教科EEC版六年级下册Unit1 The Talent Show Is Coming Soon-Class 5 Textbook p.11-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:00083).doc

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1、EEC 六年级下册 Unit1 : The Talent Show Is Coming Soon 1、本单元设计意图:本课紧紧围绕学生日常生活的事件:参加校园歌手演唱会做准 备为主线,安排了与生活很贴切的英语对话,使学生真切地感受到美国生活的真实场景。 学生通过有关才艺展示的内容的学习,了解习得有关词汇、句型(反问句)。并通过体验 学习,参与到才艺展示中去。 2、本单元学习目标 语言知识目标:学生能用反问句提出建议或意见,并能够对同伴的特长表示赞赏。 语言技能目标:学生能够通过本课的学习提高语言交际能力,形成正确的学习英语 的技能与习惯。让英语成为学生身边的的语言,让学生在良性的评价手段中,为

2、自己的进 步而自豪。 通过学习, 学生能就某一领域的优秀者进行问答 Whos the best ?,学会正确使 用短语 be good at doing sth. How about doing sth.? 教师创设才艺展示情境,学生体验、合作学习,学生能运用所学语言进行交际。 情感态度目标:激发学生学习的积极性,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,培养孩子与人合 作,热爱音乐等。挖掘学生各方面的特长并加以赞赏。培养学生全方面提高自身的才艺。 学习策略目标:培养学生的注意力,观察力,激发学生积极思维,通过游戏活动,培 养学生学习英语的兴趣,引导学生在任务中积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流。 3、学情分析 活

3、动是孩子们喜欢的,因此首先学生对本单元的学习抱有浓厚的兴趣;其次,我们在 本单元可以引用一些道具,例如钢琴,吉他等,便于学生理解乐器等。但是本单元有几个 单词比较难读,预计学生在读词过程中会有一些困难,可以据此设计实效性强一些的游戏 来帮助学生掌握单词的读音。 Unit1The Talent Show Is Coming Soon. ( Revision) 一、Teaching Aims: 1. Knowledge aims: Four-skill words: talent show , guitar , drum , band , myself , play the guitar, mak

4、eaband,swimmer,runner,writer,fast(fasterfastest),good /well(betterbest), Three-skill words: soon , yet , , pianist , violinist, right now , sth +adj , sound like +名词 Key structures:Why dont you play the guitar?= Why not play the guitar? We need a (one more/some more) singer.Whos the best singer? XX

5、sings the best.XX is the best singer. 2. Ability aims: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. master words of this lesson. 2. master the patterns of L1. 3. master the who question. 4. master the Rhetorical question. 3. Focus of the lesson: 1. The vocabulary of L1. 2. The exerci

6、se of L1. 4.Predicted area of difficulty: 1. The dialogue of L1. 2. The exercise paper. 二 、 Teaching methods: Task-based teaching approach, Situational language teaching, Audio-Lingual methods. 三、Teaching aids: pictures, cards, CAI 四、Teaching Procedures: Step 1 1.Greetings : 2.Warm-up/Revision : Qui

7、ck Time: Review words: piano, guitar, drums, violin 设计意图:利用图片快速闪过,让学生们快速说出单词,从而来复习和巩固本课相关的单 词。 Step 2. Can you write ?play + the + 乐器 设计意图:因为本课为复习课,所以让学生们自己写出关乐器的短语,以此来检测学生在 之前的掌握情况。 Step 3. Can you read? 1 Phonetics. /s/ shopswalkstalksmaps /z/ drumsplayerslegsthingsshoesguitarstoes 设计意图:单词末尾 + s 读

8、/s/或 /z/ 学生们很难分清,所以在复习时尽量把音标简 单化:单词最后一个字母是 p, k,的加 s,读/s/,其他读/z/。 2play +球类 T: play + the +乐器,但去掉 the,变成.S:play +球类。 T: Please write them . (ppt) Step4 : 复习职业名词: T: Is this a basketball ? S:Yes, it is. T: Lin Shuhao plays basketball best. He is a basketball player. (过渡到复习职业名词) Drummer, guitar player

9、, pianist, violinist, swimmer, runner, singer Step5 : Can you say and write ? PPT shows the pictures and structure like this: Eg: He is a good singer.He is good at singing. Then let the Ss write more sentences. He is a good _职业_He is good at Ving. Check the answers. 设计意图:利用所给很多图片,让学生们先看图片写出关于这两个结构的句

10、子,再找学生 读,以此检测学生的掌握情况。 Step6 : Make a dialogue: A: I am good at playing the drums. What are you good at doing ? B: I am good at playing the piano. A: Why dont you play the piano? B: I dont want to participate in the show by myself . Practice in pairs like that. 设计意图:将本课重点句型组成对话,让学生之间进行对话交流,从而提高学生的语言表

11、 达能力。 Step7: Do you know ? I-myselfyou- yourselfhe - himself she-herselfit - itself 设计意图:本课出现了反身代词,在本节复习课中对它进行了扩展,从而开拓了学生的知 识层面。让好一些的学生们有所了解。 More exercises eg: 1. I can do it by myself. (用 he 替换划线部分,重新组句。) 2.wants to play the drums by.(she) 3.Did you finish your homework by _ ? Step8: Review senten

12、ces: We need a singer. Who is the best singer ? _sings the best. Can you say and write ?(ppt) We need a _.Who is the best_? _s the best. (play the piano,dance,write,play the drums, play basketball ) Step9: Do the exercise: 1. A: What are you _? B: The exam .(prepare for) 2.He _yesterday. (play the p

13、iano) 3. I amgood at _ . (sing) 4. How about _? (make a band) 5.You are a good_(sing). Why dont you _(sing)? 6.You are a good guitar_(play). Why dont you_(play) the guitar? 7. I dont want to participate in the show _ (我独自)。 8. My mom wants to drink _ (凉的东西)。 9. Do you want to eat _?(美味的东西) Step 11.

14、Come to the text. 1.Read the words : P2-P3 2.Do the exercise : P12- P14 3. Lets build our reading skill. P15 Read the text and then answer the questions: 1. What will Jim do in the talent show? 2. What is Jenny good at? 3. Whos the best singer? 4. drum player= _ 5. Will Xiaoxiao join them? (开放思维) St

15、ep12: Homework. A Write down these words: talent show, pianist , drummer, guitar, play the guitar, guitar player, singer, runner, swimmer,band, make a band B Write down a passage: 结合今天所复习的内容,结合今天所复习的内容, 创编一篇自己的短文。创编一篇自己的短文。 五、Blackboard design Unit OneThe Talent Show is Coming Soon. I am good at singing.Ising the best. She is good at running,She runs the fastest. He is good at playing the drums.He plays the drums the best. He is the bestdrummer. 六、Teaching reflection


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