人教版八下-Unit 2 I 'll help to clean up the city parks -Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:c0455).docx

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人教版八下-Unit 2 I 'll help to clean up the city parks -Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:c0455).docx_第1页
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人教版八下-Unit 2 I 'll help to clean up the city parks -Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:c0455).docx_第2页
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人教版八下-Unit 2 I 'll help to clean up the city parks -Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:c0455).docx_第3页
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人教版八下-Unit 2 I 'll help to clean up the city parks -Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:c0455).docx_第4页
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人教版八下-Unit 2 I 'll help to clean up the city parks -Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:c0455).docx_第5页
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1、Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.教学设计 SectionAGrammar focus 4a-4c 教材分析教材分析 本节课在 Section A 输入语言的基础上,利用创设“做一名志愿者”情景主 题形式, 通过师生之间和学生互相之间的交际梳理本单元的语法学习要点, 包括: 常见志愿者活动相关短语(give out, clean up, hand out, try out for, help sb. out,volunteer at/in, visit the sick children,)及其在表达志愿服务中的运用; 动词不定式(to do

2、)作宾语、作主语、作表语、作定语或作宾语补足语; 询问志愿服务地点的问句(Where would you like to work?)和答语(I would like to help at); 询问志愿服务人群的问句(Who do you want to help?)和答语(I want to help); 询问志愿服务方式的问句(How will you help others?)和答语(运用动词不定 式); 学情分析学情分析 本部分围绕志愿者活动这个话题探讨动词不定式的在交际中的运用,本话题 贴近学生生活,能够在思想层面上提醒学生对他人的关爱和培养学生的奉献意 识。询问及回答关于志愿者服务

3、的问题时,会大量练习到动词不定式的用法,对 动词不定式会有进一步的认知和巩固。 整体设计整体设计 【教学目标教学目标】 1.1.熟练掌握及运用以下词汇和短语: give out food at the food bank, clean up the city parks, help kids learn to read, hand out, help sb. (to) do, hand out, try out for, volunteer at an animals hospital, work in an old peoples home, visit the sick children

4、2 2.熟悉以及掌握以下句型: Ill help to clean up the city parks. I want to learn more about how to care for animals. Id like to help homeless people. You could ask hospitals to let you visit the kids and cheer them up. 3 3.学会运用动词不定式去主动提供帮助,谈论志愿者活动。 4 4.通过谈论志愿者活动,增强学生的志愿服务意识,呼吁学生参与到志愿者活动 中来,让这个世界变得更有爱。 【教学重难点教学重

5、难点】 重点:重点: 1.询问志愿服务地点的问句(Where would you like to work?)和答语(I would like to help at) 2.询问志愿服务人群的问句(Who do you want to help?)和答语(I want to help) 3.询问志愿服务方式的问句(How will you help others?)和答语(运用动词不定式) 难点:难点: 1.常见志愿者活动相关短语(give out, clean up, hand out, try out for, help sb. out, volunteer at/in, visit the

6、 sick children,)及其在表达志愿服务中的运用; 2.动词不定式(to do)作宾语、作主语、作表语、作定语或作宾语补足语; 【课时安排课时安排】1 课时 【课前准备课前准备】多媒体课件、视频、学案、板书彩色卡片(重点短语词条)、磁石 【教法】【教法】交际教学法、情景交际法、讨论法、练习法 【学法选择学法选择】自主学习法、探究学习法、合作学习法 【教学主要流程教学主要流程】 1. 介绍学习目标;2.MV 导入;3.情境创设;4.两两合作对话;5.游戏语法巩固环 节;6.小组协作探究;7.展示探究成果;8.总结和情感升华 教学设计教学设计 【教学具体环节教学具体环节】 【新课导入】【

7、新课导入】 Step1: Lead-in Watch an MV: listen to a typical song and find: 1. What is the greatest love of all in this song? 2. Do you agree with the singer? Do you think that the greatest love of all is to learn to love yourself? (Let students answer the two questions freely) T: In my opinion, the greate

8、st love of all is to be volunteers to help others and share love with them. ( (设计意图:用设计意图:用 MVMV 调动学生的视听感知,并在课件中着重划出动词不定式结构调动学生的视听感知,并在课件中着重划出动词不定式结构, 隐形导入本节课的语法内容隐形导入本节课的语法内容,激发学生对本课的学习兴趣激发学生对本课的学习兴趣,表达自己的观点表达自己的观点,从从 而引出本课话题而引出本课话题 to be a volunteer。) ) 【新知呈现】【新知呈现】 Step2: Presentation 情境设定情境设定:My

9、 friend Tony wants to be a volunteer. He decided to work in some places. Yesterday, in WeChat, he asked me what he could volunteer to do in each place . Lets solve his problems together. (注意志愿服务地点) 情景情景 1: Tony: Jocelyn, I decide to be a volunteer in the old peoples home on Monday. But I dont know w

10、hat to do. Could you give some advice? (Invite some students to give some advice to Tony according to scene1) Suggested answer: I think he could help the old people to clean their rooms and talk with them. Most old people like to share their own stories with the young. 情景情景 2: Tony: Thats fantastic!

11、 And I want to volunteer in the childrens hospital on Friday. What could I do? (Invite some students to give some advice to Tony according to scene2) Suggested answer: He could visit the sick children in the hospital to cheer them up. He could also dance and sing for them to make them happy. 情景情景 3:

12、 Tony: That sounds good! On the weekend, Id like to help my uncle to work at the food bank. (Invite some students to give some advice to Tony according to scene3) Suggested answer: He could give away some food to the food bank and give out food to help the homeless people. 情景情景 4: Tony: Whats more,

13、I hope to volunteer in an after-school study program. Any good advice? (Invite some students to give some advice to Tony according to scene4) Suggested answer: He could try out for a volunteer after-school reading program and help kids learn to read. 总结(志愿服务地点)总结(志愿服务地点) 1. in the old peoples home2.

14、in the childrens hospital3.at the food bank 4. at school (Let the students add more volunteering places) Suggested answer: in a museum, in the city parks, in an animal hospital ( (设计意图:通过微信对话页面,将符合设计意图:通过微信对话页面,将符合 toto bebe a a volunteervolunteer 话题的情景展示出话题的情景展示出 来来,让学生根据情境中的各个志愿服务地点进行一一提建议让学生根据情境中

15、的各个志愿服务地点进行一一提建议,充分体现了情景交充分体现了情景交 际法。这一新知呈现环节不仅为学生提供了如何在情境中运用动词不定式提建际法。这一新知呈现环节不仅为学生提供了如何在情境中运用动词不定式提建 议议,体现了志愿服务话题中地点的选择体现了志愿服务话题中地点的选择,还将课堂与现代信息技术相挂钩还将课堂与现代信息技术相挂钩,引起引起 学生对新知的兴趣。学生对新知的兴趣。) ) Step3: Pair work: make conversations Discuss:Who need help? to help2.to tell 2.(1)Though the clothes are ne

16、w, she has decided to _ to the children in need. A. give it awayB. give them away C. give away itD. give away them (2) My best friendAlex failed the exam. Id like to_. A.dress him upB.pick him up C.cheer him upD.take him up Suggested answer:1.B2.C 3.Complete the sentence with your own idea. Use infi

17、nitives(不定式). Summer vacation is coming, and I want_ Suggested answer: to visit my grandparents to help them take care of their farm. 4.(1)妈妈要求我打扫厨房。 My mother asks me _ _ _ the kitchen. (2) 学好英语真不容易。 It is not easy _ _ English well. (3)我有点事要和你谈谈。 I have something _ _ _ you. Suggested answer:1.to cl

18、ean up2.to learn3.to talk to 5.(1)Many students want _ for the volunteers at an animal hospital. (2)You should _ your room. Its too dirty. (3)Could you help me _these new books? (4)When Mr. Wang told us the good news, all of us _. Suggested answer:1.to try out2.clean up3.give out4.cheered up ( (设计意图

19、设计意图:寓教于乐寓教于乐, ,将语法练习安插在游戏环节将语法练习安插在游戏环节,给学生设置悬念和期待给学生设置悬念和期待,使使 学生能在保持较高兴趣的过程中习得语言。学生能在保持较高兴趣的过程中习得语言。) ) 【自主探究与合作自主探究与合作】 Step5: Group work: talk and write in groups Discuss: If you and your classmates have the chance(机会) to be volunteers, what could you do? Where would you like to work? ( Four st

20、udents in one group. Each group has a leader. In each group, students need to speak out their ideas in group and the leader needs to take notes.After discussing, the leader has to share their groups idea in class.) Tips: sentences structures ( Students can use them in the discussion.) We would like/

21、 hope/ want/ volunteer to help sb. at/in We can/ could do sth. for sb.(clean up, cheer up, give out, hand out, give away, raise money, care for, etc) 小组合作,学生组内自由交谈,教师从旁协作指导。小组合作,学生组内自由交谈,教师从旁协作指导。 If we are volunteers, we hope to work in/at_.We could_ _ _ _ ( (设计意图:让学生以四人一组为单位,根据主题情景进行头脑风暴。学生们可设计意图:

22、让学生以四人一组为单位,根据主题情景进行头脑风暴。学生们可 以自发己见并通过具体的写的练习强化学生动词不定式语法的掌握以自发己见并通过具体的写的练习强化学生动词不定式语法的掌握, 培养学生自培养学生自 主探究与合作的能力。通过说和写的方式隐形运用本节课的语法目标。主探究与合作的能力。通过说和写的方式隐形运用本节课的语法目标。) ) Step6: Do a report Invite some group leaders to do a report about “If we are volunteers” according to the discussion before. If we ar

23、e volunteers, we hope to work in/at_.We could_ _ _ _ ( (设计意图:让学生展示自主探究与学习的成果,将本节课的话题学习和语法运设计意图:让学生展示自主探究与学习的成果,将本节课的话题学习和语法运 用形成文篇用形成文篇,增强学生英语习得的自信心增强学生英语习得的自信心,为下一步唤起学生对志愿服务的关注为下一步唤起学生对志愿服务的关注 和参与作铺垫。和参与作铺垫。) ) 【情感体会情感体会】 Step7: Watch a video(亚运志愿者宣传片) 1. T: They are volunteers. We need to learn fr

24、om them. We can learn from the video that volunteer means 学生观看亚运志愿者宣传片后,让学生总结志愿者的含义,教师介绍志愿者服务的标志学生观看亚运志愿者宣传片后,让学生总结志愿者的含义,教师介绍志愿者服务的标志 Suggested answer: giving, food, love, friendship, teamwork, success 2. Remember an old saying: The roses in her hand, the flavor in mine.赠人玫瑰,手有余香 3. T: Lets be volu

25、nteers together and make the world better! ( (设计意图:深化学生对本节课话题的情感体会,增强学生的志愿服务意识,呼设计意图:深化学生对本节课话题的情感体会,增强学生的志愿服务意识,呼 吁学生参与到志愿者活动中来,让这个世界变得更有爱吁学生参与到志愿者活动中来,让这个世界变得更有爱) ) 【智能拓展智能拓展】 Step8: Homework 1. Recite the sentences in Grammar Focus 2. Be a volunteer at school or at the park.Write a report about y

26、our own volunteering experience. ( (设计意图:让学生将课堂的所学融入实际生活中,记录下自己的志愿者经历,设计意图:让学生将课堂的所学融入实际生活中,记录下自己的志愿者经历, 学生可以实实在在的丰富经历并有所做,有所想。学生可以实实在在的丰富经历并有所做,有所想。) ) 【重点突破重点突破】 动词不定式动词不定式(to(to do)do)作宾语、作主语、作状语、作定语或作宾语补足语作宾语、作主语、作状语、作定语或作宾语补足语 (Go over the sentences to find out the infinitives.And tell which us

27、age each of them belongs to.) To play football is interesting.踢足球是有趣的。作主语 They would like to come by bus.他们想乘公共汽车来。作宾语 The teacher asked the students to read it again. 那个老师让学生们又它读了一遍。 作宾语补足语 Do you have anything to eat?你有吃的东西吗?作定语 To get there, you should take the train. 要到达那里,你应该乘火车。 作状语 【教学检查教学检查】

28、 单项选择单项选择 ()1.Last year was a hard time to my friend Jim, but he didnt_ hope. A.pick upB.use upC.put upD.give up ()2.We should never _ till tomorrow what we can do today. A.put onB.put offC.give upD.give away ()3.Smoking is not allowed in public places. It may be a good chance for some people to_ sm

29、oking. A.put upB.pick upC.look upD.give up ()4.-What are you doing, Uncle Wang? -I am sorting out old books and Ill_ to kids in West China. A.give them upB.give them awayC.give them offD.give them in ()5.Tell him _ the window. A.not to shutB.to shut notC.to not shutD.not shut Suggested answer: 1.D2.

30、B3.D4.B5.A 【板书设计板书设计】 Unit2 Ill help to clean up the city parks wherewhohow at the food bankthe homelessgive out food in the childrens hospitalthe sickcheer them up in the old peoples homethe oldread the newspaper to them at schoolthe children in the mountainsraise money 【教学反思教学反思】 本节课的设计展现了交际教学法本节课

31、的设计展现了交际教学法、 情景交际法的设计理念情景交际法的设计理念, 整个课程分感知整个课程分感知、 理解理解、分析比较和运用等阶段分析比较和运用等阶段,由易至难由易至难,逐步完成各个任务逐步完成各个任务。对语法教学安排对语法教学安排 了听说读写环节了听说读写环节,充分调动学生感官充分调动学生感官,最大限度地使每位学生都参与进来最大限度地使每位学生都参与进来。课堂课堂 结合了现代信息技术结合了现代信息技术,学生可以在微信情景学生可以在微信情景、对话对话、游戏巩固游戏巩固、讨论等活动中隐讨论等活动中隐 形完成动词不定式语法知识的习得形完成动词不定式语法知识的习得,使学生在持续的兴趣度中实现高效课堂使学生在持续的兴趣度中实现高效课堂。学学 生们还可以在自主探究环节和家作布置中进行智能拓展生们还可以在自主探究环节和家作布置中进行智能拓展, 培养学生英语综合运用培养学生英语综合运用 能力。能力。 本节课中也存在以下几个有待改进的地方:本节课中也存在以下几个有待改进的地方: 1.1.学生思维调动积极性仍不够;学生思维调动积极性仍不够; 2.2.课堂中只能让部分小组展示讨论报告,讨论报告不能更广泛地现场展示课堂中只能让部分小组展示讨论报告,讨论报告不能更广泛地现场展示, 展现更多的共性错误。展现更多的共性错误。


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