人教版八下-Unit 5 what were you doing when the rainstorm came -Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-部级优课-(编号:a15c0).zip

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Shijiazhuang Foreign Language Education Group Nie Cuicui Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came ? 4a-4c Project By the end of the class, students need to create a new story using “when and while” in the past progressive tense( 过过去进进行时时). - Hi, Peter. What were you doing at 7:00 oclay night ? - I was hanging out with Nancy. How about yo u? Special moments on Friday night. Free talk 8:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. ? Time Your Partner You - Hi, Peter. what were you doing at 8:00 oclock this Friday night ? - I was hanging out with Nancy. How about you? - 1 chainwork 2. 板书,while句子 3. 第2、3组后学生总结. 4。学生自己活动自己总结 I was doing while Kate was Special moments, sweet memories! Free talk 7:0 pm We were eating ice cream at McDonalds while my husband was taking photos. We were eating ice cream at McDonalds when my husband called me. Grammar Focus: 过去进行时态 1.-What were you _ at eight last night? - I _ _(take) a shower? 2. -What _ she doing at the time of rainstorm? - She _ _ (do)her homework. 3. -What was he doing when the rainstorm _ (come)? - He _ _ (read) in the library when the rainstorm came. 4. -What was Ben _when it _ to rain heavily? - When it began to rain, Ben _ _ (help)his mom make dinner. 5. -What was Jenny doing while Linda _ _ (sleep) ? - While Linda was sleeping, Jenny _ _ (help) Mary with math. doing was taking was was doing came was reading doing came was helping was sleeping was helping at 8:00 last night; at the time of at this time yesterday; at that moment when 从句中的主句 while后的从句 at 8:00 last night; at the time of at this time yesterday ; at that moment when 从句中的主句 the whole morning while后的从句 时间标志词 Grammar Focus: “when at the time of at this time yesterday; at that moment when 从句中的主句 the whole morning while后的从句 Groups: 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. 板书设计 Thank you! 在具体的语言情境中理解并运用:when, while 及过去进行时; 理解过去进行时和一般过去时的区别; 教学目标教学目标 1.知识与能力:知识与能力: 通过对话交流、视听材料的描述及情景看图作文,理解并使用 when、while 描述一个动作发生时,另 一个动作正在发生;同时通过相应语法练习,比较分析延续性动词和非延续性动词的区别。目标语 言:We were eating ice cream at McDonalds while my husband was taking photos for us; We were eating ice cream at McDonalds when a fly joined us; Linda was sleeping, while Jenny was helping Mary with her homework. 2.思维与情感:思维与情感: 通过 4a 图表造句,引导学生自主观察、自主发现、自主对比分析,继而小组总结归纳,培养学生自 主发现问题解决问题的能力;同时,通过描述视频中的情景、情景写作及自身故事的讲述,引导学 生助人、感恩、珍惜当下的价值观,整堂课贯穿思辨与创新的参与。 教学教学 重点重点 使用 when, while ,运用一般过去进行时,描述过去的情景。 教学教学 难点难点 理解短暂性动词和延续性动词的区别;理解并准确使用一般过去时和过去进行时。 项目项目 及及 要求要求 By the end of the class, students need to create a new story using “when and while” in the past progressive tense(过去进行时过去进行时). 项目项目 设置设置 意图意图 看图写作,让写作和语法学习在具体有效的情景中发生。 教学过程(项目实施教学过程(项目实施交流展示交流展示评价激励)评价激励) 教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动 【课前项目准备课前项目准备】 将 grammar focus 改编过去进行时成语法挖空练习。 引导学生自主学习并发现:过去进行时的基本用法 (含义、标志词、结构) 。 1.-What were you _ at eight last night? - I _ _(take) a shower? 2. -What _ she doing at the time of rainstorm? - She _ _ (do)her homework. 3. -What was he doing when the rainstorm _ (come)? - He _ _ (read) in the library when the rainstorm came. 4. -What was Ben _when it _ to rain heavily? - When it began to rain, Ben _ _ (help)his mom make dinner. 5. -What was Jenny doing while Linda _ _ (sleep) ? - While Linda was sleeping, Jenny _ _ (help) Mary with math. 【Before class】 完成 grammar focus 改编后的过去进行时成语法挖空练习。 自主学习并发现:自主学习并发现: 过去进行时的含义过去进行时的含义_;_; 基本结构:基本结构:_;_; 画出下面句子中的时间标志词:画出下面句子中的时间标志词: 1.-What were you _ at eight last night? - I _ _(take) a shower? 2. -What _ she doing at the time of rainstorm? - She _ _ (do)her homework. 3. -What was he doing when the rainstorm _ (come)? - He _ _ (read) in the library when the rainstorm came. 4. -What was Ben _when it _ to rain heavily? - When it began to rain, Ben _ _ (help)his mom make dinner. 5. -What was Jenny doing while Linda _ _ (sleep) ? 【 during the class 】 I.Lead-in THEN, work in pairs to match differently in order to do more practice. 4.Reorganize the sentences and ask students read, - While Linda was sleeping, Jenny _ _ (help) Mary with math 【during the class】 I.Lead-in and free talk 1. Greeting 2. Pair work: Talk about what activities students were doing to relax at certain time. “ - Hi, Peter. what were you doing at 8:00 oclock this Friday night ? - I was hanging out with Nancy. How about you? - I was watching a movie. 4. Report you and your partners activities like this: “I was hanging out at 9 p.m. while Tony was watching a movie” 5. Crazy guessing about Kaitlyn , the teacher and his family, for example: We were eating ice cream at McDonalds while my husband was taking photos for us; We were eating ice cream at McDonalds when a fly joined us; II.Grammar focus: 1Check the answer of the grammar exercises in groups 2Discuss in pairs and find out: 基本含义(板书图示如右图) 、 结构、时间标志词 3Grammar exercises :4b Read the examples below the chart, make similar sentences to talk about John and Mary past activities individually; THEN, work in pairs and match differently to make more sentences. 4. Read the following two group of sentences , discuss and find out how to use “when” and “while”, pay more attention on the marked verbs. discuss and find out how to use “when” and “while”, pay more attention on the marked verbs. 5.Give a grammar summary about “when” and “while”. (设计意图:本环节呈现了主要部分,通过补全小设计意图:本环节呈现了主要部分,通过补全小 对话观察过去进行时的具体结构、标志词、理解含对话观察过去进行时的具体结构、标志词、理解含 义;通过看图片写句子,套用句式,感知义;通过看图片写句子,套用句式,感知 when、while 的大致用法;进而通过句式重组,观的大致用法;进而通过句式重组,观 察、比较,具体理解含义、思考具体语法要求,小察、比较,具体理解含义、思考具体语法要求,小 组探究、老师针对性的提问得出具体准确的语法顾组探究、老师针对性的提问得出具体准确的语法顾 虑,总体遵循了语法学习由现象到规律、先体会语虑,总体遵循了语法学习由现象到规律、先体会语 用再学习语法知识的过程。用再学习语法知识的过程。) III.Practice 1. Play a short clip and describe what people were doing on the street, using when, while structure. (视频说明:视频说明: 本视频是网络流行的令人温暖的世本视频是网络流行的令人温暖的世 界杯宣传片界杯宣传片 one day, 主题是助人;其中连续的主题是助人;其中连续的 描述了多个人在做不通事情时,受人人帮助,并描述了多个人在做不通事情时,受人人帮助,并 即刻帮助别人的故事,与本节语法非常契合。即刻帮助别人的故事,与本节语法非常契合。) 2. 4b: Guide the students to enjoy another story in the text book, read and understand it, then fill in with “was, were, when, while” as a feedback. 3.Picture writing: Ask students to work in a group of four and write a story out of imagination, using “when” and “while” within 5 minutes. Later, one of four students read the story in class; Each story will be scored by the content and creativity. III. Practice 1. Watch a short clip and describe what people were doing on the street. 2. Read and enjoy the nice sentences about the clip. While the boy in green was skateboarding, he fell down. When he fell down, a worker was passing by and came to help. While an old lady was waiting to cross the road with a heavy bag, the boy in green walked up and helped her to go across the road. While the lady was walking on, she found another young woman looking for some change and gave her a coin. While a gentleman was walking, his wallet dropped out of his pocket. When the young woman saw the lost wallet, she picked it up and gave it to that gentleman. While a young man was getting a heavy luggage out of his car, a gentle man came to give him a hand. 3. Picture writing in groups, within 5 minutes, along with music played during the process IV. Homework (设计意图:此环节是继单句练习之后的语篇输出设计意图:此环节是继单句练习之后的语篇输出 部分。语言学习要遵循整进整出的规律;语篇是语部分。语言学习要遵循整进整出的规律;语篇是语 法和语意、语言与思维的载体。而积极的、有趣的法和语意、语言与思维的载体。而积极的、有趣的 情景设计则让语篇写作更有操作性,让语法学习立情景设计则让语篇写作更有操作性,让语法学习立 体而生动。本环节真因此而设计,图片均为合成;体而生动。本环节真因此而设计,图片均为合成; 故意增加了一些细节,如:眼镜。故意增加了一些细节,如:眼镜。) IV.Homework: Lets enjoy our own stories! 1. Enjoy the nice pictures about the important school activities and call back the exciting moment back. 2. Homework: 板书设板书设 计计 Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came ? Section A, 4a-4c
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