人教版八下-Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet -Section B 1a—1d-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-省级优课-(编号:10c71).zip

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UnitUnit 8 8 Have you read Treasure Island Have you read Treasure Island yet?yet? Section B 1a-2cSection B 1a-2c Knowledge goals: pop, rock, band, country music, must be, a good way, wake up, kind of Ability goals: Be able to talk about ones favorite music or musician and give the reasons. Emotion goals: Lets love music, because it can make us relax. pop music rap jazz classical music country music rock rock band usually about life,mountains,river,home Guessing Game 猜一猜我能行 听音乐辩音,猜一猜,猜出音乐属于 哪个种类,然后读出名称。 猜对一个种类得2分。 classical music rockrap pop music jazz country music 1.Do you know any famous bands? The Beatles Backstreet boys 2.Which one do you like best? Why? Backstreet boys The Beatles F.I.R I like _ because theyre _ I like _ because they can play _ music. I like _ because their music can make me_. May DayMay Day Hey, Dave! Im listening to a band called What are you listening to, Alex? AlexAlex DaveDave Listen to a conversation between Alex and Dave. Write A for Alex or D for Dave next to each opinion. 1b1b The TomsThe Toms Tip: Circle the key words. Band name Country Number of people in the band Kind of music The Toms the United States Five pop music, but it sounds more like rock Listen again and take notes. 1c1c My favorite band is called Its a band from There are people in the band. They usually play music May DayMay Day Tip: Have a guess first. Why Alex and Dave like to listen to this band Alex: Dave: Their music is _ and _. He _when he listens to their music. He thinks that listening to their music every morning will _and _for the rest of the day. loud full of energy feels excited wake me up make him happy My favorite band is (call) The Toms. They are a new band. They only started _(sing) earlier this year. But they have a made two CDs. They are from California. There are five people in the _bnd and theyre all teenage boys. They play pop music, but it sounds more like _rk. I like their music because its _lad and f of energy. I feel e when I listen to it. If I listen to it in the morning, it will _ (叫醒我) and _(使我快乐) for the rest of the day! Fill in the blanks. called singing lready band rock loud ullxcited wake me up make me happy 1. Whats your favorite band? 2. How many CDs have they made? 3. Where are they from?4. How many people? 5. What kind of music do they play? 6. Why do you like their music? 1. Whats your favorite band? 2. How many CDs have they made? 3. Where are they from? 4. How many people? 5. What kind of music do they play? 6. Why do you like their music? My favorite band is called They have already made CDs. They are from and theyre all There are people in the band. They play music but it sounds more like I like their music because its I feel when I listen to it. I like their music. On the one hand, its On the other hand, I feel when I listen to it. May DayMay Day 1. Whats your favorite band? 2. How many CDs have they made? 3. Where are they from? 4. How many people? 5. What kind of music do they play? 6. Why do you like their music? 介绍小组内最喜欢的乐队。包括以上六个要点。 A-1 B-2 C-3 D-4 E-5 F-贴图修改 评分标准: 1. 六个问题的点写全。 2. 卷面整洁、语法错误少。 3. 句型多样,能用上not only but also、makes me feel、on one hand + on the other hand 等好词好句。 4. 贴图 Role-play the conversation.P106 每次两组同学扮演Alex和Dave。小组得分 (8-10分),其他同学从以下几个方面点 评: 1.Try to speak aloud(大声) 2.Try to speak clearly(清晰) 3.Try to be vivid(形象生动) The better, the higher points Group work 组员之间互相调查,填写好表 格,然后组长推荐一位代表读 出表格信息,表现出色的小组 得10分。 1d1d Ask your friends and parents what kind of music they listen to and why. How does the music make them feel? What kind of music? Why do they listen to it? How does it make them feel? Friend 1 Friend 2 Friend 3 1. Make a survey with your classmate about music. 2. Review the new words and expressions. Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet? 学案学案 Period 3 Section B (1a1d) 【课前预习】 1.预习导航: 知识目标:知识目标: A.学习并掌握现在完成时的用法,学习有关音乐的词汇。 B.核心句型预览: 1. Have you heard them yet? 2. Theyve already made two CDs. 3. There are five people in the band and theyre all teenage boys. 4. I like their music because its loud and full of energy. 5. I feel excited when I listen to it. *6. If I listen to their music every morning, it will wake me up and make me happy for the rest of the day! 能力目标:能力目标: 通过彼此交流了解歌曲、歌手、乐队的信息并能作评论。 运用“听取关键词” 、 “做出预测”的听力技巧完成听力任务。 情感目标:情感目标: 激发学生对音乐的热爱。 重点、难点: 重点:掌握现在完成时的用法,学习有关音乐的词汇,能简单描述自己喜欢的乐队。 难点:能够运用听力策略来完成听力任务。能简单描述自己喜欢的乐队。 2.预习任务: 【预习本课内容,完成下面的任务】: 任务任务 1. 自主学习本课单词,并能根据所给音标正确拼写出下列单词:自主学习本课单词,并能根据所给音标正确拼写出下列单词: 1、pp _ 2、rk _ 3、 bnd _ 4、ppjl(r) _ 5、ti:ned(r) _ 6、lad _ 7、fl _ 8、endi_ 9、ksatd_ 任务任务 2. 翻译下列短语。翻译下列短语。 摇滚乐 _ 流行音乐 _ 乡村音乐_ 充满能量 _ _ 让我醒来 _ _ 任务任务 3. 翻译下列句子:翻译下列句子: 我正在听一个乐队叫做 Toms. _ 你有听过他们吗?_ 他们今年早些时候才开始唱歌。 _ 他们来自加利福尼亚,在美国。 _ 有五个人在这个乐队里。 _ 我喜欢他们的音乐因为它很大声,充满了能量。 _ 3.小贴士: 乡村音乐乡村音乐(country music)是一种具有美国民族特色的流行音乐,于 20 世纪 20 年 代兴起于美国南部,其根源来自英国民谣,是美国白人民族音乐代表。乡村音乐的特点是 曲调简单,节奏平稳,带有叙事性,具有较浓的乡土气息,亲切热情而不失流行元素。多 为歌谣体、二部曲式或三部曲式。美国著名的乡村歌手包括约翰丹佛(John Denver) 、肯 尼罗杰斯(Kenny Rogers) 、加思布鲁克斯(Garth Brooks)等。 【课中探究】 一、听音补全表格: Band name Country Number of people in the band Kind of music Alex: Their music is and . He when he listens to their music.Why Alex and Dave like Dave: He thinks that listening to their music every morning will and for the rest of the day. 二、短文填空。 My favorite band is (call) The Toms. They are a new band. They only started _(sing) earlier this year. But they have a made two CDs. They are from California. There are five people in the _bnd and theyre all teenage boys. They play pop music, but it sounds more like _rk. I like their music because its _lad and f of energy. I feel e when I listen to it. If I listen to it in the morning, it will _(叫醒我) and _(使我快乐) for the rest of the day! 1. 教学目标 1. Knowledge aims: (1) Expressions: pop, rock, band, country music, must be, a good way, wake up, kind of (2) Structure: My favorite band is called the Toms. They are from the US. There are five people in the band. They have already made two CDs. I like their music because its loud and full of energy. I feel excited when I listen to it. If I listen to their music every morning, it will wake me up and make me happy for the rest of the day! 3) Grammar: prefect tense with already, simple present tense 2. Ability aims: (1) Get Students to learn some famous bands and their songs. (2) Get Students to learn to use the perfect tense with already. (3) Get students to practice introducing their favorite band. (4) Get Students to know some different kinds of music. 3. Moral Objectives: Get to know different kinds of music and share your favorite band with classmates. 2. 学情分析 本单元学生刚接触现在完成时的语法知识,但关于对某个学科或电视节目类型喜好的表达在之前有所接触。 本单元在八年级上的语言基础上加以拓展,进一步学习使用现在完成时表达喜好。 3. 重点难点 Important points: 1.Get students to learn to know some famous bands and their songs. 2. Get students to learn to use the perfect tense with already. 3. Get students to learn how to introduce their favorite band. Difficulties: 1. Its a bit difficult for students to talk about their favorite band using perfect tense. 2. Its a bit difficult for Students to use listening skills while listening. 4. 教学过程 5. 教学活动 活动 1【导入】warmingup 1. Free talk: Whats your favorite singer? 2. Guessing Game: What kind of music do you know? 设计意图:1、师生互动交流吸引学生的注意力,预热课堂。 2、采用听歌猜测音乐类型的方式激发学生的兴趣,活跃气氛。 活动 2【讲授】Prelistening 1、Introduce some famous bands 2、Talk about your favorite bands and reasons 设计意图:介绍三个国外出名乐队,欣赏歌曲及品析歌词,帮助学生畅所欲言自己的感受。 活动 3【讲授】Whilelistening 1、listen to 1b: (1th listening) write A for Alex and D for Dave - circle the key words first (2th listening): check your answers again 3、listen to 1c: fill in the chart - make a prediction before you listen 设计意图:1、多种听力技巧的指导训练提高学生的听力能力。 2、听力跟读夯实学生的语言基础。3、根据听力 前的读题猜测能力训练能够提高学生的语言运用能力。 活动 4【活动】Postlistening Discussion 1: Students are asked to fill in the blanks of a short passage. Discussion 2: Students are asked to design a poster introducing their favorite band in groups. 设计意图:1、采用福建省最新省中考题型让学生在训练的过程中掌握技巧并从中提取写作需要的句型和词组。 2、根据罗列的六个要点,清晰明了,小组合作讨论制作海报。 活动 5【活动】Sumup show some works of students and criticized them. 设计意图:德育渗透,深化理解,训练写作技能。 活动 6【作业】Homework Level A: Review the new words and expressions, then write six sentences according to six aspects. Level B: Finish a passage about your favorite band and your story with it. (when did you listen for the first time?) 设计意图:分层次布置作业。LevelA 帮助学生检测课堂内容的掌握程度。 LevelB 训练学生的写作和语言运用能 力。
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