人教版八下-Unit 2 I 'll help to clean up the city parks -Section B 2a—3b Self check-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-省级优课-(编号:51fcb).zip

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Go For It Grade8B Unit2 Illhelptocleanupthecityparks. SectionB(2a-2e) Pre-Pre-readingreading Warm-up I have a pet dog. Its name is 球球。 Is it a boy or a girl? It makes me relaxed. Pre-Pre-readingreading Pre-Pre-readingreading Whats wrong with the girl? What cant she do in daily life? What kind of dog is it? What can it do for her? She is blind. (she cant see./She is unable to see.) She cant/isnt able to/ is unable to It is a guide dog. Show her the way Get sth for her Cheer her up Brainstorm PrePre-reading-reading Brainstorm macall sb up write a letter send a card send messages How do you usually thank someone who helps you? Dear Miss Li, IdliketothankyouforgivingmoneytoAnimalHelpers.Imsureyouknowthatthis groupwassetuptohelpdisabledpeoplelikeme.Youhelpedtomakeitpossibleformeto haveLucky.Luckymakesabigdifferencetomylife.Letmetellyoumystory. Whatwoulditbeliketobeblindordeaf?Orimagineyoucantwalkoruseyourhands easily.Mostpeoplewouldneverthinkaboutthis,butmanypeoplehavethesedifficulties.I cantusemyarmsorlegswell,sonormalthingslikeansweringthetelephone,openingand closingdoors,orcarryingthingsaredifficultforme.Thenonedaylastyear,afriendof minehelpedmeout.ShetalkedtoAnimalHelpersaboutgettingmeaspecialtraineddog. Shealsothoughtadogmightcheermeup.IloveanimalsandIwasexcitedabouttheidea ofhavingadog. AftersixmonthsoftrainingwithadogatAnimalHelpers,Iwasabletobringhimhome. MydogsnameisLuckyagoodnameforhimbecauseIfeelveryluckytohavehim. Yousee,Imonlyabletohavea“doghelper”becauseofyourkindness!Luckyisvery cleverandunderstandsmanyEnglishwords.HecanunderstandmewhenIgivehim orders.Forexample,Isay,“Lucky!Getmybook,”andhedoesitatonce. Luckyisafantasticdog.Illsendyouaphotoofhimifyoulike,andIcouldshowyou howhehelpsme.Thankyouagainforchangingmylife. Best wishes, Ben Smith to from While-While-readingreadingSkimming1 While-While-readingreadingSkimming2 1.WhydidBenSmiththankMissLi? 2.WhatdidMissLido? BecausehewantstothankMissLiforgivingmoneyto AnimalHelpers. ShegavesomemoneytoAnimalHelpersandshemadeit possibleforBentohaveLucky. Skim the letter and answer the questions: Who are they? b.Adisabledperson. d.Apersonwhogaveaway moneytoAnimalHelpers a.Aspecialtraineddog.1. Ben Smith 2. Miss Li 3. Lucky While-While-readingreadingSkimming3 4. Animal Helpers c.Agroupsetupto helpdisabledpeople Read and match the characters with adjectives: Adjectives(形容词): Characters: cleverkindluckydisabledfantastic LuckyMissLiBen While-While-readingreadingSkimming4 _ Ben is disabled, he is lucky _ Miss Lis kindness. Ben feels lucky to have Lucky because Lucky is _ clever _fantastic. because of Although both and Why do you think Miss Li is kind? 2. Shehelpedto_ forBenSmithtohaveLucky 1. She _to “Animal Helpers”. Read paragraph 1 and try to answer : gavemoney While-While-readingreading Scanning makeitpossible 形式宾语宾语 真正的宾语宾语 1.Idlike_(thank)youforsending moneytoAnimalHelpers. 2.Thisgroupwassetup_(help) disabledpeople. 3.Youhelped_(make)itpossiblefor me_(have)Lucky. 4.Luckymakesabigdifference_mylife. tothank tohelp tomake tohave While-While-readingreading Task 1 Read paragraph 1 and find out “to” : to 对对有很大影 响(to是介词词 ) 不定式做宾语 不定式做目的状语 不定式做宾语 Ben Smith 1 2 3 4 5 Heisa_man. Hecant_hisarms_legs well. Somenormalthingslikeansweringthe telephone,_andclosingthe doors,or_thingsaredifficult forhim. Hehasmany_inhislife. Helovesanimalssohewas_ abouthavingadog. While-While-readingreading Careful Reading Read paragraph 2 and fill in the blanks : disabled difficulties use or opening carrying excited 6 Luckily,Afriendof_helped_ out.Sohegotaspecial_dog. his him trained While-While-readingreading Careful Reading What Lucky can do for Ben What Ben will do for Miss Li 1. 2. 1. 2. He can_ He can_ He will_ He will_ understand many English orders. get something for Ben. send a photo of Lucky to Miss Li show Miss Li how Lucky helped him Read paragraph 3&4and fill the blanks: Post-Post-readingreadingParts of Speech (3) Dear Miss Li, IdliketothankyouforgivingmoneytoAnimalHelpers.Imsureyouknowthatthis groupwassetuptohelpdisabledpeoplelikeme.Youhelpedtomakeitpossibleformeto haveLucky.Luckymakesabigdifferencetomylife.Letmetellyoumystory. Whatwoulditbeliketobeblindordeaf?Orimagineyoucantwalkoruseyourhands easily.Mostpeoplewouldneverthinkaboutthis,butmanypeoplehavethesedifficulties.I cantusemyarmsorlegswell,sonormalthingslikeansweringthetelephone,openingand closingdoors,orcarryingthingsaredifficultforme.Thenonedaylastyear,afriendof minehelpedmeout.ShetalkedtoAnimalHelpersaboutgettingmeaspecialtraineddog. Shealsothoughtadogmightcheermeup.IloveanimalsandIwasexcitedabouttheidea ofhavingadog. AftersixmonthsoftrainingwithadogatAnimalHelpers,Iwasabletobringhimhome. MydogsnameisLuckyagoodnameforhimbecauseIfeelveryluckytohavehim. Yousee,Imonlyabletohavea“doghelper”becauseofyourkindness!Luckyisvery cleverandunderstandsmanyEnglishwords.HecanunderstandmewhenIgivehim orders.Forexample,Isay,“Lucky!Getmybook,”andhedoesitatonce. Luckyisafantasticdog.Illsendyouaphotoofhimifyoulike,andIcouldshowyou howhehelpsme.Thankyouagainforchangingmylife. Best wishes, Ben Smith 1.disabled A.残疾的B.致残,变成残疾C.残疾人 2.difference A.不同的B.区分C.不同之处 3.imagine A. 想象力B.想象,设想C.难以想象的 4.difficulty A.难的;困难的B.困难,难处C.使困难 5.training A.开火车B.受过训的 C.训练 4.kindness A. 仁慈,善良B.善良的C.种类 Post-readingPost-readingParts of Speech(2) Circle the right meanings: Summary able-disabled different-difference imagine-imagination difficult-difficulty(ies) train-training kind-kindness Post-readingPost-reading Task 2! 选择正确的单词并用其适当形式填空: difficult, different, able, kind, train disabledunable difference different difficulties trains trained kindkindness 1. Ben is _, he is _to move well. 2.Lucky makes a big_ to his life. It means his life is _ now. 3. There are many _ in his daily life. 4. Animal Helpers _ animals to help people. Lucky is one of them. It is a special _ dog. 5. Miss Li is _. Her _ helps lots of people. Object Verb Subject Miss Li Ben Smith Lucky Animal Helpers can get trains sent is unable to move well. money to Animal Helpers. animals like Lucky. things for disabled people. Post-readingPost-readingMatch and Show Match the different parts to make true sentences: Try to make your own sentences like these: Post-readingPost-reading Try to retell the story: Consolidatio n Animal Helpers was _ to help _ people. They _ animals like Lucky for them. Miss Li was a _ woman, she _ some money to Animal Helpers. So she _ _for Ben to have Lucky. Lucky _ Bens life. You cant _ how excited he was! So Ben wanted to thank Miss Li by _ her a photo of Lucky and_ how Lucky helped him. He thanked Miss Li because of her _. set up disabled trained kindgave away made it possible made a big difference to sending showing kindness imagine Post-Post-readingreadingGroup work Group work: In what ways do you think dogs are able to help us? guide the door carry / get things for people look after babies/ stay with the old cheer us up help the police help to search for people after an earthquake feed baby sheep save our lives Animals are our friends! Animals are our friends! We are family! We are family! We should get on well We should get on well with twith them!hem! Post-readingPost-readingFree talk Everyone should play a part in helping others! I want to I would like to I expect to I hope to I plan to I decide to the oldthe poorthe sickthe disabled The roses in her hand, the flavor in mine. SayingSaying: 赠人玫瑰 手留余香 Homework:Homework: 1. Review the new words and phrases. 2. Read the letter aloud and try to recite it. 3. Make your own sentences using the words in 2c. 4. Talk about your volunteer plan with your partner. 1 Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks. Section B 2a-2e 导学案 一、一、【教材分析教材分析】 (一)教学目标:(一)教学目标: 1. 知识目标知识目标: 1)能正确使用以下单词:disabled; blind; deaf; imagine; difficultly; open; door; carry; train; excited; training; kindness; clever; understand/understood; change 21世纪*教育网 2)能正确使用以下短语:set up; make a difference; 2. 能力目标能力目标: 1)通过 2b 让学生通过各种层次的阅读任务,培养学生的阅读能力和答题技巧。 (包括 skimming, scanning 和结合自然段进行的 careful reading,了解主要角色的各 种性格特征和相关事件) 2)学习感谢信这个体裁。 3)重点练习 parts of speech,学习词的不同词性对语篇的影响;初步了解主谓宾的 句子结构。 4)指导学生建构 Mind map, 增强学生的注意力、记忆力,启迪学生思维,培养学 生的联想力和创造力,利用 Mind Map 去帮助自己复述所学文章。【出处:21 教育名师】 3. 情感目标情感目标:教育、培养学生对他人表示同情及关爱,并对帮助过自己的人学会感恩。 二、二、【教学流程设计教学流程设计】 Step1 Pre-reading (读前活动读前活动) 1) Greetings. 2) A photo of my dog and a short video of dogs. 3) Group work: What can dogs do for humans? (At least three) 1. 2. 3. 4) A video about a girl and a dog. Whats wrong with her?The girlWhat cant she do? 2 What kind of dog is it?The dogWhat can he do for her? 5) How do you usually thank someone who helps you? (Free talk) 1)_2) _3)_4)_ Step2 While reading(读中活动读中活动) Skimming 1. What kind of letter is it?_ 2. Answer the two questions: 1)Who wrote the letter to Miss Li? Why did he do so? _ 2) What did Miss Li do? _ 3. Who are they?(Match characters with descriptions) Ben Smith a special trained dog Miss Li a disabled person Lucky a group set up to help disabled people Animal Helpers a person who gave away money to A H 4. Match characters with adjectives. clever, kind, lucky, disabled, fantastic Lucky_ Miss Li _ Ben Smith _ Task 1: Try to make a sentence with these words: _ Ben is disabled, he is lucky to have Lucky _ Miss Lis kindness. Ben feels lucky to have Lucky because Lucky is _ clever _ fantastic. Scanning: 1. Read paragraph 1 and answer the questions: Why do you think Miss Li is kind? Because she _to Animal Helpers and _for Ben Smith to have Lucky. 2. Task 2. To find out all the “to” in paragraph 1, and tell what they are used for. 3 (1 Id like _ you for sending money to Animal Helpers.( 用_) (2) This group was set up _ disabled people. ( 用作_) (3 )You help _ possible for me _ Lucky. ( 用作_) (4) Lucy makes a big difference _ my life. ( 用作_) Careful Reading 1. Read paragraph 2 and fill in the blanks about Ben Smith. 1. He is a _man. 2. He has many _ in his life. 3. He cant _ his arms _ legs well. 4. Some normal things like answering the telephone, _ Ben Smith and closing doors or _ things are difficult for him. 5. A friend of _ helped _ out. She got a special _ dog for him. 6. He loved animals and was _ about the idea of having a dog. 2. Try to repeat paragraph two using the sentences above. 3. Read paragraph 3 _ (2). difficulty _ ;_ (3). training _; _ (4). kindness _; _ 4 (5). difference _; _ 3.Task 3: Choose the right words to fill in the blanks: (1) Ben is _ , he is _ to move well. (2) Lucky makes a big _ to his life. It means his life is _ now. (3) There are many _ in his life. (4) Animal Helpers _ animals to help people. Lucky is one of them. It is a special _ dog. 5) Miss Li is _. Her _ helps lots of people. 4. Match different parts to make true sentences. Finish 2d. (做在书上) Ask students to make more sentences like this. Subject Verb Object I love animals. We must help the disabled people. Task 4: 1) _ 2)_ 3)_ 5. Task 5: Retell the story, filling the blanks using key words and phrases: Animal Helpers was _ to help _ people. They _ animals like Lucky for them. Miss Li was a _ woman, she _ some money to Animal Helpers. So she _ for Ben to have Lucky. Lucky _ to Bens life. You cant _ how excited he was ! So Ben wanted to thank Miss Li by _ her a photo of Lucky and _ how Lucky helped him. He thanked Miss LI because of her _. 6. Free talk: To help others, what volunteer work can we do? 1) _ 2)_ 3)_ Step 4. Homework 1. Review the key words and phrases. 2. Read the letter and try to recite it. 5 3. Make your own sentences using the words in 2c. (write on your books) 人教版新目标 Go For It 2011 版八年级下册 Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks. Section B 2a-2e 课后反思 这节课经过精心准备,基本完成了教学任务,学生们在老师分组竞争的机制下, 课堂回答问题很活跃,48 位同学回答问题的次数为 50 余次,基本是人均一到两次。 根据学生的实际,老师设置的种种读前的 warm-up 也好,Brainstorm 也好,都 达到了引出阅读话题,降低阅读难度,教学新单词的目的。 阅读中的各种活动和任务,从 skimming 到 scanning 再到 careful reading,从浅 到深,逐步提高阅读的难度,逐步挖掘教材,做到把能力培养和有趣的形式相结合,学生 既有阅读的欲望,又有回答问题的成就感。 读后活动,来自课堂,又高于课堂,把放松和记忆挑战融与一体,最后的志愿 者活动的拓展和赠人玫瑰,手留余香的谚语,把本节课的情感教育升华了。 本节课不足的地方是环节稍多,应该是稍删掉一到两个环节,做到取舍。另外 就是语速稍快,但是指令清晰,学生活动多,老师的每个任务都落实到位了。 1 【教材分析教材分析】 (一)教学目标:(一)教学目标: 1. 知识目标知识目标: 1)能正确使用以下单词: disabled; blind; deaf; imagine; difficultly; open; door; carry; train; excited; training; kindness; clever; understand/understood; change21世纪*教育网 2)能正确使用以下短语:set up; make a difference; 2. 能力目标能力目标: 1)通过 2b 让学生通过各种层次的阅读任务,培养学生的阅读能力和答题技巧。 (包括 skimming, scanning, 结合本篇文章了解主要角色的各种性格特征和相关事 件) 2)重点练习 parts of speech,学习词的不同词性对语篇的影响;初步了解主谓宾的 句子结构。 3)指导学生利用 Key words and phrases 去帮助自己复述所学文章。 4)在阅读中更加熟练的理解不定式在句子中充当的不同成分。【出处:21 教育名师】 3. 情感目标情感目标:教育、培养学生对他人(包括动物)表示同情及关爱,并对帮助过自己 的人学会感恩。 (二)教学重难点:(二)教学重难点: 1)培养学生的阅读能力和策略。 2)培养学生在文中对单词不同词性的理解。 3)初步掌握主谓宾结构的句子。 4)在阅读中进一步感悟不定式的各种用法。 (三)教学方法:(三)教学方法: 1)利用上下文猜测词性词义。 2)泛读和精读结合。 3)启发式教学;情景教学法;任务型教学法;情感教育。 【教学流程设计教学流程设计】 Step 1Pre-reading (读前活动读前活动) 1. Greetings. 2. Warm-up: A picture of my dog 3. A video about a blind girl and a guide dog and then ask the students to discuss the 2 questions in groups and check the answers. 4. During this step, teach some words in 2b. 【设计意图设计意图】这个步骤的主要目的是为了引出文章的相关内容,在学生回答问题的过程中这个步骤的主要目的是为了引出文章的相关内容,在学生回答问题的过程中 教学一些相关的新单词和新句式,教学一些相关的新单词和新句式,blind, deaf, disabled, imagine, difficulties, carrying, open, close 等等,降低阅读难度。等等,降低阅读难度。另外,小组合作也可以帮助有困难的同学学习新的词另外,小组合作也可以帮助有困难的同学学习新的词 汇,缓解他们紧张的情绪。汇,缓解他们紧张的情绪。 5. Ask students how they thank someone who helps them. Present the letter in 2b. Step 2.While-reading (读中活动读中活动) 1. Skimming 1) What kind of article is 2b? What kind of letter is it? (Present thank-you letter) 2) Skim the letter and answer the two questions in 2b. 3) Ask students to skim the letter again to find out who the main four characters are. 1. Ben Smith a. A special trained dog.21*cnjy*com 2. Miss Li b. A disabled person. 3. Lucky c. A group set up to help disable people 4. Animal Helpers d. A person who gave away money to help Ben. 4) Read and match the characters with adjectives: Clever Kind Lucky disabled fantastic Lucky Miss Li Ben 【设计意图设计意图】通过略读文章,了解文章的大意,首先了解文章的体裁,接着了解谁给谁写通过略读文章,了解文章的大意,首先了解文章的体裁,接着了解谁给谁写 感谢信,为什么写,然后找出文中的四个主要角色,并找出他们的性格特征,在这个感谢信,为什么写,然后找出文中的四个主要角色,并找出他们的性格特征,在这个 环节,四个阅读的任务是逐步提升,学生在这个环节后会对文章有初步的了解。环节,四个阅读的任务是逐步提升,学生在这个环节后会对文章有初步的了解。 2. Scanning 1) Read paragraph one and answer why Miss Li is kind. 2)Task1: Read paragraph one again and find out all the “to”. 【设计意图设计意图】在读第一段的任务完成后,在读第一段的任务完成后, 我设置了一个任务,就是找出所有的我设置了一个任务,就是找出所有的 to,因为,因为 本单元的语法是学习不定式做宾语,宾补和目的状语的用法,所以在阅读之后,为了加强本单元的语法是学习不定式做宾语,宾补和目的状语的用法,所以在阅读之后,为了加强 3 学生理解重要语法在文中的运用,专门设置了这个任务。在这个过程中,也培养学生对重学生理解重要语法在文中的运用,专门设置了这个任务。在这个过程中,也培养学生对重 点句子的翻译。(点句子的翻译。(make it possible for sb to do sth/ make a difference to ) 3. Careful reading 1) Read paragraph two and find out all the things about Ben and fill in the blanks. 2) The teacher takes away the words and ask students to retell paragraph two. 3) Read paragraph three and four, ask students to answer two questions: What Ben wants to do for Miss Li? 【设计意图设计意图】鼓励学生仔细读感谢信的主体部分,去找出相关的具体信息,培养学生搜索鼓励学生仔细读感谢信的主体部分,去找出相关的具体信息,培养学生搜索 具体信息的能力,对个别信息的归纳总结,再次加工的能力,并利用回答问题的简图来复具体信息的能力,对个别信息的归纳总结,再次加工的能力,并利用回答问题的简图来复 述第二段。三四两段的两个问题其实也是文章的
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