冀教版(三起)六下-Unit 1 Sports-Lesson 6 A Famous Football Player-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:60a7d).zip

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Our Dreams! I like(to) _. I want to be a _ in my future. Lesson6: A Famous Football Player Fu Feng NO.2Primary School Chen Juyan Story time Read part 1 together,and underline the answer.(齐读第一部分,划出答案。) Why did the boy use boxes and bottles as his footballs? Because he liked to play football very much , but his parents couldnt buy him a football. =He was interested in playing football. Interest(兴趣 ) Listen Part2 carefully and think the questions. Q2:Why did he give the boy a football as a gift ? Because he thought that the boy would be a good player. Q1:Who is the man in this picture ? From then on , the boy played football harder. hard The boy used boxes and bottles as his footballs. Diligence (勤奋)勤奋) Read part 3 silently.默读第三部分。 A.He bought a Christmas gift for the coach. B.He dug a hole for Christmas tree of the coach. B Q2; Why did the boy want to dig the hole for the coachs Christmas tree ? Because the boy wanted to do something for the kind coach, but he was from a poor family. kind Why does the boy think the coach is kind ? The coach gave him a football. The boy was grateful to the coach for his kindness. Gratitude(感恩 ) Q3:What did the boy say ? I cant buy you a Christmas gift . But I can dig a hole for your Christmas gift. Q4:What did the coach say ? This is the best Christmas gift. Read Part 4 freely and think the questions. 自由朗读第四部分并思考问题。 Q1:What did the coach do ? The coach asked the boy to be a player on his football team. Q2: W hat happened in 1958? In 1958,the 17yearold boy and his team won the World Cup .He was famous around the world. Look at the picture of part 5. (看第五部分的图) Do you know who the boy is ? He is Pele-the world famous football player. 贝利贝利出生在出生在巴西巴西米纳斯米纳斯-吉拉斯州的一个小镇里,父亲是位吉拉斯州的一个小镇里,父亲是位 不出名的职业足球运动员,全家七口,生活贫寒。也许是因为不出名的职业足球运动员,全家七口,生活贫寒。也许是因为 足球在足球在巴西巴西日常生活中所占有的特殊地位,日常生活中所占有的特殊地位,贝利贝利从小就酷爱足从小就酷爱足 球运动。在同年龄的孩子中,球艺是出类拔萃的。他球运动。在同年龄的孩子中,球艺是出类拔萃的。他15岁被选岁被选 入著名的桑托斯队,入著名的桑托斯队,16岁进入国家队,岁进入国家队,17岁代表岁代表巴西巴西队参加世队参加世 界杯赛的夺魁大战。在对界杯赛的夺魁大战。在对瑞典瑞典队的决赛中,队的决赛中,贝利贝利以他娴熟的球以他娴熟的球 艺,独特非凡的头球和过人的技巧,接连攻入两个球,为艺,独特非凡的头球和过人的技巧,接连攻入两个球,为巴西巴西 队第一次登上冠军宝座立下汗马功劳。在瞬息万变的比赛中,队第一次登上冠军宝座立下汗马功劳。在瞬息万变的比赛中, 他沉着冷静,能在六十米以外判断出守门员站位靠前而一脚劲他沉着冷静,能在六十米以外判断出守门员站位靠前而一脚劲 射得分。他的头球准确刁钻,使守门员防不胜防。他的倒钩技射得分。他的头球准确刁钻,使守门员防不胜防。他的倒钩技 术更使亿万球迷为之倾倒。体质和技巧在术更使亿万球迷为之倾倒。体质和技巧在贝利贝利身上实现了完美身上实现了完美 的结合。的结合。 在贝利的生涯中,共参加了在贝利的生涯中,共参加了1363场正式比赛,踢进场正式比赛,踢进1281个进个进 球,这是有官方记载情况下的历史最高纪录,球,这是有官方记载情况下的历史最高纪录,1977年贝利在美年贝利在美 国退役。完美、十全十美、球王,这都是用来形容贝利的,在国退役。完美、十全十美、球王,这都是用来形容贝利的,在 退役前他没有犯过任何错误。退役前他没有犯过任何错误。 Practice: Read the story and fill in the blanks.读故事并填空。 Many years ago ,there_ a boy from a very poor _.He liked to play _very much. One day ,a coach _ him.He _ that the boy would be a good player . The coach _ the boy as a football as a gift . From then on , the boy _ football hard .The coach_the boy to be a player on his football team . Do you know _ the boy is ? He is Pele ! was family football saw thought gave playedasked who Lets retell the story ! Many years ago a very poor family play football couldnt at Christmas time dug a hole happy a coach saw thought would a good player gave in 1958 won the Would Cup famous Pele the world famous football player the king of football What can you learn from Pele ? Interest (兴趣)兴趣) Diligence(勤奋)(勤奋) Gratitude(感恩)感恩) Take the chance (抓住机会) Success (成功) Homework Find other players stories, share it with us next class. 查找其他运动员的故事, 下节课和大家一起分享。 Lesson 6 A Famous Football Player 教学设计 教学目标: 【教学目标】 1、知识目标:1,学生理解并能说出 bottle,poor,dug,hole,the World Cup 等词汇,听懂并理解本课故事。2,继续感知一般过去时 态的用法。 2. 能力目标:能解决故事中的问题并能复述故事内容。 3. 情感目标:1,在师生,生生交流,以及小组合作共同完成任务的 过程中不断激发并强化学生的学习兴趣,培养学生积极参与,乐于 与他人合作的精神,养成和谐和健康向上的品格.2,学习主人公为 了理想努力拼搏的精神,并激励自己为了自己的梦想去奋斗。 【教学重点和难点】 重点:理解故事内容并能用一般过去时态完整复述故事情节。 难点:感知故事内涵,体会主人公努力奋进,执着拼搏的精神。 【教学准备】 电子白板,录音带,图片,贝利的传记等。 教学过程: Step one: Pre-Reading 1、Free talk T: Boys and girls, What season is it ? Ss: Its spring. T: Yes.In this beautiful season,Lets talk a happy topic-Our dreams. (设计意图:Free-talk 形式让学生在轻松气氛中进入本课学习,激发 学生探索新知的欲望。) 2. Lead-in . T: Today I want to introduce a boy for you .When he was young,he liked to play football very much ,so he played very hard.At last ,he became a famous football player .Do you want to know his story?(呈现人物图片并书写标题) Step Two : New contents 1. Listen to the story . a、Ask students to underline the difficult words and phrases . b、Ask students to help them understand.(设计意图:充分发挥 学生自主学习能力及互相协作的能力,将课堂交给孩子。) 2.Learn the story. Part 1:Read part 1 together,and underline the answer.(齐读第一部 分,划出答案。) Why did the boy use boxes and bottles as his footballs? (设计意图:通过齐读方法让学生进入故事情境,激发学生的学习兴 趣。) Because he liked to play football very much , but his parents couldnt buy him a football.-He was interested in playing football.- -Interest(兴趣) (设计意图:从答案中引出兴趣这个关键词,体会第一段中的精神。 ) If you want to succeed, what should we have besides interest ?Lets learn part 2. Part2:Listen Part2 carefully and think the questions. Q1:Who is the man in this picture ? Q2:Why did he give the boy a football as a gift ? (设计意图: 改变阅读方式,让学生勇于展现自我,学会倾听,使学 生理解故事的主要内容及故事中主要词汇的意义,培养学生的观察 力、想象力和语言表达能力。) From then on , the boy played football harder.-Diligence(勤奋) (设计意图:让孩子通过故事体会要想成功必须付出加倍的努力。 ) Part 3 : Read part 3 silently.默读第三部分 Q1:What did the boy do at Christmas time? He dug a hole for Christmas tree of the coach. Q2; Why did the boy want to dig the hole for the coachs Christmas tree ? Because the boy wanted to do something for the kind coach, but he was from a poor family. (设计意图:让学生通过问题理解本段 故事内涵) (设计意图:通过 kind 理解教练的友善及小男孩的感激之情,达到 情感教育) T:Do you think the boy will be succeed?Lets learn part 4. Part 4:Read Part 4 freely and think the questions.(自由朗读第四 部分并思考问题。) Q1:What did the coach do ? The coach asked the boy to be a player on his football team. Q2: W hat happened in 1958? In 1958,the 17yearold boy and his team won the World Cup .He was famous around the world.(设计意图:通过问题设置帮 助孩子们理解课文,体会小男孩的成功。) T:Do you want to know who the man is ?Lets learn part 5. Look at the picture of part 5. Part5:(看第五部分的图) Do you know who the boy is ? He is Pele-the world famous football player.(设计意图:让学生通 过观察理解这个阳光自信的男人就是那个小男孩-贝利,感受他带 来的正能量) 3.白板出示贝利的相关资料及十个精彩进球瞬间,让学生再次了解 这位了不起的球王。(设计意图:通过进一步了解将课堂气氛推向 高潮,让学生体会他身上的精神。) Step three: practices A、Read the story and fill in the blanks.读故事并填空。 B、Lets retell the story ! (设计意图:第一道训练题让学生在理解课文的基础上能灵活运用 一般过去时填空,为第二道题做好铺垫。第二道让孩子们通过小组 合作,结合老师提供的提示单词复述课文,提高孩子们的语言综合 运用能力,培养孩子说英语的自信。) Step four: Summary What did you gain in this class ? (设计意图:与学生一起再次感受从课文中所体会到的运动精神, 并送给孩子们一句话:Where there is a will,there is a way! 激励孩 子们。) Step five : Homework Find other players stories,share them with us next class. 查找其他运动员的故事,下节课和大家一起分享。 (设计意图:让孩子们在课外通过各种渠道搜集资料,寻找其 他成功人士的励志故事,并与大家分享,既锻炼了学生们搜集资料 的能力,又丰富了孩子们的知识资源库。)
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