人教版八下-Unit 10 I 've had this bike for three years.-Section B 2a—3b Self check-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:91048).zip

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新目标英语八年级下册 Unit10 I have had this bike for three years.教学设计 一、教学内容及分析 本单元教学内容为人教版八年级下 Unit10 I have had this bike for three years.通过本单元的看图说话,句型操练语境描述,对话表演 等专项训练,培养学生的英语实际应用能力。Section A 描述与陌生人闲聊时的注意事项,学习应该聊些什么,如何展开话题。Section B 主要谈论用闲聊来加强人际关系,通过学习与陌生人闲聊天以达到了解,关心别人,增进友谊。在考虑教学设计过程中,我把本单元 的教学难点进行了适当的分解,尽量采用由浅入深的教学呈现方式以降低学生的学习难度,同时运用多媒体教学为学生营造良好的语言 学习氛围,其基本教学流程如下:第一课时(SectionA1a2c)主要引导学生能够听懂陌生人之间的闲聊信息并且能够用附加疑问句作 为开场白与陌生人交流,以此提高学生的听说能力。第二课时(SectionA3a-4)主要提高学生的阅读能力,同时锻炼学生的小组合作能 力和写作能力。在教学设计中,我把 SectionB 的内容和 Selfcheck 的内容做了重新整合。把第三课时定为(SectionB3b and Selfcheck) 主要是提高学生的听力和综合应用能力,使学生对形式多样的活动感兴趣。.第四课时主要是提高学生的读写能力,合作学习能力,如果 时间有余我还安排学生能够根据所给的各种不同场合写出闲聊会话,并且能面向全班同学和老师把自己准备的对话表演出来,每一组 表演时间为 2-4 分钟。以此来提高学生的学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,使英语切实成为一种交际工具从而让学生在不断的交际活动中习 得语言,学以致用。 二、学习者特征分析 知识能力特征: 1. 八年级学生已经学完了前 9 单元,本单元是最后一个单元的学习,学生通过将近两年的英语学习,已初步具备了一定的英语听说读 写能力,也积累了一定的英语语言知识和应用语言的能力。本单元词汇不多(18 个),学生已经对生词进行了集中识词,基本掌握了 单词的发音和基本意思,然而,尤其是我们中学的学生对英语学习普遍缺乏信心与方法,致使于在英语学习中不敢大胆表现,因此,教 师要不断的给与鼓励和赏识,帮助学生克服困难,树立自信心。 2. 课堂上,学生在老师帮助下具备了基本的自主学习英语的能力,作为教师,要在课堂活动中,不断地给与示范,鼓励,引导,帮助, 监控,客观评价等作用。因为八年级学生还处在好动时期,也善于动脑筋,有自己的独特见解,但在很大程度上却受到词汇量和语法知 识的制约,对西方的的一些文化背景生活习俗不甚了解。因此,了解一些相关的西方地域文化知识和中西文化的差别很有必要。 三、单元整体目标分析 1、知识与能力: (1).Knowledge objects:Key vocabulary words and expressions (2).Target language: I have had this bike for three years. (3)Ability objects: 1).Learn to make small talk and be able tolistenfor specific information talks between strangers. 2).Train Ss listening,speaking abilities by using the target language. 2、过程与方法:采用“呈现展示情景式”教学模式,首先在第一课时把本单元的学习句式和任务 make some small talk 布置给学生,同 时提供学生完成任务所需要的语言素材,以此帮助学生在学习过程中形成主动的学习状态,然后通过操练,听力,培养学生的实际能力。 本单元的第二课时从听力的角度,继续展开目标语言的输入,在此基础上提高学生的阅读能力,同时锻炼学生的小组合作能力和写作能 力。第三课时主要是提高学生的听力和综合应用能力使学生对形式多样的活动感兴趣. 第四课时主要是提高学生的读写能力,合作学习能 力,教会学生学写感谢信,学会感恩。 3、情感态度与价值观:通过学习与陌生人礼貌的闲聊,达到了解别人,关心别人,增进友谊。同时通过学习知道如何与陌生人闲聊, 比较中西文化差异。 四 、重点难点 1.Key points: Key vocabulary words and expressions :2.Difficult points: 1).The usage of tag question 2).Master the target language : I have had this bike for three years. 五、教法选择、学法指导 教法选择:任务型教学法、视听法、听说法、交际法、认知法等。 学法指导:自主学习与小组合作相结合,听说与读写相结合,知识学习与技能培养相结合。 资源准备:1. A Computer for multimedia use. 2. A tape recorder. 现在完成时八年级下 ReviewofPresentReviewofPresentReviewofPresentReviewofPresent PerfectTensePerfectTensePerfectTensePerfectTense Whos the happiest person? Are you happy? 1:Yes, I am happy. 2:Yes, I was happy. 3:Yes, I have been happy. 现在完成时的意义 1.过去已经开始一直持续到现在的动作 或状态,并且有可能继续下去。 I began to study English 20 years ago. I still study English now. I have studied English since 20 years ago. 未完成 标志词 现在完成时的意义 2.表示过去发生且已经完成的动作对现在 造成的影响或结果。 Amy read Treasure Island 3years ago and she read the book again and again. Now, Amy remembers the book clearly. Amy has read Treasure Island many times. 已完成 标志词 醉翁之意不在酒醉翁之意不在酒 , 在乎当下结果也在乎当下结果也 ! now future 一般过去时 现在完成时 一般过去时表示的是纯粹在过去发生的事情 ,与现在没有关系。 现在完成时表示的是过去动作/状态与现在有 着密不可分的关系。 pas t future 、现在完成时的句式构成 have/has + 动词的过去分词P.P. 助动词 否定 疑问 havent +P.P hasnt+P.P Have you+P.P(yet)? Has he/she+P.P(yet)? 肯定回答:Yes, 主语 + have/has +P.P. 否定回答:No, 主语 + havent/hasnt+ P.P. (yet). (yet)? 1.Have they heard of the news?(作肯定回答) Yes, _ _. 2.Lisa has known him for ten years. (改为一 般疑问句,并作否定回答) -_ Lisa _ him for ten years? - No, _ _. 3.We have traveled to another province of China.(改为否定句) We _ _ to another province of China. 牛刀小试 theyhave Hasknown shehasnt traveledhavent .三招击败现在完成时 1. 慧眼识出标志词; 2.动作时间相呼应; 3.细心体会辩语意 。 1. 慧眼识出标志词 在已经学习了多种时态的前提下,做题时一眼识 别出现在完成时的标志词区别于其他时态,从而 使用相应句式结构(have/has +过去分词)来解题, 此方法同样适用于其他时态题的解答。 What are the key words for the Present Perfect Tense? key words for the Present Perfect Tense? in the past 10 years twice how long ever since then yet ever never since for just before already so far recently up to now * * ()1.Excuseme,_youseenthefilmyet?()1.Excuseme,_youseenthefilmyet? Yes.I_itlastnight.Yes.I_itlastnight. Adid,seeBare,haveseenAdid,seeBare,haveseen Chave,seenDhave,sawChave,seenDhave,saw D D ()()2.-Mum,mayIgooutandplaybasketball? -_you_yourhomeworkyet? A.Do;finishB.Are;finishing C.Did;finishD.Have;finished ()()3.Thefamouswriter_onenewbook inthepasttwoyears. .iswriting.haswritten .wrote.waswriting D D B B 2. 动作时间相呼应 1. 延续性动词: 表示一个动作可以持续一段时间或更 长时间。(如:study, play,read, learn, clean , keep等) 2. 瞬间性动词: 表示一个动作发生在一瞬间,非常短 暂。亦称终止性动词。(如:begin, start, finish, go, come, leave, open, close, become, buy, borrow, 等) 3. 在现在完成时中如要与表示持续一段时间的状语连 用,瞬间性动词要用意思相当的延续性动词来替换。 Since , for , 与瞬间性 动词连用 瞬间间性动词动词延续续性动词动词 catchacold haveacold borrowkeep buyhave gobethere finishbeover fallasleepbeasleep openbeopen leavebeaway 瞬间间性动词动词延续续性动词动词 putonwear comebehere fallillbeill begin/startbeon joinbein wakeupbeawake closebeclosed diebedead 感冒穿衣借来买,病去始终入睡醒 ,开关离去驾鹤游。 e.g. 1.他买这本英语书已长达两天了。 买: buy buy(瞬间)长达: for buyhave He has had this English book for two days. since two days ago. 去世: die (瞬间) 9年了 : for 9 years diebe dead 2.她的爷爷已经去世9年了。 Her grandpa has been dead for 9 years. since 9 years ago. It has been +时间段+ since +一般过去式从句。 It has been 9 years since her grandpa died. 当题目中没有标志词时,需要 同学们细心体会句子的情境, 辨析动作与说话时间的关系, 以及是否“醉翁之意不在酒, 在乎当下结果也。” 3. 细心体会辩语意 (1) Exercise 1.2016济南-I think our teacher, Mrs. Allen, knows everything. - I agree. Because she _ over 2,000 books. A.read B. has read C. reads D. is reading 2. Linda is happy that she _ her lost watch. A. finds B. found C. has found D. will find He has gone to Shanghai. 他(已经)去上海了。 He has been to Shanghai. 他(曾经) 去过上海。 说 话 地 He has been in Shanghai for many years. 他待在上海许多年了。 3. 细心体会辩语意 (2) 3. 细心体会辩语意 (2) 根据情境辨析have/has been to have/has gone to + 地点 have/has been in 去而已归 去而未归 待在某地 ( )2.2016.怀化-May I speak to Mr. Lee? -Sorry, he _ Harbin. He _ the city for two days. A. has been to; has been in B. has gone to; has been to C. has gone to; has been in C C 1. -你曾经去过北京吗? -是的,我去过两次。 -Have you ever been to Beijing? -Yes, I have been there twice. Time for test! AA ABC DEF Summary: 现在完成时 意义 句式结构 三招解 题技巧 已完成- 未完成- 在乎当下结果也 与延续性动词连用 慧眼识出标志词 动词时间相呼应 细心体会辩语境 Homework: 1. Make a new song by yourselves. 2.Do a summary of Present perfect tense. 3.Do the exercise book. IwishthatyouhavebeenIwishthatyouhavebeen happy.happy. AndgetAndgetAndgetAndget goodgradesgoodgradesgoodgradesgoodgrades fortheforthefortheforthe finalexam.finalexam.finalexam.finalexam. since:(自以来) 1)since+时间点 Hehasstayedheresince5oclock. 2)since+时间段+ago Hehasstayedheresince5hoursago. 3)since+从句 ShehastaughtEnglishsincehecamehere. for:(长达) for+时间段 Hehaskeptthebookfor2weeks. since,for 的用法: 段时间 用for 或since填空 1. Mr. Brown has had his TV _ 15 years. 2. Ive taken driving lessons _ last month. 3. My sister has had her cell phone _ a month . 4. My friends havent visited me _ my birthday. 5. We havent used our car _ a long time . for since for since for Activity: ( ) 1.Tom_theCDplayerfortwo weeks. A.haslentB.hasborrowed C.hasboughtD.hashad ()2.-Couldyoupleasewatertheflowersinthe garden? -Oh,I_. -Thanksalot. A.havenotimeyetB.haventwateredthem already C.havewateredthemD.candoittomorrow 3.Wehaventseeneachother_alongtime. 4.HisfatherhasbeenintheParty_10yearsago. 3points D D C C forfor since Activity: Activity: 5 points 1._ you _(clean) the room? Yes, we _(do) that already. When _ you _(do) it? We _(do) it an hour ago. 2. 2.你你来晚了,电影已开始来晚了,电影已开始1010分钟了分钟了。 YouYouarelate.Thefilm_forarelate.Thefilm_for1010 minutesminutes. . 3. 3.你已经看过这部电影了吗? _? 4. 4.你来晚了,火车已经开走了你来晚了,火车已经开走了2020分种了。分种了。 YoureYourelate.Thetrainlate.Thetrain for20for20 minutesminutes. . Have cleaned have done did do did Haveyouseenthismovieyet hasbeenon hasbeenaway Activity: Activity: dieddied hasbeendeadhasbeendead hashasbeenbeenawayaway 2 points 1.The old man _ last year. (die) He _ for a year. (die) 2.Miss Gao left an hour ago. (同义句转换) Miss Gao _ _ _ since an hour ago. 3. Lisa has cleaned the room.(改为否定句) Lisa _ _ the room. hasnthasntcleanedcleaned Activity: Activity: 改错 1.How long have you become a League member ? For more than one year. 2.Have you arrived here since last night. Yes,youre right. 3.Both his parents look sad. Maybe they _whats happened to him . . knew . have known . must know . will know beenbeen beenbeen 2 points B B Activity: Activity: ( )1.Do you know him well ? Sure .We _ friends since ten years ago . . were . have been . have become . have made ( )2.How long have you _ here ? About two months. . been . gone . come . Arrived ( )3.-Dad, where is mom? - She _ the supermarket. A. has gone to B. has been to C. is going to B B A A 2 points A A Activity: Activity: 1.1.他们他们到深圳已经有到深圳已经有3 3年多了。年多了。 A:TheyA:They ShenzhenShenzhen forforover3years.over3years. B:ItB:It _over_over3yearssince3yearssincetheythey Shenzhen.Shenzhen. C C:They:They _Shenzhen_Shenzhen sinceoversinceover3years3years . . 2.Mr Chen _ (give) up smoking last year. 3.Mr Chen _ _(give) up smoking since last year. havehavebeenbeen inin hashas beenbeen arrivedarrivedinin havehavebeenbeen agoago inin 5 points hashas gavegave givengiven 过去分词 1. 你规我规 2. 你不规我也不规 seesawseen singsangsung givegave(*)given rideroderidden speakspokespoke n taketook(*)taken dodiddone drinkdrankdrunk drivedrove( *) driven fallfellfallen eatateeaten breakbroke( *) broken 翻译下列句子: 1.你曾经吃过鱼和薯条吗? 2.我刚刚丢了我的语文书。 3.我以前从来没去过那个公 园。 4.他已经吃过午饭了。 5.你已经看过这部电影了吗? 6.我自从上星期看过这部电影 7.自从1992年他住在这里。 8.这本字典我已买了三年了。 9.他离开中国三年了 1.Haveyoueatenfishandfrench frise? 2.IhavejustlostmyChinesebook. 3Ihaveneverbeentothatpark. 4.Hehasalreadyhadlunch. 5Haveyouseenthismovieyet? 6Ihaveseenthismoviesincelast week. 7Hehaslivedheresince1992. 8Ihavehadthisdictionaryforthree years. 9HehasbeenawayChinaforthree years. 4. I _ (read) the novel twice. Its interesting. 5. She _(go) to Pairs, hasnt she? Yes. How _ she _(go) there? She _(go) there by air. 6. So far, many countries _(develop) their software programs. 7.Mr Chen _(give)up smoking last year. 8.Mr Chen _(give) up smoking since last year. have read has gone didgo went have developed gave has given 下一页上一页主菜单 选用 for和 since填空: 1.We havent seen each other _ a long time. 2.His father has been in the Party _ 10 years ago. 3.The film has been on _ 20 minutes. 4.Mr Green has worked here _ he came to China. 5.His grandparents have been dead _ several years. 6. Its five years _ we met last time. for since for since for since 下一页上一页主菜单
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