辽宁师大版三年级下册-Unit 8 What color do you like -教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:00c97).doc

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辽宁师大版三年级下册-Unit 8 What color do you like -教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:00c97).doc_第1页
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辽宁师大版三年级下册-Unit 8 What color do you like -教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:00c97).doc_第3页
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1、What color do you like?教学设计 一、教学目标 1、情感目标:激发学生的英语学习兴趣,培养良好的英语学习习惯。 2、知识目标:熟记关于颜色的五个单词,能够利用句型讨论有关颜色的图片和生 活中的场景。 3、能力目标:通过英语教学实践活动,培养学生的英语实践能力及创新意识。 二、教学重难点 1、重点:单词 brown, orange, black, white, violet .句型:What color do you like? I like. 2、难点:单词 brown, violet 的发音及句型的灵活应用。 三、活动准备 1、教具:单词卡片、颜料、小毛笔、画小星星的模

2、具、里面带有格子的盒子、彩 色纸条、内有颜色的白纸、果冻、围涂颜色的小测试卷和课件。 2、学具:彩色纸条和彩笔。 四、教学步骤 I. Warming up. 1、Greeting. 2、 Sing a song. 教学热身活动是英语课堂 TPR 教学方法的重要形式之一,师生伴有动作演唱歌曲 来缓解学生的紧张情绪,建立轻松、和谐、民主的课堂氛围,并为接下来的任务创 设了神秘的气氛,为进一步的学习奠定了基础. II. Teaching the new lesson. 1. T: Today I get ready lot of presents for you. But I cant find m

3、y bag now. Wheres my bag? Ss: Here/there. T: Oh, thank you. Lets see whats in it?Red sun.Green tree.Blue water.Pink flower. Which group reads it loudest, who will get it. (哪组的同学读的声音大就把这个标志作为他们组的代表)。 Look here, Ive got a blue box here. And there are six little boxes in it. (边说边做可以捅开一个小盒子的示范,从里边沾出白色,按

4、照做好的五角星模具 华在黑板上) Now, who wants to come here and touch it. S1-4: Touch the color by themselves and draw a star on the blackboard. T: 引出各个单词 1) 、Black: If I show you odd number read it, contrarily even numbers dont read it. 2) 、White: Read with rhythm. (Chant) 3) 、Violet: Song: vio-vio-violet, vio-vi

5、olet(2). 4) 、Orange: Read as a tiger. 5) 、Brown: Read in groups. (Quick response: If I clap my hands 1 time, group one read it. Twice group 2. ) (出示的顺序不确定,随着学生们画出的颜色而定。 ) T: Can you recite them? Ss: Yes. T: Lets do a quick response. Ss:(根据教师出示的颜色卡片迅速说出单词,说出快的小组由小组代表到前面加 分。 ) T: Really? Lets play a g

6、ame now. Make dumplings. There several colors and some jelly here. (示范用颜色包住果冻,然后让同学们猜出饺子皮上的颜色) Who wants to come here and choose one. S1-6: 藏好选的东西,其他同学猜 You like . Yes/No.3 次机会,谁最后胜利手 里的东西就归谁。注意评价: You are so lucky/ know so many words. T: You are so clever. We known so many colors names now, all of

7、them are color, the red is color. Do you understand? Ss: Yes. T: Ok, what color do you like? Ss: 引导说出“I like.”(谁说喜欢哪个卡片就把讲单词时贴在黑板上相对应的颜 色卡片奖励给他) T: They like these colors. What color do you like? Now lets sing it. (两只老虎去演唱: What color,what color,do you like,do you like, what color do you like? What

8、color do you like? I like red, I like red.示范后 说:I like red but you can sing what color you like? Do you understand? (教师找一个学生示范拍手同桌练习,然后同桌之间展开练习) Ss: (Sing and clap hands in pairs.) 利用形象生动带有动作的歌曲的形式对所学单词做及时的归纳总结,将学生喜爱 的动物动作引入课堂,使学生产生了浓厚的兴趣,是抽象化的词汇学习具体化,易 化了词汇这一教学难点。 III.Presentation 1、T: You are wond

9、erful! Now there are some color cards here. (找一名同学到前面同老师共同完成示范,再由两名同学重新示范。) You can change color cards with other students. And collect what color you like! Ok,you can find color cards in your desk. Stand up, please! 1, 2, 3, go! 通过任务的设置,学生们产生说举行的需要,枯燥的句型机械训练有机的与意义 练习结合起来,积极的化解了学习的难点,学生们在急于表达自己看法的督促

10、下, 灵活而迅速的掌握了新句型。 Ss: (Go around this classroom and change color cards!) 2、T: Show me your cards now and tell me what color so you like. 找同学汇报到全班汇报,引导出动词:pick up and put down。 Pick up! Put down! Put them in your desk. Pick up your color pens! You like so many colors, now lets paint the picture on you

11、r table for the Olympic games. When you paint it, please talk about it. Ok? (示范) S: Ok.学生们自己活动。 T: Do in groups, lets begin. Ss: (Paint and talk about the picture.) 从学生的兴趣出发,通过创设情景,示范教学内容,启发学生的思维,组织学生 实践,培养学生的语言交际能力。教师能够注意处理好结构与功能的关系,将语言 结构的学习融于交际情景之中。学生很好的提出了对时事新闻的看法和意见,使英 语不仅仅是一种语言的工具,而是对一种文化的关注。

12、T: Stop here, who want to show your beautiful picture? Is it beautiful? Ss: Yes. Sgroup1: Show us the picture and talk about it. IV、Summary and homework T: Very good! Do you like them? (出示自然风光的图片欣赏。) 充分有效地运用多媒体计算机技术,将是提高英语教学效率、进行教学改革的有 效途径。课件的使用大量减少了教师繁琐讲解,使课堂要求一目了然。 Our life is so beautiful! We should protect our home. Do you agree with me? Ss: Yes. T: Green Olympic, green life. Todays homework is tell your parents or friend what color do you like in English. Its time to say goodbye. 作业的布置不再是学生的负担,仅仅是给学生提供了一个课间的英语小话题,不 但对学习的知识有所巩固,对学生良好的英语学习惯和英语思维能力的培养也起到 了积极的作用。 Ss: Goodbye!


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