人教版八下-Unit 7 what's the highest mountain in the world -Section B 2a—3b Self check-ppt课件-(含教案)-省级优课-(编号:80dee).zip

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义务教育教科书(人教)八年级英语下册 Section B(2a-2e) Talk about pandas in your class. Use these words to help you. 2a big, bamboo, zoo, popular, cute, black and white, Sichuan, famous, endangered, beautiful, forest, protect This means moving your eyes quickly down the page to find specific information. Read and match the main ideas Cute and lovely pandas in Chengdu Research Base. Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Paragraphs 1 swim B. is; swimming C. are; swim D. are; swimming 1. Adult pandas spend more than 12 hours a day eating about 10 kilos of bamboo. 成年大熊猫每天花超过过12个小时时吃大约约10千克的 竹子。 【句型剖析】 本句是一个含有spend. . . doing sth. 结结构的句 子。spend意为为“花费费”时时, 常见结见结 构为为spend. . . (in) doing sth. /on sth. 意为为“花费费(时间时间 、金钱钱)做某事” 。 【妙辨异同】spend/pay/cost/take表示“花费费” 【巧学助记记】 辨析spend/cost/take/pay表示“花费费”的技巧在 于: 一看主语语(spend, pay主语语是人; cost, take主语语 是物); 二看花费时间还费时间还 是金钱钱(cost, pay表示花钱钱; take表示花时间时间 ; spend既可表示花费时间费时间 也 可表示花费费金钱钱); 三看句式结结构。 【学以致用】 (2014赤峰中考)Do you take exercise every day? Yes. I always_half an hour walking after dinner. A. spendB. takeC. cost D. pay 2. illness n. 病;疾病 【语语境领领悟】 *The babies often die from illness and do not live very long. 熊猫幼仔通常会死于疾病活不了多长时间长时间 。 *Shes still weak after her illness. 她病后仍然虚弱。 *His illness added to the familys troubles. 他的病增加了家庭的困难难。 【自主归纳】 illness是名词,意为“疾病;病”,表 示因病导致的不良状况。它是由ill(形 容词)+-ness(名词后缀)构成的。 【妙辨异同】 ill 形容词词,意为为“ 生病的”,一般 在句子中只作 表语语 Mr. Smith has been ill for many years. 史密斯先生病了好多 年了。 illness 名词词,意为为“疾 病;病”,可作 主语语、宾语宾语 、 表语语等 Nick cant come because of illness. 尼克因病不能来。 【学以致用】用ill, illness填空 Mr. Brown was _so I went to the meeting instead. His _ caused him to lose his memory. 答案:ill illness 【备选备选 要点】 Teaching children is one way to help save pandas. 教育孩子们们是帮助保护护大熊猫的一种方式 。 【句型剖析】 本句是一个含有动动名词词短语语作主语语的 句式。动动名词词(短语语)作主语时语时 , 谓语动词谓语动词 用单单数形式。 【学以致用】 (2013内江中考)Our English teacher often says to us, “_English well is very important. ” A. Learn B. Learning C. Learned D. To learning Ways of protecting pandas Ways What do they do to protect pandas An education program Scientists It teaches children about pandas and other endangered wild animals. And they send people to schools to tell children about the importance of saving these animals. They are doing research to better undersand the habits of pandas. Read paragraph 4 Careful reading What else can we do to protect pandas? Discussion Pandas are very cute and lovely. When they see the keepers, they run over to them _ _ and some of them even _ _ their friends and _ _ They are so popular that they are a _ of China. But now they are _. This is because they may only have one baby _ _ _and some of them _ _ _. Secondly, humans cut down a lot of _ _. The government started an education program to teach people about the _ of saving them. Scientists are doing _ to understand their _ better. We hope we can see _ _ pandas in the future. Fill in the blanks according to the article. with excitement walk into fall over symbol endangered everytwoyears diefrom illnesses bambooforests importance research habits muchmore In the past 200 years, over 200 kinds of animals have disappeared. And only in China, there are about 600 different kinds of animals are on their way. Terrible facts Writing First, write about their situation these days. Next, write about why they are endangered. Then, write about how to protect them. Finally, write about our hope. 教学设计教学设计 Teaching aims(教学目标) 1. 通过阅读了解文章大意,及每个自然段的大意 学会通过联系上下文猜测生词的词义 2.学会用 scanning 来快速获取需要的信息 3. 让学生了解大熊猫的现状及如何保护大熊猫 Language points(语言点) 要求掌握以下词汇及词组: (1)词汇:bamboo, endangered, research, keeper, awake, excitement, illness, , wild, government, (2) 词组:with excitement, run over to, fall over, walk into, die from illness (3)掌握下列句型: They run over with excitement and some of them even walk into their friends and fall over! Scientists say there are now fewer than 2,000 pandas living in the remaining forests. Another 200 or so live in zoos or research centers in China and other countries. Difficulties(难点): 学会通过上下文猜测生词及归纳文段大意 过程与方法过程与方法 阅读理解,语法总结与练习 情感、态度与价值观情感、态度与价值观 通过本课学习,培养学生保护动物的意识。 Teaching steps(教学步骤) I. Pre-activities T: Can you say some sentences about pandas ? S1: I think they are very cute. S2: I think they are very beautiful. S3: They are black and white. T: Thats right. They are cute, popular. Do you want to know more about pandas? Ss: Yes. T: Lets read an article about them. 教学设计说明教学设计说明: 这个环节是阅读前的活动,通过观看图片,给学生 一个关于熊猫的直观的视觉冲击,目的是为了调动学生已有的知识 储备和激发学生学习的兴趣。 II. While-reading Fast reading. T: Look at the article, how many paragraphs? Ss: Four. T: Yes, but only three parts. And here are three main ideas. Read together. Ss: Ways to protect pandas. Cute and lovely pandas in Chengdu Research Base. Tell why pandas are endangered. T: Now, read and match, About 1 minute later, check the answers one by one. 教学设计说明教学设计说明: 运用 scanning 这种方法来获取信息 这是第一遍阅读,让学生通过快速阅读,对整篇文章有大体了解, 为进一步的细节阅读做好准备。在熟悉文段的基础上,归纳出自然段的大 意,及文章的主题,培养学生在阅读中运用分析,归纳等科学方法。 Careful reading T: As we know, pandas are cute and lovely. Lets enjoy more cute pictures about them. 教学设计说明:让学生对大熊猫的可爱有更为直观的印象,为接下 来的阅读做好准备。 T: They are really cute and lovely, arent they? Ss: Yes. T: OK. Please read the first paragraph, and find an example to show how cute and lovely they are. Clear? Ss: Yes. One minute later, check the answers. T: Good job. Lets read together. Ss: T: Can you guess the underlined words meanings? Ss: T: We know that pandas are cute and lovely. What do keepers think of them? Please read paragraph two and answer these questions. T: A student to read the questions. S1: T: Now, read and answer. One minute later, check the answers. T: Yes, you are right. So they are very popular now. But these cute and lovely animals are endangered. Please read paragraph three and find out why they are endangered? Ss read and find the answers. T: finished? Check the answers. . And then Ss read the answers and talk about them. T: Pandas are endangered now. What should we do to help them? Read the last paragraph and fill the chart. Ss read and find the answers. T: finished? Check the answers. . And then read the answers and talk about them. 教学设计说明:让学生通过对原因和对策的反复阅读和复述,加深 他们对文段的理解,为接下来即将进行的总体谈论做好准备。 III Post-reading T: There are two ways in the article. Can you think some other ways to protect them? Lets have a discussion in groups. While they are talking, go around the class and offer some help. T: OK, its time to show the ideas. S1: Hand out the notices. S2: Plant more bamboo. S3: Use/buy things less made of bamboo T: They are all good and helpful ideas. IV. language points V. 教学设计说明:这个环节还是对阅读的材料进行复习巩固,对文段 里的生词和短语继续检测,让学生掌握好生词和重点短语。 IV. Writing. T: I have something to show you. Then some munites to get ready, then show it. 教学设计说明:本环节是阅读完文章之后信息的输出环节,作为一 名学生,应该怎样以自己的实际行动来保护濒危动物,这是德育教 育的渗透。 V. Homework 1. Learn more about endangered animals. 2. Share the importance of saving the animals with your friends. 3. Remember the new words and the article. 教学设计说明:提醒学生在日常生活中注意保护动物,指导学生熟 记文章中的重要词汇及句型并能够正确运用。
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