辽宁师大版四下英语Unit 4 I have a new friend-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:05412).doc

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辽宁师大版四下英语Unit 4 I have a new friend-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:05412).doc_第1页
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辽宁师大版四下英语Unit 4 I have a new friend-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:05412).doc_第2页
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辽宁师大版四下英语Unit 4 I have a new friend-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:05412).doc_第3页
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辽宁师大版四下英语Unit 4 I have a new friend-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:05412).doc_第4页
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辽宁师大版四下英语Unit 4 I have a new friend-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:05412).doc_第5页
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1、1 TheThe TeachingTeaching PlanPlan ofof UnitUnit 4 4 一一 TeachingTeaching aimsaims(教学目标与要求)(教学目标与要求) 1) Knowledge target: Students can listen、 say、 read and write the new words old young thin clever beautiful . 2) Ability target: Students can understand、read and practice the dialogue of Listen and sa

2、y. 3)Emotion target: Students can corporate with others and realize the importances of pair work. And they can also establish contact between things. 二二. . ImportantImportant pointspoints(教学重点)教学重点) Students can practice the sentence pattern “Is she /he .” to ask and answer freely. 三三DifficultDiffic

3、ult pointspoints(教学难点)(教学难点) Students can use the adjective pronoun “she he” to communicate with others. 四四TeachingTeaching aidsaids(教学设备)(教学设备) Cards,Pictures,PPT 五五TeachingTeaching proceduresprocedures(教学步骤及说明)(教学步骤及说明) WarmWarmmingming upup 1.1. GreetingGreeting Hello! Dear children. Today Im ver

4、y glad to study with you. Nice to meet you. 2.2. FreeFree TalkTalk (1)Hello , Wang yiran .Is this your pencil ? “No !” Whats his name ? 2 (Yao Ming 幻灯片)Hes tall and strong . (2)Hello , Liu siyu . Is this your pencil ? “Yes !”Whats her name ? (Yang Mi 幻灯片)Shes short and beautiful . 3.3. NowNow letlet

5、s s chant.chant. A Arere youyou ready?ready? (跟着鼓点拍手) (幻)This is my new friend. He is tall.He is strong. He is tall and strong. This is my new friend. She is short. She is beautiful. She is short and beautiful. Today well learn a new unit of theUnit 4 . (板书课题) D Dealeal withwith thethe dialogue.dial

6、ogue.(对话处理)(对话处理) 第一遍:Listen to the tape. Think “what are they talking about ?” 第二遍:Listen the tape again, fill in the blanks. 第三遍:Open books, listen again and follow it. 第四遍:Act the dialogue in the groups . D Dealeal withwith thethe sentencesentence patternpattern( (句型处理句型处理) ) a. (幻)listen to the

7、tape and get the new sentence . b. Show the sentence pattern “Is she tall ?” “Yes , she is .” 板书 句型,简单操练句型,给出汉意。 c. Makeasurveytopracticethesentencepatternusingtheold words,then find several groups to show in front of the class. ConsolidationConsolidation andand extensionextension. . ( (扩展对话扩展对话) )

8、3 Give some pictures to ask students to make a dialogue. They can use the sentence patterns like: A:I have a new friend. She/He is from_. B:Whats _ name? A:_ name is _. B:Is ? A:. B:Is ? A: N Newew wordswords(单词处理)(单词处理) (幻)Look at the pictures and listen to the tape . 1.1.beautifulbeautiful Y: Look

9、 at this girl. Is she _? Y: Yes , she is . Shes very beautiful. Ask student to finish the blank . a. read follow T 3 times b. read in different keys c. read by boys、girls d. follow T (大小声训练) e. write 2 times. f. Is she beautiful ? /Yes, she is .(结合句型操练单词) g. Picture Description: the peacock and Yang

10、 Mi.Use the sentences “Is she /he beautiful ?Yes , she / he is .”(句型操练并拓展) 2.2. oldold (听音填空) Y: Yao Ming.Whore they? Y: Theyre my grandparents. 4 Theyre _. Ask student to finish the blank . a. read follow T 3 times (O 的发音要注意) b. read in different keys c. read by boys、girls d. follow T (大小声训练) e. wr

11、ite 2 times. f. Picture Description: Look at the old man .Use the sentences“Is he old ?Yes , he is .”(句型操练并拓展) 3.3.youngyoung Teacher ask student “Is she old ?” S to answer “No , she isnt .”T to say “She is young .”(幻灯片杨幂的图片) a.read by boys,、girls b.read together (ou 组合的发音) c.follow T (大小声训练) d.read

12、 to partner e.write 2 times f.“Is she / he young ? Yes , she / he is . No , she / he isnt .” (结合句型操练单词) 4.thin4.thincleverclever(单击幻出现王源的图片) Ask students to make a new dialogue with them partner .Use the words “tall short old young strong .” A:Is_ _? B:No,_. A:Is_ _? B:Yes,_ _. a.T: “Is he strong ?”

13、 S:“No, he isnt .” T:“Is he thin ?” S:“Yes , he is .” b.follow T(大小声训练) 5 c.read to backseat d.group by group e.write 2 times 5.5.cleverclever A:Is he strong ? B:No, he isnt . A:Is he thin ? B:Yes , he is . But he is very clever . a.read by boys,、girls b.read together c.follow T (大小声训练) d.read to pa

14、rtner e.write 2 times C Consolidateonsolidate thethe newnew wordswords andand thethe sentences.sentences.(单词句子巩固练习)(单词句子巩固练习) a.Fill in the blanks. b.Guess and talk. S Sumumup:up:(总结)(总结) 1) Today what have you learned? (引导生总结) 2) Yes, we have learned some words and expressions .Now lets read togeth

15、er. 3) Now lets have a chant.(配动作朗读单词) talltallIs she tall ? No .No , she isnt . oldoldIs she old ? Yes.Yes , she is . youngyoungIs he young ? No .No , he isnt . thinthinIs he thin ? Yes .Yes , he is . 6 H Homework:omework:(作业)(作业) 1.Write the new words and the sentences. 2.Talk about your favorite person with your best friend ! B Blackboard:lackboard:(板书)(板书) UnitUnit 4 4 o oldldyoungyoung beautifulbeautifulIsIs sheshe talltall ? ? thinthinclevercleverYes,Yes, sheshe isis . . No,No, sheshe isnisnt.t.


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