科普版六年级下册Lesson 8 Who are you going to play -教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:20230).docx

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1、LessonLesson 8 8TheThe weatherweather inin thethe UKUK AnalysisAnalysis ofof thethe teachingteachingmaterialsmaterials : : 1.1. This lesson is the reading part of Lesson 8 Who are you going to play ? Book 8 of the Primary English. 2.2. This lesson is about the weather in the UK, It requires the stud

2、ents to master the new words and phrases,such as hour ,later, cloud, clear, shine,raincoat,etc. 3.3. The most important is not only to guide students how to read , but also to develop their reading methods ,skills , and their reading habits. 4. This story is a little difficult and not very interesti

3、ng . So I try to create more language environment to let students to try to think ,and do in English in the help of the real situation . A Analysisnalysis ofof thethe students:students: The student of Grade 6 have already have a base in reading ability. I create real contexts to let students fell, u

4、nderstand and use the language .I try to promote studentsreading skills through listening , self-reading ,following, scanning and careful reading .At last , I try to make language output easily . TeachingTeaching emphasisemphasis andand difficulties:difficulties: Emphasis:Emphasis: 1. Develop studen

5、tsabilities of getting and dealing with information. Enable students to use the words and phrases ,such as hour ,later, cloud, clear, shine,raincoat,an hour later , laugh at ,etc. in real situation. Difficulties:Difficulties: 1. Talk about the weather in different countries to output the key content

6、s that we have learned in this class. TeachingTeaching aims:aims: KnowledgeKnowledge aims:aims: 1.1. Enable the students to master the words and phrases: hour ,later, cloud, clear, shine,raincoat,an hour later , laugh at ,etc. 2.2. Enable the students to read and understand the whole passage , and t

7、o make the short conversation . AbilityAbility aims:aims: 1. Develop studentsbasic ability of listening ,speaking ,reading and writing. 2. Stimulate students language creation ability and then finish the task-based activities. 3. Cultivate the studentsright attitude to communicate with others: They

8、can help and learn from each other . EmotionEmotion aims:aims: 1.1. BeBe ableable toto communicatecommunicate inin EnglishEnglish isis a a greatgreat sourcesource ofof happiness.happiness. 2.2. HelpHelp studentsstudents toto realizerealize thatthat differentdifferent weatherweather inin differentdif

9、ferent countries,countries, andand differentdifferent countriescountries makemake thisthis colorfulcolorful worldworld . . T Teachingeaching aids:aids: Book 8 ; some pictures. T Teachingeachingprocedures:procedures: pre-readingpre-reading S Step1:tep1:1. Greeting and sing a song :London Bridge is Fa

10、lling Down . How are you? Im fine. First, Lets sing a song. OK?) S Step2:tep2:Show some pictures about the famous buildings in the UK ,and draw a London Eye to lead in todays topic. MethodsMethods andand purposepurpose : : ByBy singing,singing, presentingpresenting picturespictures andand drawingdra

11、wing thethe LondonLondon eye,eye, studentsstudents willwill knowknow todaystodays topictopic soonsoon WhileWhile readingreading : : S Step1:tep1: 1.1. Listen the 1 st paragraph of the passage. 2.2. Answer the simple questions: What do the people often talk about in the UK ? They are often talk about

12、 the weather. Why ? Because the weather there often changes quickly. How fast does the weather change ? They can have four seasons in one day . 3.3. Read after the tape .Read accurately. 4.4. Retell paragraph 1. MethodsMethods andand purposepurpose : : ThroughThrough firstfirst listeninglistening ,t

13、hey,they cancan getget mainmain ideaidea ofof thethe readingreading contents.contents. UseUse thethe simplesimple questionsquestions toto summarizesummarize thethe mainmain pointspoints ofof thethe text.text. TryTry toto developdevelop thethe studentsstudents abilityability ofof capturecapture theth

14、e keykey informationinformation quickly.quickly. Step2:Step2: LearnLearn thethe 2 2 ndnd paragraph.paragraph. 1. Listen to the part 2 and answer the questions . What does the weather like in one day in the UK ? S1: In the morning . S2: An hour later. S3: In the afternoon . S4: Then evening comes . 2

15、. Answer the question ,meanwhile, learn the words and phrases: an hour later, clouds, clear, shine. 3. Guide students to Read : link together and accord to the group of the meaning to pause . 4. Students try to read after the tape one sentence by one sentence. I should pay attention to the pronuncia

16、tion of the students and teach them try to imitate . 5. Look at the blackboard and try to retell this part. MethodsMethods andand purposepurpose : : ReadRead withwith thethe questionsquestions .This.This methodmethod cancan developdevelop thethe studentsstudents abilityability ofof capturecapture th

17、ethe keykey informationinformation quickly.quickly. TheThe answersanswers covercover thethe keykey contentscontents ofof thisthis part.part. I I createcreate a a realreal contextcontext toto letlet thethe studentsstudents knowknow thethe weatherweather inin thethe UKUK . . GuideGuide studentsstudent

18、s toto readread , , andand letlet thethe studentsstudents mastermaster somesome readingreading skills.skills. Step3:Step3: LearnLearn thethe 3 3 rdrd paragraph.paragraph. 1.Listen to the part 3 and read in a low voice .Then answer the question. What else can you see in the UK ? S1: I can see some pe

19、ople going out with an umbrella on a sunny morning. Why do they take an umbrella on a sunny morning ? S2: Because if they dont take an umbrella or a raincoat ,they may get wet in the rain later in the day. Should we laugh at them ? S3: No , we should not laugh at them. 2.Answer the question ,meanwhi

20、le, learn the words and phrases: raincoat, laugh at, wet. 3.Read after the tape, then try to retell Part 3 MethodsMethods andand purposepurpose : : ParagraphParagraph 3 3 isis easy.easy. ByBy thethe learninglearning ofof PartPart 2 2 , , studentsstudents hadhad thethe abilityability toto getget thet

21、he keykey informationinformation quickly.quickly. SoSo theythey cancan retellretell thisthis paragraphparagraph easily.easily. Post-readingPost-reading : : StepStep 1:Consolidation1:Consolidation andand practice.practice. 1. Read the whole passage after the tape . 2. Read the whole passage according

22、 the mind map on the blackboard. 3. Sing a self-composed song about the passage . MethodsMethods andand purposepurpose : : ThroughThrough retellretell thethe storystory ,consolidate,consolidate thethe mainmain ideaidea andand thethe keykey points,points,SingSing a a self-composedself-composed song,s

23、ong, letlet thethe studentsstudents rememberremember thethe texttext quickly,quickly, andand makemake thethe studentsstudents fellfell veryvery happyhappy. StepStep 2:Watch2:Watch a a shortshort moviemovie aboutabout Luoyang.Luoyang. MethodsMethods andand purposepurpose : : TheThe videovideo isis in

24、troduceintroduce thethe weatherweather inin Luoyang.Luoyang. TryTry toto letlet studentsstudents speakspeak moremore aboutabout whatwhat theythey havehave seenseen fromfrom thethe video.video. 1.Lets make a short conversation about the weather in Luoyang T:Which city is it ?S: Its Luoyang . T:Does t

25、he weather in spring change quickly ?S:Yes, it does. T:Whats the weather like in Spring in Luoyang ?S:Its . T:When you go to there, what can you see ? S:I can see . T:What can you do ?S:I can . T:What should you wear ?S:I should wear . T:The weather in spring in Luoyang often changes quickly, you sh

26、ould care about the Weather Forecast. If not ,you may catch a bad cold. MethodsMethods andand purposepurpose : : TeachersTeachers andand studentsstudents areare talktalkinging together,together, whichwhich cancan helphelp themthem useuse thethe keykey contentcontents s ofof thisthis lesson.lesson. 2

27、.Group work: Look at the pictures and make a short conversation about the different weather in a country which you are interested in. Please do it with your partners. MethodsMethods andand purposepurpose : : ItIts s a a littlelittle bitbit difficultdifficult forfor studentsstudents toto makemake a a

28、 conversationconversation aboutabout thethe weatherweather inin differentdifferent countrycountry .So.So I I givesgives thethe keykey sentencessentences andand wordswords toto helphelp themthem . .EncourageEncourage studentsstudents inin timetime .Tell.Tell themthem toto workwork withwith youryour g

29、roupgroup membersmembers ,no,no mattermatter youryour conversationconversation isis goodgood oror badbad .Just.Just dodo itit . 3.Share your short conversation . MethodsMethods andand purposepurpose : : EncourageEncourage studentsstudents inin timetime ,no,no mattermatter theirtheir conversationconv

30、ersation isis goodgood oror badbad .So.So asas toto strengthenstrengthen theirtheir confidenceconfidence andand accomplishmentaccomplishment . Step 3: Homework 1. You can talk about the weather in different country with your parents. 2. You can write a short passage about the weather in a country wh

31、ich you are interested in. MethodsMethods andand purposepurpose : :ShareShare youryour studystudy achievementachievement withwith youryour parentsparents . .UseUse thethe knowledgeknowledge youyou havehave learnedlearned toto p practiceractice youryour writingwriting. BlackboardBlackboard DesignDesi

32、gn : : Teaching reflection: WeWe knowknow thatthat readingreading is is veryvery importantimportant forfor learninglearning EnglishEnglish inin primaryprimary school.school. ByBy reading,reading, pupilspupils cancan learnlearn thethe languagelanguage moremore quickly.quickly. InIn thisthis lesson,le

33、sson, I I givegive studentsstudents properproper guidanceguidance duringduring thethe readingreading process,process, thatthat cancan exploreexplore theirtheir potentialpotential abilitiesabilities andand useuse theirtheir imaginationimagination inin readingreading . . DuringDuring thethe class,clas

34、s, I I givegive differentdifferent questionsquestions inin eacheach paragraphparagraph thatthat cancan helphelp studentsstudents toto expandexpand theirtheir thinkingthinking andand improveimprove theirtheir readingreading quality.quality. AfterAfter thethe studentsstudents havehave masteredmastered

35、 thethe knowledgeknowledge, , I I askask studentsstudents toto talktalk aboutabout thethe weatherweather inin thethe diffdiffe erentrent countriescountries whichwhich theythey areare interestedinterested in.in.ThisThis methodmethod allowsallows studentsstudents toto expressexpress differentdifferent

36、 opinionsopinions inin theirtheir ownown language.language. SuchSuch discussionsdiscussions notnot onlyonly cancan activateactivate thethe atmosphereatmosphere ofof thethe classroom,classroom, butbut alsoalso cancan improveimprove studentsstudents readingreading ability.ability. AsAs anan EnglishEng

37、lish teacher,teacher, ourour missionmission is:is: TeachTeach studentsstudents howhow toto learnlearn English.English. ratherrather thanthan TeachTeach studentsstudents English.English.StudentsStudents areare thethe mastersmasters ofof learning.learning. SoSo wewe shouldshould teachteach studentsstudents thethe methodsmethods andand skillsskills toto read.read. I I hopehope thethe studentsstudents cancan readread happilyhappily inin thethe interestinginterestingatmosphere.atmosphere.


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