辽宁师大版三年级下册-Unit 12 Do you want some tea -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:906f9).zip

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  • 辽宁师大2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2012年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 12 Do you want some tea _ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:906f9)
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    • unit 12.ppt--点击预览
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    • 教案906f9.docx--点击预览
    • 歌曲.mp3
    • 测评.docx--点击预览


遇到下列情景,如何用英语表达? ( )1.你想要一些果汁,可以说: A. I want some juice . B. I want some milk. ( ) 2.请敲门的人进来开,可以说: ACome in。 B. Lets play. ( )3.你想和同学下棋,可以说: ALets play chess. B. Lets play yoyo. ( )4.有人敲门,你想知道是谁,可以 问: AWho is it?. B. Who are you? ( )5.有人请你喝茶,你应该说: A. Yes ,please. B. No, thank you. Unit 12 Do you want some tea? 辽师大版小学快乐英语第四册(三年级起点)辽师大版小学快乐英语第四册(三年级起点) Quickly Response No, thank you. 小孩子不能喝茶小孩子不能喝茶。 Do you want some tea? Quickly Response Yes , please. 口渴了。口渴了。 Do you want some water ? Quickly Response ? No, thank you. Do you want some ice cream Quickly Response ? Yes , please. Do you want some juice Quickly Response Come in, please. ? May I come in Who Is It? Ding-dong. Ding-dong. Who is it? Who is it? Who is it? Its me. Its me. Its me, Billy. Lets sing Back 外面有人敲门,房子里的你会说什么? Who is it? Back Knocking at the door 听到敲门声后,老师说了什么? 男孩是怎样回答老师的? 如果是你,你会说什么? 现在你是敲门的人, 你应该说: Who is it? 门里面的人问门里面的人问 :Its me . Its XiaoHui. 门里面的人问门里面的人问 : Who is it? 现在你是敲门的人, 你应该说: Its me . Its LiuGang. Who is it? 现在你是敲门的人, 你应该说: Its me . Its Funny. 门里面的人问门里面的人问 : Who is it? 现在你是敲门的人, 你应该说: Its me . Its Jolly. 门里面的人问门里面的人问 : Who is it ? 现在你是敲门的人, 你应该说: Its me . Its Billy. 门里面的人问门里面的人问 : ch ess 国国 际际 象象 棋棋 Lets play chess. 下棋下棋 Good idea. 好主意 door Its Billy. Who is it? Knocking chess 我是 Billy. ice cream cookies apple water banana T r y t o d o Back Listen, match and write. Billy: (Knocking at the door) Henry: Yes. Who is it? Billy: Its Billy. Henry: Come in, please. Billy: Lets play chess. Henry: Good idea! Do you want some ice cream? Billy: No, thanks. Henry: Some water? Billy: OK. L e t s a c t Back 1.Billy is knocking at the door. 2.Henry wants some ice cream. 3.Billy wants some water. Consolidation F T T 判断正误,判断正误, 正确正确T,错误错误F. Tasks: (choose one of them ) 1. Read it with your partner. 和你的伙伴读对话。和你的伙伴读对话。 2. Act it with your partner. 和你的伙伴表演对话。和你的伙伴表演对话。 3.Make up a new dialogue 和你的伙伴创编新对话和你的伙伴创编新对话。 当我们去别人家做客时,首先应该 : Come in, please. 当我们去别人家做客时,首先应该 : 轻轻地敲门轻轻地敲门。 当有人来家里做客的时候,我们应该 : 礼貌待人接礼貌待人接 物物 be polite to people Homework: Make up a new dialogue with your Partners and act it out . (根据本课核心语言根据本课核心语言,和你的伙伴创和你的伙伴创 编一个新对话编一个新对话 ,表演出来。)表演出来。) 英语课Unit 12教学设计 一、教学目标 1. 能认读、表演 Lets act 部分的内容,并鼓励学生创编对话、表演对话。 2. 能够与 同学合作完成书中 Try to do 部分的任务。 3教育学生要礼貌待人接物,使学生在学 习过程中乐于感知与合作,并体会到学习英语的乐趣。 二、教材分析 Lets act 部分对话进一步巩固和学习了如何礼貌待人接物,并在核心语言的基础 上有所拓展,如:Who is it? Lets play chess.等等,是学生在运用语言时范围更广、 内容更多。Try to do 部分要求学生仔细听、注意连、认真写。 三、学情分析 三年级的学生生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、活动特别感兴趣。三年级是小 学生学习英语的基础阶段,这一阶段的重要任务在于激发并保持学生学习英语的兴趣。 因此,在设计课堂教学活动时根据学生的情况,采用灵活多样的教学方法来吸引学生的注 意,努力营造玩中学、学中玩的教学情境。 四、Key and difficult points (一) Key points :Can read 、understand and act “Lets act”。 (二) Difficult points :Understand and use “Who is it?”。 五、Teaching process 第二学时 Step 1: Warm-up 1. Greetings. T: Hello , boys and girls. S: Hello, Miss Wang. 2. Review(PPT 呈现). 3. Sing a song. Who Is It ? Step 2: Presentation 1. Start with songs , guide students to learn: knocking at the door. Study according t o the students. 2.(1) Watch video, and gradually expand the extension,guide students to learn: Who is i t ? Its me , its . (2) Scene play。First, let two students act it with ther teacher ,one student knocking at the door, the teacher says : “Who is it ?”the student who is knocking at the door s ays “Its me,its ”Then the teacher explanation:当不能分辨男女的时候,用 it 指代人。Second, the students play a role。 (3) The teacher and the student play the guessing game. 3. PPT produce pictures to guide students to understand :chess,Let s play chess, Good idea. Step 3: Practice. 1PPT game, review old knowledge, pave the way for the dialogue creation. 2Try to do. (Check the answers in the group and reports the answers. ) Listen to the tape ,Connect the characters and food according to the recording ,t he right answers will be written in four lines 。 Step 4: Consolidation. 1. Show the picture of Lets act, the students listen to the tape . 2. Read the dialogue following the tape ,then complete the practice in the group ,check the answer and s hare it . 3. Read the dialogue and act it in the group. 4. According to the dialogue content, make up a new dialogues and act the dialogue. 5. Summary of the course knowledge, and teach students to treat people in a polite. Step 5: Homework After class, according to the Core language, Contact actual life, make up a new dialo gue. 遇到下列情景,如何用英语表达? ( )1.你想要一些果汁,可以说: A. I want some juice . B. I want some milk. ( ) 2.请敲门的人进来开,可以说: ACome in。 B. Lets play. ( )3.你想和同学下棋,可以说: ALets play chess. B. Lets play yoyo. ( )4.有人敲门,你想知道是谁,可以 问: AWho is it?. B. Who are you? ( )5.有人请你喝茶,你应该说: A. Yes ,please. B. No, thank you.
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