人教版八下-Uuit 3 Could you please clean your room -Section A 3a—3c-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:a08a1).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_八年级下册(2013年10月第1版)_初中英语_Uuit 3 Could you please clean your room _Section A 3a—3c_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级优课_(编号:a08a1)
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Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? Section A 3a-3c Learning aims: 1. 学生能够理解文章大意。 2. 学生能够在小组合作中完成相关阅读任务。 3.学生能够简单的复述文章。 What did you do on Womens Day? You can share the housework with your mom. Who lives in this house? Nancy, her mother and the pet dog. Skimming 1.What did Nancy do when she got home? 2.What did she do when mom came over? 3.What did Nancys mother ask her to do? Read the story and answer the questions. 4. Did they solve(解决) the problem? What did Nancy do ? 5.What did Nancy finally understand? 1.What did Nancy do when she got home? 2.What did she do when mom came over? 3.What did Nancys mother ask her to do? She threw down her bag and went to the living room. She sat down in front of the TV when mom came over. She asked her to take the dog for a walk. Read the story and answer the questions. 4. Did they solve (解决) the problem? What did Nancy do? 5.What did Nancy finally understand? Yes, they did. Nancy said sorry to her mother. (Nancy cleaned the room by herself.) She understood they needed to share the housework to have a clean and comfortable home. Read the article and tell T for True or F for False. 1.Last month, when Nancy came home from school, her mother welcomed her. 2. She wanted to watch one show first. 3. Nancy thinks she is more tired than her mother because she works all day at school. 4. One month later, Nancy could not find a clean dish or a clean shirt. 5. Finally, Nancy understood what she should do to have a clean home. F T F F T week dog she is as tired as _ Nancys dog wanted a walk and welcomed her when she came home from school. _ Mom got angry and walked away. _ Neither of them did any housework for a week. _ Nancy understood she needed to share the housework and cleaned the room. 1 3 4 5 _ Nancys going to watch TV, but mom asked Nancy to walk the dog. 2 Put these sentences in the right order. Read the sentences below. Underline the sentences from the reading that mean the same thing. 1.Neither of us did any housework for a week. 2.My mom came over as soon as I sat down in front of the TV. 3.Youre tired, but Im tired, too. For one week ,she didnt do any housework and neither did I . The minute I sat down in front of the TV, my mom came over. Im just as tired as you are! 1.welcome sb. 欢迎某人 e home from school 放学回家 3.throw down ones bag 扔下书包 e over 过来 5. take sb. for a walk 带某人散步 6.neither did I 我也没有(做) 7.all the time 频繁;一直 8.as tired as 一样累 9.in surprise 吃惊地 10.walk away 走开 11.share the housework 分担家务 1. The minute I sat down in front of the TV, my mom came over. 2. For one week, she did not do any housework, and neither did I. 3. Im just as tired as you are! Nancys dog _ a _and _ her when she _ home from school. Nancys going to _ , but mom _ Nancy to _ the dog. Mom _ and _. _ of them did any housework for a week. Nancy understood she needed to _ and _. walkwanted welcomed came watch TV asked walk got angrywalked awayNeither share the housework cleaned the room Can you retell this story? Fill in the blanks. Give your love and patience(耐心) to your parents! Homework 1.单词,短语抄写默写。 2.读文章3遍,家长签字。 3.全品23面写完。 Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? 教学设计(3a-3c) 一、教学目标 1.知识目标 掌握并灵活运用本课的重点词汇 throw , neither 重点短语 in surprise, as soon as, come over , asas,21cnjy. 2.能力目标 通过小组合作探究与对话表演,提高合作共赢的能力和活学活用的能力。 3.情感目标 主动地去帮助家人做杂务,分担家务活; 爱家庭,爱劳动,爱父母。 二教学重点 掌握并运用重点词汇、短语和句子。准确理解文章大意。 三教学难点 :通过阅读完成相关任务。 四 教学步骤 Step 1 :Lead in Yesterday was Womens Day ,what did you do for your mom? For me, I called my mom, and gave her the best wishes, how about you?(提问学生来回答)2 Step 2 Skimming: We all help our parents do housework. We all want to live in a clean and comfortable home. What do you think of this house, is it a messy or a dirty? Do you want to live in this house? No, of course not. Now read the article and answer the question. Who lives in this house?(略读找答案) Step 3: Careful Reading(groupwork) Task 1 Lets read the story and answer the question.(学生读课文并回答问题) Lets check the answer together. (针对最后一个问题的答案对学生们说: Do you think so? We should help our parents do the housework. Ok? ) www.21-cn- Task 2 1.Lets read the article again and know more information. Then tell T for True or F for False.(学生读课文回答问题) 【来源:21世纪教育网】 Lets check the answer then correct it. 2Task 3 Its our turn to read the whole story. Read the story and put the sentences in the right order.【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】 This is the whole story. Lets read together. Task 4. Read the sentences below. Underline the sentences from the reading that mean the same thing.(学生读课文回答问题)2om Step 4: Underline some phrases and sentences. Pay attention to them. Try to translate them. And know about the passage clearly. You did a good job! I believe you can do it well, too. ( 学生做练习巩固) Step 5:Retell the passage. Ask the ss to read the passage, talk with their partners and fill in the blanks. AND 名师】 Step 6: Our parents are very busy and tired every. They do a lot for us. They love us very much. I hope all of us can give our love and patience to our parents! (情感渗透) Step7: Homework Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? 说课稿 1、教学内容在本单元所处的位置 本单元有三个部分:Section A、Section B 和 Self Check。本课时的 学习点为“研究探讨,近一步领会”Could I please.?的用法,目的在 于发挥学生的积极性、主动性,让学生主动学习,主动探究,主动 获取知识,主动运用英语的能力。这个学习点,是根据八年级学生 求知欲望旺盛,思维活跃的心理特点,以及新课标的要求而确定的。 通过学生小组合作模式,提高学生学习英语的兴趣,更有利于他们思 想品质的提升,更有利于他们的终身发展。21 世纪教育网版权所有 2、教学目标 针对这些学习内容的特点以及本班学生特点,我确定本课时的教学 目标为以下几点: 语言知识目标:能够理解文章中重点短语的含义,了解文章大意。 语言能力目标:通过小组合作探究提高合作共赢的能力和活学活用 的能力,提高学生全方位运用英语语言的能力,进而使不同层次的学 生学习能力得到相应发展,实现学习最优化。 情感、价值目标: 培养学生的感恩意识,潜移默化之中感恩父母、 感恩亲人、感恩老师、感恩朋友、感恩社会、甚至感恩对手。21 教 这三个目标的设置符合八年级学生的认知规律,也切合学生学习、 生活实际。 3、教学重点、难点以及突破点 根据本单元的教学目标,学习重点并结合学生的学习、生活实际, 研究教学的重点为学习有关家务劳动的词组以及目标语言 Could you please.?的运用,难点为学生通过小组合作进一步了解文章大意, 以及 neither,as soon as 等短语的用法,并对所学知识的灵活运用。 4.环节设计:本节课,我力图通过幻灯片展示、小组合作积分等学 生喜好的形式,突破重难点。我将班级学生分为 10 组,每组 4 人, 对阅读课型的小组合作式的自主开放性课堂进行探索。我所上内容 为 Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?3a 阅读部分,开始导入环 节我以刚过去的妇女节为话题,询问学生妇女节为母亲做了什么? 然后引入本节课内容,即 Nancy 和她母亲的故事,并设计了四个学 习任务,一个检测任务。在活动中学生通过小组讨论,回答问题, 判断正误,排序等任务来进一步加深对文章的理解,学生参与的积 极性很高,班级学生几乎都参与到活动中来,小组积分活动使不爱 回答发言的学生也动了起来,课堂气氛活跃,虽然是下午第一节课 但是课堂效果很好,真正把课堂还给了学生。 5.板书设计:板书比较工整,将重点难点的短语罗列并附带汉语意 思,但是在拓展上还是不够充分。 6.课堂改进以及本节课亮点:1.)小组合作积分制,学生积极性被大 幅度提高,参与学生面广。 2.) 课前导入自然简单并符合现实, 课后对学生的情感教育与课前课中吻合,教学教育两方面均融入课 堂上。3.)目标设计清晰,活动的设计由容易到难,层层递进,符 合学生认知水平. 7.今后改进:1. 由于教室没有钟表,时间把握上有些不准。 2.在短 语翻译环节可以把幻灯片播放做以调整,这样会更加清楚,学生检 测也会更加的明确。 3. 短语有一个忘记让学生翻译。 在这次的活动中,我也学到了一点,那就是认真二字!不放过 任何一个细节,从课件的一个单词修改,甚至是字母大小写的修改, 到设计的活动怎样来处理,才能然给学生更快的掌握,到在课堂教 学中说的每句话都要经过精心的设计和思考,这样才会少些遗憾。 7 4.4 eed.1c 4
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