教科版四下-Module 6 Celebrations-Unit 11 I was born in January-Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:81c0c).zip

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Module 6 Celebrations Unit 11 I was born in January Fun with Language 一、课时、课型和教学内容 本课设计为 Module 6 的第二课时,课型为词汇课,教学内容包含了 Unit 11 Fun with Language 的 Exercise 1。 二、教学内容分析 四年级学生在三年级下册以及前一课时中已经初步接触了与生日相关的部分话题, 如询问年龄 How old are you?,询问出日月份 When was you born?,介绍自己的生日 My birthday is in .等。本课在语法上承接了 Module 4&5 中对于现在进行时的特殊疑 问句及其回答“What is / are doing? He is / She is / They are ing.”的拓展和运用, 同时又是在本册书中作为一个独立的新模块出现的新的话题 Birthday Activities。Birthday Activities 是贴近实际生活,源于生活的话题,如何利用好学生已 有知识基础和日常生活经验去学习本课中关于生日活动的知识是关键。 三、教学对象分析 四年级的学生已经有了一年半的 phonics 学习基础,能够对一些单词运用类比法进 行拼读和记忆。他们活泼好动,善于模仿,喜欢通过唱歌、编读小诗、玩游戏等活动 进行英语的学习。他们有一定的进取心和竞争意识,喜欢团队合作,积极参与活动, 敢于展示自我。教师要充分发挥学生的自主学习和合作学习能力,让学生学习得更加 愉快轻松。 四、教学目标 (一)语言知识目标 1、能理解、上口并初步运用活动短语:have a birthday party, play party games, wear the birthday hat, sing the birthday song, blow out the birthday candles, cut the birthday cake, eat the birthday cake, give the birthday cards/presents 2、通过观察学习动词 ing 形式,小组讨论归纳动词现在分词的 3 种构词方式。 3、知识询问别人现在正在做什么的句型“What is / are doing? He is / She is / They are ing.”的意思,并能流利用此句型和同伴进行简单的交流。 4、在情景中体验现在进行时,在语言交际活动中操练语言。 (二)语言技能目标 1、能运用“phonics 拼读法”学习单词,记忆单词。 2、能通过小组合作,努力运用已学语言看图说话。 3、能理解并能在 key words 的帮助下看图说话,学习能力较强的学生能生动地、 有表情、有动作地描述图画。 (三)情感态度目标 1、能通过合作学习,培养互帮互助、互督互促的团结合作精神。 2、通过唱歌、玩游戏、表演等活动,提高学生学习的积极性,使学生体验到用英 语表达情感的乐趣,增强英语学习的自信心。 (四)学习策略目标 1、通过老师的引导培养自主学习的好习惯。 2、小组合作学习,发展学生的单词学习能力和英语综合语言运用能力。 五、教学重、难点 (一)教学重点 1、四会掌握本课中的活动短语: have a birthday party, play party games, wear the birthday hat, sing the birthday song, blow out the birthday candles, cut the birthday cake, eat the birthday cake, give the birthday cards/presents 2、能在情景中运用下列功能用语:What is / are doing? He is / She is / They are ing. (二)教学难点 1、能够通过已有的 phonics 基础,对新单词运用类比法进行拼读与记忆。 2、通过滚动已学知识,综合语言运用用力,进一步学习现在分词的变化。 六、教学理念与教学策略 1、通过创设丰富的情景让学生把所学的新知识与旧知识有机地结合起来,灵活运 用。 2、以 topic 为中心,从词汇、句型、文本等组织教学材料,开展教学活动,发展 语言运用能力。 3、发挥学生的学习主体地位,让他们通过小组合作完成学习任务,在研学过程中 学生互相交流学习的经验,分享学习的成果,促使大家一起进步。 七、教学准备 多媒体课件,图片材料,研学案等。 八、教学过程 教学过程教师活动学生活动活动形 式 设计意图 1.Lets play a game. Play a missing game.Preparatio n 2. Lets talk.Answer the questions: (1)How old are you? (2)When was you born? 生生互 动 通过歌曲、游 戏等激活已学 知识,营造英 语学习气氛, 让学生尽快地 进入学习状态, 同时为话题引 入做铺垫。 Input & Intake 1.介绍情境. Look at all the hats, candles, cake, presents 看图片,进入情境。 Join the party and play with Tim. 师生互 动 通过创设情境, 输入文本,对 文本内容有初 步的认识。由 and cards! Whats going on? Tom was born in May. Hes having a birthday party. 2.引导学生学习新 词。 通过已有 phonics 知识, 自学新词: have a birthday party play party games wear the birthday hats sing the birthday song blow out the birthday candles cut the birthday cake eat the birthday cake give him the birthday cards give him the birthday presents 学生小 组合作, 并进行 检查汇 报 3.播放录音,完成 练习。 Listen and number: 听句子三次,根据所读顺 序,用数字编号。 师生互 动 词到句,引导 学生在语境中 理解文本的整 体内容,提取 文本信息,加 大语言输入量, 促进语言习得, 并让学生在完 成任务的过程 中培养语言表 达能力。 4.引导学生学习动 词分词变化,并归 纳。 根据提示,写出动词的 ing 形式: have-_, play-_, wear-_, sing-_, blow-_, cut-_, eat-_, give-_ 独立完 成,小 组汇报 检查 及时小结归纳, 为在后面的任 务中学生能更 好地运用语言 作铺垫。 Output 播放图片,呈现范 例,引导学生看图 看图片,尝试看图说话。师生互 动,小 利用图片支持, 让学生尝试自 说话。组合作 完成, 并进行 检查汇 报。 己建构内容, 培养学生看图 说话的能力。 Homewor k 1、听 CD,读 U11 单词三次 2、拼背 P64 小纸条三次 3、默写 P64 小纸条两次 板书设计 Unit 11 I was born in January. ( Work with Language) What are the children doing? They are having a birthday party. wearing the birthday hats singing the birthday song blowing out the birthday candles cutting the birthday cake eating the birthday cake giving the birthday cards giving the birthday presents playing party games How old are you? Im _. When was you born? I was born in _. birthday hatsbirthday cake birthday candles birthday cardsbirthday presents Tom was born in May. He is having a birthday party. Look! Theyre playing party games. 12 3 4 have a birthday party play party games wear the birthday hats sing the birthday song blow out the birthday candles cut the birthday cake eat the birthday cake give him the birthday cards give him the birthday presents bear pear grow window house about bus but live it Look! Theyre playing party games. 12 3 4 sing the birthday song play party games have a birthday party eat the birthday cake wear the birthday hat cut the birthday cake blow out the birthday candles give him the birthday presents give him the birthday cards Look! Theyre playing party games. 12 3 4 have - having, having a birthday party play - playing, playing party games wear - wearing, wearing the birthday hats sing - singing, singing the birthday song blow - blowing, blowing out the birthday candles cut - cutting, cutting the birthday cake eat - eating, eating the birthday cake give - giving, giving him the birthday cards give - giving, giving him the birthday presents Look! Theyre playing party games. 12 3 4 What are the children doing? Theyre singing the birthday song. What are the children doing? Theyre eating the birthday cake. What is the boy doing? Hes blowing out the birthday candles. What are the children doing? Theyre playing party games. What is the boy doing? Hes wearing the birthday hat. What are the children doing? Theyre giving him the birthday presents. What are the children doing? Theyre having a birthday party. What is the boy doing? Hes cutting the birthday cake. What is the girl doing? Shes giving him the birthday card. singing the birthday song playing party games having a birthday party eating the birthday cake wearing the birthday hat cutting the birthday cake blowing out the birthday candles giving him the birthday presents giving him the birthday cards have - having, having a birthday party wear - wearing, wearing the birthday hats sing - singing, singing the birthday song blow - blowing, blowing out the birthday candles cut - cutting, cutting the birthday cake eat - eating, eating the birthday cake give -giving, giving the birthday cards give - giving, giving the birthday presents play -playing, playing party games
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