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1、【钟英【钟英 like B. well; like C. good; / D. well; / 22. The notice says there _ a sports meeting next Saturday at the community center. A. will have B. has C. is going to have D. is going to be 23. Its the last minute in the basketball match, but the player _ the ball. What a pity! A. gets B. misses C.

2、catches D. passes 24. - Can I use your dictionary? _ is left home. - Sure. But dont forget to give _ back before the English class. A. My; one B. Mine; one C. My; it D. Mine; it 25. Which of the words has a different stress? A. palace B. design C. enjoy D. between 26. Its _ study. The twins do homew

3、ork or read together after school every day. A. Mike and Jack B. Mikes and Jack C. Mike and Jacks D. Mikes and Jacks 27. We read 753,016 like this _. A. seven hundred and fifty-three thousand, sixteen B. seven hundred and fifty-three thousand, and sixteen C. seven hundreds and fifty-three thousand,

4、sixteen D. seven hundred and fifty-three thousands, sixteen 28. Kitty is looking forward to _ my letter. Would you please _ the letter for me on your way to school? A. get; sending B. getting; send C. get; send D. getting; to send 29. - Never go near wild animals like tigers. - _ I know they are dan

5、gerous. A. Yes, I will. B. No, I will. C. Yes, I wont. D. No, I wont. 30. Would you like to watch a new film with me this Friday? A. You are welcome. B. Thanks a lot. C. Yes, Id love to. D. No, I dont think so. 三、完形填空三、完形填空(共共 10 小题小题;每小题每小题 1 分分,满分满分 10 分分) 阅读下面短文阅读下面短文,从各题所给的从各题所给的 A、B、C 和和 D 四个选项

6、中四个选项中,选出可以填入空选出可以填入空 白处的最佳选项。白处的最佳选项。 On a snowy evening, a rich lady was standing by the road. She was very worried, because her _31_ broke down. Just then a young man named Robert passed by. He was on his way back home as usual. The lady wondered, “Will the man _32_ me? He looks very cold and hun

7、gry.” But to her surprise, he stopped and asked, “Whats wrong, madam?” The lady told him what was happening. After a while, the car was at last fixed by Robert. She wanted to pay him. “No, that is _33_ madam,” he said. “I was just helping someone in _34_. If you really want to pay me back, I hope wh

8、enever you see someone in trouble, you should give him a hand.” A few minutes later, the lady _35_ a shabby (破旧的) house by the road. She thought of Roberts words, so she stopped. The hostess (女主人) warmly asked her _36_. The lady could see it was a _37_ family and that they needed help. When the host

9、ess was making tea in the kitchen, the lady _38_ 500 dollars on a table and went away quietly. Robert came home later than before, thinking how _39_ their life was. Their baby was to be born the next month but they dont have _40_ money. His wife went up to him, gave him a kiss and said softly, “Dont

10、 worry, dear! An angel has helped us out!” Lets always be ready to help others because helping others is helping ourselves. 31. A. bike B. taxi C. bus D. car 32. A. help B. save C. kill D. find 33. A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything 34. A. picture B. rain C. need D. danger 35. A. saw

11、B. heard C. smelt D. felt 36. A. out B. in C. away D. along 37. A. nice B. sad C. rich D. poor 38. A. paid B. forgot C. left D. collected 39. A. exciting B. hard C. happy D. interesting 40. A. lots B. some C. enough D. little 四、阅读理解四、阅读理解(共共 15 小题小题;每小题每小题 1 分分,满分满分 15 分分) 阅读阅读下列材料,下列材料,从从每题每题所给的所给的

12、四个选项(四个选项(A、B、C 和和 D)中中,选出最佳选项选出最佳选项。 A George knocked on the door of his friends house. When his friends mother answered, he asked, “Can Albert come to play with me?” “No,” said the mother, “its too cold.” “Well,” said George, “Can his football come out to play?” Nancy: I saw seven girls in one umb

13、rella and none of them got wet at the school gate. Jack: Oh, that must be a very big umbrella. Nancy: Dont you see the big sun in the sky? A Sunday school teacher was telling her students how important to make others glad, “Now, children,” said she, “Do you ever make someone glad?” “Please, teacher,

14、” said a small boy, “I made someone glad yesterday.” “Great. Who was that?” “My granny.” “Good boy. Now tell us how you made your grandmother glad.” “I went to see her yesterday, and stayed with her for three hours. Then I said to her, Granny, Im going home, and she said, Well, Im glad!” Mother: Mar

15、y, why do you cry and shout so much? Play quietly like Eddie. See, he doesnt make a sound. Mary: Of course he doesnt. Mom, its a game we are playing. He is Daddy coming home late, and Im you. 41. The four passages are all _. A. jokes B. ads C. news D. notices 42. Which of the following is NOT true?

16、A. George wanted to play football with Albert. B. Daddy came home quietly because he was very sad. C. The small boy made his granny happy by going home. D. The seven girls didnt get wet because it wasnt raining at all. B We each have a memory (记忆力). Thats why we can still remember things after a lon

17、g time. Some people have very good memories and they can easily learn many things by heart, but some people can only remember things when they say or do them again and again. Many of the great men of the world have got surprising memories. A good memory is a great help in learning a language. Everyb

18、ody learns his mother language when he is a small child. He hears the sounds, remembers them and then he learns to speak. Some children are living with their parents in a foreign country. They can learn two languages as easily as one because they hear, remember and speak two languages every day. In

19、school it is not so easy to learn a foreign language because the students have so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects, too. But your memory will become better and better when you do more and more exercises. 43. Some people can easily learn many things by heart because _. A. the

20、y always sleep very well B. they often eat good food C. they read a lot of books D. they have very good memories 44. Everybody learns his mother language _. A. at the age of six B. when he is a small child C. after he goes to school D. when he can read and write 45. Before a child can speak, he must

21、 _. A. read different kinds of books B. write words and think hard C. hear and remember the sounds D. live in a foreign country 46. In school the students cant learn a foreign language well because _. A. they have no good memories B. they dont live in foreign countries C. they have too much time for

22、 it D. they are busy with other subjects C A few weeks ago, I went into Chases class for help. I e-mailed Chases teacher one evening and said, “My son keeps telling me that the thing youre sending home is Mathsbut Im not sure whether I should believe him. Help, please.” She e-mailed right back and s

23、aid, “Surely! I can help Chase after school anytime.” And I said, “No, not him. Me. He gets it. Help me.” And thats why I stayed with Chases Maths teacher. We talked about teaching children. We agreed that subjects like Maths and reading are not the most important things that are learned in a classr

24、oom. We also talked about something elsekindness and bravery And then she told me this. Every Friday afternoon Chases teacher asks her students to take out a piece of paper and write down the names of four children with whom they would like to sit the following week. She also asks the students to re

25、commend one student who they think is the most popular student that week. They neednt write down their names on the paper After the students go home, she takes out those pieces of paper, and studies them. In fact, Chases teacher is not looking for a new seating chart (表) or “popular students”. She i

26、s looking for lonely (孤独的) childrenShes looking for the ones who are not willing to talk with others. She is finding out whose gifts (天赋) are not noticed by their classmates. Then she gets to know who needs help After watching Columbine the wise woman realized that all violence (暴力) comes from lonel

27、iness. Then she decided to start fighting violence early and often, and what she is doing is SAVING LIVES And she finds the lonely kids from those lists and tries to help them. Its Maths to her. All is loveeven Maths 47. Why does Chases teacher ask her students to write down some names on paper? A.

28、Because she wants to find the lonely children B. Because she is looking for a new seating chart C. Because she is looking for the popular student D. Because she wants to help her students learn Maths 48. Which of the following is the correct order? aChases teacher asks her students to write down som

29、e names they want to sit with. bChases teacher learns from the TV violence comes from loneliness. cChases parent emails the teacher for help. dChases teacher studies the lists after school. eChases teacher finds who needs help. Aa-b-d-c-e Bb-a-c-e-d Cb-a-d-e-c Dc-a-d-e-b 49. What do you know about t

30、he teacher? A. Shes a good mother. B. Shes kind and full of love. C. Shes good at teaching Maths. D. Shes ready to help the parents. 50. Whats the best title for the passage? A. Looking for Help B. Learning Maths C. Teaching Children D. Looking for the Lonely D Bath, 97 miles west of London, is the

31、largest city in Somerset, England. It became a World Heritage Site in 1987. The city got its name from the Roman Baths, which was a place for public bathing in Roman Britain. The water there is naturally heated under the ground. Today travellers are no longer allowed to enter the water. However, the

32、 exhibitions there will tell you the history of the Roman Baths. You can see many old Roman objects, including the coins that were thrown into the water to show respect to the goddess. Looking over the city, you will see many old buildings in the color of honey. Among them, the Royal Crescent and th

33、e Circus are the most famous. The Royal Crescent is a row of 30 houses in the shape of crescent. The Circus is about 200 meters to the east of the Royal Crescent. It is a huge circle formed with large townhouses. It has three parts of the same length by three entrances with a lawn in the center. Whe

34、n visiting Bath, you cant miss these two sites. The museums in the city are also popular. You can go and enjoy western paintings. If you are interested in the English writer Jane Austen, you can go to Jane Austen Center to know more about her life with her father in Bath. If you come in October, you

35、 can even take part in the bath film Festival. 51. The passage is mainly about the _ in Bath. A. writers B. paintings C. festivals D. buildings 52. According to the passage, what can travellers do in the Roman Baths? A. Take a bath. B. Play in the water. C. Enjoy old coins. D. Buy old Roman objects.

36、 53. Which of the following is correct about the Royal Crescent and the Circus? 54. Bath is a city _. A. where Jane Austen once lived B. that got its name from the heated water C. where a film festival is held all year round D. that has been a World Heritage Site for 2l years 55. From this passage w

37、e know that _. A. Bath must be the largest city in England. B. People like to visit the museums in Bath. C. People threw coins into the water just for fun. D. Many old buildings in Bath is made of honey. 五、填空五、填空(共共 10 小题小题;每小题每小题 1 分分,满分满分 10 分分) A)根据括号中所给中英文释义写出单词根据括号中所给中英文释义写出单词,使句子意思完整正确。使句子意思完整

38、正确。 56. Zhang Daqian is a very famous _ (画家) in China. 57. John lives in a big flat _ (在下面) Mr. Whites. 58. Her parents _ (准备) nice breakfast for her every day. 59. We can finish our work first and help to finish _ (他们的) later. 60. Some _ (生病的) people in poor areas have to work hard in the field. B)

39、根据句子意思根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 61. My _ (old) brother works in a post office. 62. That man is good at _ (fix) computers now. 63. I guess those postcards may be some _ (visit). 64. Be sure to keep these _ (knife) away from children. 65. Well have many activities to celebrate the _ (hun

40、dred) birthday of the CPC this year. 六、六、句型转换(句型转换(共共 5 小题小题;每小题每小题 1 分分;满分满分 5 分分) 66. You cant be late for school. (改为祈使句) _ _ late for school. 67. I go to school in my mothers car every morning. (改为同义句) My mother _ _ to school every morning. 68. Shall we fly kites at Xuanwu Lake Park this weekend

41、? _ _ fly kites at Xuanwu Lake Park this weekend? 69. There is a dog. It is sleeping on the ground. (改为同义句) There _ a dog _ on the ground. 70. Peter is going to meet his new manager tomorrow. (对划线部分提问) _ _ Peter _ _ _ tomorrow? 七七、阅读、阅读填空(填空(共共 20 小题小题;每小题每小题 1 分分;满分满分 20 分分) A)阅读下面短文阅读下面短文,根据所读内容根据

42、所读内容,在文章后第在文章后第 71-80 小题的空格里填入一小题的空格里填入一 个最恰当的单词。注意个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填每个空格只填一一个单词。个单词。 There are thousands of different kinds of jobs in the world. Some need people to work hard in the field, some need people to talk in front of the others and some need people to sit after desks. The society need tons

43、 of jobs to keep it working. For those who just come upon the stage, job-hunting is always the most important. There are three things that need to be thought about while choosing the job. First of all, it has to be a suitable job. For example, we cannot ask someone with an eye disease to be a soldie

44、r. In the same case, if someone is very shy and not good at working with people, then being a seller or lawyer will not be a wise choice. A suitable job will increase (增加) your strengths, and an unsuitable one is just a waste of time. The second tip is about interest. A research shows that people of

45、ten do better on the job that they enjoy. When you love what you are doing, you will be more willing to learn about it. Generally, interest determines (决定) success. At last, it would be better to choose a job with more development space. Now manpower is replaced by machines in more and more areas. A

46、t first, this happened to manual (体力的) work in factories. These days, many companies are using more Al trading so that many human traders (交易员) have lost their jobs. Many people believe that even doctors could be replaced by AI in the future. As a result, dont forget to choose a job that wont be eas

47、ily replaced. _71_ to choose a job Introduction There are different kinds of jobs that make the society _72_. The passage lists _73_ tips for job-hunting. Being suitable for the job It is _74_ to choose a job that you are not good at. Dont _75_ time on unsuitable jobs. Interest People always have mo

48、re _76_ to learn something they enjoy. Interest makes it _77_ to get success. Development space It is usual that _78_ replace manpower. This may happen to difficult jobs, _79_ doctors in the future. _80_ to choose a job that wont be easily replaced. B)根据根据下面短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标下面短文内容及首字母提示,

49、填写所缺单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标 号为号为 81-90 的相应位置上。的相应位置上。 If you want to feel the sense of real Beijing, walk off the main streets and visit a siheyuan. As traditional buildings, siheyuan are mostly seen in n_81_ China. A typical siheyuan has a big square courtyard w_82_ four buildings on all four sides. Usually

50、, one big family lives here. The design of a siheyuan f_83_ Confucian (儒家的) ideas of respecting authority (权威) and the old. The northern main house gets the most sunshine, s_84_ the eldest member of the family lives there. The east and west wing houses are for children and grandchildren. The souther


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