人教版八下-Uuit 3 Could you please clean your room -Section A 1a—2d-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-省级优课-(编号:50b23).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_八年级下册(2013年10月第1版)_初中英语_Uuit 3 Could you please clean your room _Section A 1a—2d_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_省级优课_(编号:50b23)
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    • 导入素材:灰姑娘做家务.mp4
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SectionSection A A(1a-1c)1a-1c) Language goals: 1. Learn to make polite requests(请求) by using “Could”: Could you please? 2. Learn to help your parents with housework. WatchWatch a a videovideo andand answeranswer thethe question:question: What is the girl doing? Shes cleaning the floor. Shes doing the housework. Shes doing the chores. chores 杂事,家庭杂务 do the dishes clean the living room take out the rubbish make the bed sweep the floorwash the car wash the clothesfold the clothes What are they doing? clean the living room fold the clothes make the bed do the dishes take out the rubbish I want to ask my sister to help to sweep the floor. What can I say? How to ask others for help politely? I can say: 1. Sweep the floor! 2. Can you sweep the floor? 3. Could you please sweep the floor? Can you find the differences? Different ways of saying. Which is the most polite expression? sweep the floor make the bedwash the clothes Could you please .? Look and say 1. A: Could you please _? B: _ sweep the floor No problem Sure./ Of course./ No problem./ All right. 2. A: Could_ _ ? you please do the dishes B: _.All right 3. A: _ _ ? B: _ _. Could you please make the bed 1. A: Could you please _? B: Sorry, I cant. I have to _. clean the living room 2. A: Could_ _ ? you please take out the rubbish B: Sorry, I have to _.make a banana milk shake 3. A: _ _ ? B: _ _. Could you please fold the clothes read a book Sorry. Im going to play football. A: Could you please +动词原形动词原形+.? B: Yes, sure./ Of course./ All right. /No problem. /Sorry, I cant. I have to . /Sorry, I cant. I am going to . Make polite requests Peter, could you please take out the rubbish? Sure, Mom. Listen. Who will do these chores? Check () Peters mother or Peter. 1b Listen. Who will do these chores? Check () Peters mother or Peter. ChoresPeters motherPeter do the dishes sweep the floor take out the rubbish make the bed fold the clothes clean the living room How many things does mom ask Peter to do? And how does mom make the requests? Lets watch & think. Could you please make your bed and fold your clothes? Could you please take out the rubbish? A: Could you please ? B: Yes, sure./ Of course./ All right. / No problem. / Sorry, I cant. I have to / Sorry, I am going to. (study for a test) (play basketball) (do my homework) ) take out the rubbishclean the living room sweep the floor do the dishes make the bed fold the clothes chores How to make polite requests Could you please . ? Yes, sure. Sorry, I cant. I have to. All right. Of course No problem. What did we learn today? 根据句意及汉语提示完成下列句子。根据句意及汉语提示完成下列句子。 1.Could you please take out the_(垃圾)? The dustbin is full of dirty things. 2. Kate is a good girl. She often helps her mother _(洗餐具). 3. Tom, what are you doing here? Look at the floor! _ (扫地) right now. 1.4. Could you please _(叠衣服), 2. Susan? Look at the bed. What a mess. rubbish do the dishes Sweep the floor fold your clothes 1. List all the main phrases of doing chores that you know. 2. Make a conversation between you and your mother, using the sentence pattern “Could you please ?” We love our parents. We should do the chores and try to be Teaching objectives: After this class, students should: 1. know about different kinds of chores. 2. learn to make polite requests by using “Could” : Could you please.? 3. learn to help parents with chores at home, and try to be a good family helper. Key points: Learn to make polite requests about chores by using the structure: Could you please.? Difficult points: 1. Learn to make polite requests 2. Learn to reply to the requests properly Teaching aids: PPT, tape & tape recorder Teaching procedures: Step 1. Warming-up First, ask students to enjoy a video and try to answer the question: Whats Cinderella doing in the video? After watching this video, ask students to answer the question, then lead in the topic of this lesson: chores. 【设计意图】首先让学生欣赏一段灰姑娘在家擦地板的短片,通过 询问学生短片中的辛德瑞拉在干嘛,引出本节课的主题词:家务活。 以短片的形式开始,能够让学生在轻松愉悦的氛围中进入课堂, 而短片的内容与我们的课时内容紧密相关,从而能够让学生自然而 然地迅速融入到课堂之中。 Step 2. Lead-in Show some pictures of chores, lead students to talk about them. Let students be familiar with the phrases about the housework. 【设计意图】在这一环节,在课件上呈现多个家务活图片,然后让 学生讨论分别是什么家务活,让学生直观地学会这些家务活短语, 为后面的句型呈现打下基础。 Step 3. Guessing game Show students some pictures of chores, while the pictures are covered with something, so students need to guess what kinds of chores they are. 【设计意图】在这环节呈现几张被遮住了一部分的图片,让学生大 胆地去猜测是什么家务活,以此来检测并巩固刚刚所学的新知。 Step 4. Presentation Let students look at a picture of my bedroom, ask them how is my bedroom, then ask them: My bedroom is dirty, I want to ask my sister to help clean the room, what can I say? After then I will give them three ways of asking, then let them choose the most polite expression. In this way, let students learn about the structures of this lesson: Could you please.? Finally, present some other pictures, learn to reply the requests politely. 【设计意图】设置一个情景:我的房间比较脏乱,我想要妹妹 帮我打扫房间,该如何请求帮助?然后给出三种不同的表达方法, 让学生自己选出最有礼貌的方式。以这种方式,我们就可以学习到 本节课的基本句型:Could you please.? 然后再呈现其他的图片,一 起讨论该如何礼貌地回答这类请求。通过这一环节,学生们就知道 了该如何更有礼貌地请求帮助,以及如何礼貌地作答。 Step 5. Listening Before listening, let students read the phrases in the box. Then listen to the tape, let them check who will do these chores, Peters mother or Peter. Listen again, ask them to check the answers by themselves. At last, watch a video about this conversation, ask students try to answer the questions: How many things does mom ask Peter to do? And how does mom make the requests? 【设计意图】在听听力前让他们读读方框中的短语,可以加深他们 的印象,让他们在听的时候能够有所侧重。听完后不急着对答案, 而是让他们自己先发现问题,能提高他们的主动性。最后,让他们 看这个对话的短片,然后回答两个问题。将这个对话直观化了,让 他们找出 Peter 妈妈让 Peter 做几件事情,以及如何说的,通过这个 环节,可以让学生进一步掌握 Could you please.?这个句型。 Step 6. Pair work Ask students to look at the structure and pictures. First, I will make some short conversations with some of them to show them how to do this. Then give them some time to make their own conversations. 【设计意图】在让学生做对话之前,我先和班上几个学生做下示范, 让他们知道该如何去做,然后给时间让他们自己编对话。有了示范, 学生能更快地做好对话。通过对话,学生能将本节课所学的知识实 际应用到生活当中。 Step 7. Summary Summarize what we have learned in this class together. 【设计意图】通过简图和学生一起总结本节课所学的知识点。图形 的形式直观明了,概括性强,能让学生一目了然,利于查漏补缺。 Step 8. Exercises Do some exercises to check their work. 【设计意图】通过做练习,看学生对本节课知识点的掌握程度,同 时通过练习题复习本课知识点。 Step 9. Homework List all the main phrases of doing chores that you know. Then make a conversation between you and your mother, using the sentence pattern : Could you please ? 【设计意图】写出你所知道的家务活短语,能让学生进一步复习所 学知识点。通过和妈妈的对话,教会孩子们多帮助父母。
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