冀教版(三起)六下-Unit 2 Good Health to You!-Lesson 12 Helen Keller-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:70415).doc

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1、Lesson 12Helen Keller 教学设计 学情分析:学情分析: 学习内容分析: Helen Keller是冀教版小学英语六年级下册第二单元的故事课内容。本单 元主要围绕有关健康的话题展开,而本课的主人公海伦凯勒,虽然没有健康的身 体,但是她依然保持对生活的希望和顽强学习的精神。 通过学习 Helen Keller 这位 美国身残志坚的伟大作家的优秀事迹,对学生进行了意志品质的教育,教育学生 要勇敢地面对一切困难,勇于挑战自己,有志者事竟成。同时它复习了之前学过 的一般过去时。通过这一节故事课的学习,巩固了学生的语言知识,提高了阅读 技能,增强了对故事课的兴趣,能够运用现有的英语语言

2、水平读懂理解故事。 学习者分析: 本课的教学对象是小学六年级的学生,这些学生从三年级开始学习英语,已 经掌握了一些英语基础知识,能够用英语表达自己的观点,有了一定的自主学习 的能力和小组合作合作意识。本课故事的主人公是孩子们所知晓的作家海伦凯 勒,对于她的基本情况,学生也都有所了解,虽然有一些新词,但通过联系上下 文来理解,故事内容对于他们来说不是很难,关键在于体会海伦凯勒的精神。 教学目标:教学目标: 知识与技能目标: 1、能在图片的帮助下读懂故事。 2、能在图片的帮助下简单复述故事。 情感态度目标: 1、积极参与课堂活动,能体会到故事课学习的乐趣。 2、乐于感知,并积极尝试使用英语。 3、

3、通过学习 Helen Keller 这位世界上著名身残志坚有志之人的优秀事迹,让 学生学有所得,学有所悟,希望她的精神能激励和教育我们的学生在任何时候遇到 艰难永不退缩。 学习策略目标: 能初步运用找读、 略读、 猜测词义、 预测等阅读策略, 培养良好的阅读习惯, 提高阅读能力。 教学重点教学重点与难点与难点: 教学重点: 能在故事图片和老师的帮助下读懂本课故事。 教学难点: 能在图片的提示和老师的帮助下描述故事。 教学准备教学准备:PPT 演示文稿、图片 教学过程教学过程: Pre-reading: 1. Show the book. “Three days to see.” T: Hell

4、o, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. How are you? Look at this picture. What is the name of the book? Do you know this girl? She is the protagonist of this book. And today we will learn her story. (设计意图:通过讨论图片,调动课堂气氛,也为故事的引入做铺垫。) While-reading: (一一)、 Listen and Fill in the blanks. T: Now Lets listen

5、 and then fill in the blanks. 1. Who is she? She is _. 2. When was she born? She was born in _. 3. Where was she born? She was born in _. (设计意图:播放故事音频,训练学生听力,迅速找到答案,同时也对本文的主 人公有一个简单的了解。) T:1. Who is she? S: She is Helen Keller. 2. When was she born? S: She was born in 1880. 3. Where was she born? S:

6、 She was born in the U.S. (二)、(二)、Read Picture1-3 and underline the key words. T: Do you want to know about Helen. Lets go on our story. Please read picture1-3 and underline the key words. 1.When did Helen fall ill? 2.What happened to Helen? (设计意图:让学生带着问题读故事,有助于培养学生自主学习的能力。学生读 故事后通过几个问题,对学生进行检查故事内容的

7、进一步了解。默读可以给学生 一些独立思考的时间,让他们潜心读书,深入思考,这样更容易让学生获得完整 的信息。) T:Do you get the key words? Who want to share your answer? T:First, when? S: 18 months old. T:Yes, when she was 18 months old. And then what happened to her? (设计意图:对学生的回答给予充分肯定,继而追问,导入下一个任务。) S:She was deaf and blind. Show two pictures to expla

8、in “deaf、blind”. T: Look at this boy, there are something wrong with his ear. He couldnt hear. He is deaf. Read after me, deaf. S: Deaf. T: And the man walk with a stick. there are something wrong with his eyes. He couldnt see. He is blind. Read after me, blind. (设计意图:在文本的情景中,利用英文解释英文的方法来帮助孩子理解新单词 的

9、含义。) T:When she was 18 months old, she became deaf and blind. So Helen couldnt. S: See, hear and speak T: And she often. S: Got angry. T: What about her parents? Did her parents love her? S: Yes, they did. T: Did they know how to help her? S: No, they didnt. (设计意图:教师带领学生在板书和幻灯片帮助下进行本句的复述,为之后的整 体复述做铺

10、垫。) (三三)、Read Picture4-5 and answer. T:Well, who came to help Helen? Lets go on our story. Please read picture 4-5 and answer the questions. 1. Who came to help her? 2. How did the teacher help her? (设计意图:学生根据老师所给问题,进入文本四、五幅图的阅读,训练学生的 寻读能力。) T:OK , Who came to help her? S: Her teacher. T:Yes, and wh

11、ats her teachers name? S:Anne Sullivan. T:Follow me, Anne Sullivan . (设计意图:使学生掌握 Anne Sullivan 这个名字的正确发音,为后面的复述扫除 障碍。) T:In 1887, she met her teacher Anne Sullivan. (设计意图: 教师带领学生在板书上进行本句的复述, 为之后的整体复述做铺垫。 ) T:How did the teacher help her? First she became Helens . S: friend. T: And the she wanted to.

12、 S: teach Helen words. T: Is it easy or hard for Helen to learn words? S: Its hard. T:How did Helen learn these words? Anne took Helens hand and let her to . S: Feel the water. T: Then? S:she wrote the word on the back of Helens hand . T:At that time, Helen began to learn from Anne Sullivan. (设计意图:通

13、过教师与学生的相互问答,剖析文本内容,检验学生对文本的理 解。 并将这部分的关键词的呈现在板书上,教师带领学生在板书上进行本段的初 步复述,为之后的整体复述做铺垫。) (四)、Read P6-8 and fill in the blanks. T:Now , please take out this piece of paper. Read carefully and fill in the blanks. (设计意图:学生完成关于文本后几幅图内容的填空练习,进一步巩固和检验学 生对此部分内容的理解。) Fromthatdayon,HelenKellerbeganto_everyday.She

14、 _very hard. Helen learned many _ _ every day. She learned to _, _ and _. When she was 20 years old, she went to _. Later, she became a great _. Helens story gives everyone_. T:OK , lets check your answer. (学生核对答案,当讲至 university 一词时,老师要对 university 进行讲解: This is Harvard University . Do you know Harv

15、ard University? Its very famous around the world. Helen went to this university. How great was she!) (设计意图: 配以老师的讲解, 让学生明白海伦凯勒作为一个聋哑人, 凭着努力, , 最终进入了世界一级学府哈佛大学,让学生感受海伦的伟大。) This is University of Oxford and our Peking University. Do you want to go to these universities? (设计意图:激励学生的奋进意识,鼓励他们用功读书。) S:Ye

16、s! T:Please work hard.Follow me, university. (设计意图:长单词分音节教授,帮助学生更好地掌握发音。) When Helen was 20 years old, she went to university. (设计意图:教师带领学生在板书上进行本句的复述,为之后的整体复述做铺垫。) T: Later , she became a great _.Follow me, writer, writer, together: S:Writer T: Teach S: Teacher T: And write S: Writer Word list:univ

17、ersitynew wordshopeworkedstudyspeak readwritewriter (设计意图:利用学生已知的词根信息,拓展到新授单词,便于学生理解。 ) T:Who are they S: Lao She,Lu Xun and Bing Xin. (设计意图:为更贴近学生的现有认知水平,选择了孩子们所熟知的作家老舍, 鲁迅 和冰心。) T:What do they do? S:They are writers. T: They are all great writers.Helen is a great writer, too. They wrote many famou

18、s books. (设计意图:提供给学生另外三位他们熟悉的伟大作家,帮助孩子们更好的了解海 伦身为一名作家的伟大所在。) Helens story gives everyone hope. Follow me, hope, hope, together: S:Hope (设计意图:通过之前的情感渲染,到此处,孩子们已经能基本明白海伦凯勒教给 我们的是希望,领读几遍,让学生掌握发音并在幻灯片上面标明 hope 的中文解 释。) Post reading: 1. Watch the video and number. ()()()()() a. Helen became a great write

19、r. b. Helen was deaf and blind when she was a baby. c.She often got angry because she couldnt see or hear. d. She learned to speak, read and write. e. Her teacher, Anne, helped her to learn some new words. (设计意图:带字幕观看故事动画,学生整体感知故事以及其中所寓含的道理。 并通过图与句子的匹配,以及排序,让学生进一步加深对故事梗概的印象。) 2. Retell the story. T:

20、OK, boys and ad girls. What do we learn today? Lets say together. (设计意图:教师带领学生在板书的帮助下完整的复述一遍故事,引导学生掌握根 据关键词复述的能力。) 3. Groupwork. T : Today we knew Helen Keller and her teacher Anne Sullivan. What do you think of Helen Keller ? (设计意图:小组讨论故事中 Helen 自己的启迪。既锻炼了学生的表达能力又培养 了他们的向 Helen 的高贵精神品质学习的情感态度。 同时考验

21、了他们的小组交流 与合作的能力。) 4. Homework: T:Their story really give us hope. They are all great. And there are many other great people, like Zhang Haidi , AdisonandBeethoven. They all work hard and never give up hope! Great hope makes great men.At last lets watch a video about never give up hope. You can write somethings to help you finish todays homework. 1. Tell this story to your parents. 2. Write a story about some other great people who gives us hope. (设计意图:播放视频,本课情感态度的升华,让学生明白要心存希望并敢于拼 搏的精神。)


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