重点教学重点 1.课文中的新单词:free, feel, bored, interesting, cartoon, king 2.有关活动的新短语:do some reading, take photos, listen to, email my friends, have a picnic 2 3.新句型:What do you do when you have free time? Shall we.? DifficultDifficult PointsPoints 教学难点教学难点 完成阅读理解,谈论自己的课外活动。 TeachingTeaching Aids/MediaAids/Media 主要教学媒体主要教学媒体 电脑、电视机、课件等。 TeachingTeaching ResourcesResources 教学资源教学资源 课件,图片,道具。 TeachingTeaching processprocess: TeachingTeaching processprocess 教学过程教学过程: : StepStep 1 1:WarmingWarming upup 1. Sing a song: What do you do everyday? 【设计意图】通过唱歌曲,复习学过的动词词组,为引入课题做铺垫。 2. Free talk. T:On Saturday and Sunday, we usually have free time. (Learn the new words “free”) 【设计意图】热身,学习新词“free”,引入课题。 3. Lead in the topic and title. T: Today, we will learn something about what you do when you have free time. TeachingTeaching processprocess 教学过程教学过程: : StepStep 2:2: IntroductionIntroduction andand revision.revision. 1. Introduce a character and the background of this lesson. T: Today, I want to introduce a friend to you. Do you want to know? Guess who he is. 【设计意图】介绍学生喜爱的卡通人物 Baymax,通过猜测和观看视频,提 高学生的学习兴趣。 2. Game 1: Sharp eyes. T:You know Baymax usually does many interesting things when he has free time. Lets play a game to see. 【设计意图】通过游戏,复习旧的动词短语。 TeachingTeaching processprocess 教学过程教学过程: : StepStep 3:3: PresentationPresentation andand practice.practice. 1. Game 2: Guess the phrases about activities 3 T: Baymax also does other interesting things. Do you want to know? You can ask him. Look, he is coming. (Show the toy of Baymax.) Learn the new sentence “What do you do when you have free time?”And let pupils guess by using “I usually/sometimes/often/always” 【设计意图】让学生看相关活动的道具来猜测 Baymax 做的事情,通过游 戏调动学生的积极性,在过程中用句型学习新的动词词组。 2. Read new phrases. 【设计意图】做动作读词组,小组合作巩固新词组。 3. Game 3: TPR game 【设计意图】教师读词组,学生做动作,检测学生是否掌握。 4. Game 4: Bomb-bomb game. 【设计意图】再次复习新旧词组。通过游戏,调动学生开口说英语的兴趣, 检测学生的掌握程度。 5. Talk about yourself. T: Baymax does so many interesting things. (Learn the new word “interesting”.) T:Do you do these interesting things when you have free time? What do you do when you have free time? S1: I always/ usually/ often/ sometimes/ 【设计意图】学生结合自己的实际,运用新的句型和短语表达。 6. Set a situation and learn the new sentences “I feel bored.” and “Shall we?”. 【设计意图】设置情景,教师扮演 Baymax,引导学生完成新句型的学习 和操练。 7. Tell a story about Baymaxs day. 【设计意图】利用刚才学生猜对的短语,构成 Baymax 一天要做的事情。 这些短语也是对话中将会出现的短语,为对话教学做铺垫。 TeachingTeaching processprocess StepStep 4:4: PresentationPresentation andand practicepractice 4 教学过程教学过程: : (教师继续扮演 Baymax)T: I have a happy Sunday. What about Jiamin and Janet? What do they do when they have free time? I want to know. Lets listen. 1. Listen and write T/F. 【设计意图】听力练习,整体了解对话内容。 2. Repeat the dialogue. 【设计意图】跟读对话,模仿语音语调。 3. Read in groups and circle the words you dont understand. 【设计意图】解释对话中的难点。 4. Read in roles. 5. Game 5: Recite the dialogue. 【设计意图】通过游戏,激发学生背书的兴趣。 TeachingTeaching processprocess 教学过程教学过程: : StepStep 4:4: SumSum up.up. Summarize all the words and sentences we have learn today. TeachingTeaching processprocess 教学过程教学过程: : StepStep 5:5: DevelopmentDevelopment andand Task.Task. 1. Watch the ppt about the different lives of different children. 【设计意图】视听了解不同地区孩子的生活差异。 2. Reading comprehension. Fill in the form according to the passage and then write about yourself. 【设计意图】拓展知识,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。 TeachingTeaching processprocess 教学过程教学过程: : StepStep 6:6: HomeworkHomework 1. Listen and read the new words and then have a dictation. 2. Fill in the blanks according to the dialogue. 3. Search interesting activities on the net.(选做) 4. Writing: When I have free time BlackboardBlackboard designdesign 板书设计板书设计 Unit 7 What do you do when you have free time? free listen to What do you do when you have Monkey King do some reading free time? interesting take photos I always/ usually/sometimes 5 feel watch cartoons bored email my friends Shall we? Me too. have a picnic In western countries, children have little homework on holidays( 在假期). They always go hiking, go boating and go to see the beautiful flowers in nature(大自然). Wow! Beautiful flowers ! Sometimes they go shopping with parents. They have to(不得不) cook the meals. They sometimes help their parents do farm work(农活). They sometimes take care of (照顾 )the little brothers and sisters. Everyday! Everyday! What do you do everyday? I clean my room. I wash my face. I ride a bike. I take a bath. I comb my hair. I brush my teeth. I read a book. I watch TV. Lets sing. Lets guess. take exercise Sharp eyes visit my friends go swimming draw pictures go shopping see a film do housework Lets learn. listen to music What do you do when you have free time? I always/ usually/ often/ sometimes/ do some readingtake photos watch cartoonsemail my friendshave a picnic What do you do when you have free time? I always/ usually/ often/ sometimes/ listen to musicdo some readingtake photos email my friendshave a picnicwatch cartoons Lets read. 小组合作,读一读小组合作,读一读 take photoslisten to musicdraw picturesgo shopping email my friendswatch cartoonsdo some readingtake exercise see a filmvisit my friendshave a picnicdo housework Lets play. Lets say. A: What do you do when you have free time? B: I always/ usually/ often/ sometimes I feel bored. 小宏星期天不在家,大白觉得很无聊。小宏星期天不在家,大白觉得很无聊。 现在是你的幸运时间,看谁能邀请到大现在是你的幸运时间,看谁能邀请到大 白,大白就当你一天的私人医生。白,大白就当你一天的私人医生。 Shall we? Im not bored now! 9:00 am 10:00 am 4:00 pm 7:00 pm Lets listen. ( ) 1. Its Sunday today. ( ) 2. Jiamin and Janet feel happy. ( ) 3. Jiamin is reading an interesting book. ( ) 4. Janet likes reading. ( ) 5. They want to watch “Tom and Jerry”. Listen to the dialogue, then write True (T) or False (F). 听对话,根据对话内容判断句子对错。听对话,根据对话内容判断句子对错。 T F T F F Lets talk. Lets recite. 游戏规则:游戏规则: 男生背男生背Jiamin的句子,女生的句子,女生 背背Janet的句子。然后每组的句子。然后每组 选一个同学,一次擦掉对选一个同学,一次擦掉对 方的三个单词,看谁能背方的三个单词,看谁能背 的最准确。的最准确。 Sum up Reading comprehension Children Activities Children in foreign countries (国外)(国外) Children in the countryside (乡村)(乡村) My life(生活)(生活) in Guangzhou Fill in the form according to the passage. 根据短文内容把短语的编号填在表格相应位置上根据短文内容把短语的编号填在表格相应位置上,并写一写你的课余并写一写你的课余 生活。生活。 A A. go hiking(远足)(远足) B. cook meals C. go boating D. go shopping E. do farm work F. go to see flowers G. take care of(照顾)(照顾) little brothers or sisters C D F GBE Homework 1. Listen and read the new words and then have a dictation. 听、读、默新单词。听、读、默新单词。 2. Fill in the blanks according to the dialogue. 根根 据对话内容填空。据对话内容填空。 3. Search interesting activities on the net. 上网搜寻了解有趣的课外活动。(选做)上网搜寻了解有趣的课外活动。(选做) 4.Writing(写作)(写作): When I have free time A:Its Sunday and I feel _. B:Me too . What do you _ when you have _ time? A:I often do some _. Look, Im reading an_ book. B:I dont like that. I usually watch _. _ we watch a cartoon? A:Great! Lets watch the Monkey_. bored do free reading interesting cartoons Shall King Fill in the blanks according to the dialogue. 根据对话内容填空。 shall do king reading bored interesting cartoons free Lets write. When I have free time When I have free time, I usually_. I often _. Sometimes I _. _ _I enjoy my life.
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