人教版八下-Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents -Section B 1a—1e-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:c2ab0).docx

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人教版八下-Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents -Section B 1a—1e-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:c2ab0).docx_第1页
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人教版八下-Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents -Section B 1a—1e-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:c2ab0).docx_第2页
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人教版八下-Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents -Section B 1a—1e-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:c2ab0).docx_第3页
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人教版八下-Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents -Section B 1a—1e-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:c2ab0).docx_第4页
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1、八年下八年下UnitUnit 4 4 WhyWhy dondont t youyou talktalk toto youryour parentsparents ? ? sectionsection B B 1a-1e1a-1e 教学设计教学设计 一、一、 教材分析教材分析 这部分主要是听说材料,延续了本单元这部分主要是听说材料,延续了本单元 talktalk aboutabout problemsproblems andand givegive adviceadvice 的教学目标和内容,更加缩小了话题的范围,谈论学生的教学目标和内容,更加缩小了话题的范围,谈论学生 的压力以及减轻压力的建议

2、和方法的压力以及减轻压力的建议和方法, 符合学生的实际情况符合学生的实际情况, 使得学生使得学生 在这个话题上有话可说,有话想说。在这个话题上有话可说,有话想说。 (一)(一). .教学目标教学目标 1.1.语言知识目标:语言知识目标: (1 1 )帮助学生)帮助学生正确表达正确表达 thethe expressionsexpressions aboutabout thethe lowerlower pressurepressure。 (2.2.)指导学生正确运用)指导学生正确运用 should,should, couldcould 句型。句型。 2.2.语言能力目标:语言能力目标: 通过课堂

3、内的听说训练通过课堂内的听说训练,学生能提高英语的听学生能提高英语的听、说能力说能力,听包括理解听包括理解 听力内容,归纳信息和抓细节,说主要指谈论压力,给出建议。听力内容,归纳信息和抓细节,说主要指谈论压力,给出建议。 3.3.情感目标:情感目标: 鼓励学生体验压力,聆听,接受建议鼓励学生体验压力,聆听,接受建议 。 三、教学重点三、教学重点 1.1. playplay sportssports,hanghang outout withwith friendsfriends,talktalk toto parentsparents oror otherother familyfamily m

4、embersmembers,spendspend timetime alonealone,playplay computercomputer gamesgames ,readread booksbooks ,watchwatch moviesmovies。 2.should,2.should, couldcould 表达建议或劝告的用法。表达建议或劝告的用法。 教学难点:教学难点: TalkTalk aboutabout problemsproblems andand givegive adviceadvice andand reasons.reasons. 四、教学过程四、教学过程 Step

5、Step 1 1 LeadLead inin 学乐云点击课件,出示并解读学习目标。学乐云点击课件,出示并解读学习目标。 SaySay: “boysboys andand girls,girls, therethere areare soso greatgreat teachersteachers watchingwatching thethe videovideo ,we,werere a a littlelittle nervous.nervous. WhatWhat shouldshould wewe do?do? YouYou sangsang a a songsong justjust

6、 now.now. Now,Now, letlets s eateat chocolate,chocolate, OK?OK? LetLets s playplay thethe gamegame” ( (课件展示课件展示吃巧克力游戏吃巧克力游戏,让被抽测到的学生选择序号,然后按照幻,让被抽测到的学生选择序号,然后按照幻 灯片中的提示分别由一号(灯片中的提示分别由一号(sunsun) ,二号(,二号(earthearth) ,三号(,三号(moonmoon) ,四,四 号号(starstar)不同类别的学生来完成不同类别的学生来完成,关注其他学生聆听关注其他学生聆听,补充补充,纠错纠错 情况。

7、情况。) ) ( (温故温故: :提出问题给予建议的句型)提出问题给予建议的句型) Step2Step2:presentationpresentation 1.Ask1.Ask thethe studentsstudents toto expressexpress thethe expressionsexpressions aboutabout thethe lowerlower pressurepressure。 2.Teacher2.Teacher cancan walkwalk aroundaround thethe classroom,classroom, andand givegiv

8、e somesome helphelp toto thethe Ss.Ss.让两名学生完成黑板上的思维导图让两名学生完成黑板上的思维导图 。 3.3.抽测一组学生汇报有关减轻压力的短语抽测一组学生汇报有关减轻压力的短语, 其他组同学开展其他组同学开展 “前进的前进的 雪球雪球” 完成学案上有关减轻压力的短语(完成学案上有关减轻压力的短语(1a1a)补充,纠错,教师适)补充,纠错,教师适 时,适度给予指导。时,适度给予指导。 4.4.学生观看板演正误学生观看板演正误, 齐读板书内容齐读板书内容, 然后采用然后采用游戏接龙游戏接龙的方式背诵的方式背诵 板书上的有关减轻压力的短语。板书上的有关减轻压

9、力的短语。 Step3Step3:listeninglistening WorkWork onon 1c1c(设定情境设定情境: :Say,Say, anan oldold studentstudent ofof minemine hashas a a lotlot ofof pressure,pressure, cancan youyou helphelp him?him? 1.1. telltell SsSs toto readread thethe sentencessentences 1c1c firstfirst byby workingworking inin pairspairs

10、 oneone byby one.one. PayPay attentionattention toto thethe keykey wordswords andand thethe usagesusages ofof pete. 2.2. GoGo onon 1d.ask1d.ask SsSs toto predictpredict thethe wordswords partpart ofof speech.speech. 3.3. PlayPlay thethe recordingrecording 1c,1c, 1d1d forfor thethe Ss.Ss. 4.4. SsSs l

11、istenlisten toto thethe recordingrecording carefullycarefully andand trytry toto writewrite thethe wordswords inin thethe blanksblanks。 5.check5.check thethe answersanswers inin groups.groups. OtherOther SsSs askask andand add.add. 6.should6.should , ,couldcould 提出建议时的用法。提出建议时的用法。 StepStep 4 4 pairp

12、air workwork MakeMake a a conversation.conversation. WorkWork inin pairspairs byby blackboardblackboard writingwriting andand mindmind mapmap 1.Let1.Let SsSs makemake a a conversationconversation A:A: WhatWhat s s thethe mattermatter withwith? ? 精讲精讲 shouldshould ,could,could 用法。用法。 (couldcould 给出建议

13、一般是指自己不太肯定给出建议一般是指自己不太肯定, 或者只是诸多建议中的某或者只是诸多建议中的某 一个建议;一个建议;shouldshould 就是自己很肯定的或唯一的最好的一个建议就是自己很肯定的或唯一的最好的一个建议。 ) B:B: Sb.Sb. A:A: Sb.Sb. shouldshould /could/could B:B: GoodGood idea!idea! 2.2. LetLet twotwo studentsstudents showshow theirtheir conversationconversation forfor thethe Ss.Ss. oneone by

14、by one.one. StepStep 5 5HaveHave a a debate.debate.(辩论赛)(辩论赛) 1.watch1.watch thethe videovideo aboutabout After-schoolAfter-school ClassesClasses forfor Children.Children. 2.Give2.Give SsSs 5 5 minutesminutes toto prepareprepare thethe debate.debate. ThenThen askask thethe SsSs toto havehave a a deb

15、atedebate“OpinionsOpinions onon After-schoolAfter-school ClassesClasses forfor ChildrenChildren” , thethe teacherteacher summarizesummarize thethe debatedebate andand pickpick outout thethe winnerwinner andand thethe bestbest speaker.speaker. StepStep 7 7 homeworkhomework 必做:必做:R Reciteecite thethe

16、phrasesphrases ofof SectionSection B B 1a.1a. 选做:选做:M Makeake a a conversationconversation aboutabout problemsproblems andand givegive adviceadvice . . StepStep 8 8 blackboardblackboard designdesign UnitUnit 4 4WhyWhy dondont t youyou talktalk toto youryour parents?parents?L&SL&S II.II. Sb. should/ could play sports hang out with friends play soccer talk to parents Lower pressure watch movies spend time alone read books play computer games


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