人教版八下-Unit 7 what's the highest mountain in the world -Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-省级优课-(编号:f02b6).zip

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Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world? (Section A 1a 1c) Lets have a competition! 1025 6671 8844.43 9600000 Who can read the numbers most quickly ? 6,671 8,844.43 9,600,000 one thousand and twenty-five six thousand ,six hundred and seventy-one eight thousand ,eight hundred and forty-four point four three nine million, six hundred thousand 1,025 Lets begin the journey to find the answer! Qomolangma 珠穆朗玛峰珠穆朗玛峰 /tmlm/ -How high is Qomolangma ? -Its _ meters high. 1,025 6,671 9,600,000 8,844.43 8,844.4 3 the Nile 尼罗河尼罗河 /nal/ -How long is the Nile ? -Its _ meters long.6,671 6,67 1 the Caspian Sea 里海里海 /kspn/ -How deep is the Caspian Sea ? -Its _ meters deep.1,025 1,02 5 the Sahara 撒哈拉沙漠撒哈拉沙漠 /sh:r/ -How big is the Sahara ? -Its about _ square kilometers in size. 9,600,000 9,600,00 0 平方千米平方千米 Four of the top geographical places in the world The Caspian Sea is 1,025 meters _. The Nile is 6,671 kilometers_. Qomolangma is 8844.43 meters _. The Sahara is 9,600,000 square kilometers _. deep long high in size Listen Now! They are having a geography class, and the teacher is asking the students about some important geographical facts The Sahara The Nile The Caspian Sea Qomolangma Listen and number (1-4) in the order you hear the four places. Lets listen 1b1b Listen and complete the sentences. 1. Qomolangma is _ than any other mountain in the world. 2. The Sahara is _ desert in the world. 3. The Caspian Sea is _ of all the salt lakes. 4. The Nile is _ river in the world. 5.The Amazon is _river in the world. higher the biggest the deepest the longest the second longest 亚马逊河亚马逊河 咸水湖咸水湖 其他任何一个其他任何一个 + + 单数名词单数名词 Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the world. 沙漠沙漠 the + 序数词序数词+ 最高级最高级 第几第几. A: What/Which is the _in the world? B: .is the .in the world. It is .than any other. in the world. A: How long/ high/ deep/ big is it? B: Its _ + +单位单位+ +形容词形容词. (8,844.43 meters high) (1,025 meters deep) the Nile (longest river) Qomolangma (highest mountain ) the Sahara (biggest desert) The Caspian Sea (deepest salt lake ) (6,671 kilometers long) (about 9,600,000 square kilometers in size) Huangshi, we are coming! 1. Cihu Lake is about _ square meters in size, even _ than the West Lake in Hangzhou. 2. Xisai Mountain is one of _ mountains in Huangshi. Its _ its natural landscape and historical sites. 3. The National Mine Park is about _ square meters in size. And the Mine Grand Canyon is _ landscape in the park. 4. Tuanchengshan Park is about _ square meters in size. Even though its not big , its _ than _ in Huangshi. Enjoy the video and fill in the blanks. Cihu Lake is about _ square meters in size, even _ than the West Lake in Hangzhou. 10,000,000 bigger The Xisai Mountain is one of _ mountains in Huangshi. Its _ its natural landscape and historical sites. famous for the most famous The National Mine Park is about _ square meters in size. And the Mine Grand Canyon is _ landscape in the park. 23,200,000 the most important The Tuanchengshan Park is about _ square meters in size. Even though its not big , its _ than _ in Huangshi. more popular any other park 1,600,000 Group work : Introduce one place that your group like best in our hometown to the foreign kids. Do you love our hometown ? Are you proud of it? We love our hometown ! We love its beauty and loveliness, And we love its culture and people. We hope our hometown will be better and better! A short poem for our hometown: Homework 1、Memorize & recite 1b. 2、Search more information about the top geographical places in China and introduce(介绍介绍 ) one or two of them to your classmates in English. (For example,the Yangtze River is longest river in China. Its about 6,300 kilometers long.) 1 二、教学背景分析二、教学背景分析 教学内容分析:教学内容分析: 本课是人教版新目标英语八年级下册的 Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world ? 的第一课时,是一节听说课,教材以世界地理之最为中心话题。而本节课的内容是本 单元 Section A 部分的 1a-1c 的内容,教材内容 1a 的主题图呈现了珠穆朗玛峰、尼罗河、里海 以及撒哈拉沙漠四幅图,从而引出该部分的重点-自然地理之最的相关数据。1a 部分重点突 出如何用含有大数字的度量结构表达这些地理信息;活动 1b 的听力材料呈现了描述这四个地 方的比较级和最高级结构;学生通过听后填空来熟悉这些结构的含义和用法;活动 1c 通过对 话活动来让学生结对用相关信息进行控制性的语言操练。课本上的文本内容看似不多,但是 要学习的知识点却不少,因此在实际教学中,我根据学生的情况对教学内容进行了适当的调 整。 学生情况分析:学生情况分析: 八年级下学期的学生经过了初中近两年的学习,他们已经具备了基本的会话能力,有 一定的词汇积累,并具备了基本的听力能力。本班学生学习英语的兴趣较浓,学习英语整体 水平中等,但比较敢于在课堂上用英语进行表达。此外学生在初一上学期已经学会朗读百以 内的数字,如何在此基础上朗读更大的数字是本课的一个重点和难点。在表达自然地理之最 时要使用比较级和最高级,学生在初二上学期已有两个单元的学习,但是本单元的重点是让 学生在已有的基础上,熟练掌握形容词比较急和最高级的一些用法,所以我在教学中除教材 听力任务外,另外给学生创设出情景,增加了一个听力练习和口头对话,让学生最大限度的 使用以上句型来表达。另外,描述事物的度量结构的句型既是本课时的一个新学内容也是本 课时的重点。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 知识目标:知识目标: 1,掌握单词 square, meter, deep, desert, Qomolangma, the Nile, the Caspian Sea, the Sahara , the Amazon River ; 2,掌握英语大数字的读法规则:1025, 6671, 8844.43, 9600000; 3, 掌握重点句型: A: What is the highest mountain /biggest desert / deepest salt lake/ longest river in the world? B: Its. . Its +比较级+than any other . . A: How high/big/deep/long.? B: Its.high/.square meters in size /deep/long. 能力目标:能力目标:能正确运用形容词和副词的比较级和最高级造句,并谈论世界地理之最以及家 乡地理之最。 情感目标:情感目标: 了解世界和家乡的一些地理风貌,感知美丽自然,培养学生热爱家乡、热爱自然的情感。 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点&教学策略教学策略 2 教学重难点:教学重难点: 1, 学会读出大数字; 2,学习并掌握表达物体的长、宽、 高、深和面积。 3,正确运用形容词和副词的比较级和最高级。 教学策略:教学策略:认真听读,捕捉信息;大胆表达,熟练运用;小组合作,探究提升。 五、教学过程五、教学过程 教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 1, Leading-in(导入)(导入) Tell students that today-June 11th is my lucky day and 11 is my lucky number, because some lucky things always happen to me on the 11th. Then ask them to share their lucky numbers or their favorite numbers with me. Hands up and share their lucky numbers or their favorite numbers with me. 用“今天是我的幸运 日以及 11 是我的幸运数 字”引起他们的关注,让 他们谈谈自己的幸运数 字或是最喜欢的数字, 然后把这些数字串成一 个大数字,引起本节课 的一个知识点的学习。 2, Learning how to read large numbers(学习读大数字)(学习读大数字) Write the students lucky or favorite numbers on the blackboard one by one to present a large number and teaching them how to read large numbers in English. Learn how to read large numbers in English. 教授本节课的一个 重难点大数字的读 法。 3, Competition Who can read the large numbers most quickly? (读数比赛)(读数比赛) 3 Ask students to read the four large numbers that I show on the whiteboard one by one. And then ask the students who read them the most quickly to stand up and read the numbers out. And then ask them to think what these numbers stand for. Have a competition to read the numbers and think what these four numbers stand for. 学生进行大数字读数 比赛可以巩固大数字的读 法。 4, Visiting some places around the world & Knowing about four of the tops in the world (环游世界,了解四个世界之最)(环游世界,了解四个世界之最) Ask students to look at some pictures and learn four of the tops in the world including the Caspian Sea, the Sahara, the Nile and Qomolangma. And use the four numbers I gave to them to describe the depth, size, length or height of them. Learn the new words and know the four tops in the world. And try to describe the depth, size, length or height of them. 通过这个环节,让学 生掌握新单词以及学会描 述物品长度、宽度、高度 和面积。 5, Introducing the listening background & Having listening practice (了解听力背景(了解听力背景&进行听力练习)进行听力练习) Show a picture to tell the background of the listening material some student are having a geography class and the teacher is asking them some geographical facts. And then ask them to finish two listening tasks. And last, check the answers. Know the listening background and then finish the two listening tasks. And last, check the answers. 这个听力活动除了书 上的 1b,我多增加了一 个更简单的听力任务放在 1b 之前,让学生可以由 简入难,顺利完成听力任 务,达到听力效果。 4 6, Pair work (小组对话)(小组对话) Ask students to work in pairs to use the sentence patterns to make conversations and then some pairs of students are supposed to show their conversations in front of class. Use the sentence patterns to make conversations and show out. 合作学习,学生通过 两两对话复习巩固本课时 的中心内容:使用大数字、 表达度量结构以及使用比 较级、最高级来描述世界 之最。 7, Watching a video of Huangshi made by me (观赏一个我制作的关于家乡黄石的视频)(观赏一个我制作的关于家乡黄石的视频) Tell students that some foreign students want to visit Huangshi and that I made an introducing video for them. And then show the video to them. Know that some foreign kids are coming to visit Huangshi and watch the introducing video which was made by me. 观看老师有针对的制 作的黄石视频,了解黄石 之美,并为学生的 Group work 提供素材。 8, Finishing the video exercise (完成自制视频的相应练习)(完成自制视频的相应练习) Ask students to finish the exercise- filling in the blanks. Finish the filling exercise after watching the video of Huangshi. 进一步进行听力练习, 巩固强化本节课重难点知 识。 9, Group work (小组合作)(小组合作) Ask students to work in groups to choose a place in Huangshi to introduce to the foreign kids and then ask some groups to show their work in front of the class. Work in pairs to talk about the place they most want to introduce to the foreign kids. And then some groups show their group work in front of the class. 小组合作,提升语言 能力和团队合作能力。 10, Emotional Sublimation 5 (情感提升)(情感提升) Ask students whether they like Huangshi or are proud of Huangshi and ask them to read a short poem to show our love for Huangshi. Show their love for their hometown Huangshi. 学生在这个环节实现 本课时的一个感情目标 展现对家乡的热爱。 11, Homework (作业)(作业) Show the homework. 1、Memorize & recite 1b. 2、Search more information about the top geographical places in China and introduce one or two of them to your classmates in English. (For example,the Yangtze River is longest river in China. Its about 6,300 kilometers long.) 进一步巩固本节课重 难点知识,并适当进行拓 展,提升英语语言能力。
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