辽宁师大版三年级下册-Unit 11 Can I have some cookies -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-公开课-(编号:01161).zip

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  • 辽宁师大2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2012年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 11 Can I have some cookies _ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频)_县级优课_(编号:01161)
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    • Unit 11 Can I have some cookie.ppt--点击预览
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    • 教案01161.doc--点击预览


Do you like apples? Do you like apples? Yes, I do. Yes, I do. Yummy! Yummy! Yummy! Do you like lemons? Do you like lemons? No, I dont. No, I dont. Yucky! Yucky! Yucky! Lets chant. the first Im hungry. duck Back Can I have a/ an .? Can I have some.? look cookie cookies boo k cookie cookies Sure. Here you are. Dear dad, Im hungry. cookies Can I have some ? Try to say the second eadbr h a bread some bread Play a game. Rules: 读读 Stop 1 Im hungry. Stop 2 Sure. Here you are. the third hamburger hamburgers Sorry, not now. Can I have some ? hamburger s Try to say Back Lets sing. Can I have some cookies ? Sure, here you are. Can I have some bread ? Sure, here you are. Can I have some hamburgers ? Sorry, sorry, not now. the fourth candy candies the last cake cake ake Whats this? Cake. Whats missing? C. Back Game time. hamburgerscandies cakecookiesbread Whats missing? Back Can Annie have some cookies? Yes No Can Annie have a hamburger? Yes No Listen and say Mom, . ? ? Sorry, . Sure. . Back Listen and say Im hungry Can I have some cookies Here you are Can I have a hamburger not now S1: _. _? S2: Sure. _. S1: _? S2: Sorry,_. Try to say Back Play a game. Rules: See and say. Im hungry. Sure. Here you are. Sorry, not now. If you see the word, you say the word ,the others say “Can I have .?”如果你看读读读,你就读读读,其他人读 Can I have.? cake 1 2 34cookies candies Play a game. hamburger bread 1 2 34 Play a game. Summary a / an / some 可数名可数名词 some 不可数名不可数名 词 candies cake cookies bread apple orange hamburger banana pear lemonpeach Eat more vegetables , eat less junk food to form a good eating habit. Homework: 1、Act the dialogue to your parents. 2、Find out more healthy food. Can I Have Some Bread? Can I have some bread? Sure, here you are. Can I have some milk? Sure, here you are. Can I have some cookies? Sure, here you are. Can I have some candies? No! No! No, you cant. L e t s s i n g Back 三下 U11 Can I have some coolies? 教学目标 1.能听懂、会读、会说 Im hungry. Can I have some cookies? Sure,here you are. Sorry, not now.并能在实际情景中运用。 2.能听说、认读单词 cookies, hamburger, cake, bread, candies.并会判断 是可数名词还是不可数名词。 3,让学生体会学习乐趣,使学生在学习过程中乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语。 学情分析评论 三年级的学生接触英语的时间不长,而且天生活泼好动,注意力不集中,自我 控制力差,接受能力也有限。单有很强的好奇心。因此,多采用些有趣的歌谣, 游戏等活动,不仅吸引学生们的注意力还能调动学生的积极性,让学生在快乐 中轻松的学习英语,从而达到寓教于乐的效果。 重点难点评论 重点:使用本单元核心语言表达请求及问答方式。 难点:bread 和 cake 的用法。教师可做简单讲解,并与 some 构成词组,整体记忆。 【导入】warmup 评论 1,Greeting and free talk. T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Yu. T: Sit down, please .As we all know, Annies birthday is coming. There are five gifts from her friends. They are missing. Where are they? Lets go to find them together ,OK? Are you ready ? Ss: Yes. 2,Lets chant. T: First lets chant. Wow ,you are so great .Dear children , do you like candies? Do you want to eat? Ss: Yes ,I do. T: If you do better, I ll give you a candy as a gift. Come on children, OK? Ss: OK 3、导入:创设安妮生日的聚会的情境,通过寻找礼物来学习本课的重点单词 cookies,bread,candies,hamburger,cake,找到所有礼物来迎接聚会的开始,聚 会开始引出对话,重难点处理完毕聚会结束,让学生在愉快的聚会环境中轻松 地学习。 活动 2【讲授】Newpresentation评论 一、开启寻找礼物之旅 1、 T:Now lets go to find the first gift. Here we are . Look so many delicious food. Im hungry.Are you hungry? Ss: Yes. (通过美味的食物来吸引学生,让师生有吃的欲望,从而有饥饿感,引出句子 Im hungry.并设问揭示课题,进行层层教学程序。) T:Look,so many fruit. Whaits this? Ss:Its a pear. T: If you want to eat, you should say “Can I have a/an.?” Ss: Can I have .? T: Sure. Here you are. (出示水果实物利用句型 Whats this?来询问引出本课的重点句型,不仅可以 复习旧知还练习了新知,达到巩固知新的双重效果) T: Wonderful. Youve got the key of the supermarket.Here we are. The first gift is in the supermarket. Guess, what is it? (PPT 显 示 book look -cook -cookie) Ss:. T: Bingo. (礼盒打开出现 Its a cookie 单词和图片) Magic magic magic it change into some cookies(跟读,板书,拼读) - 双手拍卡片游 戏-造句,单个学生说句子-chant Can I have some cookies?Sure,here you are. The same way to learn the other words. (学生天生爱玩,整节课在游戏中学习会事半功倍。) 2、操练小游戏 每个新授单词都有不同的小游戏,如:双手拍卡片,击鼓传花游戏, 大小声,小手枪,Whats missing 等游戏 (各种各样的游戏活动能引起学生的兴趣,吸引学生的注意力,营造轻松愉快 的课堂氛围) 2、聚会现场 1、T:Well done. The five gifts are here. Are you happy? Ss:Yes. T: Lets go to the party. What do you want to eat? Act with your partner .Where are Annie and her mom? Look they are in the kitchen. What are they talking about? Now listen to the tape and answer the questions. Can Annie have some cookies? Yes No Can Annie have a hamburger? Yes No 2、Practice then act with the partner. 3、Use the food or fruit to ask and answer 4、Read together. 活动 3【活动】consolidationandemotional 评论 1、Fill in the blanks and read the dialogue together. 2、Take the words back home. 3、Use the fruit or food to make a new dialogue. 4、Emotional education: Eat more vegetables,eat less junk food to form a good eating habit. 活动 4【作业】Homework 评论 1、Act the dialogue to your parents. 2、Find out more healthy food.
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