人教版八下-Uuit 3 Could you please clean your room -Section B 2a—3b Self check-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级优课-(编号:30012).zip

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初中英语人教版八年级下初中英语人教版八年级下 Unit3 Could you please clean your room? Section B(2a-2e) 学习目 标 一、语言知识: 1.熟练掌握以下词汇和短语 : stress, waste, provide, anyway, depend, develop, independence, fairness, since, neighbor, ill, drop, independent, fair, unfair, take care of , in order to, depend on 2.熟练掌握以下句型: (1) They should spend their time on schoolwork in order to get good grades. (2) Its parents job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children. (3) Theres no need for kids to do housework now. (4)The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future. Discuss the questions with your partner. 1. What do you often do to help your parents at home? 2. Do you think kids should help out with chores at home? 2a Homework: You have to do: 1. Master the key words, phrases and sentences of this class. 2. Read the two passages and try to recite them. You may do: Have a discussion about whether kids should do chores or not with your parents, write down their opinions. 1 / 12 Unit3 SectionB(2a-2e)精品教案)精品教案 Teaching and learning goals: 一、语言知识:一、语言知识: 1.熟练掌握以下词汇和短语熟练掌握以下词汇和短语 : stress, waste, provide, anyway, depend, develop, independence, fairness, since, neighbor, ill, drop, independent, fair, unfair, take care of , in order to, depend on 2.熟练掌握以下句型:熟练掌握以下句型: (1) They should spend their time on schoolwork in order to get good grades. (2) Its parents job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children. (3) Theres no need for kids to do housework now. (4)The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future. 二、语言功能:二、语言功能: Talk about the pros and cons of doing chores 三、学习策略:阅读策略三、学习策略:阅读策略 1.依据文章题目要求和所给图片,预测(predicting)文章内容。 2.通过略读(skimming)的方式,猜测文章大意。 3.借助关键词,通过寻读 (scanning)的方式,找寻细节内容。 四、情感态度:四、情感态度: Doing chores helps you to be independent, teaches you how to look after themselves and helps you understand the fairness. Teaching and learning steps: Step1. Pre-reading activities 1. Preview I. Ask the students to translate the following Chinese into English. First ask the students to put them into English orally, then write them down without looking at the text. (1)浪费时间 (2)把时间花费在 (3)为了 (4)为提供 (5)依赖,依靠 (6)发展孩子们的独立性 (7)照看、照顾 (8)理解公平的意义 II. Ask the students to translate the following sentences. 2 / 12 (1)现在做它们没有必要。 (2)在家中给孩子们提供一个干净、舒适的环境是家长们的事情。 (3)在学校取得好成绩并不够。 (4)孩子们越早学会独立,对他们的未来就越好。 【设计意图】:本节课是一节阅读课,文章较长,课前对文本中的重点短语和句型有所了解, 能够帮助学生更好的完成阅读练习,而且为上课的竞赛活动做好准备。课上有针对性的 听讲,更能培养学生的自主学习能力,还可以根据检测结果,以学定教。 2. Warming up and leading in Look at the following pictures and talk about them. 3. 2a: Discuss the questions with your partner. Should parents ask their children to do chores ? Is it cool to make kids do chores? Do your classmates have any house chores? What can your classmates learn from doing chores? How can you make chores more fun? 3 / 12 1.What do you often do to help your parents at home ? 2.Do you think kids should help out with chores at home? 【设计意图设计意图】: 通过看图画讨论孩子们在家是否做家务,孩子们的家长对于做家务的一些看 法,孩子们从做家务活中学会了快乐、友爱,公平、独立。从而教育孩子们乐于做家务活, 为 2b 的有效阅读做了铺垫。 Step2. While-reading activities. 1. Read for the general idea 读取大意 Task I: Look at the title and the picture, and predict what you will read about. What will you read about in the following letters?_ A. kids should spend time on schoolwork B. whether kids should help out with chores at home C. kids should learn to be independent Task II. Skim the two letters . Which one agrees and which one disagrees? T: Boys and girls, we know there are two letters in this part. Do you know the structures of the letters? If you cant say it in English, you can say it in Chinese. Ss: 一封信应该包含称呼、正文和署名。 Tip 1: The title and the picture in the passage can help you predict what you will read about. This helps us get ready to acquire(获得) new information. 4 / 12 T: Yes, it includes salutation, body and signature. Please read the two letters and find out which one agrees and which one disagrees. 【设计意图】:读取大意环节,设计了两个任务:第一个任务是根据文章的题目要求和课本 中的图片猜测文章大意,此环节学生只需要对将要读的内容做出预测,无需读课文。第 二个任务,让学生快速浏览课文,找出两封信的作者是否同意孩子们做家务,在读之前 对学生进行阅读策略指导,消除了学生对阅读文章的恐惧心理,很快就找出了答案。另外 让学生自己总结书信的格式,目的在于提醒学生要注意写信时不要忘记了称呼语和署名。 Read for the specific ideas 读取细节 Task1: Read the two letters carefully and answer the following questions: Tip 2: Skimming This means looking quickly through a piece of writing to find the main idea without reading every word. It is still a good idea to read the first sentence in each paragraph a little more carefully. 5 / 12 Does Miller think teenagers should do the housework? What does Smith think of the problem? Task2: Read again carefully and judge(判断)T (true) or F(false) . 1. Ms. Miller thinks kids should do chores at home. 2. According to Ms. Millers letter, she doesnt think housework is a waste of kids time. 3. Ms. Miller and Mr. Smith have different ideas on doing chores. 4. Mr. Smith thinks it is useful to do chores. Task3: According to Ms.Miller and Mr.Smith, what are the pros and cons about kids doing chores? (2c) pros cons 1. Doing chores helps to develop childrens independence. 2. 1, Housework is a waste of childrens time . 2. Task4: Read aloud again and underline and remember these phrases by matching the meaning of them. a waste of time _ a. 越早,越好. there is no need forto _ b.不介意 do not mind _ c. 在上花费时间 spend time on _ d. 是不够的 in order to _ e. 浪费时间 it is not enough to _ f.对于做是不需要的 the earlier the better _ g.为了. Task5: Write one sentence with each phrase from the letters.(2d) 1. a waste of time _ 2. there is no need forto _ 6 / 12 3. do not mind _ 4. spend time on _ 5. in order to _ 6. it is not enough to _ 7. the earlier the better _ 【设计意图设计意图】:此环节侧重于获取信息,整合信息,完成任务,体验阅读策略(重在此环节侧重于获取信息,整合信息,完成任务,体验阅读策略(重在培养培养 学生的扫读能力)学生的扫读能力) ,渗透学生读写能力的培养。,渗透学生读写能力的培养。目的在于让不同程度的学生都能对课本细目的在于让不同程度的学生都能对课本细 节理解透彻,课上都能有收获。同时,此环节在核对答案时,老师注意把重点词组节理解透彻,课上都能有收获。同时,此环节在核对答案时,老师注意把重点词组 Cons: 1.have enough stress from school 2. a waste of time 3. spend time on 4. there is no need for them to 5.Its job to;Pros:1. Its not enough to 2. depend on 3. do ones part in 4. the earlier,the better 让学生熟记这些重要词汇,为下面的语言输出环节以及下节课的写作做让学生熟记这些重要词汇,为下面的语言输出环节以及下节课的写作做 铺垫。铺垫。 Step3.Post-reading activities. Task1. Listen and repeat. T:Youve understood the story. Lets listen to the tape and read aloud after it. (Ss read after the tape ) 【设计意图设计意图】: 让学生听音跟读,旨在调动眼视听众感官深刻体会文章内容让学生听音跟读,旨在调动眼视听众感官深刻体会文章内容;另外,语音学另外,语音学 习的主要方法是模仿,模仿在正音、训练学生语句重音的同时,还能培养学生的语音、语习的主要方法是模仿,模仿在正音、训练学生语句重音的同时,还能培养学生的语音、语 调以及对句子重音的把握。调以及对句子重音的把握。 Task 2. Retell. Then read aloud and prepare to retell the story using the chart. 7 / 12 【设计意图设计意图】:复述环节可以检测学生对文本的理解程度,学生可以根据表格复述,相对 说比较简单,学生易于接受。此环节也是为下面的讨论和竞赛做好铺垫。 Task 3. Discussion Discuss the questions with a partner.(2e) 1. Which letter do you agree with? Why? 8 / 12 2. What would you say to the person who wrote the letter you dont agree with? Then What chores did you do when you had free time? How did you feel about doing house chores? Task4. Have a match Divide Ss into groups of five, and have a match. There are three people in each group. In each group, ask a student to say the name of a chore .Then ask another student to say I like or I dont like .Then ask a third student to give a reason . Lets see which group will win ! 【设计意图设计意图】: 让学生先进行问题的讨论,再对文中米勒女士和史密斯先生对孩子是否做家让学生先进行问题的讨论,再对文中米勒女士和史密斯先生对孩子是否做家 务活发表自己的的看法。然后展示自己对做家务活的看法。目的在于给予学生一定的语言支务活发表自己的的看法。然后展示自己对做家务活的看法。目的在于给予学生一定的语言支 架,让学生有话可说。最后进行竞赛活动,此环节激发了学生的积极性,而且充分练习了目架,让学生有话可说。最后进行竞赛活动,此环节激发了学生的积极性,而且充分练习了目 标句型。同时,还注重对学生进行情感教育。标句型。同时,还注重对学生进行情感教育。 Step4.Inquiry into knowledge by translation. 1.It is the parents job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children. _ (1)本句中_为形式主语,真正的主语是_。Its ones job to do sth.看作是一个固定句型,表示“_”。 如:努力学习是每一个学生应做的事情。 _ (2)provide 作动词,意为“ _”。provide sb. with sth. 意为“_”, 如:他们提供给他钱和衣服。 _ = _ 2.The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future. _ “the +比较级+主语+谓语, the +比较级+主语+谓语” 意为“_”。 如:你吃得越多,就会变得越重。_ 你练习得越多,英语就会越好。_ 【设计意图】:鼓励学生通过合作学习自己总结,引导学生观察、发现、归纳和掌握语言 规律,形成有效的学习策略,必要时老师可以给予适当的点拨,落实了以学定教。 Step5.Summary. 9 / 12 【设计意图】:学生总结本节课所学内容,对本课所学重要内容进一步深强化巩固。同时培养 学生的归纳总结能力。 Step6.The end-of- class test 当堂检测当堂检测 一、根据句意和汉语提示完成句子。 1.She _(掉落)the plate on the ground and it broke into pieces. 2. I like Old Henry because he often _(提供)us with hot water. 3. Mother thinks playing computer games is a _(浪费)of time. 4. We can _(依赖) on him for help. 5.The students are waiting for the _(结果)of the exam. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。(选做题) The Sunday Mail magazine invited parents to write about whether they think young people should_(do) chores at home. Mr. Smith thinks its important for children _(learn) how _(do) chores. Its not enough _(get) good grades at school. Doing chores _(help) to develop childrens independence and teaches them_(take) care of themselves. The earlier kids learn_(be)independent, the better it is for their future. However, Ms. Miller _(agree). She thinks there is no need for kids_(do)housework now. Since when they get older, they_(have) to do housework. She thinks housework_(be) a waste of time for kids. They should spend more time on schoolwork in order _(get) good grades and get into a good university. And anyway, she doesnt mind_(do) them. 【设计意图】:当堂检测题是针对本节课所学内容进行的形成性评价,这样既能使学生巩 固本节课所学知识,又能让老师了解到学生本堂课真实的学习情况,并对错误较多的知识 点进行巩固强化。此环节设计了两种题型,从不同的角度考查学生对目标语言的掌握情况 。在学生做题时,给予一定的策略指导,如用所给词的适当形式填空,这是考试的一种必 考题型,也是学生容易失分的题型。给予学生策略指导,提醒学生注意其中的关键词,这 样有利于提高学生做题的准确率。 Step7.Homework. You have to do: 1. Master the key words, phrases and sentences of this class. 2. Read the two passages and try to recite them. You may do: 10 / 12 Have a discussion about whether kids should do chores or not with your parents, write down their opinions. 教学反思:教学反思: 亮点:亮点: 1.展示图画导入新课,以旧知带新知,自然过渡到新课的学习。 2.结合本节课的特点,教会学生如何分析文章的篇章结构,有利于学生理解文本,而且为下 节课的写作做好铺垫。 3.在阅读文本之前,先让学生根据题目要求和课本图片猜测文本大意。并在整篇文本的学习 过程中,注重对学生阅读策略的指导,提高学生的阅读能力。 4.采用讨论竞赛的方式,就孩子们是否应当做家务以及对家务的看法这个话题进行展开,充 分地调动了学生们的积极性。这是在基于对文本理解透彻的基础上,学以致用。 不足:不足:时间分配上有点前松后紧,合作探究环节处理的仓促。 使用建议:使用建议: 1预习内容一定要提前将学案下发给学生,便于学生更有目的性地去预习,提高课堂效率。 2.小组活动环节可以适当地拓展到小组外。 答案:答案: Step1. Pre-reading activities 1.Preview I.(1) a waste of time (2) spend time on (3) in order to (4)providewith (5) depend on (6)develop childrens independence (7)take care of (8)understand the idea of fairness II.(1)There is no need for them to do it now. (2)It is their parents job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children. (3) It is not enough to just get good graces at school. (4) The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future. Step2. While-reading activities. 1. Read for the general idea 读取大意 Task 1: C 11 / 12 2.Read for the specific ideas 读取细节 Task2: F F T T Task3: Pros: It teaches them how to look after themselves. It helps them to understand the idea of fairness. It is good for their future. Cons: Children already have enough stress from school. They have no time to study and do housework. Their job now is to be students. They will do housework in the future It is the parents job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children. Task4: e f b c g d a Task5: 1. Computer games are a waste of time. 2. There is no need for her to go to the market every day. 3. I do not mind doing the dishes. 4. I like to spend time on my hobby. 5. We should read more books in order to improve our English. 6. It is not enough to just do grammar exercises. 7. The earlier a child starts learning a new language, the better he will be at it. Step4.Inquiry into knowledge by translation. 1.在家中给他们的孩子提供一个干净、舒适的环境是家长们的事情。 (1) it; to provide a clean and for their children;做某事是某人的职责 Its every students job to study hard. (2) 提供、供应;为某人提供某物 They provided him with money and clothes. They provided money and clothes for him. 2.孩子们越早学会独立,对他们的未来就越好。 越,就越; The more you eat, the heavier you will be. The more you practice, the better your English will be. Step6.The end-of- class test 当堂检测当堂检测 12 / 12 一、1.dropped 2. provides 3.waste 4.depend 5.results 二、do; to learn; to do; to get; helps; to take; to be; disagrees; to do; will have; is; to get; doing
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