四年级下册英语教案-Unit 9 I can fiy 辽师大版(三起) (10).docx

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1、 Unit 9 I can fly 第一课时Teaching Aims 1. By using courseware, cards and playing games, students can listen, read and say the five words: fly、 swim、 walk、run、jump.2. Through watching video, making sentences, asking and answering practice, students can understand and use the sentences “What can you do?”

2、 “I can .”3. Through listening, reading, role play and making dialogues, students can listen, read and act out the dialogues, talk about their friends, and get to know do something to help their parents.Key PointsLearn to say the sentences “What can you do?” “I can fly.” Difficult Points 1. To use t

3、he sentences “What can you do?”ask and answer. 2. How to write sentences.Teaching Aids box, courseware, Teaching Procedures Step1. Warming-up Exercisesa. Greeting.b. Hello, boys and girls. Are ready?(通过师生问候,活跃课堂教学的氛围,拉近师生的距离,并且使学生尽快的进入英语的语境氛围。)Step2. Presentation and Practice 1. Show the PPT. Its ou

4、r friend Funny. He wants to have a party. If we want to go this party, you have to do something special.(1)Here is my entry from.Hello! I am Jody. I can do a lot of things. I can read. I can dance and fly. I cant swim. But,I can study . I can be great.(通过对自己的介绍,直观的引出fly和swim,并理解其含义)(2)I can do a lot

5、 of things? What can you do?(符合实际,导入本课重点句子;What can you do?)(3) What can you do? I can.(练习今天的重点句子。通过学生回答,进而引出walk, fly, jump。为下一步练习奠定基础。通过动图的播放,加深对单词含义的理解。) (4) Ask and answer(感知本课生词,出示一些图片,搭建框架,学生自由讨论,为语篇打下基础。)2. Pair workTalk about your friend. (给出框架,学生模仿,小组合作)What can you do? I can.(引导学生边回答边展示词汇的

6、含义,加深理解)3. Game timeTeam A, Team A. What can you do? I can _ . I can _.Team B, Team B . What can you do? I can _ . I can _. 4. We all want to join this party .Animals want too.Listen and answer,(初步感知课文内容)5. Ask and answer. What can they do? (一步一步留白,脱离提示再次问答,巩固本课句型)6. Fill in the blanksFish can swim.

7、 So what can rabbit do?(出示三组图片,对本单元的内容进行巩固练习)7. Read in a group(小组合作,练习对话。)(以小组为单位练习,使学生对对话内容加强理解。同时能够将自身已经掌握的词汇正确的运用到对话交流之中。搭建框架和讨论,根据提示把单一的句子连在一起,进一步拓展思维,表达自己的想法,逐步为语篇输出打下基础。)Step3. Consolidation 1. Write entry from(完成由点线面的过程,通过前面阶梯的搭建,使学生能够将新知进一步运用于简单的实际语言交际和表达,形成语篇的输出,达到学以致用的教学目的。)2.语篇评价(从学生的兴趣出

8、发,让Funny来听听同学能不能去party)Step4. Summary 1. We all can do a lot of things .Maybe our parents are busy everyday.We can do some housework to help them. That we should do!(学生总结本节课教学重点,鼓励学生帮父母做力所能及的家务,使学生树立正确的情感、态度、价值观。)Step 5 .Homework 1. Introduce yourself to your parents.2. Introduce yourself to your classmates. (学生可以根据自身能力,有针对性和选择性的完成作业。)板书设计:Unit 9 I can fly What can you do? walk I can. fly jump swim run


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