教科版四下-Module 5 Sports-Unit 9 It looks fun-Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:70290).zip

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  • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 5 Sports_Unit 9 It looks fun_Fun with language_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:70290)
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Lets write.看图,根据图意写一写图中孩子们正在做什么运动,也可以写上你自己的感受。 (你可能会用到的句型:Some children are. Some of them are.One boy/ girl is. Some boys/ girls are.It looks fun. I want to go and try it with them. 你可能会用到的动词短语: doingthe long jump/ the high jump/ kung fu/sports/ exercise playingfootball/ basketball/ tennis/ table tennis/volleyball/ badminton/ ball games running, swimming, skipping, jumping, taking exercise) We like playing sports at school. Look at the picture. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 义务教育教科书(教科版)义务教育教科书(教科版)英语英语 四年级下册四年级下册 ( (三年级起点三年级起点) ) Unit 9 Fun with language 本课目标: 1. 复习Unit 9 主要出现的不同运动的名称和相关运动 的动词ing形式的短语。 2.能用句型What are they doing? What is he/ she doing?询问他人正在做什么运动,能用句型They are running. He /She is running.表达他人正在做什么 运动。能用句型Some of the children are running. Some of them are doing the long jump.表达一些孩子 正在做什么运动。 3. 能用正确的句子书写他人或一些孩子正在进行某 项运动。 Lets sing. Look at the pictures. Do you know these sports? play footballplay basketball play tennis play table tennisplay badmintonplay volleyball Look and say. do kung fu running dancing do the high jump do the long jumpskate swimming skip Look and say. There are so many sports! Whats your favourite sport? My favourite sport is. Lets talk. Can you show your favourite sports? I am playing basketball. What are you doing? 书书P53(3) What is he doing? He is doing kung fu. Ask and answer. What is the boy doing? He is doing the high jump. What is she doing? She is playing badminton. What are they doing? They are playing volleyball. What are the girls doing? One girl is doing the long jump. One girl is playing tennis. What are the children doing? The children are playing chess. What are they doing? They are playing table tennis. What are the children doing? Some of the children are running. Some of them are taking exercise. What are the children doing? Some of the children are dancing. Some of them are swimming. It looks fun . I want to go and try it with them. What are the children doing? Some of the children are playing basketball. Some of them are playing football. It looks fun . I want to go and try it with them. 书书P52(1) 书书P52(1) 1 23 4 56 书书P53(4) A B CD E F 书书P52(2) Wow! Lets see! What are the animals doing now? running Lets talk. What sports do you often do at school? Life lies in healthy exercise.生命在于运动 play basketball do the high jump play volleyball run do the long jump do kung fu play football play table tennis sports play ball games . What sports do you often do at school? I often. playing basketball doing the high jump playing volleyball running doing the long jump doing kung fu playing football playing table tennis sports playing ball games . Whats your favourite sport? My favourite sport is. Lets write. Who谁What正在做什么Feeling感受 We like playing sports at school. Look at the picture. Some children are. Some of them are Some boys are Some girls are It looks fun. I want to go and try it with them. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Lets write and share. 评价标准:评价标准: 1.字母书写规范字母书写规范,句子开头首字母要大写。句子开头首字母要大写。 2.标点正确。标点正确。 3.单词拼写正确,没有乱涂改。单词拼写正确,没有乱涂改。 4.动词短语用词搭配正确。动词短语用词搭配正确。 5.至少至少6句话。句话。 We like playing sports at school. Look at the picture. Some children are playing basketball. Some of them are playing volleyball. Some of them are playing football. Some children are doing exercise. One girl is doing the long jump. Some children are doing the high jump. Some girls are running. Some of them are doing kung fu. It looks fun. I want to go and try it with them. Example: Who谁What正在做什么Feeling感受 Lets sum up. sports 动词短语: 句型: doing the long jump/ the high jump/ kung fu/sports/ exercise playing football/ basketball/ tennis/ table tennis/volleyball/ badminton/ ball games running, swimming, skipping, jumping, taking exercise I am . You/They are. He/ She/ It is. Some children are. Some of them are. Some boys / girls are. . It looks fun. I want to go and try it with them. 继续完善文章。继续完善文章。 Homework: 1 Analysis of the content 教学内容分析教学内容分析 1. 本模块以运动为主题,本课是 Unit 9 的练习巩固课。本课主要教学内容有:复习 Unit 9 主要出现的不同运动的名称和相关运动的动词 ing 形式的短语如 playing basketball/ football/ tennis/ table tennis/ badminton/ volleyball/ ball games, doing the long jump/ high jump/ kung fu/ sports, running / skipping/ swimming/ dancing/ taking exercise; 句型如 What are they doing? What is he/ she doing? They are running. He /She is running. Some of the children are running. Some of them are doing the long jump. 2. 在 Module 4 Activities 已经出现过有关动词 ing 形式和有关活动的一些表达,学生在本单元已经学习了有关运动的短语表达,日常生活也有一定的感性认识。 Analysis of the students 教学对象分析教学对象分析 小学四年级学生活泼好动,对身边的事物充满好奇心,以直观形象思维为主,对游戏、小组合作等尤其感兴趣,根据四年级的特点,课堂上通过形象直观的图片、游戏和小组 活动来帮助学生理解知识,激发学生的兴趣,鼓励学生敢于说、主动做、积极合作,努力提升综合语言运用能力。 Objectives: 教学目标教学目标 1.Language knowledge 语言知识: 复习 Unit 9 主要出现的不同运动的名称和相关运动的动词 ing 形式的短语如 playing basketball/ football/ tennis/ table tennis/ badminton/ volleyball/ ball games, doing the long jump/ high jump/ kung fu/ sports, running / skipping/ swimming/ dancing/ taking exercise; 句型如 What are they doing? What is he/ she doing? They are running. He /She is running. Some of the children are running. Some of them are doing the long jump. 2. Language skill 语言技能: 1)能用句型 What are they doing? What is he/ she doing?询问他人正在做什么运动,能用句型 They are running. He /She is running.表达他人正在做什么运动。能用句型 Some of the children are running. Some of them are doing the long jump.表达一些孩子正在做什么运动。 2)能用正确的句子书写他人或一些孩子正在进行某项运动。 3. Affect 情感态度 生命在于运动。运动对我们健康有益,平时要多运动,多锻炼身体。 4.Learning strategies 学习策略 游戏、比赛、小组合作 Important Points 教学重点教学重点 能用句型 What are they doing? What is he/ she doing?询问他人正在做什么运动,能用句型 They are running. He /She is running.表达他人正在做什么运动。能用句型 Some of the children are running. Some of them are doing the long jump.表达一些孩子正在做什么运动。 Difficult Points 教学难点教学难点 能用正确的句子书写他人或一些孩子正在进行某项运动。 Teaching Strategies 教学策略教学策略 通过抢答和猜测游戏复习动词短语和句型。通过图片和练习巩固表达他人或一些孩子正在进行某项运动的句型。通过评价标准和提示练习写句。 Teaching Aids/ Media 主要教学媒体主要教学媒体 多媒体电脑 2 Teaching Resources 教学资源教学资源 课件、图片 Teaching Procedures 教学过程教学过程 Teaching Activities &Steps of the activities 教学活动及具体的活动操作步骤教学活动及具体的活动操作步骤 Students Activities and Learning Strategies 学生活动及学习策略学生活动及学习策略 Purpose 设计意图设计意图 (一) Warming up 1.Lets sing.老师播放歌曲We are all jumping ,老师做 动作带学生跟唱歌曲。并提示学生要注意听歌曲中歌曲中 孩子们做了哪些运动。 2.Lets review.老师出示本节课相关的运动的单词并板书。 doing the long jump/ the high jump/ kung fu/sports/ exercise playing football/ basketball/ tennis/ table tennis/volleyball/ badminton/ ball games running, swimming, skipping, jumping, taking exercise 1. 学生唱歌 We are all jumping,边唱边做动作,然后回答孩 子们做了哪些运动。 2. 学生看老师出示的单词并抢答。 1.通过歌曲活跃课堂气氛。引出运动话题。 2.通过比赛复习,检测学生对运动词汇的掌握。 3 (二) Presentation and practice 3.Look and say.(抢答) 老师出示有关运动的简笔画图片。Look at the pictures. Do you know these sports? 4. Lets talk. There are so many sports! Whats your favourite sport? 5.Lets play a game. Can you show your favourite sports? 老师请个别同学上台做自己喜欢的运动的动作并让其他同 学观看和用句型问答猜测,最后提问该同学:What are you doing? 6. Ask and answer. 老师出示正在进行不同运动的孩子们的图片。 7. Listen and number. 老师出示书 52 页第 1 题练习题,先带领学生看图,猜测 图意,然后播放录音,让学生听录音并完成练习。 8. Look, read and match. 老师出示英语书 53 页第 4 题,先带领学生快速看每幅图 的含义,然后让学生自己阅读句子并划出有关运动的动词 词组,接着让学生完成练习。最后和学生核对答案并读出 动词词组。 9. Look and say. 老师出示英语书 52 页第 2 题,让学生和同桌看图并说说 图中动物们正在进行的运动,然后请个别学生说说。 10. Lets talk. What sports do you often do at school? Whats your favourite sport? 3. 学生看图并抢答老师给出的关于运动的简笔画是什么运动。 4. 学生说说自己最喜欢的运动。 5. 学生上台做自己喜欢的运动的动作,其他同学用句型问答 并猜该同学正在做的运动。 What is he/ she doing? He/ She is running. 表演的同学回答老师的问题:I am running. 6. 学生用句型进行问答: What is he/ she doing? He/ She is running. What are the children doing? They are running. Some of the children are running. Some of them are swimming. 7. 学生看图,先猜测图意,然后听录音并完成练习,最后读 听力原文一次。 8. 学生快速看每幅图的含义,自己阅读句子并划出有关运动 的动词词组,接着完成练习。最后和老师核对答案并读出动 词词组。 9. 学生和同桌看图并说说图中动物们正在进行的运动。 10. 说说自己平时在学校做哪些运动和自己最喜欢的运动。 I often run at school. My favourite sport is running. 3.通过看图片引导学生能说出与本节课相关的运动 名称,通过抢答的方式激励学生踊跃参与课堂活动。 4. 结合学生自己实际情况,复习关于运动的动词短 语。 5. 在猜测的游戏中巩固有关运动的动词短语和问别 人正在进行什么活动的句型。 6. 通过小组合作,检测学生是否能根据实际情况使 句型 What are they doing? What is he/ she doing?询问 他人正在做什么运动,是否能用句型 They are running. He /She is running.表达他人正在做什么运动, 是否能用句型 Some of the children are running. Some of them are doing the long jump.表达一些孩子正在做 什么运动。 7.通过练习,检测学生是否能听懂与本单元相关的 有关运动的问答句。 8.通过练习,检测学生是否能读懂与运动有关的句 子,同时复习和巩固本单元的关于运动的动词 ing 形式的短语。 9.通过合作学习,巩固有关运动的动词 ing 形式的短 语。 10.结合学生的实际情况,激发学生的兴趣,鼓励学 生敢于说,对比复习关于运动的动词词组原形和 ing 形式,通过交谈过度到下一环节的写。在这个活动 插入情感教育:生命在于运动。运动对我们健康有 益,平时要多运动,多锻炼身体。 4 (三) Development 11. Lets write. 1)老师带领学生看图,并标出图中主要活动,帮助学习 有困难的学生更好的理解图意。 2)老师出示评价标准并引导学生如何写图中孩子们正在 进行的运动。 (老师在练习纸上给出了相关的句型和关于运动的动词 ing 形式的短语帮助学习有困难的同学降低写句难度。 ) 3)老师请个别学生上台分享自己写的内容。 11. 学生看评价标准和练习纸给出的句型和关于运动的动词 短语,然后按照老师的要求写句。 写完后和同桌或小组交流,个别同学上台展示自己写的内容。 11. 通过写的活动,检测学生是否能运用本单元关 于运动的动词短语和句型表达他人正在进行什么运 动。 Homework 继续完善写句练习。 Blackboard design Some children are. Some of them are. Some boys/ girls are. One boy/ girl is. It looks fun. I want to go and try it with them.
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