人教版八下-Unit 1 What's the matter -Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:211bb).docx

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人教版八下-Unit 1 What's the matter -Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:211bb).docx_第1页
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1、八年级下八年级下 Unit1Unit1 SectionSection A A GrammarGrammar focusfocus 复习问题和建议学情分析复习问题和建议学情分析 本节课是一堂话题的复习课本节课是一堂话题的复习课。 让学生谈论学习和生活中出现的问题让学生谈论学习和生活中出现的问题 并能给出合理的建议并能给出合理的建议。首先教师先整合话题首先教师先整合话题,以听说训练为主线以听说训练为主线,通通 过过看听说写等一系列教学活动看听说写等一系列教学活动,谈论问题和困惑谈论问题和困惑。精精选相关语篇选相关语篇,课课 堂堂上教师把主动权交给学生上教师把主动权交给学生,课上课上采用采用分类法分

2、类法、归纳归纳法法、和和思维发散思维发散 法复习该话题法复习该话题。让学生让学生学会学会反思自己反思自己,体体谅他人谅他人,树立树立合作精神合作精神,培培 养养积极乐观的情感态度积极乐观的情感态度, 立即立即学会处理生活中遇到的困难学会处理生活中遇到的困难。 能用能用所学所学 知识讨论相关话题知识讨论相关话题, 在情境中提在情境中提高学生高学生的口头表达能力的口头表达能力, 阅读能力及阅读能力及 写作能力写作能力。引导引导学生关注自己的学生关注自己的身心身心健康健康,并学会关心他人并学会关心他人、帮助他帮助他 人人。 RevisionRevision ofof problemsproblems

3、 andand adviceadvice 教学设计教学设计 TeachingTeaching goals:goals: LanguageLanguage goal:goal: GetGet studentsstudents toto reviserevise howhow toto talktalk aboutabout theirtheir problemsproblems andand givegive properproper advice.advice. AbilityAbility goal:goal: 1.Revise1.Revise howhow toto askask forf

4、or andand givegive suggestionssuggestions andand howhow toto respondrespond toto othersothers advice.advice. 2.To2.To developdevelop studentsstudents listening,listening, speaking,speaking, reading,reading,andand writingwriting skills.skills. MoralMoral goal:goal: FaceFace thethe problemsproblems br

5、avely,bravely, smilesmile toto life.life. LearnLearn toto carecare forfor andand helphelp others.others. TeachingTeaching keykey points:points: ReviseRevise howhow toto presentpresent problemsproblems andand givegive suggestionssuggestions , , andand howhow toto respondrespond toto othersothers advi

6、ce.advice. TeachingTeaching difficultdifficult points:points: ReviseRevise talkingtalking aboutabout peoplepeoples s problemsproblems includingincluding healthhealth ,population,population, environment,environment, studystudy oror lifelife problems.problems. TeachingTeaching methods:methods: task-ba

7、sedtask-based teaching,teaching, communicationcommunication approach,approach, revise,revise, practicepractice andand discussdiscuss TeachingTeaching materials:materials: somesome pictures,pictures, C CA AI I TeachingTeachingprocedureprocedure StepStep 1 1 GetGet readyready forfor classclass StepSte

8、p 2 2 RevisionRevision TheThe teacherteacher tellstells studentsstudents whatwhat herher problemproblem is.is. AskAsk themthem toto givegive advice.advice. Say,Say, everyevery dayday I I spendspend quitequite a a longlong timetime waitingwaiting forfor a a bus.bus. SoSo I I amam tiredtired ofof this

9、.this. I I wantwant toto buybuy a a newnew car,butcar,but I I havenhavent t enoughenough money.money. WhatWhat shouldshould I I do?do? TheThe studentsstudents cancan givegive theirtheir suggestionssuggestions freely.freely. ReviseRevise thethe expressionsexpressions ofof givinggiving suggestions.sug

10、gestions. StepStep 3 3 PracticePractice ShowShow differentdifferent picturespictures toto students.students. GetGet themthem toto looklook atat thethe screenscreen andand talktalk aboutabout thethe problems.problems. DiscussDiscuss thethe picturespictures withwith theirtheir classmates.classmates. A

11、ndAnd givegive thethe rightright piecespieces ofof advice.advice. AtAt thethe samesame time,time, useuse differentdifferent formsforms ofof expressions.expressions. StepStep 4 4 PairPair workwork GrowingGrowing upup cancan bebe difficult.difficult. TheThe studentsstudents maymay havehave manymany pr

12、oblems.problems. SupposeSuppose oneone isis a a call-incall-in centercenter helper,helper, thethe otherother isis a a problemproblem student.student. MakeMake upup conversationsconversations inin pairs.pairs. AskAsk somesome pairspairs toto rolerole playplay inin class.class. StepStep 5 5 GroupGroup

13、 workwork AskAsk differentdifferent studentsstudents toto telltell thethe classclass aboutabout theirtheir problemsproblems inin EnglishEnglish studystudy .They.They cancan dodo thisthis tasktask inin smallsmall groups.groups. LaterLater thethe groupgroup leaderleader reportsreports theirtheir membe

14、rsmembers ideas.ideas. Finally,Finally, seesee whichwhich groupgroup isis thethe bestbest one.one. StepStep 6 6 ReadingReading AskAsk studentsstudents toto readread SimonSimons s letterletter carefully.carefully. TheyThey trytry toto graspgrasp thethe mainmain informationinformation ofof thethe pass

15、age.passage. AfterAfter that,that, talktalk aboutabout thethe boyboys s problemsproblems .Then.Then readread a a proposalproposal letter.letter. PayPay attentionattention toto thethe forms.forms. StepStep 7 7 WritingWriting LetLetthethestudentsstudentsthinkthinkaboutaboutthetheseriousseriousenvironm

16、entalenvironmental problemsproblems inin ourour city.city. DivideDivide thethe classclass intointo twotwo parts.parts. SomeSome studentsstudents writewrite thethe problemsproblems .The.The othersothers writewrite a a proposalproposal letter.letter. AndAnd theythey cancan stickstick thethe letterslet

17、ters onon thethe blackboard.blackboard. AdvocateAdvocate allall ofof usus toto protectprotect thethe earth.earth. StepStep 8 8 FamousFamous sayingsaying TeachTeach thethe studentsstudents somesome famousfamous sayingssayings inin class.class. AndAnd telltell themthem somesome otherother waysways tot

18、o solvesolve ourour problemsproblems inin life.life. StepStep 9 9 self-assessmentself-assessment GetGet eacheach studentstudent toto dodo a a self-assessment.self-assessment. TheyThey cancan checkcheck whatwhat theytheyvevelearnedlearned inin thisthis class.class. TheThe teacherteacher handshands ou

19、tout eacheach studentstudent a a piecepiece ofof paper,paper, andand theythey cancan drawdraw a a happyhappy faceface oror a a sadsad faceface aboutabout everyevery item.item. StepStep 1010 SummarySummary InIn thisthis class,class, studentsstudents cancan reviserevise howhow toto askask forfor theth

20、e problemsproblems andand practicepractice thethe differentdifferent formsforms ofof givinggiving advice.advice. TheyThey cancan dodo somesome reading,reading, speakingspeaking andand writingwriting exercises.exercises. StepStep 1111 HomeworkHomework ReviseRevise thethe expressionsexpressions abouta

21、bout problemsproblems andand advice.advice. WriteWrite a a shortshort passagepassage aboutabout a a problemproblem boy.boy. BlackboardBlackboardDesignDesign WhatWhat isis thethe matter?/matter?/ WhatWhat isis wrong?wrong? MyMy problemproblem isis. WhyWhy dondont t you/Whyyou/Why notnot dodo YouYou should/shouldnshould/shouldnt t. . YouYou cancan do.do. HowHow aboutabout /What/What aboutabout ? ? YouYou areare supposedsupposed toto


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