人教版八下-Uuit 3 Could you please clean your room -Section A 1a—2d-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-省级优课-(编号:b5b8e).zip

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Do you love your parents ? do chores (做家务做家务) = do housework Do you do chores at home? What chores do you usually do at home? 1a Look and sayWhats he/she doing? sweep the floorfold the clothesclean the living room do the dishestake out the rubbish make the bed Change your memory What kind of chores does he/she do? 做家务做家务 洗餐具洗餐具do the dishes 倒垃圾倒垃圾 叠你的衣服叠你的衣服 扫地扫地 整理床铺整理床铺 打扫起居室打扫起居室 sweep the floor fold your clothes make the bed take out the rubbish clean the living room do chores mop the floor babysit the child clean the windows wash the car What chores will they do? Listening Look at the picture on page 17 and answer the questions. Listen. Who will do these chores? Check Peters mother or Peter. Chores Peters mother P eter Do the dishes Sweep the floor Take out the rubbish make the bed fold the clothes clean the living room 1b1b Will Peter take out the rubbish? How did you know? What will your mother/father say if she/he wants you to do chores? Kimi, could you please make your bed? Sure. /Of course/Certainly /No problem/All right fold the clothes? Could you please Sorry, I cant. I have to do some reading. /I am reading now. Could you please do ? Would you do , please? Would you like to do ? Please do Can you do ? Would you mind doing ? How to make polite requests? How to give a polite answer? Yes, sure. / Sure. / Of course. / Certainly. / No problem. / My pleasure. Sorry, I cant. I have to Could you please take out the rubbish? Yes, of course. Could you please fold the clothes? Sorry, I cant. I have to do my homework. One student acts (扮演扮演) the role of Peters mom and the other student acts the role of Peter. Act it out (情景表演情景表演) !1c 1.do the dishes 2. take out the rubbish 3. fold your clothes 4. sweep the floor 5. make your bed 6. clean the living room Make conversations about the chores in 1a. 1c A: Could you please sweep the floor? B: Yes, sure. Can you do the dishes? A: Well, could you please do them? Im going to clean the living room. B: No problem. Pre-listening Activity Look at the picture and guess: What are Peter and his father talking about? Task2: Listen to the specific ideas. Peter is asking his father if he can do four things. What does his father say? Check() “yes” or “no”. Peter wants toPeters father says go out for dinner yes no go to the movies yes no stay out late yes no get a ride yes no Why does Peters father say “no”? Draw lines to the reasons in the chart. Peter wants to Peters father says His fathers reasons go out for dinner _yes _no I have to do some work. go to the movies _yes _no You have to clean your room. stay out late _yes _no I need to eat breakfast. get a ride _yes _no You have a basketball game. Lets talk about the dialogue. Peter wants to go to the movies. Peter: Could I go to the movies? Dad: Yes, you can./No, you cant. You have to 2c Peter wants to stay out late. Peter wants to get a ride. What will Peter ask and his father answer if Peter wants to get a ride? Peter wants to stay out late. Peter: _? Dad: No, you cant. /Yes, you can. Could I stay out late Peter wants to get a ride. Peter: _? Dad: No, I cant. I have to do some work. Could you give me a ride get a ride (搭便车搭便车) How to ask for permission? Could I do ? Can I do ? May I do ? Shall I do ? 我能借点钱吗?可以。我能借点钱吗?可以。 Could I borrow some money? OK. 我能搭你的便车吗?不好意思,我今天没时间。我能搭你的便车吗?不好意思,我今天没时间。 Could you give me a ride? Sorry, I have no time today. Please read 2d and find the language points and solve the problems in group. Task 1: Group cooperation. Language points 知 识 探 究 1. Tony, could you please help out with a few things? Could you take out the rubbish, fold the clothes and do the dishes? 结论: “_” 后面跟 _。意为“请你好吗?”, 是一个婉转地请别人帮忙的句型,情态 动词could为_的过去式,但在以上 句子只表达请求, Could you please.? 动词原形 can 知 识 探 究 其语气比“Can you?”更婉转客气,其 否定句形式为 “_”。对 “Could you please?”做肯定回答时, 可用“Sure.All right.No problem.”“Of course. ”等,做否定回答时,可婉转地 使用“No, I cant./ Of course not./ Sorry. I have to/Im.”等。 Could you please not .? Could you please not smoke? Im sorry,I wont do it . Could you please not play football on the road? Sorry, I wont do it again. 知 识 探 究 2.help (sb) out (with) 帮助.解决困难。 3. at least意为“至少(可以或应该) ”,通 常与could, should, must, might等情态动 词连用,多指数量或程度上的最低限 度。其反义词组为at most, 表示“至多 ,不超过”。 4. finish后接名词/代词/动词-ing形式, 不可接不定式。 5. any minute (now)意为“很快;马上”。 1)分角色扮演2d部分的对话。 2)两人一组,进行对话改编。 Task2: Role- play the conversation. Free Talk Do you think we should do chores? Why should we do chores? Or why shouldnt we do chores? Please tell us the reasons. what are the pros and cons about we doing chores? prosconsFree Talk Nowadays, many parents do all the chores for their kids. Is it good? No! Parents can never grow up for their kids. Everyone should learn to be independent(学学 会独立会独立) ,even if(即使即使) their father is a president. Homework Please write an article according to the phrases we talked. You can be for doing chores or be against doing chores. Analysis of the teaching material This unit is focused on chores. From this unit,students can learn how to talk about doing chores,they can describe chores orally or in writing,and express their views on doing chores. This unit mainly tells about how to make requests and ask for permission politely. Teaching aims 1.Language leaning objectives:Learn some useful words and expressions about chores. Learn how to make polite requests using “Could you please do.?”,ask for permission using“Could I do.?”and answer them giving the exact reasons. 2. Ability objectives :Students can understand and talk about the topic of doing chores,they can write the key words and sentences. Master the reading tragedies and methods. 3. Emotion objectives:Get students to develop good habits of doing right things in right time. Get them to know how to get along well with their parents and friends and know the importance of sharing chores. Let students receive some moral emotion education and establish the correct emotional attitude values. 4. Learning strategies:We can use design the scene of teaching method ,task-based approach teaching method,group cooperation and role-play to make students communicate with each other in English and take an active part in activities . Teaching key points: Phrases: do the dishes, make the bed, take out the rubbish, fold the clothes, sweep the floor, clean the living room Target languages: 1. Could you please take out the rubbish? Of course./Certainly./All right./ Sure. / Sorry, I cant. I have to finish homework first. 2. Could I use your computer? Sorry. Im going to work on it now. 3. Well, could I watch TV? Yes, you can. But first you have to clean your room. Teaching difficult points: Make polite requests Ask for permission Express the view on doing chores Teaching methods: 1. 启发性教学法。2.任务型教学法。 3.情景教学法。 4.交际教学 法。5.小组合作探究法。 Analysis of students: This unit is focused on chores. The topic is related to daily life , so it can help raise students learning interest and easy to talk about.The students have already known a lot of vocabulary about doing chores.Its kind of difficult for them to express their own opinions about doing chores,they need to be led step by step. Teaching aids: Tape recorder multimedia blackboard Unit3 Could you please clean your room? Section A (1a-2d) Period 1 StepStep 1 1 Lead-in. T: Lets look at the picture. Do you love your parents? Ss:. T: Do you do chores at home? Ss:.(different answers) T:What chores do you usually do at home? Ss:.(different answers) Step 2 Presentation 1a Let students look at the picture and say what he/she is doing. Then change their memories and practice. Make them remember the phrases by challenging themselves. Next ask students to add more chores. Step 3 Listening Ask students to listen to the tape and check the correct responses in the form. Before listening to the tape,the teacher explains:“Will Peter take out the rubbish? How did you know? We knew it according to the picture.” 1b Listen. Who will do these chores? Check () Peters mother or Peter. ChoresPeters motherPeter do the dishes sweep the floor take out the rubbish make the bed fold the clothes clean the living room After finishing listening, let students check the answers and think about how to make polite requests.Teacher leads students to make requests politely. Step 4 Practice Let students work in pairs to practice 1c. Call several pairs to act out their conversations in class. Step 5 Listening 2a&2b Ask students to look at the picture and guess what Peter and his father are talking about.Then listen to the tape and check “yes” or “no”. Listen again and finish 2b. Check the answers. Step 6 Practice 2c Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b. And let students summarize how to ask for permission and practice two sentences. Step 7 Language points and summary Ask students to read 2d and find the language points. In groups, students discuss the language points and solve the problems. (语言点由学生合作自主探究解决,充分发挥小组合作发现解决问 题的能力。) The teacher walks around and gives them some help. Then the students give the language points and solve the questions each other. Step 8 Role-play. Have students role-play the conversation in 2d in groups and choose the best one. Step 9 Free Talk Teacher asks “Should we do chores? Why should we do chores or why shouldnt we do chores?” Let students express their opinions freely. At last,teacher tells them everyone should be independent even if his father is a president. Step 10 Homework Write an article according to the phrases they talked. Blackboard design: Unit3 Could you please clean your room? Section A (1a-2d) 1、Phrases 1. help (sb) out (with) 2. at least 至少-at most 至多 3. finish doing 4. be enough to do 5.any minute (now) 很快,马上 2、Sentences 1.Could you please (not) clean your room? Sure,/Of course./All right. Sorry,I have to./Im. 2.Could/Can/May I do.? 3、pros cons 课后反思课后反思:本课由学习谈论家务活动展开教学,通过一系列练习和 活动能够让学生口头或书面描述家务活动,并表达自己对干家务的 观点。如何礼貌的提出请求和请求允许,及表达自己对做家务活的 观点是本课的重难点。为了让学生更好地掌握礼貌地提出请求和请 求允许,本节课安排了教学内容Section A(1a-2d)。同时,我也采用 了情景,任务型,启发式,合作探究等一系列教学法创造了一些便 于学生学习,沟通交流的学习方法和策略的指导,让学生学会礼貌 地提出请求和请求允许。并且通过Free Talk 让学生自然的上升到情 感教育,培养学生正确的情感态度,价值观,培养学生分担家务的 责任感。 通过此次上课及课后回顾,我有以下认识: 1、用爱父母和做家务导入,与生活的联系极大地调动了学生的积极 性,激发了学生学习的兴趣。用抢答方式快速记忆与家务有关的动 词短语充分调动了学生的积极性和主动性,使全体学生快速进入学 习状态。 2、呈现时运用了启发式教学,引导学生思考。逐步由学生推出什么 是礼貌地提出请求和请求允许,并且进行了充足的练习,及时进行 熟练巩固。 3、无论是Pairwork还是Groupwork,学生都能积极参与,让学生小组 讨论,努力自己解决问题,如有困难课堂上一起解决,自主学习和 同学间的互助可以加深学生对该部分知识的印象,提高学习效率改 善学习效果。特别是Free Talk不但让更多的同学参与进来积极表达 自己对做家务的观点,而且非常好的解决了同学们写作文不知如何 下笔,也为想不起内容头疼的难题,这也是我解决学生写作文必有 的一个环节,让学生不再害怕写作文。在学生表达自己是否应该做 家务的同时也就自然形成了正确的情感态度和价值观导向,培养了 学生分担家务的责任感,我总结的这句Everyone should be independent even if his father is a president.升华了学生的情感教育。 4、不足之处:练习时仍有同学不熟练,有些同学发音不够准确,声 音有点小。课件虽然对礼貌地提出请求和请求允许都进行了练习, 但没有具体的练习题,只有两个翻译句子,在以后的课中还需加强 练习。小组合作学习后的展示形式有点单一,今后我在教学中要注 意不足之处,及时改正。
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