教科版四下-Module 4 Activities-Unit 8 What are you doing -Did you know& Self-assessment-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:10234).zip

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Usmans books绘本课绘本课(worksheet)(worksheet) 1、Listen to the radio, write down the books name 2、Answer the following questions. (1) If Usman could step into Cookery book,what would he do? _ (2) If Usman could step into Red Riding Hood,what would he do? _ (3) If Usman could step into Space Tale,what would he do? _ (4) If you could step into a book, what would you do? _ (Tips:可利用句型If I could step into xxx,I would.) Usmans books绘本课绘本课(worksheet)(worksheet) 1、Listen to the radio, write down the books name 2、Answer the following questions. (1) If Usman could step into Cookery book,what would he do? _ (2) If Usman could step into Red Riding Hood,what would he do? _ (3) If Usman could step into Space Tale,what would he do? _ (4) If you could step into a book,what would you do? _ (Tips:可利用句型If I could step into xxx,I would.) Enjoy Reading What do you do when you have free time? How many books does Usman step into? How many books does Usman step into? What can Usman see/learn when Usman steps into the cookery book? shake hands pudding A ride+ing=riding I could help her take basket ? call 110 petend to talk with parents loudly lock the door B 嫦娥奔月-Changes flying to the moon D What books does Usman step into? PS: PS: 在在worksheetworksheet写下来你听或者看到的书名写下来你听或者看到的书名 What books does Usman step into? If I could step into this book, I would meet a spaceman. I could put on a helmet too and we would whoosh to the moon. If I could step into this book, I would meet Red Riding Hood. I could help her take basket and I could help the woodcutter. If I could step into this book, I would meet a cook. I could put a hat on too and we would cook a good pudding. If I could step into this book, I would If Usman could step into Cookery book,what would he do? If I could step into this book, I would If Usman could step into Red Riding Hood,what would he do? If I could step into this book, I would If Usman could step into Space Tale,what would he do? If I could step into (书名), I would. Dear child, The future is belong to you, pick up the pen to write your own book. ( (拿起你的笔去书写你人生的书吧!)拿起你的笔去书写你人生的书吧!) Thank you! my book Cookery cook pudding Red carry Riding Hood basket help rescue Puss in Boots Puss pull on boots chase mice Space Tales meet a spaceman put on a helmet whoosh to the moon Football meet a team play kick the ball into football the goal in rocket make a Usmans books 绘本阅读课绘本阅读课 教学设计教学设计 1、教学内容分析教学内容分析 本节课的主要学习内容是选取作家 Julia Donaldson 的绘本故事 Usmans books.此书的主要内容是讲述 Usman 想进入到不同的故事里去认识不同的人 和不同的事的故事。此内容较为学生的生活,但同时添加了想象,讲述学生在 看书过程的同时,发挥了想象力。在教学过程中,通过自己的自然拼读学单词, 图片环游,持续默读,复述等形式帮助学生理解绘本内容。 2、教学对象分析教学对象分析 四年级的学生活泼好动,对英语学习有浓厚的兴趣,上课积极,敢于表达, 喜欢听故事,喜欢新奇的事物。经过一年的学习,学生能运用 phonics 知识拼 读符合发音规则的新单词(oo,u,ou),如:cookery, whoosh,football 等。因此在 本课时中,除了引导学生用 phonics 知识解决新单词的读音外,还要多引导学 生关注语言表达形式。 3、教学目标教学目标 (一)语言能力目标(一)语言能力目标 1、知识与技能目标 (1)能用 phonics 拼读单词,到朗读句子 (2)能运用句型“If I could step into ., I would.” (3)能在老师的引导下读懂 Usmans books 故事,掌握所阅读文本的结构, 完成相应的阅读,同时发展扫读和略读技能。 2、语用目标 能运用绘本的句子说下自己喜欢的书和为什么 (2)学习能力目标学习能力目标 1、能发挥想象力猜测绘本故事的发展 2、能理解绘本的故事,同时能说说故事的内容 3、对英语学习有持续的兴趣,有积极主动的学习态度和主动参与语言实践的意 识。 (三)思维品质目标(三)思维品质目标 1、把英语自然拼读与英语词语联系起来,同时联系生活实际中现实情境 2、根据所学的英语词语和表达句式,学会从不同角度思考。 (4)文化品格目标文化品格目标 分享自己喜欢的书和发挥自我想象力 4、教学重、难点教学重、难点 (1)教学重点教学重点 1、能用 phonics 自己拼读单词,同时在语境或图片中,学习理解下列词汇: bookshelf books cookery football woodcutter whoosh put pudding puss pull could would 2、能在老师的引导下读懂 Usmans books 故事。 3、掌握阅读文本的结构,并能用绘本的句子说一说介绍一下自己想象中如何走 入书中。 (2)教学难点教学难点 1、能在老师的引导下读懂 Usmans books 故事。 2、掌握阅读文本的结构,并能用绘本的句子说一说介绍一下自己想象中如何走 入书中。 3、正确理解故事的寓意。 5、教学理念及策略教学理念及策略 1、本节课从教学做准备语言输入-语言内化-语言输出-学习评价五个 环节运用多样的教学方法开展阅读教学,帮助学生在解构文本、梳理结构、建 构文本、综合运用的学习线路中掌握阅读方法。 2、在语言学习中,语言输出能提高学习者对目标语形式的注意水平。所以在本 课时中,安排了学生用通过“If I could step into ., I would.”描述自 己喜欢的书,讲述自己的做法提高学生对语言的注意和水平。 3、通过拼图的游戏让学生在玩的过程中,能以本课 Usmans books 为阅读文 本,复述出 Usmans books 绘本内容。 4、在 Usman s books 中的每个小故事渗透下其他相关性知识,比如说嫦娥奔 月,遇危险怎么办等等。 6、教学媒体教学媒体 PPT、音频、worksheet、绘本故事 7、教学过程教学过程 I. Prepartion 1、Revision(巩固叫醒)(巩固叫醒) 用学过的句型 What do you do when you have free time?(引入到喜欢读书) II. Input-Internaliztion (语言输入) 1、Look at the cover of the picture book and get the information from the cover. (Including the title, author,illustrator,press and characters) 【设计意图:通过封面导读,帮助学生认识作者、编者、绘图者等,培养文本 概念】 2、First reading【设计意图:让学生带着问题进入故事】 先了解下 Usman 喜欢的书,有哪些。图片环游一遍 3、While-reading(讲述故事,学生边猜边玩) A、Let the pupils tell what can they see according to the picture B、Teacher tells the story and helps the pupils to understand it well. 【设计意图:带领学生学习绘本,让学生感知绘本故事,并同时思考跟着绘本 情节来】 4、silent-reading(默读绘本) 【设计意图:让学生有机会自己看故事,了解故事 情节,做进一步消化】 III. Output 1、Emotion realiztion, know themselves【设计意图:加深故事的了解,挖掘故事 所体现的寓意】播放学生电子相册,呼吁学生了解班级,撰写自己的书! IV. Assessment Our team got _ points. 小组评价小组评价 学习任务学习任务 Great!Good!OK! Task 1 我能用自然拼读拼单词 Task 2 我能根据绘本的图片猜句 意 Task 3 我能和小组成员一起复述 绘本故事 Task 4 我能用故事的句式描述拼 图 附:附:Usmans books 文本及绘本文本及绘本
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