教科EEC版六年级下册Unit2 Can I Join You -Class 1 Textbook p.14-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:f1bfb).doc

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教科EEC版六年级下册Unit2 Can I Join You -Class 1 Textbook p.14-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:f1bfb).doc_第1页
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1、EEC 六年级下册六年级下册 Unit 2 : CanIJoinYou? 1、本单元设计意图:学生通过学习现在进行时态及反意疑问句,培养学生在学习过 程中善于发现及总结其中的规律。 2、本单元学习目标 语言知识目标:学生能用英语问答自己或别人正在做什么及反义疑问句的问答。 语言技能目标:教师创设情境,学生在情境中学语言,学生能够将所学语言运用到日 常生活中。 情感态度目标:激发他们学习的积极性,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,培养孩子乐于与 人合作的意识。 学习策略目标:培养学生的注意力,观察力,激发学生积极思维,通过游戏活动,培 养学生学习英语的兴趣,引导学生在任务中积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流。

2、 3、学情分析 学生对现在进行时已有所了解,掌握,在本课还需进一步巩固,力争让学生熟练掌握现 在进行时的各种句式,关于翻译疑问句本册新书已取消,改为一般现在进行时的一般疑问 句,这大大降低了难度,相信学生更容易掌握了。 4、单元具体设计 根据课时安排我把本单元分 4 课时来完成教学。 The first period:P14 P16 The second period:P15 P17(一般疑问句 do/does/did) The third period:P21 The fourth period:复习第二单元(V-ing,一般疑问句) Unit 2 : Can I Join You ?Per

3、iod 1 一、TeachingAims: 1. Knowledge aims: Four-skill words: join,practice, pianist, prepare for, make a cake, without(with),picnic Three-skill words: pack for,test Key structures:What are you doing? We are Without (With), we cant (can) do. 2.Ability aims: By the end of the lesson, the students should

4、 be able to: 1. communicate with others by using the present continuous tense. 2. use the structure Without, we cantto take about other things. 3. Focus of the lesson: 1. The present continuous tense. 2. The structure Without, we cant 4.Predicted area of difficulty: 1. The continuous tense. 2.The pr

5、onunciation of “join, prepare, picnic”. 二、二、Teaching methods:Task-based teaching approach, TPR, 三、三、Teaching aids:pictures, cards, tape, computer 四、四、Teaching Procedures: Step I : Lead-in 1. Greeting. 2. Review the old phrases and fill in the blank according to look at the picture. 3.Review the -ing

6、 form of the verbs. Step: Presentation 1.T:If we want to make a band. What do we need to make a good band? Show a picture of a band. To make a good band, we also need a good drummer. BB: With a drummer, we can make a good band. Ss say sentences like this. T: with=without BB:Without a drummer,we cant

7、 make a good band. 2.Learn the sentence structures Without, we cant or With, we can6. Work in pairs of p19. Review the body parts. mouthspeak, eat.eye-seeear-hear hands-write, do something,finger -pointleg-stand, walk. 3Lets make pancakes. Work in pairs.(全班分成两组,每组用 Without, we cant or With, we can交替

8、说,每 次限说一项,重复无效,表述正确得一分。 ) 设计意图:运用多种主题,为学生提供大量的语言材料,让学生有语言支撑,能够大胆地自 信地主动运用英语进行交流,且在交流的过程中掌握句型结构。 4.(PPT)Ask and answer questions in pairs. Then let some pairs show. (BB)A: What are they doing? B: They are_. 5.Change the ppt“pack for the picnic/bag” Ss:What is he doing? T: Hes packing for the picnic/b

9、ag. (Read them .) Ss: Why? T: Because he is going on a picnic/preparing for the test. Learn the new words “picnic,prepare”. pic-nic.pre-pare. All the Ss read and spell. Then individuals. 6.Match(Choose the correct answers, then stick it on the board.) rolesJennyJimXiaoxiaoQiaoqiao be good at play th

10、e drumssingplay the guitar T:Can Qiaoqiao participate in the talent show? Ss: T: Maybe something is changing. Today lets learn Lesson2 Can I join you? 7. Ss read the text p18,then answer“Can Qiaoqiao participate in the talent show?” S1: No,he cant. Because he is too young. S2:Yes,he can. Because he

11、says“Without a pianist,you cant make a good band.” 设计意图: 略读课文回答问题,拓展学生的思维能力。 StepIII: Consolidation. 1. Play the tape(p14). Ss listen and answer the questions according to what they hear. (1) What are Jim and Xiaoxiao doing? (2) Can Qiaoqiao join them? Why? (3) What is Qiaoqiao good at? 设计意图:任务型教学模式

12、。让学生带着任务去听,引导学生把握关键信息,指导听力技 巧,提高听力技能。 2. Exercise ()1.I am making a cake _ the birthday party.A. forB. toC.of ()2.She is _ for the test.A. practiceB.practicesC. practicing ()3. What _Andy and Jane doing?A.isB. areC. does ()4.You cant _ a good band.A. to makeB.makeC.making ()5.Jim is good at _ photos

13、.A. takeB.to takeC.taking ()6.Qiaoqiao likes _the piano.A.playingB. to playC. plays StepV: Homework. P22AWork in pairs.”WhatAre They Doing?” 五、五、Blackboard design Without a drummer, we cant make a good band. A: What are they doing ? B: They are practicing the guitar. 六、六、Teaching reflection 本节课教师注重学生的听说读写能力,复习环节做到了以旧带新,为新授内容做好铺 垫,使学生很自然的过渡到了本课的新授内容 Without, we cant 。现在进行时结构 是旧知识,在旧知识结构中学习新单词学生掌握情况较好。不足之处时间有些拖堂。


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