接力版三年级下册Lesson 14 What is wrong -ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:2041a).zip

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Lesson Lesson 14 What is wrong14 What is wrong Game:Sharp Eyes(火眼金睛) nose headhand left leg right ear eye foot mouth hairarm Do the action 1.put your right hand up. 2.put your right hand down 3.put your left hand up. 4.put your left hand down. lets chant and act it out I can I can nod, nod my head. I can touch, touch my nose. I can cross, cross my arms. I can stamp, stamp my foot. eyes Lets learn New Words nose eararm Lets learn New Words head Lets learn New Words foot Lets learn New Words neck Lets learn 看看我们身体的部位,跟着老 师的指令指一指。 Tom. What is wrong?I have a pain in my leg. Ann. What is wrong? I have a pain in my head. Peter. What is wrong? I have a pain in my foot. A Bingo Game Have a pain in the head Have a pain in the foot Whats wrong , Anna? I have a pain in the head. Whats wrong , Tom? I have a pain in my arm. What is wrong , Jack? I have a pain in my leg. What is wrong? I have a pain in my Lets review Home work 1、Tell your friends about what we have learnd today. 2、Practice the dialogue with your classmates. Take good care of yourself and others.Take good care of yourself and others. Tips 接力版英语三年级下册接力版英语三年级下册 LessonLesson 1414 第一课时教学设计第一课时教学设计 课题:课题:Lesson14Lesson14 WhatWhat isis wrong?wrong? 学习目标:学习目标:知识与技能目标:掌握新词:wrong, pain,back, neck; 掌握句型:What is wrong? I have a pain in my+身体部位。 过程与方法目标:能够在日常情境下描述自己身体不舒服的部位。 情感态度与价值观目标:激发和培养学习英语的兴趣,用所学英语 进行交际的意识和勇气。 重点:重点:描述自己身体不舒服的部位。 难点:难点:能够在日常情境下使用单词句型进行流畅对话。 教学过程教学过程 1.1. 导入新课导入新课 (1)Sharp Eye PPT 出示 nose, head, hand, left leg, right ear, eye, mouth, hair, arm, foot 这些单词,学生在老师的引导下大声并正确的说 出这些单词。这样设计的意图是在之前学习的基础上开展教学,趣 味引入。 (2)Warm up: Show some sentences of a body parts for them to say do the actions. Lets chant I can,学生用英语准确说出这些句子并正确的做 出动作,这样设计的意图是复习,巩固前面学习过的身体部位的单 词。 2.2. 讲授新课讲授新课 (1) Ask answer and act Please listen and repeat the new drills . Tom. What is wrong? Ann. What is wrong? I have a pain in my head. Peter. What is wrong? I have a pain in my foot. Read after the teacher or the recorder. (2) Lets learn. Show some new pictures for students to learn the new word. Wrong / pain / back / neck 在此过程中让学生听录音并模仿语音语调,这样设计的意图是进一 步加深单词的理解掌握。巩固句型 I have a pain in my + 身体部 位。 (3)Practice Show some parts of the body for them to say them out. (4)Showtime a.同桌之间利用身体的部位练习 What is wrong? I have a pain in my + 身体部位。 b.同桌两人利用自己身体的部位,运用句型 this is my+身体的部 位,练习和身体部位有关的单词。 (5) Exercise Complete the sentences: 1.- 我的腿疼。 -_. 2.- 我头痛。 -_ 3.- 我的左脚疼。 -_. (6) Summary Ask Ss to talk about what they have learned this class. Words: wrong / pain / neck Drills: - What is wrong? - I have a pain in my leg. (7) Homework a. 背诵本课的生词。 b. 在会写的基础上正确朗读本课对话。 c.完成本课的课后作业。 3.3.课堂小结课堂小结 这节课的教学任务目标是能够在日常情境下描述自己身体不舒服 的部位。 通过实际对话情境的模拟练习加深对单词的掌握,并为下节课的 句型讲解做好铺垫。练习活动主要是两人对话,师生对话,小组活 动为主,让学生在轻松、愉快的课堂气氛中完成学习任务,达到预 定的教学目标。 4.4.板书板书 Lesson14 What is wrong? Words: wrong pain neck back -What is wrong? -I have a pain in my + 身体部位
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