科普版六年级下册-Lesson 8 Who are you going to play -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:d0a0e).zip

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陈骆思 孝桥中心小学 The weather inThe weather in Read fast and answer (快速读课文回答问题) In the UK, people often talk about the weather. Why? Read carefully and underline (精读并画线) Whats the weather like in one day in the UK? In the morning, the weather is warm, and its just like a spring day. And then it rains hard like in summer. An hour later black clouds come, In the afternoon the sky will be clear, the sun will begin to shine, and it can be like a day in autumn. Then evening comes, and it can be cold like a winters day. When you go to the UK, You will see some people going out with an umbrella on a sunny morning . You should not laugh at them, if you dont take an umbrella or a raincoat with you,you may get wet in the rain later in the day . Read and find in pairs. (再读并两人合作找出答案) 1.What do people often talk about in the UK? Why? 2. How many seasons are there in one day? 3. Whats the weather like in one day in the UK? (可以合作回答) 4. What do they take on a sunny morning? Look and enjoy Talk about the weather in the UK The weather in Luoyang Homework Write a passage about the weather in Luoyang. (写一篇关于洛阳天气的短文) Thank you 陈骆思 孝桥中心小学 The weather inThe weather in Read fast and answer (快速读课文回答问题) In the UK, people often talk about the weather. Why? Read carefully and underline (精读并画线) Whats the weather like in one day in the UK? In the morning, the weather is warm, and its just like a spring day. And then it rains hard like in summer. An hour later black clouds come, In the afternoon the sky will be clear, the sun will begin to shine, and it can be like a day in autumn. Then evening comes, and it can be cold like a winters day. When you go to the UK, You will see some people going out with an umbrella on a sunny morning . You should not laugh at them, if you dont take an umbrella or a raincoat with you,you may get wet in the rain later in the day . Read and find in pairs. (再读并两人合作找出答案) 1.What do people often talk about in the UK? Why? 2. How many seasons are there in one day? 3. Whats the weather like in one day in the UK? (可以合作回答) 4. What do they take on a sunny morning? Look and enjoy Talk about the weather in the UK The weather in Luoyang Homework Write a passage about the weather in Luoyang. (写一篇关于洛阳天气的短文) Thank you Lesson 8 Who are you going to play? 教学设计 第一课时 1、 教学目标 复习一般将来时态的用法 2、 学情分析 学生在六年级上册已经学习过一般将来时态的用法。本课主要是复习。学生过了几个月的 时间可能已经忘了一般将来时态的用法、结构和动词形式。 3、 重点难点 be going to 的用法 will 的用法 4、 教学过程 第一学时 教学目标 学习 Lets talk 掌握 be going to 的用法。 学时重点 be going to 结构的肯定句、否定句和疑问句 学时难点 根据主语正确选择 be 的形式,用 am /is /are, to 后面跟动词原形。 教学活动 一、破冰活动(热身活动/头脑风暴) 复习单词:出示单词、短语 叫学生快速地读出来并说出中文意思 between ,team ,football match, Japan and China, start, basketball match, tomorrow afternoon, pity, good luck, team, ticket 二、导入对话 听音导入:What is Dongdong going to do tomorrow afternoon? 听两遍,检查学生听力理解情况。 三、操练对话 1、听录音,逐句跟说,并说出中文意思。 (程度好的学生不看书,程度差的学生可以看着 书) 2、再听录音,第二次跟读对话,注意停顿、语调、节奏等。尽量模仿得像。 3、二人小组,分角色朗读对话。然后对换角色朗读。 4、学生朗读展示。叫几组学生朗读对话。 四、根据关键词复述对话。 出示 PPT,学生看关键词复述课文。先集体, 后小组。练熟练后,自己复述。最后 叫几个学生上台展示。 五、谈论对话(练习听说能力) 出示 PPT,叫学生看文本,两人问答练习。 六、总结重点、难点 先学生总结:你认为对话中的语法重点是什么?可引导学生:谈论明天的活动,用什么 时态?动词用什么形式? 教师板书: 一般将来时态 be going to 结构。 七、课堂练习 出示 PPT(练习册 P66、67 红笔圈到的题) 第二课时 教案 (1)复习检查 A复习单词:利用单词卡片或课件等工具复习本课词汇,重点巩固易混易错词汇。 B复习对话:复习上一课时学的对话,先听录音,然后按上一课时布置的作业分组表演 对话。 (2)学习 Read 的前两段 A导入新课 教师先用汉语介绍文章大意,然后按下列步骤导入: 1)教师放前两段的录音,让学生通过听初步感知文章内容。 2)放第二遍录音,让学生边看图边听录音,明白每幅图的内容 3)教师给学生讲解阅读中所包含的知识点。 4)逐句放录音,让学生跟说并译成汉语。 B操练 学生初步了解前两段内容之后,教师组织学生进一步熟读课文。教师领读,学生跟读或教 师放录音,学生跟读。学生对文章内容熟悉了之后,回答与课文有关的问题(教师可根据 课文内容自行设计问题,引导学生回答,学生能基本回答正确即可) 。 下列问题供教师参考: 1. What do people often talk in the UK? 2. How many seasons can you see in one day in the UK? 3. Whats the weather like in the morning? 、 4. Whats the weather like in the evening? 对掌握程度较好的学生、班级或学校,教师还可以提出更高要求,让他们能够看图和关键 词进行复述,具体方法如下:来源:*&中%教网 1)教师在教学挂图下写上相应的关键词,带学生边看图及关键词边跟着录音读文章。 2)给学生几分钟时间,让学生自己默默试着复述。 3)教师带领学生集体根据关键词复述。 4)让学生集体复述(没有老师的引导) 。 5)让单个学生到讲台前复述,直到全班都能熟练复述故事内容为止。 (如果学生整段复述有难度,教师可采取分段式的方法,让学生按照上面的步骤进行操练。 ) (3)布置作业 做练习册中的相关练习。 第三课时 教案 (1)复习检查 A复习单词:教师快速出示单词卡片,让学生迅速读出并说出汉语词义(以本课生词为 主,亦可出示部分之前所学单词) 。 B复习 Read 的前两段:教师出示教学挂图,让学生根据教学挂图和关键词复述前两段。 (2)学习 Read 的最后一段 A导入新课 教师先简略回顾前两段的内容,再用汉语介绍后最后一段的大意,然后按下列步骤导入: 1)教师放最后一段的录音,让学生通过听初步感知文章内容。 2)放第二遍录音,让学生边看图边听录音,明白每幅图的内容。 3)教师给学生讲解阅读中所包含的知识点。 4)逐句放录音,让学生跟说并译成汉语。 B操练 学生初步了解文章内容之后,教师组织学生进一步熟读课文。教师领读,学生跟读或教师 放录音,学生跟读。学生对文章内容熟悉了之后,回答与课文有关的问题(教师可根据课 文内容自行设计问题,引导学生回答,学生能基本回答正确即可) 。 下列问题供教师参考: 1.What will people often take when they go out in the morning? 2. What will happen if you dont take an umbrella or a raincoat? 对掌握程度较好的学生、班级或学校,教师还可以提出更高要求,让他们能够看图和关键 词进行复述,具体方法如下: 1)教师在教学挂图下写上相应的关键词,带学生边看图及关键词边跟着录音读文章。 2)给学生几分钟时间,让学生自己默默试着复述。 3)教师带领学生集体根据关键词复述。 4)让学生集体复述(没有老师的引导) 。 5)让单个学生到讲台前复述,直到全班都能熟练复述故事内容为止。 (如果学生整段复述有难度,教师可采取分段式的方法,让学生按照上面的步骤进行操练。 ) (3)学习 A game 本课的游戏 Go! Go! My ball!要求学生通过做游戏的形式来操练一般将来时态 “will+动 词原形”结构。游戏规则是:先将全班学生分成七人一组,由第一个学生问 what will you do tomorrow?并将手中的球抛出,接到球的学生回答该问题并继续问一个关于“will+动词 原形”结构的特殊疑问句,接到球的学生回答问题并继续提问题,以此类推。接到球而不 能正确回答和提出问题的学生将被淘汰,最后留下的学生获胜。 可先让一组学生到前面给大家示范表演一下,再进行具体游戏。 (4)布置作业 做练习册中的相关练习。 第四课时 教案 (1)复习检查 A复习语言结构:教师在黑板上出示一些一般将来时态的陈述句,让学生进行肯否问答 特的句型变换。 B复习 Read 的最后一段:教师出示教学挂图,让学生根据教学挂图和关键词复述 Read 的最后一段。 (2) Revision exercises 第 1 题:听录音,标序号。听力材料为: 1.- What are you going to do this Saturday? - Im going to the library. 2. - What will the weather be like tomorrow? - It will rain. 3.- Do you like taking photos, Tom? - Yes, I do. 4- May I speak to Qiqi? - This is Qiqi speaking. 5. Eve is cleaning the floor now. 6.- Will you swim after school? - Yes, I will. 答案:316452 第 2 题:选择所给的词填空。 答案:1. Will, D0 2.doesnt, isnt 3.going, doing 第 3 题: 看图完成对话。 答案:1. watch TV 2.flv kites 3.see a film 4.be sunny 笫 4 题: 仿照例子写句子: 答案: 1. We are going to have a sports meeting next Sunday. We will have a sports meeting next Sunday. 2. Linda is going to make a card this evening. Linda will make a card this evening, 3. She is going to do her homework after school. She will do her homework after school. (3)总结 教师带领学生一起同顾总结本单元所学重点词汇、语言结构及知识点。 (4)布置作业 1)复习本单元知识点。 2)做练习册中相关练习。
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