辽宁师大版三年级下册-Unit 3 What's in the box -教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:50379).doc

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辽宁师大版三年级下册-Unit 3 What's in the box -教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:50379).doc_第1页
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辽宁师大版三年级下册-Unit 3 What's in the box -教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:50379).doc_第3页
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1、教学三 维目标 1、能听懂、会读、会说句型“Whats in the? Is it? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.”,并能在实际情景中运用。 2、能听说、认读单词 monkey, bear, horse, cow。 3、能够利用本单元核心语言与他人进行有关身边的事物的问答。 4、调动学生学习积极性,使学生积极运用英语参与课堂学习活动。 重点 Whats in the? Is it a/an? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. 教法 Task-based teaching method 难点Is it a/an?和 It is a/an.的区别学法 Imi

2、tationand grouplearning method 教具多媒体,ppt,素材卡片,磁力扣,磁力贴等学具参考素材纸 6 张 程序教学内容师生活动设计设计意图时间(分) Step 1 Step 2 Warming up Presentation 1.Greetings; 2.Sing a song together; 3.Review the words and the sentences. 1.Teach new words: (ppt) (1) T:T: Whats this? S:S: Its a horse. T:T: Is it a horse? S:S: Yes, it is

3、.(Practice) (2) T:T: Whats that? S:S: Its a cow. T:T: Is it a cow? S:S: No, it isn t. (Practice) (3) T:T: Who is it? S:S: Its Xiong Da. T:T: What is it? S:S: Its a bear. Wow, its cool! XiaoXiao Hui:Hui: Where is the bear? Tshowsthebearat different places to lead to “in the box” ; (Practice in groups

4、) XiaoXiao Hui:Hui:What s in the box? LiuLiu Gang:Gang:Is it a _? XiaoXiao Hui:Hui:Yes, it is. LiuLiu Gang:Gang:Is it a _? 形式丰富,利于激发 学生学习英语的兴 趣。 图片(卡通和真实) 带领大家学习新单 词,吸引学生目光, 直观易掌握。 由易到难,循序渐进 地进行讲解。 时刻做到词不离句, 句不离境。 层层递进进行引导, 便于理解。 小组合作练习充分 到位,学生熟练掌 握。 3 15 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Practice Consolidation

5、Sum up XiaoXiao Hui:Hui:No,it isnt. (4) T:T: Guess, what s in the box? S:S: Its a monkey. Lovely! (Practice in groups) XiaoXiao Hui:Hui:What s in the box? LiuLiu Gang:Gang:Is it a/an _? XiaoXiao Hui:Hui:Yes,it is./ No,it isnt. 2.Play games: (1) Whats missing? (2) Guessing game (Who answers the quest

6、ion correctly, which team gets a happy face.) 3.Listen and answer: T:T: Listen with my Q: Whats in the box? (Play the tape) S:S: Its a monkey. 4.Read by the Ss themselves 5.Read after the T 6.Recite together T:T:Letsmakeupanew dialogue: S1:S1: Guess,Guess, whatwhats s inin mymy pencilpencil box?box?

7、 S2:S2: IsIs itit a/ana/an _?_? S1:S1: Yes,Yes, itit is./No,is./No, itit isnisn t.t. S2:S2: Wow,Wow, itits s cool!cool! / / HowHow nice!nice! / / SoSo cute!cute! / / Super!Super! (T shows the frame and some stationeries,practicein groups, then act out.) 1.Tshowssomelovely animals pictures,then ask:

8、WhatWhat dodo youyou feel?feel?(S:.) 2.T tells the Ss: Animals are cute,they are our friends,we should love them and protect them. 3.T:WhatWhat havehave youyou learned?learned? 小组讨论,并加分, 激发学生的好胜心 理,利于课堂教学。 设计多种游戏,丰富 多彩,寓教于乐,孩 子们在玩玩、乐乐中 习得新知。 带着问题去听,既能 集中学生注意力,还 能提升学生的听力 水平。 教师给出文本支架 和一些词汇作参考, 降低难度;学

9、生通过 小组合作学习方法 练习,培养学生自主 学习能力和小组合 作学习能力。 图片生动直观,先让 学生自己说培养学 生归纳总结能力,然 后情感教育渗透,告 诉孩子们应该热爱 小动物,保护大自 然。 10 5 2 Step 6Homework S:. 1.Do the exercise book; 2.Make up a new dialogue in groups and act it out. 课后加强巩固练习1 板 书 设 计 Unit3Whats in the box? horse Is it acow? bear monkey Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. 教 学 反 思 优点:学生能很快的记住单词并能够熟练地运用,朗朗上口,掌握扎实。 不足:个别单词发音不准确;个别学生不理解 Is it?和 It is.的区别。 改进:多听录音,多读多说多练习,纠正错误的发音;实物对话练习区分两句话。


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