人教版八下-Unit 5 what were you doing when the rainstorm came -Section A 3a—3c-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:e0aa7).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_八年级下册(2013年10月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 5 what were you doing when the rainstorm came _Section A 3a—3c_ppt课件_(含教案+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:e0aa7)
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测评练习测评练习 1、根据句意、汉语提示和首字母提示完成句子 1.The sun gives us (光) and all living things on the earth need it. 2.The ground was covered with (落下的)leaves after the storm. 3.The pretty girl sitting by the (窗户)is from New York. 4.Jenny was having dinner when the (暴风雨)came. 5.What terrible weather, the w is blowing even harder. 6.The bus was crowded, so I had to stand a the front door. 7.The storm broke many things a ,pieces of them were everywhere. 8.Yesterday it rained very h , everyone had to stay at home. 9.This table is made of good w . 10.When the wind was d down, the man started again. 2、单项选择 1. They always help each other . A. in times of difficultyB. in the time of difficulty C. for times of difficultyD. at times 2. Linda couldnt see Alice . A. everywhereB. somewhereC. nowhere D. anywhere 3. I was taking a shower the earthquake happened. A. whenB. whileC. at the time of D. then 4. The rain was and it beat against the windows. A. heavy, heavyB. heavily, heavily C. heavy, heavilyD. heavily, heavy 5. When the rain , I asleep. A. die down, fell B. was dying down, fell C. die down, was fallingD. Was dying down, was falling 3、根据汉语提示完成句子 1.外面没有光,感觉就像半夜一样。 With outside, it felt like midnight. 2.电视新闻报道该地区下了一场大雨。 The news on TV that a was in the . 3.当雨水大量地冲刷窗户的时候,本正在帮他妈妈做晚餐。 Ben his mom make dinner when the rain began to the window. 4.大约凌晨三点钟风正减弱的时候,他终于进入了梦乡。 He finally when the wind was at around 3a.m . 5.倒了的树,破碎的窗子和垃圾到处都是。 trees, windows and were everywhere. 人教新目标版本英语学科八年级下册第5单元 傅俊生 六安市裕安区第九中学 Period 3 Section A 3a-3c The Storm Brought People Closer Together Teaching goals(教学目标教学目标) 1. 语言知识技能目标:语言知识技能目标: 1) Vocabulary:area, wood, flashlight, match, beat, against, fall asleep, die down, apart 2) Grammar:熟悉并运用过去进行时:熟悉并运用过去进行时 3) 提高学生在阅读文章过程中获取信息的能力提高学生在阅读文章过程中获取信息的能力 。 4) 了解一些暴风雨的知识了解一些暴风雨的知识。 2. 情感态度价值观目标:情感态度价值观目标: 自然灾害是无情的,但是互相帮助是有情的自然灾害是无情的,但是互相帮助是有情的 。 -What are they doing now? - _ They are watching TV. -What _at ten last night? - _ They were watching TV. RevisionRevision were they doing storm wind light report match beat fall asleep die down rise fallen 暴风雨暴风雨 风风 光光, , 光线光线, , 光亮光亮 报道报道, , 公布公布 火柴火柴 敲打敲打, , 打败打败 进入梦乡进入梦乡, , 睡着睡着 逐渐变弱逐渐变弱, , 逐渐消失逐渐消失 升起升起, , 增加增加, , 提高提高 倒下的倒下的, , 落下的落下的 RevisionRevision strong winds feel like in the area make sure beat heavily against a serious storm neighborhood neighbor although break sth apart 强风强风 仿佛仿佛 好像好像 在本地区在本地区 确保确保 强烈的撞击强烈的撞击 狂风暴雨狂风暴雨 街区街区 社区社区 邻居邻居 尽管尽管 破坏破坏 Ben Alabama A storm hit (袭击) Alabama strongstrong windswinds blackblack cloudsclouds darkdark candlecandle matchesmatches flashlightflashlight heavyheavy rainrain TheThe rainrain waswas beatingbeating heavilyheavily againstagainst thethe windows.windows. B.B.打败打败C.C.穿透穿透A.A.敲打敲打 fallen trees broken windows The neighborhood was in a mess(脏 乱乱). Para 1 4 Read the passage quickly and silently and find the topic sentence. Although the storm broke many things apart, it brought families and neighbors closer together. FastFast readingreading (主题句)(主题句) 3a3a ReadRead Paras.Paras. 1-21-2 andand fillfill in in thethe blanks.blanks. 1.What1.What waswas thethe weatherweather likelike beforebefore thethe rainstormrainstorm came?came? _were blowing._were making the sky dark. With no _outside, it felt like midnight. Bens dad Bens mom put _ over the windows. made sure the _and_ were working. Put _and _ on the table. 2.What2.What diddid theythey dodo forfor thethe rainstorm?rainstorm? Strong winds Black clouds pieces of wood flashlightsradio candles matches light StrongStrong windswinds werewere blowing.blowing. BlackBlack cloudsclouds werewere makingmaking thethe skysky dark.dark. WithWith nono lightlight outsideoutside It It feltfelt likelike midnightmidnight. . BeforeBefore thethe stormstorm 1.1. weatherweather 2.2. preparationpreparation BensBens daddad putput piecespieces ofof woodwood overover thethe windowswindows . . BensBens mommom mademade suresure thethe flashlightflashlight andand radioradio werewere working.working. 1.What was Ben doing when the rain began to beat against the windows? 2. What did Bens family do during the storm? ReadRead Para.3Para.3 andand choosechoose thethe rightright answers.answers. A.He was sleeping. C. He was doing housework. B. He was cooking. A. They played a card game. B. They had dinner together. C. They had a fun after dinner. Ben was helping his mom cook dinner when the rain began to beat against the windows. After dinner, they played a card game. DuringDuring thethe stormstorm BenBen waswas helpinghelping hishis mommom cookcook dinner.dinner. BensBens familyfamily playedplayed a a cardcard gamegame afterafter dinner.dinner. ReadRead Para.4Para.4 andand answeranswer thethe questions.questions. 1. How was the neighborhood after the storm? The neighborhood was . 2. What did people do after the storm? in a mess fallenfallen treestreesbrokenbroken windowswindowsrubbishrubbish They cleaned up the neighborhood together. AfterAfter thethe stormstorm The neighborhood was in a mess. They cleaned up the neighborhood together. Before the storm, _ _ were blowing. _ _ were making the sky dark. With no _ outside, it felt like midnight. Bens dad put _ _ _over the windows while Bens mom made sure the _and _ were working. Put _and_ on the table. During the storm, Ben was helping his mom _ _. After dinner, they tried to _ _ _ _. After the storm, the neighborhood was_ _ _. People_ _ the neighborhood together. strongwinds Blackclouds light piecesofwood flishlightsradio candles matches cookdinnerplaya cardgame ina messcleaned up Read aloud. BeforeBefore thethe stormstorm weatherweatherwinds;winds; clouds;clouds; lightlight BensBens dad&momdad&mom DuringDuring thethe stormstorm AfterAfter thethe stormstorm BenBen BensBens familyfamily neighborhoodneighborhood in in a a messmess cleanclean upup togethertogether RetellRetell preparationpreparation earthquakeearthquaketyphoon tsunami snow storm The rainstorm is a disaster. Do you know other disasters? It broke many things apart. It brought families and neighbors closer together. Storms are not always bad. TheyThey broughtbrought peoplepeople closercloser together.together. We should help each other. How can we help each other in times of difficulty? Thinking: give away the money volunteer Homework KnowKnow moremore aboutabout disasters.disasters. RetellRetell thethe story.story. 联系信箱: unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? 教学内容:教学内容: Section A 3a-3c 教学目标:教学目标: 1. Knowledge aims: (1)words and expressions: storm, wind, light, report, match, beat, fall asleep, die down, rise, fallen, strong winds, feel like, in the area, make sure, beat heavily against, a serious storm, neighbor, although, break sth. apart (2)Structure The passage shows us that although the storm broke many things apart, it bought families and neighbors closer together. Bens dad was putting pieces of wood over the windows while his mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working. (3)Grammar Past Progressive Tense Conjunctions when and while 2. Ability aims: (1)Get students to learn facts about rainstorm. (2)Get students to learn to use Past Progressive Tense (3)Get students to practice retelling for main ideas (4)Get students to know the topic sentence(Although the storm broke many things apart,it bought families and neighbors closer together.) 3. Moral Aims: People should help each other in times of difficulty 学情分析:学情分析: 1. 学生在前面已接触过 when 与 while 的用法,有一定的语言基础,本 单元加以拓展。进一步学习 when 与 while 用法。 2. 学生以前学习过现在进行时的含义、构成和用法,本单元学习过去进 行时的含义、构成、用法,应该容易理解。 教学重难点:教学重难点: 1. Important points: Get students to know facts about rainstorm. Get students to learn to use Past Progressive Tense and learn to use when and where Get students to retell the main ideas of the passage. 2. Difficult points: Its difficult for students to learn to use Past Progressive Tense Its difficult for students to retell the main ideas of the passage. 教学步骤:教学步骤: Step1 Revision 1. Sentences: What are they doing now? -They are watching TV. What were they doing at ten last night? -They were watching TV. 2.重点单词和短语: storm, wind, light, report, match, beat, fall asleep, die down, rise, fallen, strong winds, feel like, in the area, make sure, beat heavily against a serious storm, neighbor, although, break sth apart. (设计意图:复习本单元所学的过去进行时的用法和上节课所学的单词。 ) Step2 Lead-in 通过讨论 Can you describe what a rainstorm is like?这个问题导入短文。 (设计意图:培养学生想象某些特殊生活场景的能力,了解暴风雨常识。 ) Step3 Reading Practice Task1:Fast Reading Read the passage quickly and silently and find the topic sentence, then check the answer. (topic sentence :Although the storm broke many things apart, it brought families and neighbors closer together.) Task2: Read Paras.1-2 and fill in the blanks, then check the answer. 1: What was the weather like before the rainstorm came? Strong winds were blowing. Black clouds were making the sky dark. With no light outside, it felt like midnight. 2: What did they do for the rainstorm? Bens dad put pieces of wood over the windows. Bens mom made sure the flashlights and radio were working. Put candles and matches on the table. Task3: Read Para.3 and choose the right answers 1:What was Ben doing when the rain began to beat against the windows? A. He was sleeping. B. He was cooking. C. He was doing housework. 2: What did Bens family do during the storm? A. They played a card game. B. They had dinner together. C. They had a fun after dinner. Task4: Read Para.4 and answer the questions. 1: How was the neighborhood after the storm? The neighborhood was in a mess. 2: What did the neighbors do after the storm? They cleaned up the neighborhood together. (设计意图:进一步理解课文,培养学生的阅读能力和解决问题能力。 ) Step4 Read aloud, then fill in blanks. Before the storm, strong winds were blowing. Black clouds were making the sky dark. With no light outside, it felt like midnight. Bens dad put pieces of wood over the windows while Bens mom made sure the flashlights and radio were working. Put candles and matches on the table. During the storm, Ben was helping his mom cook dinner. After dinner, they tried to play a card game. After the storm, the neighborhood was in a mess. People cleaned up the neighborhood together. After fill in the blanks, then let students read loudly. (设计意图:进一步理解课文,培养学生的朗读能力。) Step5 Retell the text (设计意图:培养学生的口语表达能力,加深对所学课文的理解。) Step6 Let students know about other disasters, and then tell students storms are not always bad. They brought people closer together, we should help each other. (设计意图:了解其他的自然灾害,培养学生辩证看待问题的能力。) Step7 Thinking How can we help each other in times of difficulty? (设计意图:培养学生乐于助人的意识。) Step8 Homework 1: Know more about disasters. 2: Try to retell the story. (设计意图:巩固所学知识。)
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