教科EEC版六年级下册Unit4 We Usually Eat Pizza on Sundays-Class 1 Textbook p.34-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:51052).zip

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Unit 5 Unit 5 Lets eat dumplings.Lets eat dumplings. EEC小学英语六年级下册 学习目标学习目标 Function:能听懂并问答种类。 Expression: -Whatkindofdumplingsdoyouwant? -Meatdumplings. Vocabulary:kind,meat,boil Lead-inLead-in vegetables. PresentPresent vegetable蔬菜 New wordsNew words vedtbl vegetables.Therearemanykinds of Therearemanykinds of fruits. kind种类,性质,和蔼的 vegetable蔬菜 New wordsNew words meat kind种类,性质,和蔼的 vegetable蔬菜 New wordsNew words meat肉 meat dumplings vegetable dumplings Whatkindofdumplingsdoyou want? 知识拓展:fishdumplings,chickendumplings, beefdumplings,porkdumplings,seafood dumplings. makedumplings包饺子 kind种类,性质,和蔼的 vegetable蔬菜 New wordsNew words meat肉 boil煮 boildumplings煮饺子 How long will it take to boil the dumplings ? About10minutes. How long will it take to boil the _? About_minutes. WhatkindofdumplingsdoesQiaoqiao want? Whatdotheyhavefordinnertoday? Dumplings. Meatdumplings. Readthetextthenanswerthequestions. A:Whatkindofsoupdoyouwant? B:Vegetablesoup,please. A:Howaboutmakingsouptogether? B:Thatsgreat! A:Howlongwillittaketomakethesoup? B:About30minutes. Food Kinds Cook time soupvegetable,meat,fishabout30 minutes pizzaseafood,meat, vegetable about50 minutes hamburge r fish,chicken,beef,pork about20 minutes cakecheese,chocolate,fruitabout40 minutes PracticePractice Workinpairs. Warm-upWarm-up Readthetextagain. Homework. Writenewwords. Fishthenethomework. 1 Unit5 Lets eat dumplings教学设计 【教材】EEC英语六年级下册 【教学内容】Unit5 Lets eat dumplings第一课时。 【教学设计】 教学目标: 知识目标: Function: 能听懂并问答种类。 Expression: -What kind of dumplings do you want? -Meat dumplings. Vocabulary: kind , meat, boil 情感目标: 1.培养学生热爱家庭生活,尊重传统习惯。 2.教育学生不挑食的好习惯。 教学重点: 1.在情景中运用所学句型问答 -What kind of dumplings do you want? -Meat dumplings. 2.在情景中恰当运用句型 How long will it take to boil the dumplings. 教学难点: Kind的运用及练习。 教具准备: 多媒体课件 教学过程: 一、热身(Warmup): 师生互相问候。 二、导入(lead in ) 利用多媒体播放视频短片饺子的秘密,引出所学内容。 【设计意图】呈现真实的语境,让学生学会观察图片,渗透描述性形容词big,good复习旧知 ,为学习本课的会话做铺垫。 三、新课展示 (Presentation) (一)观察图画,激趣导入 1.What are these? 2.Do you like watermelons?Why? 3.Are these apples? 【设计意图】运用多媒体课件,教师因势利导,出示本课的话题,引导学生关注本课的对话 内容,从而更加激发学生探究新知的兴趣。 (二)目标导学,探究新知 1.观察图画,导入新知 What are these? Theyre vegetables. 情感渗透: Please remember: Every vegetable is healthy for our body. 巧用多媒体课件,引出本课的主要单词,激发学生的学习兴趣。通过仔细观察图片,帮助学 2 生在语境中正确理解单词的用法及读音。教师因势利导对学生进行情感教育,教育学生从小 养成多吃蔬菜的好习惯。 2.2.感知会话,检测目标感知会话,检测目标 1.自读课文。 2.提出问题,解决问题 What do they have for dinner today? What kind of dumplings does Qiaoqiao want? 3.领读课文 【设计意图】在学生充分预习的前提下,教师引导学生再次感知会话内容,引导学生从小养 成良好的倾听习惯。让学生带着问题读,既落实了本课的教学目标,又培养了学生自主学习 的能力。 3.3.巩固操练巩固操练, , 当堂达标当堂达标 Lets do some exercises. 用下面的表格,两一人组练习对话。 FoodKindsCook time soupvegetable, meat, fishabout 30 minutes pizzasea food, meat, vegetableabout 50 minutes hamburgerfish, chicken, beef, porkabout 20 minutes cakecheese, chocolate, fruitabout 40 minutes A: What kind of soup do you want? B: Vegetable soup, please. A: How about making soup together? B: Thats great! A: How long will it take to make the soup ? B: About 30 minutes. 【设计意图】课上检测,当堂考查学生对句型的应用程度,加深学生记忆,同时开拓学生的 视野,培养学生自由运用英语的能力。 四、板书设计: Unit 5 Lets eat dumplings. What kind of dumplings do you want? Meat dumplings. How long will it take to boil the dumplings. About 10 minutes.
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