人教版八下-Unit 1 What's the matter -Section B 2a—3b Self check-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:94092).docx

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人教版八下-Unit 1 What's the matter -Section B 2a—3b Self check-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:94092).docx_第1页
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1、九年级九年级 Revision(ProblemsRevision(Problems andand AdviceAdvice) )教学设计教学设计 课题课题Interpersonal communication 解读理念解读理念 面向全体学生,着眼于学生的全面发展,帮助学生过积极健康的生活,促进学生个性发展;尊 重学生,充分调动学生学习的主动性和积极性;鼓励学生实施自主、合作、探究学习,注重培养学 生的独立思考能力和实践能力。 学情分析学情分析 The Chinese government recently plans to change one-child policy into two-ch

2、ild policy, meaning that every family in China is allowed to have two children. Now, many parents have given birth to a second child, which makes the first child feel upset. As a result, most teenagers have problems and worries with their little brother or sister and parents as well. So students mus

3、t be very interested in talking about the problems and want to get some good solutions from the class. They also have got some listening, speaking, reading and writing strategies, like listening to the key words or sentences, speaking according to the sentence structures, skimming for the main idea

4、and scanning for the specific information, writing with opening paragraph, body paragraph and concluding paragraph. But I think most Ss may have problems using different ways to give advice, such as why dont you do .; Why not do .; You had better do . and if you can ., you could do . and possible co

5、mments on advice, also writing advice letters in correct form. They can try to think in different ways and solve the problems positively so that they can get on with their family and friends better. 教材分析教材分析 内内 容容 标标 准准 一、提出问题,热身讨论,启发学生思考,提出相关建议。 二、总结建议的一些关键句型。 三、继续创设情境,借助 a sad girl 的故事,将学生带入现实生活人文

6、语境中。 四、给 A sad girl 写建议信。 教教 学学 目目 标标 知识目标To help the students learn how to give advice: You could/should/shouldnt; Why dont you do.; Why not do .; You had better do .; What/How about doing.; Its better for sb. to do.; If you can., you could . 能力目标 情感态度价值观 目标 To guide the students to think in differ

7、ent ways. To learn how to use supporting ideas to express their opinions. To help people in need and live a happy life, get on well with people around as well. 教教 学学 重重 点点 Based on the analysis of Curriculum Standards, the language points and the Ss situation, I design the following teaching aims: 1

8、. Talk about the problems. 2. Learn the new language points 教教 学学 难难 点点 Not only help the students learn language knowledge, but also help them learn some useful ways to solve problems; some expressions to give advice 方法解读方法解读教教 学学 方方 法法 启发式、探究式、情境式、参与式、任务式教学 教教 学学 准准 备备 1、把握教材,了解学生,以便导课。 2、提前了解学生的问

9、题苦恼,进行回答问题的准备。 3、教师搜集相关资料,制作多媒体课件。 4、准备教学卡片。 教学过程教学过程 教教 学学 环环 节节 教学内容教学内容教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动 导 入 新 课 创设情境,通 过 列 举 学 生 实 际 生 活 中 的 问 题 导 入 新课,引起学 生 学 习 的 兴 趣。 给学生分发卡片,并 与学生进行实时的 语言交流,给学生接 下来的双边交流活 动进行良好示范。引 起学生关注。 学生拿到卡片,结合自身实际情况,提出合理建议。 1. Free talk 2. Summary Show Ss own problems. Show the sentence s

10、tructures of giving List 6 common problems from Ss, read them, and let Ss give some advice to each other. Make a summary of the important sentences, let Ss know 自 主 合 作、 探 究 学 习 3.Reada problem letter from a sad girl 4. Group work 5.Report 6. Readan adviceletter from Jackie. 7.Writean advice letter.

11、 8. Summary advice. Show other peoples problems Four Ss in a group, let them discuss how to give advice Encourage Ss to give advice Encourage Ss to find Jackies advice for the sad girl. Let Ss write their own advice letter to the sad girl. Ask Ss What they learn in class today. how to use them to gi

12、ve advice. Talk about others problems. Try to help other people. Share ideas to help the sad girl. Try to find Jackies advice in the letter and read it. Try to write an advice letter in different ways to help the sad girl. Try to make a summary of the important points. 拓 展 延 伸 How to get on withpeop

13、le? 启 发 学 生 去 思考。 Show“Learnto listen,learnto communicate.” Listen and think about how to get on with people. 教 师 寄 语 总结提升进行课堂小结,对学 生提出希望。 朗读小结,加深记忆。 Revision Problems and Advice You should / shouldnt do 板书设计板书设计 (Perhaps), you can / could do Why dont you do Why not do (Maybe) you had better How about / What about doing Its better for sb. to do If you can , you could do 教学效果教学效果 预测预测 本课能密切联系学生的学习生活实际,精心选取学生的苦恼问题,结合学生实际生活创设教学 情境,设计符合学生实际的课堂活动,如:调查学生的烦恼、问题,激发学生兴趣,调动学生学习 的积极性;设计科学合理、有思维价值的问题,让学生在感悟、讨论、交流、中深化自己的思想认 识,形成正确的价值观念,同时培养学生自主合作、分析探究问题的能力。


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